A Dish Best Served Hot [M/F][Cheating][Long Read] Part 2

Note: The little bit of Portuguese and Korean is extracted from Wikipedia. I’m not sure if it’s accurate. Also sorry for the book.

Ctrl+F to 78910 for the good part.


A month has passed since their first meeting and the two decided to continue seeing each other despite Anna keeping her relationship with Victor. In that month she was the perfect girlfriend. She cooked, she cleaned, she spent time with him and did what any loving girlfriend would do. During his day off they would spend time together, cuddle on the couch and watch cheesy rom-com movies, or really whatever they fancied, together. She wasn’t distant or hostile towards Victor, and he was none the wiser.

During the nights he worked, taking care of patients suffering from the virus and packing away the bodies of the ones who failed, she fucked Salazar in the very same motel.

Anna was careful. She bought another phone and kept it in her glove compartment. She would text Salazar when to meet.

Salazar, however, was not as careful. He has had affairs before, during the lockdown even, and he was complacent. He’s a married man and one day he napped on the sofa with his phone resting on the side table.

Raissa walked by and heard his text alert. Noticing him asleep, she picked up his phone and saw the text. She had been suspicious before, so she felt justified.

***”He’s working tonight, same time.”***

Curious she swiped up and was surprised that he doesn’t have a lock for his phone. When she opened the message her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes narrowed. He has her name saved as “Tightness” in an effort, Raissa guessed, to mask her name. There is hundreds of messages from sexting to meet ups and how the session felt so good. She even saw nudes of a white girl with barely an ass flaunting herself in lingerie asking if he would like to rip this off of her, and one of her spreading her pussy asking if he’s hungry. Her anger grew and she looked down on her husband. Instantly, what love she had for him vanished into nothingness, and all she felt was a consuming lust for revenge.

“Filho da puto (Son of a bitch, -Portuguese-),” she grumbled with her words dripping with venom. She took screen shots and sent it to herself. There were more signs of affairs from different women all starting from a few months after the pandemic has started, but it seems that he would end an affair before starting one. “How…. considerate of him,” Raissa said as she looked down on her husband’s sleeping form. She opened his Facebook and found that he, like an idiot, began sending her FB messages so she clicked on her profile.

“Anna Webber,” she said in a low tone and added with a spit, “Badalhoca puta (nasty whore -Portuguese-)”. She flicked through her profile and found that she is in a relationship with a Victor Williams. She visited his profile and found him to be an interesting specimen. She licked her lips as she closed the app and placed the phone back to where she found it. She turned on her heels and went up to her bedroom.

She was trying to enjoy her day off but the day is ruined before it even began. She’s pissed now, raging mad, but she’s proud of herself for not confronting her husband there and then, the usual confrontation you’d see in a T.V. show.

Instead she worked on a plan in her head. She thought of Victor, and a wicked smile spread across her face.

She looked at the mirror on her dresser, walking back until she can see her entire body. She peeled away her layers, her tight black spaghetti strap tank top and jeans that hugged her legs and thigh. She stood tall, 5’10 and she has a thin waist with well structured abs. Her arms are toned and her breast is a modest B-Cup. She liked her breast, she never wanted big ones and the thought of augmenting them never crossed her mind. Her thighs and butt are her pride and joy. Her thighs are thick and her quads and hamstrings have been forged and toned for years. Her glutes are luscious and plump, firm yet it still shakes and jiggles when she walks. Her skin is naturally a light brown and she has tan lines across her breast and where her thong usually sits. Her hair came down to her shoulderblade, a cascading waterfall of honey-wheat colored hair with streaks of blonde highlight. She has a thin nose and thick, luscious lips and a mole right above the upper right hand corner of her mouth, similar to Cindy Crawford. She has a pair of striking round hazel eyes.

She’s never one to need anyone to tell her that she is beautiful because she knows she is beautiful. The only one she needed to hear it from is her dear (ex)husband. But she noticed that he hasn’t said it to her for the past year or so, and now she knows why.

She wondered why her husband would cheat on her, she thought herself attractive enough. But she admitted that she worked way too much to give his needs the attention it deserves. At 29 years old, Raissa owns and operates 5 successful restaurants across the city, Oliveira Brazilian Steakhouse. She took pride in the fact that she kept her business afloat during the lockdown and has managed to keep 100% of her staff. In order to do that, she stopped accepting a paycheck and has offered curbside delivery to her customers when none did. She is not rich by any means, but comfortable enough to not have a paycheck for so long.

Most of the restaurants were slow to catch on and she managed to corner the market resulting in keeping herself, and her business, standing.

She sighed as another relationship seems to crash. Divorced before 30, she lamented. She took her phone and opened Instagram, typing in Victor Williams. She combed through the myriad of other Victor Williams until she found the correct one. She looked in his gallery, watching his workout video’s and looking at his picture. She found him to be a very good looking man, a slightly dark Asian man. She found photos of him and Anna in cute photos with them hugging and carrying on.

She wanted to destroy that smile, Anna’s smile specifically.

Her plan bore fruits. She knows exactly how to break her.

She sent Victor a friend request and, miraculously, he accepted. She typed up a private message to him.

***R: Victor? I would like to meet with you, it is important.***

***V: Sorry, mama taught me not to meet with strangers.***

***R: Good advise, but I have information regarding your girlfriend Anna.***

***V: Anna? What’s wrong, is she alright?***

***R: She is fine, but I would like to talk to you in person.***

***V: Alright, meet me in Sunshine Park. 1 PM.***


Victor sat uncomfortably on the picnic table. He looked into the stranger’s profile and found her to be extremely attractive. He found that she, too, likes to post workout videos on Instagram although at a volume much larger than him and at a higher frequency with followers dwarfing his own by leaps and bounds. “Goddamn, she’s fucking gorgeous,” he found himself saying to himself in a hushed tone. He watched one of her squat videos, many of her videos are squat videos, but he’s never been a fan of it because once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. But with her, he couldn’t help but be enamored by how plump and perfect her ass is. He did go further into her gallery and found a few bikini shots. He marveled at how shredded her thighs are, how cut and defined her abs are and her toned arms. He even saw her back and how ripped it is. “She could probably lift me up easily,” he mumbled.

He felt something and it unnerved him. He’s had his head down skimming through her past post, marveling at her bikini pictures, then he felt a chill run down his spine. He felt a stare burning into his skull and he looked up to see a pair of striking hazel eyes. Raissa stood before him, her eyebrow raised. A smirk sits across her face as she eyes him and what’s on his phone. Victor quickly locks his phone screen, fumbling with his phone until he just shoved it into his pocket.

“Yes, I probably can,” she said with a wide smile and Victor gulped loudly; she then added “and thank you for noticing my back, not a lot of people do. They are fixated…. Elsewhere.” She let the words hang and Victor felt his face flush, though his complexion barely showed it.

She wore a pair of tight, white tank top that exposed her six pack and black leggings with a gray stripe coming up on the side. She is much more gorgeous in person, Victor admitted, and he quickly readjusted himself in his seat.

“I am sorry, I did not mean to interrupt,” she said upon regaining her composure, her Brazilian accent hanging on every word. “Victor, I will cut to the chase. Your girlfriend, Anna, is having an affair with my husband.”

“Anna? No, you must be mistaken,” Victor said half-laughing. His laugh vanished, though, as Raissa placed page after page of proof before him. The very first page is a picture of a text exchanges, with the name ‘Tightness’ on it, but in its page is a nude of Anna. She sat in front of a mirror, her finger spreading her pussy lips and her other tongue seductively licking her lips. The picture looks like it was taken from his bathroom, as he recognized the towel that hung behind her. It has his initials embroidered into its white fabric.

Anger filled him there and then. He’s never felt such it before; such rage building inside of him. He slammed his fist down on the picnic table and he shot up, pacing around. “Ssi-bal! Ssi-bal-nyeon! (Fuck! Fucking bitch! -Korean-)”.

“That’s why she didn’t come home that night,” he started to angrily mumble, “she said she was too drunk to drive home, so she slept in a friends couch. How are you calm about this?!”

“Because this is not my first cheating man. When I was 18, first boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. They married, sent me a wedding invitation, they thought it was funny. Do you know what I did?”

Victor nodded no.

“I fucked his dad and I fucked her dad. I broke up their marriage. I left Brazil soon and come to America with little money and no English.”

Raissa watched as he started pacing again with a panicked look on his face, turning into pain and eventually just… gone. His shoulders relaxed, his balled fist opened, and his face went stoic, neutral. Raissa looked at him, confused at what has transpired. Victor cracked his knuckles, brought a hand up to the side of his chin and pushed on it as his neck gave a pop and he let out a groan.

Victor felt nothing then, the anger vanishing as quickly as it appeared. In his mind the relationship is done and over with, he’s accepted it and has moved on. Has he forgiven her? He can’t tell. Has he forgotten what she did? Never. At that very moment, he willingly killed his love for Anna. He looked down at the nudes and felt… nothing. Just apathy and disinterest. He sat back down and just looked at Raissa. He looked at the grim messenger, the catalyst in the destruction of his relationship, no in his mind he thanked her.

“Are you alright? Victor?” Raissa called out as she reached for his hand. Victor looked at it and allowed her hand to rest atop his, the warmth brought him comfort. He liked that.

“I’m fine,” was all he said. “Was that all you wanted to tell me? Can I go home so I can pack my ex’s stuff and kick her out?”

“You can do that, but I have an offer for you. I have a plan in getting back at them.”


“I need to drive,” he said with a heavy sigh. Driving has always calmed him down, cooled his head and generally eased his anxiety.

“I will come with you, if you do not mind,” Raissa quipped as she hopped off the bench. Victor shrugged as he led her down to his pearl blue STI and he opened the passenger door for her. “Hmmm, such a gentleman,” she said, her voice low and seductive, and she sat herself down. She reached back but found no seatbelt and she looked around trying to find it.

Victor climbed in and put the harness on, but stopped when she saw her confusion. “Lean forward,” he said as he reached behind her and took the harness out. He brushed against her back softly, sending a wave of electricity cascading down her spine which made her slightly moan, and as he adjusted the harness around her shoulders he stared at her for a second longer than he intended as she watched him put on the harness around her. He brushed against her arm and her breast, and again she felt that same electricity. She inhaled shakily as he looked at him as he stared at her, and she looked away shyly.

Victor really took in how beautiful Raissa is, and he couldn’t understand why her husband would cheat on such a gorgeous lady. He pushed the thought aside, those are questions for another day, and buckled her harness and proceeded to put his on. “Which one is your car again?”

“That Lexus over there,” Raissa pointed out at the pearl white SUV, “but I might trade it in for something…. manageable.”

“An SUV is good if you tend to travel a lot with groups of people but you don’t want to look like you have three children,” Victor said as he shifted his car into reverse, swung his right arm around, grabbed the back of Raissa’s seat and looked back. Raissa stared at him then, again feeling that electricity, and licked her lips a little. She shook her head, recomposed herself, and brushed some stray hairs to the back of her ear.

The highway came and Victor rolled his shoulders. He pressed on the gas gently at first, letting the speed build up.


Raissa could feel herself being pushed into the seat. She grabbed the overhead handle and steadied herself. She looked at Victor, his visage determined and focused, as the thundering engine drowned out all thoughts. Victor found himself loosing into the ebb and flow of his youth, back when his ‘crazy 20’s’ wasn’t spent sleeping around with random women, but with him street racing. He felt the thrill of life snaking his way around the highway, challenging other street racers and generally being a complete asshole in the road.


Victor pressed the clutch in, shifted into 4th gear, and pressed the gas firmly. Raissa looked out the window and the cars became blurs as his speed increased. She started to panic, just a little, as she looked back into Victor’s stone cold face.


Victor shifted into fifth with a ***Ka-clunk*** and he looked over to his left and squeezed into an opening as he slammed the gas again. He maneuvered himself in traffic expertly, snaking his way forward with each opening he can grab. His heart is calm and his mind is focused; he has to be or his friends would be reading his name on the news the next day.

Finally, he snapped back into reality as he felt a hand grab his arm and softly squeeze it. He looked to his right and saw Raissa squeezing her eyes tightly.

“I’m sorry,” Victor said as he looked to the road and then back to her, “I forgot that I have a passenger. Sometimes, he tends to bring out the worst in me.”

“It… it is alright,” Raissa said as she swallowed hard, breathlessly, “that was exhilarating, I must admit.” She then felt a dampness between her legs. Is she wet? Did she pee herself a little? She hoped it didn’t go through her leggings.

“Victor, would you like to see my office?”

*******78910 *******

Raissa rents a small stuido apartment that served as her office. She kept it somewhat tidy, but it’s obvious that there has been days where she slept in here.

The back wall is filled with books and plenty of potted plants and flowers. On his left is a white couch with white throw pillows and a blanket draped over it. Over to the right is a small fridge. He surmised that Raissa probably sleeps in this office often as a toothbrush sat inside a glass cup atop the fridge. Her desk looked sturdy, its fairly big with a computer sitting atop it and the tower under the desk. Paperwork is strewn about, but otherwise the desk is neat. A large beige carpet took up most of the room, fairly expensive Victor judged.

“This is a very nice office, it feel’s…. lived in,” Victor began as he turns toward her. To his surprise, however, she grabbed him by the collar, whirled him around and pushed him against the door. She pressed the little button on the doorknob as she smiled mischievously. She planted a kiss on him, and Victor found himself reciprocating after his initial shock. Her lips and tongue still had the lingering taste of the meat she ate, which gave it a salty note. Their tongue danced around, and Victor would bite her bottom lip gently and suck on it. His left hand went to the small of her back while his right hand went to cup her juicy, well sculptured ass and massaged it. Raissa moaned a little then said, “Wouldn’t it be better if you did that under my pants?”

So he did. He slid both hands down the back of her pants and cupped her juicy ass, squeezed it and pinched it. She moaned as he kneaded her ass like a baker would with dough. She needed him now and so she slid off her tank top while Victor did the same. She kissed his chest and neck as they began their oral dance once again. Victor cupped her breast and leaned over and began to suck on her nipple. He took it in his mouth, softly biting it and licking her nipple as his other hand massaged her other breast. Her breaths came in shallow as she moaned from having her breast played with. Her hand went down towards his crotch as she felt his hardness.

Her eyes widened. She traced the stiffness pulsing between his leg. She went from where, she guessed, the base is and began tracing her fingertips downward until she found what she thought was the head, stopping an inch above his knees. “Oh my good,” her mouth went as she looked down at Victor, still suckling at her tits.

She pulled herself away and looked down at his crotch. The folds of his sweats masked what he hid underneath. She began to laugh and smile as her hand covered her mouth. “You did not mention that you have a monster cock,” she said softly as she leaned in a little closer.

“Is that going to be a problem?” He asked with a sinister smile as he drew her in for a kiss.

“It might be in the future, be gentle with me. I have only been with two men.”

“You’ve been with four, Raissa, don’t forget the two fathers,” Victor corrected and Raissa only nodded in embarrassment. “I’ll be honest, you’ll be my first.”

Her eyes widened again with shock as she gasped and her hand reflexively went to cover her mouth. “You are a virgin!? No, you must be joking, a handsome man such as you must have had plenty of lovers.”

“No, II’m 28 and I’m a virgin,” Victor awkwardly proclaimed, feeling himself becoming just a little more self concious. The little bit of bravado he had before is starting to dissipate into the winds.

Raissa could hardly believe it. Not only is she going to take that bitch Anna’s boyfriend’s virginity, but she’ll be enjoying his cock first! “You cannot be a virgin. You had a girlfriend! Do you mean to say you did not have sex with her!?”

“I am saying that, yes. We were taking it slow, her idea, and she never really gave me any sign that she was ready. So for a year I’ve just been going with the flow. Then the pandemic hit and I worked so much.” Victor’s shoulder begin to sink as the realization that his first real relationship has reached it’s finality and he took a gander at what it really was. Can he even call it a boyfriend-girlfriend situation or two roommates that called each other ‘babe’ and would kiss from time to time. “I guess I didn’t really have a girlfriend, did I. We didn’t have any sort of intimacy, it almost seems like I was living with a roommate.”

Raissa looked at him then and took him into her arms. She’s forgotten that Victor’s initial reaction wasn’t like her own. While she became vengeful, Victor became apathetic and indifferent almost immediately.

“At least you did not waste 5 years of your life with a cheating husband,” Raissa said as she stroked his back. Victor drew her in tighter and he kissed her again, with passion this time. He found her beauty intoxicating and irresistible and found himself wanting her more and more. In a swift motion, Vi lector bent at the waist as he hooked her legging’s waistband and, in one swift motion, took her tight fitting leggings down to her knees. His right hand then began to wander down south as it found its way inside her thong, rubbing her clit gently drawing sharp inhales from her. He found her plenty wet already as his index and middle finger found their way into her treasure room. They went in and out, making sure that on their way out Victor curled his fingers upwards and raked the roof of her soaking wet pussy.

“Ohhh, merda (shit -Portuguese-), merda, merda…. oooohhhh. You… you are not really a virgin are you?” She hissed and moaned as her eyes locked into his, a smile forming. “Haaaahnnnn, no virgin can — ahhhh shhhhhhiitttt! — can do this!” her knees began to buckle and she began to writhe under the pressure of his finger, an electric pressure forming within her loins. He held her close, making sure to give her support, and he took her lips into his own again.

“Don’t kiss me while I am cumming — guuuhhhhaaaahhhh!!!” She screamed as she tore her lips away from him but her lips went back and latched back in. Her orgasm is explosive as she let out a jet of clear fluid across the floor, Victor’s hand making wet slapping noise as he continued. Victor could feel the walls of her pussy clamping down on him but he kept his assault in her corridors. He finally stopped and assisted her slowly down to her back into the couch, peeling away the rest of her leggings. She leaned back and began spasming with Victor following and refusing to let up. He took a better look at her treasure, a thin pink slit with her clit peaking at the top. Her auburn hair is trimmed with the hair on the crease of her inner hip clear. His mouth clamped down around her pussy as his tongue entered her crevasses.

He spread her pussy with his hands and pulled aside her white thing as he licked up and down her slit with ferocity. She grabbed his hair and her thighs wrapped around his head. He slurped and licked and tongue fucked her relentlessly all the while his thumb teased her clit, and she felt the pressure coming within her again. “Liaaaarrrr! Ooohhgghhh I’m coming again,” She bellowed as she felt another orgasm hit her. Her thighs tightened around Victor’s head, threatening to crush him. He didn’t care, he kept tasting her flowing juices as he caressed her thick, toned thighs and felt her every muscle. She shook and gave a satisfied grunt and moan as her leg straightened out, trembling.

Victor sat next to her and held her, feeling her spasm and convulsions slow. She gave a little moan as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply, with the same intensity as he did before.

Raissa stood up before him, her legs still shaky but regaining their strength as the seconds passed. Victor looked at her, her body glistening with sweat and making it as lustrous as the lights rests on her. Her inner thigh is soaking wet, however, and he smiled knowing that he caused her flood. He took in her sight, how her muscles decorated her body. Her toned abs would become tighter as she breathe in and out making them pop out, and her perfect breast sitting atop her chest. Her arms fell to her side as she stared at him, not breaking her gaze.

“Pants off, now,” she demanded with such fervor that Victor felt a shiver run down his spine, not of fear but of excitement and anticipation. He took off his sweat pants immediately but left his brief on. She stared at him and then down at his crotch and she saw what she felt earlier. She couldn’t exactly tell how long it is, his boxer brief held it in place, but she could tell it was thick and long. She kneeled down before him and hooked the waistband with her finger as she pulled it down. She watched as his dick sprang up from its position and clip her on the chin, then stood straight up fully erect, twitching a pre-cum collected at the tip. She brought it to rest against her cheeks, his full 10 inch penis with a girth as thick as her wrist. Precum is already dripping from it, and she made sure to gather it on her thumb and brought it up to her mouth. She let the taste spread and she savored the sweet and saltiness of it. She giggled seductively as she caressed his dick and ran her hands playfully against it.

Raissa gave it a few licks, just to get the shaft wet, and she cupped his balls and massaged it gently. She stroked the shaft as she looked at him, eagerness etched on her face. “Victor, how many women have you really, truly, and do not lie to me because I can make you suffer, slept with? Hmmmm?”

“I’m not lying, I haven’t slept with anyone,” Victor replied, knowing full well that she can squeeze his balls into oblivion. He winced as he felt her grip tighten around his balls, and then loosened after a few uncomfortable second.

“Hmmm, maybe you are telling the truth. Maybe not. The way you handled me was something an experienced lover would do. I will believe you,” she decided as she gave him a lick from root to tip and ended it with a wink, but then she added, “for now”.

“I just watch a lot of porn, so I picked up a few things.” Victor explained as he rubbed her cheeks and she leaned into his gentle hands.

Finally, her head rose up to where his mushroom-headed prick is and she wrapped her lips tightly around it and descended. After a few strokes of her lips, her hand stroking the shaft itself, she drew out with a ***POP*** and looked him straight in the eye and grinned. “Your first blowjob,” she said alluringly as Victor only nodded as he took his hand and gently cupped her face. She playfully licked his shaft, “you will enjoy this, and I will make sure of it.”. She spat on his dick, spread it around with a gentle twisting motion of her hand, and wrapped her luscious lips around it. She held his eyes as she drew her lips down his head slowly and sensually. Her tongue would massage the head of his penis, licking it while still inside, and as she went down his girth would spread within her mouth and she has to flatten her tongue down. She found she couldn’t take him past his head and an inch down, and as she withdrew and looked at her meal she couldn’t feel but a little disappointed. She stroke his cock and looked up at him, gave a little pout as she proceeded to try and find out just how deep she can take his manhood into her.

Victor felt the head of his dick hit her throat and he closed his eyes and savored the feeling of her throat closing around him and opening. He grabbed her pony tail and pushed her down, holding her against him. He felt her hand rest against his hips and as she began to gag and choke she firmly squeezed him and he let go. She withdrew and gasped for air, a tear running down her cheek, and licked him up as she continued to spread her saliva all over. She sloppily bobbed on his dick, only on the head though as she couldn’t do so with speed if she went further. Finally when she withdrew and looked at his face again, she grinned and laughed. She’s right, Victor did enjoy it.

“I am sorry, I cannot go down any further. Maybe in the future and with practice I can.” She said more to the massive dick that she held in her hands than to Victor.

*Wait, in the future? What does she mean by that?* came a thought to Victor but he was soon torn from it when she bobbed up and down his dick again. Her speed increased as she looked at his pleasure wracked face, and his balls tightening gave her a good sign. Her tempo increased as she closed her eyes, feeling his head rubbing against her tongue. She tightened her lips around him as she kept the pace.

Victor’s hand reached up and took her head off him. “No, not yet,” he said with disappointment clearly etched across her face. But she knew what he wanted, and she wanted it too.

She got up on her feet and turned so that her ass faced him. He gave it a few squeeze and ran his finger over her wet pussy once again. He licked her ass meat and playfully scraped it with his teeth and he began rubbing her pussy once again.

“No, Victor please. Do not tease me. You are being very mean,” she moaned as her ass swayed from left to right.

“What do you want me to do, Raissa?” Victor said, his tone dripping with authority, He inhaled deeply, taking in her alluring and intoxicating scent as he reached over and drew her in so that her back laid against his chest.

“Please, Victor, do not make me say it,” Raissa begged as she watched him retrieve his cock from between her leg and his hand went and began stroking it. She watched as precum bubbled on the tip and she reached for his dick, but Victor’s arm wrapped around her like a vice and grabbed her hands close. All she could do at the moment is gyrate her hip and ass against him, causing him to moan with pleasure.

“Raissa,” he whispered into her ears low and deep, he took her ear lobes between her teeth and gently bit it, “tell this virgin what you want him to do. He’s a virgin remember, he has no experience. Tell him exactly what you want.”

Raissa gasped softly as she nodded shakily, looking down as Victor slapped his thickness against her waiting, throbbing womanhood. She licked her lips; she wanted it. “Victor, I want you to take your big, virgin dick, shove it in my pussy and fuck me hard.”

“Is that what you want?” Victor teased, releasing his restraint on her. Victor took her legs and spread them apart the he guided his erection into her entrance.

Raissa nodded eagerly, biting her lip. Victor grabbed his cock and pressed it into her slit, then she slid herself into it slowly.

Raissa felt his mushroom head invade her private quarters. She huffed and sharply inhaled as she felt her tight pussy stretch to accommodate the invading foreign object. Foreign it may be, but it felt like it belonged there. She moaned and groaned as he slid in deeper an deeper into her, finally stopping as she reached halfway.

“Victor, I want to feel all of you,” she whispered and the man nodded. Victor gently set her down, her pussy devouring him inch by inch moaning with each length, until she felt his pelvis hit her soft, plump ass. She felt him kiss her cervix as she moaned again and felt that familiar, welcomed, electric pressure within her loins. “You are inside me, Victor. Oh meu deus (Oh my god -Portuguese-) you are so deep inside me.”

“You’re so fucking tight — Nnnnggghhh — you’re just clamping down around me,” Victor groaned as he felt her pussy spasm and contract around him.

“I am coming! Victor, I am coming again!” Raissa gave stifled breath as she felt her orgasm wrap her body in its embrace.

“I’m going to start moving now, fuck you’re tight,” Victor groaned as he pulled his hips back.

“Slowly, Victor, please,” Raissa added as she felt him retract from her pussy’s embrace, then plunge in slowly. “Oh, uuuhhnnn, Victor….. This….. noo…… ahhnnn, Fuck! Victor keep going — guuhhh, so good! I am going to come again!” she breathe in hard, but she managed to get her sentence out. Her hands flailed, trying to grab something and it found its way to Victor’s hair. She felt how thick it is and found comfort as her hand clamped down around it, tossing away the white headband that he usually wore. Her other hand went to rubbing and massaging her breast. Victor cupped her ass to support her as he pumped into her. Eventually her pussy became welcoming enough that his tempo picked up. This drew little shouts from her as she felt her insides be pushed aside by his girth.

“I want to look at you,” Victor requested and Raissa nodded as she peeled herself away and plopped herself on her back across the length of her white sofa. The strength on her leg is diminished and all she could do is roll herself off of him. He positioned himself before her with her thick legs resting on his thigh and against his waist, and plunged in slowly. Her pussy accepted it’s dance partner again as her eyes widened and her mouth slowly open as he went in. Victor leaned in and gave her breast a kiss and he sucked on it tenderly.

“Do not suck on my breast while you’re fucking me,” Raissa pleaded but Victor ignored her. She grabbed the back of his head as she leaned in and moaned as she felt him pinch her nipples. She squeaked when he did and she wrapped her legs around him tighter. Victor kept thrusting his hips faster and faster, coming up to her and giving her a deep kiss.

“You are getting close?” She asked as another moan left her mouth. She felt that familiar presence in her loins again, that electric feeling of a big orgasm forming. Victor shook his head, and she quizzically looked at him. “No? This is your first — ahhnnnn, ooohhhhh — time surely you are almost there.”

“Yes —-nnnghhhh—- I’m almost there, but not quite,” Victor shrugged as he started kissing her neck.

“You have been inside me for 30 minutes now and you are not close?!” came her shocked response and all Victor could do is kiss her again deeply. His hands went down and cupped her perfect ass and he fell on his other arm as he dropped it down to his forearm for better support. He pushed himself in until his pelvis met hers and began grinding into her. That same electricity triggered her orgasm as her head shot back into the couch and the orgasm train came. Her squeaks and squeal were music to his ears as she softly muttered “coming again,” under her breath. She shook and convulsed as her back arched and her hand went to his back and clawed at it in desperation. He felt the scratch, thankfully not deep as she liked to keep her nails short, but he took pleasure to the fact that he’s making this wonderful woman orgasm multiple times. Her thick legs clamped down hard against him, and he felt how strong they were. “Victor!! Fuck!! We have a problem, Victor!!”

“We do? What? What is it?” Victor said alarmingly, concern etched across his face. He stopped, but Raissa urged him to continue.

“Hahhhn, I said before we might have a problem, yes?” she said and Victor nodded. “Well, here is the problem.” She reached up and wrapped her hand around him, Victor is still resting on his forearm, and she smiled at him and looked deep into his dark brown eyes. A different smile, he noticed, one that seems genuine and sincere. “I am addicted to your cock, Victor. This cock is mine now and I am never letting it go, do you understand?”

“What does that mean, Raissa?” Victor asked, though he knew the answer. He just wanted to hear her say it. Is she going to divorce her husband? Of course she is, otherwise why even expose their affair to him.

“It means that you are now mine and only mine, and I am now yours and only yours. Do you feel the same?” Raissa replied, grinning sheepishly at him, her heart hoping the answer is mutual.

“I — you’re still so tight, fuck — feel the same way, Raissa. If this means what I think it means, then I really need to go home and pack my ex’s stuff.”

“No, that is part of my plan. I will — uuuuhnnn, coming again —- explain later,” she said with a shaking voice.

He drew himself back up as he finally felt that tingle in his scrotum. He thrusted into her faster and faster, and now Raissa looked at him and smiled, cupping her modest breast together.

“You are close now?” she asked again, breathlessly as she still tried to catch up. He pumped into her, feeling her legs around him, and he nodded. She bit her lip and threw her arms around him again and she leaned on close.

“Come inside me. Give me your seed, I want it all do you understand.”

“Are you on birth control?” Victor asked and she simply nodded. Victor hoped she was, that’s why he didn’t come earlier. He wanted the first time he comes for a woman for it to be inside of them. His excitement grew and he has another task to complete.

He complied as he thrust into her deeper, wet slaps following. He leaned in and kissed her, whispering into her and her whispering back. Plans of their next date, the next time she’s free for the day and his next day off.

He groaned into their kiss, moaning as he pushed his hips against her. He made several deposits into her vault, throwing pearly white’s into her with each thrust. She gasped and groaned as she clawed at him again. Her thick thighs pulled him in tighter against her as she felt his head kiss her cervix again.

She arched her back as another orgasm rushed her body and she started to whimper and moan. Victor held her close as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she convulsed under her arm, spurts of spasm would come and go. He kept thrusting into her, he began to slow down, and a final deep thrust delivered another orgasm into her.

“Mmmmm —- Vic… Victor…… Hahnn ughhh—— coming!!”

Victor embraced her as she fussed and trembled around his arms. Victor watched as she began her descent, seeing her breathe just a little bit more normal. She licked them but her lower lip as she settled down, still trembling but otherwise calm.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up to him. From her heaven she descends, and she felt the warmth flowing out of her precious space. Thick tidal waves of semen has deposited themselves into the folds of her couch, and the ones she could catch she offered to her waiting mouth. She sucked on her finger, savored the taste and found the salty-sweet snack to her liking.

“Welcome back,” Victor greeted with a smile as he brushed her messy hair off her beautiful face. Her orgasm addled mind at first couldn’t comprehend who this handsome fellow is that stared lovingly at her, but she soon did and she felt her face flush with redness. She gave a weak chuckle as she nuzzled in deeper into his embrace, burying her face into him and feeling his warmth.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/par51q/a_dish_best_served_hot_mfcheatinglong_read_part_2

1 comment

  1. I actually had to cut some stuff to fit the 40000 character limit. I was planning on introducing Victor’s three best friend Kaz, Greg and Wigs, and Victor and Raissa’s first “date” so to speak.

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