We fucked infront of her friends again, but this time they joined in [MF]

This is a follow on from some of my other stories, if you want to check my profile to catch up you can.

So a few things to mention before I start, Jack at this point had got himself a girlfriend. Let’s call her April, she was very similar to Jack, big skater vibes, reasonably attractive, but not really my type, she had bleached blonde bangs, was very small and very skinny.

There was also one other girl who is new in this story, let’s call her Lucy. She was Emily’s best friend from university, this was her first time hanging out with us all. Lucy was tall and big. I think she played rugby at university and wouldn’t have looked out of place in a scrum. She had short hair, and a nose piercing. She wasn’t by any means ugly, but she wasn’t turning many heads, including mine.

Anyway, this was in the autumn (fall) that came after my first story. And it was about a month after our mmf with Harry. Mary told me that the group had decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. There was a campsite about 15 miles from where we lived that was by the coast. They had been there before and used to go a lot when they were in secondary school in the summer holidays but haven’t been for a few years. They booked to stay from Friday night to Sunday morning.

I used to be in the scouts and so had very good experience with camping, I wasn’t sure what to expect from everyone else, but considering Mary told me they used to go a lot I was expecting a competent group of campers.

Friday came around and I was at work. At 5 I left, drove home, packed a small bag of things I would need. And set off at around 6 to join the group that had been there since about 4. I arrived at around half six. The sun had already set at this point so it was reasonably dark. I phoned Mary and asked where to meet to her. She said she would come to me at the entrance and walk me over to where they were. I met her and we walked over to where the group had started setting up. However I was shocked to see that in the 2 and a half hours they had been there, they had not even 1 tent put up. “Our parents used to put our tents up and down for us” Mary told me. Great. I dropped my stuff and starting giving orders to people on what they were doing. Emma, Charlie, Emily, Lucy and Harry had already started drinking so were more or less useless and I didn’t even bother asking for their help. It was down to me, Mary, Jack, Maddy and April to get everything set up. It took us about 45 minutes, but we finally had 5 tents up and a little place to cook.

The sleeping arrangements went like this, me and Mary, Emily and Lucy, Jack and April, Charlie and Emma, Harry and Maddy. The rest of the evening was pretty uneventful. We all had a few drinks, I cooked some basic camping food for us all and we were all in our own tents and ready to sleep by midnight.

Me and Mary got into our tent and snuggled up, we talked for a bit before getting to sleep. One thing that Mary brought up in conversation was the fact she was turned on slightly by me taking control of the whole group earlier. I’m normally a pretty shy guy, but once I get to know people and feel comfortable around them I’m a lot more confident. She said it was sweet to see me like that with her friends considering how nervous I was the very first time we all met. We kissed and got some sleep.

The next morning everyone got up at different times. I got up at around 8 and went for a 10k run, that summer I really got into my running and also cut way down on my drinking. So I was the least hungover and woke up first. When I got back from my run, a few other people were sat in the middle of the tents. Everyone else was hanging pretty heavy and was trying to catch a few extra z’s.

During that day we all chilled, it was pretty warm considering it was October and in England despite being overcast and grey, most of us were in summery clothes, shorts, t shirts, dresses etc. We played some games, went for a walk, had some lunch. Just chilled and enjoyed ourselves. It got to around 3 and most of us decided to spend the rest of the day on the beach. The campsite had a footpath that came right out onto the nearest beach. Charlie, Emma, Jack and April stayed.

Unsurprisingly it was more or less empty. The occasional dog walker or jogger, but no one else was really about. We all sat on the sand for a while, talked some more and when it started getting dark someone said everyone should get in the ocean before we head back up to the campsite. Emily then said we should skinny dip. No one else really seemed enthusiastic about this idea, but as we were all in normal clothes and no one had swimwear, we decided we would get down to out underwear and jump in the sea.

The group stripped down and ran into the ocean. Living by the sea, I had been in the ocean a lot when I was growing up. However this was easily the coldest it had EVER been. I got as far as my waist before backing out, most people were the same. We all got out shivering and freezing. We didn’t even have any towels so we all ran back up to our campsite and to our tents to dry off and warm up there.

When we got back to our tents we were delighted to see that just behind where we staying the guys that had stayed had a fire going in the designated campfire area, it wasn’t that busy so we had the thing to ourselves. We all got around the fire, half naked and huddled up. No one wanted to move and the 10 of us sat for a while before deciding we needed some food. Everyone took a break to have something to eat and get redressed.

We finally all sat back around the campfire and the drinks were back out. We all chatted for a little while, until the drinks starting influencing the conversation and the chat spiced up.

Lucy asked the group if getting semi naked infront of everyone was normal for our group. She said with her girl friends they were comfortable with stuff like that, but she wasn’t used to getting into her underwear infront of any guy friends that she had. We all looked around and laughed and played it down, saying we were just all comfortable around each other.

The conversation carried on until we decided to play a game of truths, and if you didn’t want to answer you had to drink. This started pretty tame, the questions were all fairly sexual but nothing outrageous. Not many people were drinking and we decided to crank it up a notch. More personal questions were being asked and more people were drinking.

At this point, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one, but all these questions and the alcohol had me feeling slightly horny, I whispered to Mary that we should head back to our tent and she said to wait for a little longer. I agreed and we stayed for a bit extra. Once again Charlie and Emma were the first to leave the group. They headed off to their tent and I motioned for me and Mary to do the same and was once again was left rejected. Across from us, Jack and April were eating each others faces. It looked like it wasn’t going to be long until they also made their way back.

The fire needed some more wood and I got up to stoke it, I was hiding a semi which I had gotten from the idea of going back to my tent and fucking my girlfriend. Somehow Emily noticed my slight bulge and voiced “someone’s a bit excited ey John?” I went slightly red and replied “I guess so”. Emily giggled and didn’t say anything else. Finally Jack and April got up and headed back, they were all over each other by the campfire and obviously were looking to get some privacy.

Now I REALLY wanted to get back too, we were the only couple not getting down to business. Mary said we should just stay for a little longer, she said it would be in my best interest to. I decided to listen to her instead of listen to my cock and we stayed. Emily sparked up a conversation between those that were left. “So Lucy, how have you enjoyed yourself today”

“Its been really nice, I was a bit nervous getting in the sea with everybody. But seeing everyone else be really comfortable made me like that too” she said. It was sweet that she felt like that.

“Did you spy on any of the guys as they stripped down?” Emily followed up jokingly. April blushed and avoided the question. Emily was persistent and eventually got an answer from her. It appeared that Lucy had a little thing for Harry. Harry smiled, he clearly enjoyed the attention. Mary got up to grab another drink and sat back down on my lap, she subtly slid her hand behind herself and grabbed me over my shorts. “Not long” she said as she kissed me. Emily had forced Lucy and Harry to sit closer together and get talking, me and Mary got a lot more touchy with one another and maddy was just sat to the side watching everything go on.

Me and Mary finally got up and headed back to our tent. We got back and got inside, Mary zipped up our door most of the way and laid down. I threw off our clothes and got above her. We made out and let our hands explore each other bodies, I made my way down to her pussy and she made her way down to my cock. We started getting each other off until I made my way down with my mouth. I slowly kissed the inside of her thigh, then her other thigh, making my way up to her cunt. Eventually I reached it and took a slow long lick up her vagina. As my tongue reached her clit, I slipped in a couple of fingers to sound of her moan. It wasn’t long before I got in a third finger and was getting into a groove. I was eventually patted on the head and made to switch positions with Mary so she could now return the favour to me. I laid on my back and Mary got onto her knees infront of me. I had gone slightly soft in the minutes that had passed so Mary started to get me harder. Using her hands and her mouth she got back to my hardest and starting taking me in as deep and she could.

All of a sudden we heard a voice, and a head appeared peeking into our tent from outside through the gap Mary had left in the door. It was Emily.

“What did you say” Mary called out

“Can I come in” Emily replied “I don’t mind what you’re doing I just need to come in”

“Yeah yeah, sure” Mary replied and opened the zip up for Emily. She crawled in and sat crossed legged next to where I was lying and Mary zipped up the tent.

“Sorry for interrupting” she said as she observed the position we were in.

“Its fine, whats up? How come you’re not in your tent?” Mary asked.

“Because Harry and Lucy are fucking in my tent” Emily replied. Me and Mary were shocked they had escalated that quickly but then Mary asked “couldn’t you have got into Maddies tent? If Harry isn’t in there anymore?”

“I could have” Emily replied “but I wanted to be in here with you guys instead”

This was music to my ears. I sat up slightly as my cock pulsed to the thought of Emily watching or joining us. I looked at Mary to see what she thought about this.

“So Maddy is on her own right now?” Mary asked.

“Yeah i think so, she went back to her tent, when we all left the campfire” Emily answered. With a cheeky grin on her face, Mary opened the door and the left the tent. Me and Emily looked at one another, but didn’t move.

I was lying there naked and erect, trying to cover myself with my hands, but intentionally doing a bad job.

“I’m sorry for interrupting” Emily said.

“Its fine, its fine” I replied.

“I saw you both getting touchy with one another around the campfire and it made me think about that morning we had together a while ago” she told me. She had a gleam in her eye and I could tell she was turned on.

“How could I forget” I followed up. I realised that by being in a relationship and not having to try and be sexy, I had completely forgotten how to talk like a normal person in a sexual situation.

“Did you ever think about doing more?” Emily asked me

“Yeah, of course, me and Mary like thought about it but we just never, I don’t know, it just never happened” I stammered back.

“Are you two coming or what” Mary called out to us both. We both crawled outside to see Mary and maddy standing side by side. Mary was still naked from when she left our tent and maddy was now in just her underwear.

“Whats going on?” I asked

“Well as Emily can’t get into her tent at the moment, and she was going to join us, I didn’t want maddy to be the only one alone in a tent. So I thought we could all head back to the fireplace where its warm” Mary explained. I was confused, I was just about to fuck Mary, was this being delayed again? Either way we agreed and headed over to the campfire.

“Wait” Emily said, she crawled back into our tent and re emerged in her underwear. “I only just got the dress code”

We all sat around next to one another before Mary said to me “now where were me”

She pushed me back and grabbed my cock. Oh god, we were doing this again. In front of Mary’s friends again, but this time a smaller and more intimate audience. I got as comfy as I could on the ground and let Mary do her thing. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, when I re opened them and looked forward, Emily was set to my left and Maddy had moved to the right. Mary took me down her throat all the way and came back up for air. “Wow” Emily said. She had her one hand down her panties, clearly enjoying the view. With her spare hand she leant over and grabbed one of Mary’s tits. Mary didn’t flinch and welcomed a hand on her breast. She went back down on me again, going all the way until once again coming back up. She then grabbed me with one hand and returned the favour to Emily by grabbing her closest tit with her other hand.

“If John’s happy to, I don’t mind if either of you want to do more than just watch this time” Mary said as she looked at me for confirmation. “Of course” I replied, trying to not seem too eager.

Without hesitation Emily removed the hand from her panties and put it over Mary’s hand that was around my cock. Fuck me I thought I was going cum there and then. The two girls giggled. Maddy finally started to get involved and took off her bra. She didn’t touch anyone else but put one hand on her own tit. Mary pulled her hand away from cock, releasing Emily to hold me on her own, and put her hand onto maddies other spare tit. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this really happening?

Emily started to stroke me, she held me a lot firmer than Mary did, it felt better too. Emily leaned across and kissed Mary, it was only a peck on the lips and then she whispered something into Mary’s ear. Mary nodded and smiled at me, straight away Emily leant down and wrapped her lips around me cock. Holy shit. She was sucking me off. I couldn’t believe it. Once again she was better than Mary, whatever she was doing with her tongue, she was hitting all the right spots. I stopped her after what could only have been about 20 seconds as I was worried I would cum. I had to take break from being stimulated and turned my attention to Mary. I sat up and kissed her grabbing both her tits with my hands. Emily let go of me and pulled down her panties. I looked across and could see how wet she was. She used the hand that was just around my cock to rub herself. I was fixated on her until Mary grabbed one of my hands and placed it over her own clit. I looked back at Mary and kissed her again whilst rubbing her clit, she was easily wet enough for me. I turned my attention to Emily once more who had her legs open, putting on a show. She had two fingers deep inside herself. She was clearly enjoying herself like we all were.

Mary turned her attention to maddy, who was clearly feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole situation.

“Are you OK madds?” Mary asked

She nodded and smiled, she seemed ok, just maybe a bit confused with how to join in or what to do. Mary left me and crawled to the side where maddy was.

“Here, let me help you” she reached for maddy’s pantie line and pulled them down her legs. I looked over and where the was once a landing strip above her pussy was now a very freshly shaved pussy. Mary then grabbed maddys hand, placing one onto her breats and the other over maddy’s pussy. “Its fine” Mary said “start on yourself and if you want to join in you can”.

Mary then grabbed a hold of my cock “I think its time we fuck, don’t you?” Mary asked. Shit. I left the condoms in the tent. I told Mary and ran back to the tent area. I dove into our tent and grabbed my bag. I couldn’t find them. I had empty my entire bag over the tent before I found them. I only had 2 with me. I grabbed them and left. I ran as quickly as I could back to the fire place and couldn’t believe my eyes.

In front of me, was Emily laying on her back, with Mary’s face buried between her legs. The exact same position she was in with our threesome with Harry, except this time she was working with another pussy instead of cock and balls. I felt a lot more comfortable with this. To their right Maddy had loosed up and a bit and was laid back rubbing herself with her legs apart. I wasted no time in getting into position behind Mary. I put on a condom and pushed into her soaking wet pussy. She was eager and pushed back against me. Holy fuck I thought to myself, I just need to keep my composure and not cum within 30 seconds. I started very slow, slower than normal. The view infront of me was making it very hard to hold back. It was no good. It couldn’t have been more than 2 minutes before I blew my load into my condom.

“Wow that was quick” Mary said jokingly. I knew she didn’t mean it but it made me feel a bit embarrassed. I took off the condom and put it to one side.

“Come here” Emily called. I walked over and put my cock into her mouth, she lapped up the cum that was left on my head. “Mmmmmmmm” she moaned as she did so.

“Dont stay there too long” Mary said “get back there and get to work” she ordered me. I left Emily and sat up behind Mary, her pussy still in the air, I buried my face and my fingers and started getting Mary towards orgasming. Suddenly there were a lot of moans from my right. Me, Mary and Emily looked across as maddy was cumming. She had her legs wide open viggoursly rubbing her pussy. She eventually started to slow down as she focused on maintaining her orgasm for as long as possible. This sight kicked a bit of extra energy into my cock. And I had a semi again. Maddy finished and sat up, quite quickly realising the situation she in with the three of us looking at her. She smiled and stood up “thank you” she said to us as she got redressed “I’m going to head back now, but enjoy yourselves” she said.

And enjoy ourselves we would.

“John, do you want to take over for me” Mary ask as she moved away from Emily “I’ve done all I think I can”

“You were great” Emily said. I went to take the position that Mary was in before Emily sat up. “I have an idea” she said. She laid me down on my back. My semi was slowly getting harder again. I was nearly back and ready for round 2. Emily then straddled my face, getting into 69 with me. As her pussy lowered onto my face, I finally got my first taste of her pussy. It was the same but different, its difficult to explain. I couldnt find her clit with my tongue as easily. As I entered a couple of fingers into her I kept searching for what felt like her clit. I finally found it as I felt her body jump slightly as I ran my tongue over it.

Meanwhile down the other end, my cock had the full attention of both girls. I couldn’t tell who was doing what, without being able to see it was difficult to tell who was doing more. I could feel one hand occasionally gripping me harder and I assumed this was Emily, but I wasn’t sure. It wasn’t long until I was fully hard and I suddenly felt a condom roll down me. Someone had wrapped me up and it was followed by the warm feeling of a pussy wrapping around me. Now this was obviously Mary considering Emily was still sat on my face. I could feel her usual technique, the motion of her hips and the way she she sped up and slowed down. I started getting into a rhythm with Emily. Using my fingers well and dancing around and over her clit with my tongue, the next thing I knew I could hear Emily moaning and my hand and face were soaked. She was orgasming, or at least that’s what it felt like, I kept going but she stood off me. I looked up and saw Mary riding me, smiling at me “oh wowowowow” Emily was saying. “Wow that was good, but I don’t want to cum just yet, I don’t want this to be over” she was very very slowly rubbing herself standing up over me and Mary.

“What else do you want to do?” Mary asked “I’m pretty close here, we can just finish at the same time?”

“Yeah, maybe, I don’t know, I’ve was kinda hoping to get a go” Emily said. She was normally full of confidence but this was said rather sheepishly.

“Oh, oh, uh. We haven’t talked about this” Mary said “I don’t know, um, John what do you think?” She asked me

“Well yeah I uh I don’t know, I mean its up to you” I stammered back. Mary had stopped grinding me at this point and was sat on me, I was still rock hard inside her though.

“I’m happy if you are? I’ll be right here the whole time” she said

“I’m ok with it” I said trying not make it look like I was desperate to fuck Emily. “But only if you are” I said.

“Yeah, yeah I think so, I can trust you both. I’m ok with this” she said. She stood off me and my cock flopped onto my stomach

“Oh should we uh, change condoms?” Mary asked “isn’t that what you’re supposed to do” I wasn’t sure, never in my life did I imagine I would be in the position, but I was wearing the last one I had with me.

“I didn’t bring anymore” I said, Mary looked shocked and slightly sad.

“Oh, really? Oh I don’t know-” she replied

“Its ok, I’m on the pill” Emily said “he doesn’t have to-”

“Oh uh, well we’ve never um, without a-” marry said back

“Oh… oh, ok well then nevermi-” Emily replied.

“Wait no, no, wait” Mary said. She walked over to me and lifted up my cock. I sat up slightly not sure what she was going to do. She pulled off the condom and put one leg over me then positioned herself over my cock. She lined herself up and lowered herself onto me. Holy fucking Jesus christ, I was inside Mary with no condom. I had no idea what she was thinking, but I was so overwhelmed with the feeling. It was warm, and wet, and raw and I actually feel her. She slowly bounced up and down once or twice and I thought I was going to explode. She stood up.

“There, I just wanted it to be me first” Mary said “I wouldn’t want him fucking someone else raw for the first time”

She stood to one side and Emily took her place. She too positioned herself and lined it up before lowering herself onto me. Holy shit, she wasn’t as tight as Mary was, but a lot wetter, she grinded her hips and Mary came over towards my face and kissed me “are you having fun” she asked.

I could barely even formulate a sentence to reply “omg” is the only thing I could say. Mary passionately kissed me and we made out as Emily rode me. Emily certainly felt at different to Mary, her technique was very very different. I couldn’t tell if it was better or worse. Nonetheless I was close. I wasn’t sure what to do when I came, I knew Emily was on the pill but was it OK to cum inside her? I didn’t want to take that risk. I could feel i was almost there. I stood up and practically threw Emily off me. Mary got onto her knees infront of me and I jerked off. Emily quickly joined her as I started to cum, I hit Mary on the face, then she put her mouth over my head and took a load into her mouth. She pulled back as I came even more over face, this time Emily wrapped her lips around my cock and I emptied what I had left into her mouth. My legs collapsed and I fell back onto the floor. I assume the girls swallowed what I gave them, I was too busy passed out from the orgasm that I didn’t see.

“We should get back” Mary said we headed back towards our tent before Emily said “i uhh, I haven’t fully orgasmed yet” the three of us got into out 2 man tent and laid Emily down. She spread our legs for us and Mary and I used our hands together on Emilys pussy. Not long after I used my tongue too and after that it didn’t take long for Emily to cum. She shuffled to one side as we collapsed next to her. We fell asleep naked together and I once again found my sandwiched between these two amazing women.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pamov2/we_fucked_infront_of_her_friends_again_but_this


  1. Wow… It is truly hot… I think Mary will be happy that u did not cum inside Emily… She would like to be the one to receive your cum inside her

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