I Know That You Guys Probably Heat This Kind Of Thing All The Fuckin’ Time, But This Particular Erotic Literature That I Authored, Really Does Happen To Be A 100% Non-financial Account Of Events That Actually Took Place In Real Life

This is part of one of my many anecdotal autobiographical ranting monologues I have written.The sad part about this, is that it is absolutely positively 100% true . . .

The first video on the top of this is ALexander Sveltina’s compassionate educational Youtube video, where he bravely exposes his big beautiful junk to the world, while teaching his audience how to perform a testicular self-examination, in order to screen for any kind of lumps, ridges, lesions, or anything out of the ordinary, that could possibly be cancerous, while giving the viewer the opportunity to search for malignancies, while doing the exam, and within the privacy if their very own home. Without unnecessarily having to go to the doctors office, where they could be put in the unfortunate uncomfortable position, where they have to have a male doctor fondle their balls.

Unless your PCP happens to be a woman—or if you’re really lucky, a young and attractive woman—then undergoing such an intimate experience that necessitates a doctor to carefully, and methodically explore your junk with their hands, wouldn’t be so bad of an experience at all.

Even if you happened to pop a goddamn boner while it was taking place, you need not fret, because it happens to the best of us, and medical workers are trained to act professional, and overlook the obvious fact that you have become sexually aroused by the circumstance.

I had it happen to me recently, when 3 female medical workers were examining my junk, and assessing what needed to be done, because I had happened to acquire a small laceration on my cock from shaving that got infected, and needed to be treated with antibiotics.

Anyway, I found it to be a really erotic and sexually exciting event, and my penis immediately began grow, and pulsate.

I was fighting against getting an erection with all my might and to keep it from beginning to slowly increase in size until the point where it would be sticking straight up and out to the side,
but then i realized that these types of scenarios don’t happen to guys like me very often, so I had decided that this was a perfect opportunity to soak up as much future masterbation material as i could, and to enjoy every second of it, because even though they seemed to be taking their time to thoroughly explore each and every part of my penis, so they could give it the most accurate evaluation as humanly possible, those joyous moments were fleeting and soon to expire.

After the exam took place, and while i was tucking away my stiff boner, I pulled up my pants. A few moments later, I was told that i was going to have to have sonogram performed on my penis by a radiologist.

It was so the doctor could be able to get a thorough look at the inside structure of my shaft, but low & behold, this drop dead gorgeous blonde female radiologist came to get me, and lead me to the radiology department, where she had me wait.

And after a while, as I awaited to get the sonogram, i became overwrought with an intense nervousness, and an apprehensive anxiety about what was about to happen.

I had some inclination as to what was going to be happening, because I had seen on TV how radiologists performed sonograms on pregnant women, so my cock began to pulsate at the thought of this beautiful woman rubbing warm jelly up & down along the shaft of my penis with her gloved fingers, and then softly rubbing it with a sonar wand, in circles along my penis, which would feel good, and no doubt, cause blood to flow to my cock, blowing it up, as it began to pulsate, and become a full erection.

By then I had almost started to cry realizing what an embarrassing experience was about to take place.

As I looked at her face, I noticed it had a serious look on it, but was still incredibly gorgeous, and really studying my dick thoroughly, then she commenced to begin every single activity that I had previously apprehended was going to happen, as she began to squeeze the warm lube dripping it slowly along the head and shaft of my cock that happened to be lying down limply to the right, but it was in an unusually large state where you could easily see it’s big bulging veins located along the right side if it, and i was proud of the way it must have looked to her, then she began to gently brush the warm lubricant along the surface of my entire shaft, but when she got to softly rubbing it on and into the extremely sensitive bunched up soft skin just below the bottom rim of the glans and under the super sensitive frenulum, and felt a really strong pleasurable feeling and realized that at that particular point of the procedure i was going to lose any control over being able to keep it flaccid, so i flinched back in a slight recoil. That’s when she asked me if I was experiencing any pain, and somehow managed to respond by telling her that i wasn’t. So she just continued rubbing it along my cock even though at that point it had become completely obvious that i had been experiencing sexual pleasure, and had become fully aroused, when all of a sudden I started to feel this powerful tingling sensation envelope my entire body. My cock which was pulsating by then, began bouncing up and down with an overwhelming sense of pleasure taking over, when all of a sudden my penis became extremely sensitive to the touch, and that feeling of intense pleasure got stronger .. and stronger .. and stronger .. until I knew that i was not going to be able to prevent myself from blowing a huge fucking load!

I began to cry out “ohhhhhh noooo!” and “ohhhh myyyyyhhhh, goooooooddddd!”, and Jesus it felt so fucking good! I doubt that i had ever experienced more of an intense orgasm in my entire life, and it started to happen.

First, this hot thick white surge of cum began to ooze out the tip of my cock profusely, as it ran down the back of the head in what looked like white lava pouring out, and right before a giant spurt of cum shot up and out, and on to her knee which was covered by blue scrub pants.

She pulled away the wand fast as a terrified expression took over her face. She attempted to use her gloved hand to block the next huge powerful spurt that shot up into the air and fell back down in my pubes.

It was such an intense pleasurable feeling that without trying to, I began to constrict the muscle by the base of my throbbing cock to make it bounce every time I clenched them, which seemed to increase both the surging jolts of ecstatic pleasure, and the power behind the warm spurts of jizz that was shooting out and all over the place, like a volcanic eruption.

I must have skeeted 6 or 7 big-ass spurts of cum that evening, and the lady doctor saw every one of them.

And though she acted like a complete professional about what had happened, i could not look her in the eyes from that moment on, and she handed me a hand towel to clean up the mess.

Now . . . If you already happen to be using a computer or device when you follow this link below, and you also happen to be logged into your Google account on it and are at the very least 18 years of age, then there should be no problem whatsoever in viewing this video. Otherwise it will require you to log in. I can’t flippin’ believe that I actually manipulated the content of this video enough so that it could be considered to be an educational health video and not get censored for being the smut that is is. Well actually it is satirical art, but will never be appreciated as such, so go ahead watch the video. You should also get a tickle out of knowing that the I captured the footage on the video myself during a visit to my primary care physicians office during a physical. I used a digital HD hidden watch cam. FYI despite what you’re probably assuming, and since the subject being recorded is of myself and not that of an unwitting stranger, it does not violate Michigan’s HPPA rights protection act that prevents medical records from being obtained by the public or any other business entity, so it is 100% kosher . . .

Ain’t it great?

Here it is below:

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p72csd/i_know_that_you_guys_probably_heat_this_kind_of