College classmates

I was sitting in class one day, and it was an unusually humid spring day. There were 30 of us sitting in rows in the computer lab. Despite the air conditioning being on it was very stuffy and many of us were sweating profusely through our shirts. Which brings me to 3 beautiful girls sitting in the row in front of me.

Don’t believe anyone when they tell you that computer girls are plain Jane and awkward! No, these girls were very attractive and very confident. Very confident in their choice of bras, at least. Clearly they weren’t expecting to be so sweaty in class and had chosen to wear lace bras that morning. Nobody irl knows about my bra fetish, but they really get me going.

Anyway, I overheard one of the girls quietly asked our professor (who is also a woman) if they could take off their shirts seeing as they were already drenched. Our professor gave a soft smile and said, “Unfortunately I can’t allow that; believe me I understand. I would love to just strip to my underwear in here.”

Unfortunately I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation. But almost immediately after our professor was called over to another student, I noticed the girls smile to one another and then reached down to pull up their shirts. Apparently there is a loophole and the professor whispered to the girls as long as they didn’t reveal past their bra bands she okayed it.

Soon there were 3 girls in front of me (and the rest of the class) flashing their very cute bra bands. Now, personally, I find bra bands to be very underrated. While I do prefer the front of the bra where I can see the pretty cup detail, the way the band curves down a girl’s back is so sexy.

Thankfully class ended and I couldn’t leave the lab fast enough. I bolted to the nearest bathroom and empty stall. I ripped my pants off and sat down to masturbate. I didn’t want to make a mess on the walls, so I kept my underwear on. Anyways I jerked through my underwear fantasizing about these 3 gorgeous young women. No I didn’t dream about having a threesome with them, I fantasized about them sitting in front of me with only their bras on. And me finishing on their lace-clad boobs
