Short and failed sexual experiment [FM]

For all those that haven’t read my previous experiences I’ll give some brief background information. I got back into modelling and sometimes I also work as sort of a waitress/hostess at a very upmarket private swingers club, occasionally getting hired by some smaller ones out of town. There are a few of us and we always work together. One guy I will call Jay I ended up having sex with because at the spur of the moment I agreed to do a sex show with him at an out-of-town club (read all about it in a previous post). I don’t do sex shows, this is not my job, and was a one off, I just serve drinks, greet guests, etc. When we work together out of town, we sometimes hook up. I am married, and my husband knows that I sometimes work at clubs, but doesn’t know what they are, and doesn’t know what happened with Jay.

When I work at the main club, at least one part of my body, if not all of it is exposed depending on the theme. A popular costume is a masquerade mask, waistcoat, bow tie and completely naked below the waistcoat, apart from the amazing Jimmy Choo diamante high heels they gave me. To be honest, when doing some normal modelling work, I have to get naked in front of people when changing, so it’s not a big deal, and far easier to do with a mask on.

Anyway, I recently had an “experience” with Jay, and looking back on it, it was funny as hell, but not so much at the time.

I was asked to do another out of town job and they put me and Jay in a shared hotel room (separate beds). We were both going to shower when we got there to freshen up, but before that we sort of playfully teased each other as we were getting naked by throwing clothes at each other, etc. He then said that he needed to go to the toilet, and being in a playful mood I ran into the bathroom and sat on the toilet to stop him going. He then followed me in and asked me to be quick, but playfully I teased him by saying nothing had come out yet so I wasn’t finished. He knew I was messing around, so he stood in front of me holding his dick pointing down and said that I better hurry up. Laughing, I leaned back, opened my legs and said “look, still nothing, you’ll have to wait”. As my legs were open he got one up on me, and to my surprise, he started to pee between them into the toilet. I was shocked and looked at him as he smiled back and said that he did warn me. I then pushed and started to pee as well.

Let me pause for a second and explain something. Sometimes you do things on the spur of the moment, maybe thinking they are a good idea, or thinking maybe what’s the harm, it’s worth a try. I think I have a bad habit of doing this, like previously agreeing to do the sex show, however this was a good idea because I loved it, so spur of the moment is full of good surprises, or so I thought…

On with the story. As he was peeing, I decided for some reason maybe I should move forward and let him pee on my pussy. I’ve had a guy pee on me before, but it was sort of lightly on my stomach during an embrace (in a previous post), so on my pussy wasn’t that bad, and I was about to have a shower. He then decided to aim a bit higher onto my stomach. Again, I didn’t mind as I’ve done this before, and thought it was quite exciting in a naughty way. He then moved up more and started to do it over my tits. Now I’ve never gone that far before, and surprisingly it didn’t bother me, so I let him do it. I thought to myself that so far it wasn’t bad and I wasn’t grossed out or anything, and then for some dumb reason, I have no idea why, I decided to lean forward and let his pee go into my mouth. Big mistake! Instantly I gagged, quickly got up and pushed him out of the way to get to the sink to throw up, which I did with a vengeance.

As I was getting up, I was still peeing so it went all over the bathroom floor, and of course he didn’t stop either. As I pushed Jay out of the way to get to the sink, he slipped on the wet floor and went flying with legs flying, but it wasn’t comedy that I appreciated as I was too busy throwing up the contents of my stomach and his bladder into the sink, all the while he was on the floor slipping and apologising profusely.

I sort of recovered and he suggested that I take a shower as he wiped the floor up with a towel, which we had to wash out in the shower. I took a shower alone while he waited outside the bathroom and then he had one after me because the mood was definitely not right to have one together. Needless to say, we didn’t have sex. Something amazing happened at the club that night that I will post about next time. However, by the time we got back that evening from working, we were both really tired and went to sleep in our separate beds.

In the morning I woke up early to go to the toilet and when I got back into the room, I pulled back his bed sheets and woke him up with a blowjob, which was followed by me straddling him, then slowly putting his now hard dick inside me, fucking it until he came. I wanted to do it as I really didn’t want him to feel awkward about what happened and needed to break the ice.

Again, what happened at the club that night was mind blowing, and I will post it when I get the chance.

Sorry this wasn’t as erotic as the other posts, but I think it was a funny story, and who else can I tell but all of you?
