Ms Kitty’s Cat Training – Part 2 [non-con] [over stimulation] [spanking] by u/MoodyKitten07 and u/chen969. Sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoy :)

When I open my eyes it’s dark. I glance up at the simple clock that hangs above the wardrobe. It’s 3:30 am. The warm comforter is tangled with my long legs. I push it off and blush. My nipples are shown through the thin material of the nightgown they dressed me in, the short skirt barely covers my pussy. I shiver as the cold night air hits my skin. I get up and hastily stumble toward the wardrobe, hoping to find something warmer to wear. Sighing, I toss all the nightgowns to a side… they’re all too revealing to wear outside. I bite my lip as my eyes find the cat suit. It doesn’t look too bad… I’ll just have to make sure I zip everything up properly.

Goosebumps cover my skin from head to toe as I slowly draw the nightgown off of my body and over my head. I quickly grab the cat suit – there are a host of zippers: I close the one at the crotch. It fits like a second skin. It took a while but I managed to get the zipper starting at my navel pulled up between my breasts high enough to cover my cleavage. I can’t find any shoes either – just boots – knee high but with higher heels than I have ever worn. I pull them on. I leave pausing only to grab my purse and glance at myself in the mirror. My eyes are hooded, my lips swollen from all the kissing, my breasts look like they’re barely contained, straining against the thankfully strong material of the suit. It really does cling to me… I realise, as my eyes travel down to my legs, the outline of my pussy lips is clearly visible. I take one final look at the flimsy nightgowns and walk out the door, silently closing it behind me.

The passages seemed excessively convoluted during the day. In the night, it felt like walking through a haunted maze, with danger lurking at every corner. I can’t tell you the number of times my heart lept out of my chest when I heard a noise (usually the grunts and moans of men and women having sex… But sometimes there was the more disturbing muffled voice or footstep). I somehow reach the familiar ornate black door that leads to the office. I breathe a sigh of relief and grope for the handle, finally finding it and pulling the door open.

“Ms Kitty… Going somewhere?”

I gasp as my eyes find the silhouette of the Master in the dim light. His eyes flashed menacingly as he leaned forward to examine me.

“I-I want to leave!”, I shout, somehow finding my voice. My voice drops to a shaky whisper as he stares at me coolly, his mouth set in a hard line in his handsome face. “Please… please just let me go…”

His expression softens ever so slightly momentarily. Or maybe I imagined it. I stay shaking and frozen in my spot, hoping he’ll let me go.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Ms Kitty”, he says, his lips stretched in a malicious smile. My stomach drops. Before I can react he nods to the unseen pets behind me. I cry out in surprise as they grab my arms and pin them behind my back. I try to kick at them, but they simply lift me up and pin me down on the big desk, holding me immobile. It isn’t long before I realise how hopeless struggling is and lie still, panting, my eyes widening with fear as the Master rises from his chair and walks toward me. He pulls out a length of rope – my captors pull my hands over my head while he ties them tightly at the wrists and then the elbows. One pet remains holding them high over my head.

“As displeased as I am with you, I have to say Ms Kitty… You look stunning in that suit. It looks better than I thought it would.”, I blush as he caresses me, his hand tracing the curve of my neck, then brushing against my collarbone. I gasp softly as he cups my breast, his thumb pressing into my nipple. They’re still sensitive from his “pain test” last night. It jumps to attention.

“It’s a shame that I had to see you in it for the first time in a situation like this…”, he murmurs thoughtfully, his gaze following the movement of his hand which dips into the curve of my waist before settling on my hip. I could feel the blood rush to my face as I felt his hands on my belly, thighs, and sides. He glances up at me before letting his fingers make their way between my legs. I moan softly as they slip between my pussy lips, stroking my clit through the suit.

“If I saw you in this… spread like a good kitty… I would’ve given you a treat for sure… But now…”

“Now you have to be punished…”

“What… No… Please…”, I beg, genuinely afraid. His smile simply widens. He grabs the ball gag with one hand, and my face with the other. When I open my mouth to plead again, he pushes the red rubber ball into my mouth and behind my teeth. The strap secured the gag behind my head.

The men grab each leg. With a nod the two pets pull my knees apart. He pulled out the crotch zip. I blush and squirm – my arousal on clear display to the three of them. The Master produced a vibrator, turning it on he unceremoniously thrust it into my soaking pussy.

“Mmmhhh”, I moaned into my gag as I immediately felt the vibrator humming within me. Before I could react – he zipped me up again and tied my legs together, draining me of any hope that I could push it out.

“As tempted as I am to do unspeakable things to you… Leave you broken… Especially after seeing you in your little kitty suit… I think I’ll leave you to the Mistress… After all, I had fun playing with you last night… it’s only fair that she gets a chance… She was very eager to see what her new pet is like.”

He pushes his palm onto my pussy over the suit, pressing the vibrator deeper into me. I moan, arching into his touch, craving release but not finding any.

“I set the vibrator to low so it should keep you juiced up and on the edge – rather than forcing you to cum but the Mistress has the remote control. Consider yourself lucky Ms Kitty… She’ll be more merciful than I would’ve been.”

I whine softly around the gag, looking pleadingly up at Master. He ignores me and turns to his pets instead.

“Take her away”, he said to the men. I cry out in surprise around the gag as he puts a damp, sweet smelling cloth over my gagged mouth and nose. I’m forced to breathe in the heady fumes and slowly lose consciousness. The last thing I see is the man pulling a dark hood over my head before the world drifts away from me.

* * *

The Mistress watched as the girl was brought into her room, trying her best to hide her own excitement. She orders the pets who brought her in to gently lower her onto the bed. Her back rested on the soft mattress but her arms were pulled up, tied tightly to the bed. Her legs were spread apart and tied to the corners of the bed. The Mistress pulls the zipper between her legs open, examining the vibrator still humming slowly inside the girl’s tight hole.

“That won’t do…”, she muttered to herself, reaching between the girl’s legs to pull the vibrator out of her pussy.

The girl let out a soft moan and stirred, lifting her head slightly and attempting in vain to speak around her ball gag. Her long lashes fluttered as she blinked and finally opened her eyes. She started, twisting and turning, and straining against the ropes. The Mistress walked over, sitting on the plush bed beside her. She grabbed the girl’s hair so she looked up at her.

She let her eyes trail over the girl’s lovely body, the now wild mop of soft dark curls no longer hiding her face, her long neck, the prominence of her collarbones. Her lovely large breasts on display as the strained zipper between them parted and revealed her cleavage. That small waist of hers. The soft curve of her belly. Those lovely soft thighs that framed her pussy lips, prominent against the clingy material of her kitty suit. She looked so much more delicate than she was.

“You really shouldn’t have tried to escape”, she said, holding her hand out. An eager slave immediately placed her Tablet in her open palm. She finds the folder labelled ‘Ms. Kitty’ and turns the Tablet around to face the girl, swiping through all the pictures they got of her the day before. Her eyes widened with fear as she saw the various pictures of her arching off her bed as the Master tested her. She chuckles, swiping to find the short clip of the girl’s final orgasm. Tears form in her eyes as the soft moans she had let out fill the room.

“We have everything… If you don’t want your pictures released to the Internet, your boss and your family. I wouldn’t try to escape again.”

She laughs openly at the shock and fear in those lovely eyes.

“Don’t worry” she said, “it would only be as a last resort. Besides, after today I don’t think you’ll want to formulate any such plans. It’s a pity because we have a process in place to make you the perfect submissive with as little pain and suffering as possible. Indeed most who surrender to it – enjoy it. Now we have to deal in… punishments.”

The girl already looked frightened. She shook her head desperately, begging with tear filled eyes to be let loose.

“Oh you’re not getting away… I’m assuming you’re another one of those girls who didn’t read the fine print. Goes to show how eager you are to please. If you did, you’d know that this training will make you the perfect girlfriend in his eyes and what he wants is a slave, not a robot of course who will mindlessly obey, but a willing slave. Eager to please, willing to offer herself to his every desire and who enjoys it herself.”

“Pwease”, she manages to say around the ball gag. Drool drips from the corner of her mouth.

The Mistress only sighs and pushes the ball further into the girl’s mouth, making any further attempts to beg futile.

“Don’t worry… I won’t hurt you… In fact, I think the two of us girls can have some fun don’t you?”, she said, tucking a loose lock of hair behind the girl’s ear. She kept her tone light and bubbly as usual. She playfully pinches the girl’s nose. “You especially… are going to have lots and lots of fun…”

She smiled broadly and straightened. She knew just what she wanted to do with this girl… exactly what would take her from being a brat to her own purring kitty.

“I’d like you to meet a friend of mine”, she grins, reaching into her coat pocket and producing a long, thin, nicely decorated, black box about 12 inches long. Inside was a dildo – about 12 inches long, with several wicked bumps and ridges that ran all down its length. A special extension ran from the base to the top – a bit like a ball point pen clip I thought.

“It’s called a dragon tamer… Wanna know why? Let’s just say it’s not about you taming dragons but dragons will… you’ll see.”

The Mistress didn’t wait for an answer. Ignoring her muffled cries and futile attempts to resist, she plunged the over-sized vibrator into her soft pussy. She ensured that the clip portion fitted between her lips with the ball clamped hard on her exposed clit. Then quickly zipped her back up holding the diabolical phallic in place.

Satisfied, she gave the girl an affectionate pat on the thigh and came around to face her. The girl struggled and gyrated slowly, twisting from side to side – probably hoping that she might be able to work the dildo out somehow.

“Oh you’ll never get that out” she mused.

“And now the best bit” she said, crouching next to the girl and pulling out her cell phone. “It’s all controlled by my phone”

The girl’s hips surged uncontrollably as the phallic went to work vibrating and thrusting in a relentless attempt to defeat its victim.

“You having fun yet?”, The Mistress asked, chuckling as the girl writhed on the bed in front of her chair. The girl glanced up in desperation, whining softly around her gag. The Mistress only laughed and increased the intensity of the dragon tamer. She watched as the girl’s hips rolled slowly and erotically as the toy drove her closer toward an unwanted and uncontrollable climax. Finally the girl’s eyes rolled back as she shook, her first orgasm seizing her.

The Mistress stopped laughing immediately. She felt the heat pooling between her own legs. There was something cathartic about watching the girl struggle – intense, unwanted orgasms on such a soft, yielding bed. She snapped her fingers and the pet that brought the girl came running, falling to his knees before her. She grabbed him by his hair and pushed his face into her wet pussy. He immediately started eating her pussy reverently, sucking and licking the soft flesh. The girl’s pleading gaze met the Mistress’s between her orgasms. She was starting to break and the Mistress could tell. She continued to thrash about as wave after wave forced her down again and again and panic filled her desperate mind as she knew too many climaxes like this would certainly overcome her.

“Just till I cum okay?”, she murmured softly, fixing her gaze on the girl’s writhing form as her pet’s talented tongue brought her closer and closer to an orgasm. Unsurprisingly it didn’t take long for him to coax her to an orgasm. She came hard, her slim thighs tightening around the pet’s head and squeezing as he lapped up her juices. She ignored her pet’s grateful “thank you”, pushing him away, kneeling before the girl instead.

She quickly untied her captive who curled up on her side, drawing her legs into her body and shaking slightly as the last waves of her orgasm coursed through her. She was left “damaged” by the experience of the relentless toy. The toy and the bondage were too much for her and she had succumbed to its effects. The constant climaxes had pushed her over the edge, beyond her ability to cope or resist, and now she was dominated. She lay now, breathless, her eyes glazed over in a veil of pure pleasure. At this point the Mistress knew she would have obeyed anyone without question, performed any act, allowed anything to happen to her.

She turned off the device and gently pulled it out. Her fingers were slick with the girl’s cum as soon as she touched the vibrator. She thoughtfully put them in her mouth, tasting the girl’s unique salty sweet flavour.

“Delicious…”, she muttered to herself.

She returned to the girl and pushed the hair out of her face. When the girl looked up weakly and gratefully through hooded eyes, she knew she’d done well punishing her.

“Sleep now sweet kitty… We’ll finish tomorrow”, she whispered.

The girl obediently closed her eyes and fell asleep. While she slept on the bed, the Mistress, whose head was still filled with images of the girl’s sweet face and body wracked in ecstasy, leaned back in her chair and ordered another pet to eat her pussy. Something told her she’ll need a lot more of that today.

* * *

The hot water let out steam slowly, thin wisps scented with lavender danced enticingly over the surface. I tested the water with my toe and, finding the heat bearable, slowly let my aching body sink into the bath, the water rippling around me. I closed my eyes and melted as the warmth soothed me, forgetting for a moment that it probably wouldn’t last long. I started when a sharp rap on the door woke me up.

“Yeah?”, I answered timidly, sitting up in the bath.

“The Mistress wants you out in ten minutes. There will be consequences for any delay…”

The deep voice was followed by the sound of heavy footsteps. He didn’t even wait for a response, I thought, frowning. I grabbed the loofa and some body wash and began to thoughtfully scrub at my skin, wondering what else the Mistress had in store for me. Having finished, I grabbed a big fluffy towel from the rack and wrapped it around me, frowning as I eyed the pile of black cloth that was left on the table as a replacement for my kitty suit. I hold up what appears to be a short, lacey nightgown and find that there are stockings, suspenders, cat ears and a collar with a small bell, all black to match the gown, under it. There were no panties to go with the outfit.

I flush, hot tears of anger and humiliation prick at the corners of my eyes. Wearing this felt like I had accepted my fate, and my status as another of the Mistress’s lowly pets. A collar! I suddenly caught sight of myself in the mirror, and the images she showed me flashed before my eyes. It was enough to make me swallow my pride. I could feel her taming my resistance. Better this punishment than being seen as the slut in those photos. Sighing, I slip into the night gown, then pull the stockings and suspenders up my long legs. I glance at myself in the mirror and blush. The nightgown dips low in the front – the only thing stopping my sensitive nipples from being exposed are thin straps that go over my shoulders. It clings to my breasts, then flows loosely over my waist and hips. It’s very short… My pussy is only just covered and my ass peeks out from behind. I bite my lip and put the cat ears on, firmly resolving not to make a single sound that would betray any pleasure or pain I felt. Lastly, I put the collar on. The thin strip of leather hugs my neck tightly, not quite biting into my skin but not comfortable either. I take a deep breath and walk out of the bathroom.

“Ah Ms. Kitty! I hope you had a nice relaxing bath”, the Mistress says as I walk in. I blush and lower my gaze as her eyes travel up and down my body.

“My, my you’re a ravishing little kitty aren’t you”

She snaps her finger and another pet of hers steps forward, a long strip of leather with a hook in hand. Before I realise it is a leash, he hooks it into my collar, then kneels reverently before the Mistress, offering her the other end. She takes it and tugs on it gently.

“Here kitty, kitty,” she says playfully. Thoroughly embarrassed, I take my first step toward her.


I pause mid step and look up at her, confused.

“No. On your knees, pet. Crawl. ”

I look at her, shocked. The colour rose in my cheeks.*God please no.*

“Come on now. On your hands and knees like a good kitty”, she snaps impatiently. “Learn your place.”

I bite my lip and crouch obediently, and slowly crawl toward her. I’d rather obey her than face the consequences of disobeying. I shudder at the thought of spending another night bound and writhing with the Mistress’s dragon tamer inside me.

“Stop”, she says suddenly. I freeze and glance up at her, confused. I haven’t quite reached her yet. She nods at her other pets. “Show her how it’s done”.

All the pets in the room assume a posture – kneeling with their palms pressed to their thighs and eyes fixed on the floor. Their backs are arched a bit, and their chests thrust forward.

I look confused. “Copy them – now” she demands tapping me with her riding crop on the shoulder.

“Arch your back a bit more. Yes, perfect. Remember this position. Everytime I call for you, I expect to find you in this position. Understood? ”

I nod silently. I glance up at her through my lashes. To my relief, she looks quite pleased. I lower my gaze once again before she notices.


Her eyes fixed on me, she bends reaching down to cup my large breasts. She gently strokes and squeezes at the soft flesh, her thumbs moving in slow circles over my sensitive nipples, which immediately jump to attention. I arch into her touch despite myself, pushing my breasts into her palms. I bite back a moan and squeeze my eyes shut, silently cursing at my body for reacting as it did.

She leans close to my ear and whispers “You are such a slut. We are gonna have so much fun with this body”.

She withdraws and sits back, silent. Her hungry gaze doesn’t leave me, not even for a second, but I don’t dare to move or look up. I feel myself blush, knowing its true – part of me is enjoying this,

“Good kitty. Okay, on your hands and knees again. The rest of you pets, get out of my sight.”

The pets quietly thank the Mistress and hurry away, closing the door silently behind them.

“What are you waiting for?”

I flush and hastily get back on my hands and knees, keeping my gaze lowered.

“Arch your back more.”

I do, and feel the short skirt ride up, exposing my ass and pussy. I blush, grateful that there was no one behind me anymore.

“Perfect. Now look up at me.”

I look up and gasp as I find myself staring at the dark lens of a camera. I quickly look away, hiding my face with my hair. She tugs sharply at the leash.

“I said ‘look up’. Good. Don’t look so upset! It isn’t my fault you tried to run… Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You look gorgeous like that kitty… I was hoping you would smile but that gloomy look is better”

The eye of the camera explores my body as she stands and walks around me, taking pictures as she pleases. I can’t help but wonder how many pictures she took without me realising it last night. I fight the urge to reach behind and cover myself as she makes her way behind me.

“Move your knees wide apart” she demands. I comply, my face burning red as I submit. My ass and pussy are completely exposed. I hold my position and my neutral expression. Despite myself I feel the heat rushing to my lower lips. I just want this to end before my body’s arousal is too obvious.

“Good kitty,” she says, playfully patting me on the ass before returning to the bed and taking a seat. She tugs at my leash and I crawl toward her again. I stop at the foot of the bed.

“Climb on! Come now!”, she says, impatiently, tugging at my leash. I climb onto the bed and crawl toward her.

“Mmmm. Good kitty”, she says, gently pushing my hair out of my face. I blush, oddly pleased. She pats her lap. I simply look at her, confused. She tugs hard on the leash. With a cry of surprise, I fall forward, landing in her lap. Before I can recover, she holds me there firmly with an arm. I can feel her slim thighs pressing into my stomach, my ass is up in the air. I could feel the cool air against my exposed cheeks. I had never felt so vulnerable. I could feel the Mistress’s hungry eyes on me, as she gently caressed my ass.

“You have a lovely ass Ms Kitty,” she murmured softly, gently squeezing my ass cheek. “Nice and round, soft yet firm. Just the perfect size. And that little pussy peeking out from between these lovely cheeks… Quite the sight, let me tell you.”

She began to stroke and fondle my ass. Her hand roved continually over my skin. Pressing, probing, rubbing, stroking, grabbing, petting, always gently, yet firmly; her fingers were everywhere on my ass. Despite my resolution I gasped and jumped as they probed between my cheeks. She chuckled softly and withdrew her fingers, returning to massaging my plump cheeks instead. I wanted to resist. Her touch was gentle. Soothing even. At first, my body was tense and nervous, but soon it relaxed and opened to her touch, almost against my will.

Her gentle fingers made their way up to my lower back and down to my thighs, kneading my aching muscles. My body was too tired to resist, and soon I closed my eyes and melted under her touch, relaxing completely. So completely, that I didn’t even move as she slowly probed between my cheeks again. Her long fingers slid slowly downward, finding the lips of my pussy, opening them. It wasn’t long before my traitorous body was betraying the pleasure I felt, coating her fingers in my arousal.

“Good girl”, she whispered. I blushed at the compliment, despite myself.

Then her fingers slid up again. I gasped as she began to slowly circle my asshole with her wet finger. I really wanted to resist now. This couldn’t be happening. My hands fisted in the sheets, I clenched as she pressed into my asshole. It was well lubed with my arousal and her finger slid in too easily. My body opening to her, drawing a whimper of pleasure from me. She began to thrust in and out at a torturously slow pace, making me whine.

“You like that too I see.” She giggled and withdrew her finger, leaving me all hot and bothered, panting for more, my back arched almost involuntarily, pressing my ass into her palm.


I cry out and jump in surprise as I feel the Mistress’s hand slap my right cheek. It didn’t quite hurt, but took me by surprise. Oh no… Is she going to… spank me?


A second spank confirmed my suspicions. I flushed with embarrassment. Her spanks didn’t hurt, but being held over someone’s knee and spanked like a small child who’d done something wrong? It definitely hurt my pride. I bit my lip, vowing not to cry out or move again. That would just be giving her what she wanted. The Mistress continued to spank me, her hand rising and falling, seemingly as tireless as a machine. Despite my vow, her hand drew yelps of surprise from me. There was no pattern or rhythm she followed. She always took me by surprise, lulling me into a false sense of security by returning to kneading and managing my ass and spanking me when and where I’d least expect it. Sometimes it was one single spank between my cheeks, sometimes it was a series of smacks delivered in quick succession to both cheeks separately.

It was maddening. It also, after a while, began to really hurt. At first the spanks were humiliating but not very painful. I had been hurt a lot worse. Now though, the spanks were starting to really sting. My cries of surprise very soon morphed into cries of pain. I held out as long as I could, but was soon begging her to stop with tear filled eyes.

Surprisingly, she did. She began to gently rub my aching, definitely hot and red skin, even gently kissing it with cool lips. Just when I’d begun to relax, she started again. This time, however, it was different. Her hand delivered more gentle slaps, and they were mainly focused between my cheeks. They were well spaced out by sessions of rubbing and kneading, and rhythmic and predictable.

To my surprise, I began to feel something strange. It started deep down inside of me. At first it was a small sensation, but as she continued it began to grow. It wasn’t long before I recognized what the feelings were. I was horrified. I tried to fight them but they were too strong. My body was moving me to orgasm. Sweat began to bead on my forehead as I tried to stop the onrush of emotions. I felt myself starting to let go. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, trying to keep from voicing my need for release. I began to shake all over with the effort. The Mistress saw this and chuckled.

“Don’t fight it darling. You know you want more. Just give in… Enjoy it. No one here’s going to judge.”

With that, she pushed my legs apart, then she delivered a series of stinging slaps to my pussy, followed by some rubbing of my warm, wet, slit. She alternated between the two, spanking and rubbing, her fingers dancing over my clit.

It was just too much for me. I began to cum. The Mistress didn’t stop, spanking and rubbing me throughout the first wave of orgasm, prolonging it. Her fingers, coated in my juices, slid easily inside me, one in my pussy, and another in my tight asshole. I couldn’t help but cry out loudly and moan as she began to move them, simultaneously in both holes, slowly at first, then rapidly, bringing me to another explosive orgasm. My body shivered and shook as I finally gave in to the pleasure, my back arching, pushing her fingers in deeper. Milking her fingers as long as I could. She withdrew her fingers as I came down, instead stroking my hair gently and pushing it out of my face as I lay in her lap, panting.

I was a prisoner of her sexual torture, though it felt less like torture with every second, I had enjoyed surrendering my body to her. When she finally released me, letting me roll off of her lap and lie there panting and flushed, she simply looked at me and smiled, as though she was admiring her handiwork. I must have put on quite a show. As my heavy lids closed over my tired eyes, I couldn’t help but notice that the Mistress too was left flushed and breathless.
