The Girl on the Video, Part V (MFFFFFF)(incest m/s, m/d, s/s)(anal)


The Girl on the Video


My mother and I cuddled on the couch for awhile, basking in the afterglow, our skin wet with our sweat from our lovemaking. Then my mother turned the conversation to her sister.

“I’m really hurt that Brenda did that to you,” she said. “I’m sad, hurt, and a lot of other things all at once. I understand that you have to turn her in because you need to clear your name. But before they arrest her, I’ve been thinking. I’d like to get back at her, expose her for what she is, humiliate her in front of her fans.”

“So you want to do an expose right on one of her camwhore sessions?”

“Exactly,” she said. “What I’d really like to do is bring you and your sister – and your girlfriend if she would like – onto her show, then spring it on her. I usually act as a dom when we do video sessions, but I have never wanted to humiliate her like I want to humiliate her now. I usually use handcuffs that have a quick release for the wearer, but I probably can swap them out and get them on her before she even knows that happened.”

“I’ve never done a camming session,” I said. “But I guess there can be a first time for everything. We should talk to Jesse and Megan about it.”

Like clockwork, I was interrupted by the ringing of my phone, and a picture of my sister on the screen. I answered.

“Hi Jesse,” I said. “How was the concert?”

“Awesome,” she said. “Did you and mom get along okay?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact she’s right here with me right now…”

“Are you two in bed together?” Jesse asked.

“No, we are not in bed, we’re sitting on the couch,” I replied.

“You guys hooked up, didn’t you? I can read it in your voice,” Jesse said. “Awesome! But you know what? The concert is over and it’s only 11:00. How about if you guys meet us somewhere for a nightcap?”

“How about if you come over here for a nightcap,” my mother said, loud enough for my sister to hear on the phone. “We have a well stocked bar in the lobby.”

“Sounds good. See you in about twenty minutes.”

My mother pulled her outfit back on, while I pulled on my slacks and shirt – skipping the underwear.

We went down to the bar and the girls arrived shortly. Jesse was wearing an outfit that was a whole lot like what my mother was wearing except even thinner and all black, and Megan had on a way-too-short cut off T-shirt without a bra (she lost it somewhere at the concert), black tights that were almost transparent, and no underwear underneath.

“Wow,” Megan said, looking my mother up and down. “What a difference eight hours makes.”

“Watch it,” I said, jokingly. “That’s my mother you’re talking about.”

“And is that your semen I see running down her thigh?” Megan asked. She put her arms around my mother and gave her a long kiss. When she pulled back she looked at Jesse as if to say “your turn.”

Jesse didn’t miss a beat. She gave our mother a kiss that lasted at least 30 seconds. The entire bar had turned to watch the two girls making out, though I don’t think most realised that was mother and daughter. My slacks were definitely tenting when they finished.

“Wow,” my mother said.

“Yeah, wow,” Jesse said, blushing.

I cleared my throat.

“Before anyone else gets busy, we have something we need to discuss,” I said.

Megan pouted but my mother put her arm around her waist and patted her ass.

“This will just take a moment, dear,” my mother said, in an almost motherly tone. It sounded surprisingly sexy.

“So what do you want to discuss?” Jesse said, sitting next to my mother, her hand rubbing up and down our mother’s thigh, threatening to rub against her already damp slit. Megan was standing next to Jesse, her arm around her waist.

“Bryce is going to come clean to his probation officer, but first I think we should humiliate her,” my mother said. She laid out a plan, and by the time she was done, we were all nodding.

“Wow,” Jesse said. “I never thought I would be a camgirl, but there’s a first time for everything. I want to humiliate her in ways she had never even dreamed of.”

“Sadly, she probably already dreamed of them,” my mother said. “And I have probably already humiliated her that way. But even when we are playing for the camera, she is still in control and scripts the interaction. This time, we will be in control, and before we fuck her into submission, we tell her entire audience what she did. Then when we humiliate her – without her control – it will really sink in. She’ll hate it.”

“So what happens to her show when we’re done?” I asked. “She can’t run a camshow from prison.”

My mother winked. “I have some ideas, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“So, now that’s settled,” Megan said, “Let’s do something fun. It’s still early.”

“How about a dip in the pool,” my mother said.

“I don’t think anyone but you has a suit here,” I said.

“I can lend suits to Megan and Jesse,” my mother said. “You’ll just have to watch from the sides until 12:30.”

“What happens at 12:30?”

“The pool closes.”

“So they kick us out?”

“It’s my hotel – our hotel now. They can’t kick us out, we can kick everyone else out,” she said, winking. “Wait here. Us girls will be back in a jiffy.”

She took Jesse’s arm in one hand, Megan’s arm in the other, and slowly walked back towards the elevator. She had managed to hike her skirt up slightly so the bottom of her cheeks were visible and her thick labia below. Every male eyeball in the place watched the three of them as they made their way to the elevator.

I took a napkin and cleaned my semen off the seat where my mother had been sitting – bare-assed – and tapped an uncomfortable riff on the table. I couldn’t deny it, I was nervous that the girls would do something that could drag me into trouble.

They didn’t waste any time. Ten minutes later the elevator doors opened and they emerged. I gulped.

My mother wore a thin blue bikini top that strained to hold in her bountiful bust, her nipples poking against the fabric, and a gray thong that similarly struggled to contain her lobes. My sister, who had a body shape similar to my mom’s, fit neatly into a similar green bikini and thong combo. Megan, who was much smaller and lithe, had to make due with a narrow V-shaped one-piece that had a thong in the back and a deep plunge in the front. Megan’s swimsuit was clearly designed for a much more curvier body and threatened to gap from just about any angle you looked.

My mother waved me over and led the way to the pool. It was getting late but there were still a few night owls hanging around. Two college aged girls roughhoused in the water, and a young couple lounged at the far end. My mother pressed her chest against mine, gave me a kiss, and stroked my cock through my slacks.

“Sorry,” she said. “You have to wait until closing. You can just watch us have fun.”

With that she hopped into the pool. Megan came over, did the same press-kiss-stroke thing and followed my mother into the pool. She swam over to my mother and embraced her, the two sharing a kiss, before my mother playfully pushed her back and splashed her.

Jesse turned to me, pressed her body against me for a moment, and kissed me. She held the kiss for a long time, rubbing my cock through my slacks with her thigh. Then she followed my mother and Megan into the pool, where they had a splash fight.

I looked up at the clock. It read 12:10. I moved to a lounge and lay back, lifting one leg up to hide my growing erection. The teenagers weren’t paying much attention and the couple were pretty much engrossed in each other. I was grateful for that and I seriously hoped to get out of this situation without any embarrassment. The next twenty minutes were going to be torture.

After about five minutes of splashing each other and chatting, my mother moved to my side of the pool and Megan and Jesse followed.

“Fifteen minutes to go until closing,” my mother said, winking. She glanced around to make sure nobody was watching and pulled one side of her bikini top back, pulling her right breast free. She pulled it up to her lips and sucked for a moment.

“Jesus, mom,” I murmured. Jesse came up beside her and leaned over, pulling my mother’s mouth to hers for a kiss, then leaned down and sucked at our mother’s bare breast. Megan slipped in beside her, shielding them from the other swimmers, then bent down and had a turn at my mother’s bared breast, running her tongue around the aureole and sucking the nipple. Meanwhile her hands were all over Jesse’s body.

“You guys are going to get me in trouble,” I whispered, leaning forward put trying not to make my erection obvious. “If someone busts us, my parole officer will shit. I might go to jail – and not juvie this time.”

I looked up at the clock. It read 12:21. Nine more minutes to closing.

“Relax,” my mother said. “Everything will be fine.” She pulled her bikini top back up and slipped back into the middle pool. Jesse followed her, but Megan climbed out of the water and approached me, sitting on the lounge next to my legs. The too-large swimsuit gapped liberally, showing her pert, tight breasts.

“Hey, you’re wet,” I said.

“Yes, I’m really really wet,” she said, smiling. She leaned over and pressed her body against the leg of my slacks, then rung her hair out over my crotch. She soaked my slacks through, pasting them to my leg, making my burgeoning erection stand out.

I looked over at the clock. 12:24. Six minutes to closing.

Megan ran her hand slowly up the inside of my now-soaked thigh, slowly stroking my meat through my drenched slacks. Any chance I had to losing the erection disappeared. I looked over at the pool. My mother and Jesse were in the near corner. Their faces were inches apart, their bodies pressed together. I couldn’t see for sure because of the water angle, but I was pretty sure our mother’s hand was between Jesse’s thighs.

Jesse leaned in and kissed our mother.

Suddenly one of the college girls noticed what my mother and Jesse were doing. She tapped her friend and they both started watching. I cursed. This wasn’t going to end well.

By this point, my sister and my mother were fully engaged in a girl-on-girl kiss. Their breasts were pressed together and my sister’s legs were wrapped around our mother’s hips. She wasn’t grinding yet, but I was sure that would follow shortly.

The clock read 12:26. This last four minutes couldn’t go fast enough. Megan knelt on the lounge and straddled me, leaning down and kissing me, pressing her almost-bare breasts against my chest. She started unbuttoning my shirt.

“Look, wait, I can’t…” I protested.

“A guy can’t get in trouble for not wearing a shirt in a pool, relax,” Megan said.

“But I can if the girl taking it off me is almost out of her top and straddling my boner.”

Megan unhooked the last button and pushed my shirt open, pressing her chest against mine and planting a kiss against my lips. She pushed her hips down so her vulva was against my cock.

When Megan came up for air, I looked at the clock. 12:29. One minute. Just one minute.

It flipped to 12:30. I gently pushed Megan’s lips back from mine.

“That’s it!” I hollered. “12:30! Everybody out!”

The couple who had been in the corner climbed out of the pool and left quietly. The two college girls who had been watching my mother and Jesse go at it, were more reluctant to leave.

“Hey,” I called. “Out!”

They hesitated. My mother noticed them watching and pulled away from my sister.

“You guys want to watch?” she asked, an evil smile on her lips.

The two girls glanced at each other, then nodded.

“The pool’s closed, but if you want to stay and watch, there are three rules.”

“What are they?” the blonde girl asked.

The evil smile on my mother’s face got wider.

“First, only watching, no touching. Second, you have to strip. And third…” she trailed off.

“And?” the blonde girl prompted.

“You have to get busy with your friend.”

“She’s my sister, you pervert,” the girl said.

“So what?” my mother said. “This is my daughter that I’m making out with, and that’s my son over there. He already unloaded in my mouth and my ass tonight. I’m angling for him to do it again before the night’s out. You want to watch, you got to pay. If not, pool’s closed.”

She turned back to Jesse and the two began kissing again. Megan was still straddling my cock through my slacks. She reached down, unhitched my slacks and pulled them down, letting my cock pop free. It was purple, throbbing, and hard. Megan pressed her tidy little pussy against it and began rubbing it up and down the underside of my cock.

I looked over at the two girls. They were watching my mom and Jesse make out, and Megan slide her slit up and down my shaft. But they were just watching, not doing anything.

“Hey, you two,” I finally called. “You heard what my mom said, either get busy or get out.”

“Did you really fuck your mom’s ass today?” one of the girl’s asked.

“Damn right, and I’ll fuck her ass any time I feel like it. But if you want to see it, get undressed and get busy.”

The sisters looked at each other, then the dark haired one finally shrugged and reached over to her sister. The blonde girl was hesitant for a moment, but they kissed, disengaged, kissed again, then pulled back and looked at each other nervously before sinking into a more passionate kiss. This time it looked like they meant it. Their bodies came together.

“That’s better,” I heard my mother say a moment later, when the girls broke the kiss. “But it’s still not enough. Get naked and I want to see someone eating someone else’s pussy by the time I count to five.”

The blonde girl stripped off her suit, revealing cute pert breasts not unlike Megan’s. She hopped up onto the side of the pool and spread her legs. The dark haired girl moved into position and began lapping the blonde girl’s pussy. It was pretty clear this wasn’t her first rodeo with another girl. The blonde girl caressed her tits as she hungrily watched my mother and Jesse, who were still kissing and fondling each other aggressively.

Megan had been sliding her pussy up and down the underside of my cock while all this was going on. I reached up, pulled off her swimsuit, and fondled her cute, tiny little tits, pulling her forward to my mouth, sucking at the hard little nipples. I reached down, grabbing her hips, then her ass. I guided her pussy to the tip of my pulsating cock and pushed myself inside her. She moaned again and slowly slid her cunt down the shaft of my hard, purple cock, a steady stream of juice flowing from her slit as she took me inside.

In the pool, my mother and Jesse had disrobed and Jesse had her lips locked on our mother’s breasts, sucking and tasting them. Jesse had one breast in her mouth, and my mother pulled the other up to her own lips, sucking at her large, wide brown nipple, tasting her own flesh. She moaned as Jesse ran a hand down her stomach and between her legs. My mother pulled Jesse’s mouth up to hers and they kissed again, then she motioned for Jesse to get up on the side of the pool. Jesse did so, spread her legs, and my mother dove in. Jesse’s heavy pendulous breasts shook with pleasure as she moaned under our mother’s efforts.

Megan meanwhile was slowly working my cock over with her hips, slipping up and down, rotating, finding new and insane ways to make me groan with pleasure. I leaned up and we kissed as the sound of a moaning orgasm came from the direction of the two sisters.

“I want to fuck you,” I whispered to Megan.

“Then fuck me,” she whispered back, rolling off my cock and positioning herself on all fours in front of me. “Doggy style.”

I didn’t need additional coaxing. I slipped inside Megan’s slit and began to slowly and gently slide in and out. Megan was a small girl and her slit was tight and wet, her juices trickling down my cock and dribbling off my balls and running down my thighs. I slowly worked in and out, in and out.

Across the pool, the girls had changed position, and now the dark haired girl was eating out the blonde. I looked over at my mother and Jesse. They also had changed position, and now our mother was on her back on a lounge, while Jesse was sucking on her clit and had several fingers deep inside her slit. My mother’s mammoth tits were pointed skyward and slightly outward, and they shook as an orgasm wafted through her body.

Megan lifted her body up so her back was pressed against my stomach, forcing my cock against her special spot. She reached back and we kissed as I continued to piston in and out of her snatch.

“Hey, you,” the blonde girl said. I looked in her direction. “So I did what you said. When do I get to see you fuck your mom’s ass?”

“We don’t have any lube handy…” I started, but my mother interrupted me.

“I keep a stash by the pool, along with a couple toys,” she said. “Just for late night dalliances.”

She disappeared into the lifeguard shack and emerged a moment later with a tube of lube, a small strap on, and a monster strap on. She dropped the dongs on a lounge then knelt down in front of me. The blonde girl smiled.

“Fuck her,” she said. “I want to see you fuck your mom’s ass.”

My mother, never one to miss a chance to put on a show, turned her ass towards the girls and made a show of lubing up, including sliding three fingers inside and stretching it open for their view. By this point the other girl had moved and now the two sisters were sitting side-by-side on the edge of the pool, fingering each other while they watched. They were really cute, and really hot.

My cock was diamonds as I rubbed some lube into it and slowly slid it into my mother’s waiting ass. The girls on the deck moaned louder than my mother. Meanwhile, Jesse and Megan had paired off and Megan had her face buried between Jesse’s thighs.

I was just beginning to get a good rhythm when a shocked voice spoke up from the direction of the pool entryway.

“Girls! What is the meaning of this?’

The two girls gasped and we all turned. A woman – looked to be about the same age as my mother – stood in the entryway. She had dirty blonde hair that was wet like she had just come out of the shower, and wore a tank top and a pair of cargo shorts.

“Mom!” one of the girls gasped. “Look, this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Pool’s closed,” my mother called, not even bothering to pull her asshole off my cock. “You have to leave, ma’am.”

“If the pools’ closed, what are my daughters doing here? What are you doing here?”

“I’m the hotel owner, and they are my special guests. You aren’t. You are going to have to leave.”

“I’m not leaving without my daughters,” the woman said. She had folded her arms across her chest – apparently remembering she didn’t have a bra on and becoming self-conscious.

“Girls,” I said, speaking up for the first time. “Do you want to leave?”

The two girls looked at each other, then at their mother. There was a pregnant pause. Then they shook their heads.

“Okay, then,” my mother said. “They don’t have to leave, but you do.”

“Unless you want to stay,” I added. “But there’s a price.”

“A price? I’m not paying you to sit here and watch this depravity,” the woman said.

“It’s not a monetary price,” I said. “You have to strip and join your daughters.”

A look of mortification crossed the two girls faces for a moment, then they looked at each other and giggled. Their mother, on the other hand, turned beet red.

“I am not doing…that. No way.”

“Then please leave,” I said. “I’m trying to fuck my mother but you’re making me lose wood.” I popped my cock out and stretched my mother’s pink asshole in the direction of the woman. “Lady, either get busy or get out,” I said.

“There’s another option,” my mother said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“If she doesn’t want to have sex with her daughters, I’ll have sex with them, but she has to let you fuck her ass like you were fucking me.”

The woman stood there, unsure of what to do. She looked back and forth at all of us. Finally, she shook her head and peeled off her top and shorts, revealing nothing beneath. She had a curvy mom bod not unlike my mom’s. She dove into the pool and swam over to where her daughters were sitting. There was an awkward moment, but then the blonde girl spread her legs and pulled her mother’s head between them. There was another pause, then her eyes lit up.

It appeared it wasn’t her mother’s first time with a girl either.

I returned my attention to my mother’s asshole and picked up the pace. My mother was intoning me to go harder and faster and I complied, pistoning my cock in and out of her ass. I grabbed her thick hips for support and slammed my stomach against her ass, making it shake and quiver. I slowed, reached around, and squeezed her thick tits.

Jesse and Megan had come over and now were in front of my mother, sucking at her tits while I pounded her ass. My mother’s head was thrown back in ecstasy as I felt an orgasm wash through her. Her juices flowed down her thighs. I pulled her cheeks apart so I could get even better depth and pushed deeper inside of her.

Across the pool, the two girls were now sitting on either side of their mother and all three were rubbing themselves as they watched me rip my mother’s asshole. I felt another orgasm wash over my mother and my balls tightened. I was almost ready to come. I increased the pace yet again. My cock was slicking in and out of her ass, her pussy was gushing, and Jesse and Megan were sucking her tits.

Another orgasm coursed through my mother and that was it. I unloaded into her asshole, shooting load after load of my juice deep inside her. She moaned and pressed her back against my chest. We kissed as I emptied inside her. My semen trickled out of her asshole around my cock.

“Can you do that to my mom?” came a voice from across the pool. I looked over and the blonde girl was smiling but the older woman was aghast, shaking her head.

“No,” she said.

“Come on mom, you know you want it. You haven’t had a good fuck in way too long. I know you love anal, go with it.”


My cock was still inside my mother, I was still pumping my juice inside of her, but I found myself getting hard again.

I locked eyes with their mother. She wanted to say no, but her eyes were screaming yes. I pulled out of my mother, picked up the lube, and walked around the pool to where the woman sat between her daughters. Globs of come were still dribbling off my cock.

My meat, thick, purple, wet, hovered in front of her face. She gulped.

The blonde girl lay down on the tarmac, spread her legs and pulled her mother’s face down into her snatch. That had the effect of lifting up her mother’s ass. The dark haired girl pulled her mother’s cheeks apart, her pink puckered asshole faced me. I dropped a dollop of lube on her asshole, pulled it apart with my thumbs, and slipped inside.

The woman moaned but didn’t complain. She continued eating out her daughter’s pussy as I began to slowly slip deeper and deeper inside her asshole. Her hips weren’t quite as generous as my mother’s but they would do.

I glanced across the pool. My mother was eating out Megan while she fingered Jesse. She was porn star material, no question.

My stomach hit the woman’s cheeks, I was all the way in. I pulled back out slightly and began a slow but deliberate motion. I felt an orgasm course through her body as I worked her asshole over. She moaned again.

The blonde girl pulled her mother’s face into her snatch, while the dark-haired girl grabbed her mother’s cheeks and pulled them apart even wider. I pushed harder and went even deeper into the woman’s asshole.

She pulled her lips back from her daughter’s cunt just long enough to intone me to go faster, then went back to eating out her progeny’s cute little slit. I cranked it up. I felt an orgasm wash over the woman’s body and she stiffened, moaned.

I cranked up the pace even harder, my balls pounding against her slit as my cock slicked in and out of her asshole. Her daughters now stood on either side of her, stretching her asshole wider. The blonde girl slid two fingers into her mother’s asshole next to my cock and stretched it. The woman groaned again, another orgasm rolling through her.

I felt my balls start to tighten. I was close to the edge. The woman came again, her muscles tightening. That did it. I shot my load into her waiting ass. The blonde girl pushed me back. She pulled my cock straight from her mother’s ass into her own mouth. She sucked, draining my come from my meat.

Suddenly, my sister appeared.

“If you think you are getting out of here without unloading into my ass too, you’re crazy.”

Jesse pulled my cock from the blonde girl’s mouth and sucked until a fresh surge shot through me and my erection began rising again. Then she rolled over onto all fours. She had already lubed her asshole, and it lay waiting for me, slick and ready.

I pulled her cheeks aside and stretched her ass, revealing the pink underneath, then slid inside. My sister and the woman I had just been fucking kissed and the dark haired girl began pairing off with her sister again. I watched the two college sisters eating each other in a 69 as I ripped my cock in and out of my sister’s asshole.

The blonde woman had turned around and pointed her asshole at my sister, who began licking and sucking my come from her pink sphincter. It was hot watching my sister her eat my juice from this stranger’s ass while I fucked her. My sister’s ass jiggled as I pistoned in and out of her ass.

Meanwhile, across the pool, Megan had pulled on the large dildo and was reaming out my mother. I couldn’t tell which hole she was in, but I could guess.

I ramped up the pace again. I could feel an orgasm course through my sister, then another. Her body shook and her ass jiggled. She arched her back and her muscles tightened. So did mine. I moaned as I shot my load into my sister’s ass.




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