I [40F] Had Sex With My Brother-In-Law’s Divorced Brother In His Hotel Room [M32] . [FM]

[Scroll down to *** if you want to skip to sexy times]

My sister “Josie” and her husband “Michael” were having a bunch of people over to their house for a pool party to celebrate Josie’s birthday, and they invited me.

“It’s just going to be people from the neighborhood, some family, and a few friends.” Josie told me.

She’s my sister, so of course I was going.

“Don’t forget to bring a swim suit!” Josie said.

During the week, I bought a new bikini that flattered my form, and even got a Brazilian wax afterward. It’s been a while since I’ve been swimming in anything but a one piece.

By the time that I got to the party, it was already in full swing. Michael and Josie were already pleasantly buzzed, and the rest of the party was closing in fast.

My sister, Josie, who is gorgeous by the way, was wearing a bright pink bikini. When she saw me, she gave me a big hug.

She introduced me to a lot of people before introducing me to Michael’s brother “Morgan.”

Morgan looked a lot like Michael actually, except a little shorter, had reddish hair, and was a little skinnier.

“Morgan, this is Lea, my sister.” Josie said, as she introduced us.

“A pleasure.” Morgan said, nonchalantly, as if the cleavage spilling out of my top wasn’t drawing stares from every eligible bachelor in the house (and even some ineligible ones ;)). The small talk with him was nothing special and he kept commenting how hungry he was. I hadn’t met Morgan at my sisters wedding because he was on a church mission trip.

“Boy, isn’t he a strange one?” I joked with Josie after she rescued me.

“Haha, yeah, we’ll I think he feels a bit out of place. He’s a Mormon, and doesn’t drink. He’s actually been through a bit of a rough patch—he walked in on his wife riding another man, and has since gone through a pretty messy divorce. Anyway, Listen, you used to be a bartender, could you help me with some drinks?” Josie asked.

“That was decades ago but Yeah, Sure, why?” I responded.

“Well, I’m a little too buzzed to really make anything right now, and I’ve got to take care of something else. Would you mind?” She asked. “The drinks and cups are at the counter.”

“Not a problem. As long as I get to drink them, too.” I joked.

“Deal.” And with that, she was gone.

I made my way over to the kitchen.

I started taking drink orders as they came in, and sipped on a margarita on occasion as well.

I was starting to get a little tired of working at a party when Morgan walked up.

“Ugh. Food still isn’t ready, I can’t find Mike and Josie anywhere, and I’m starving.” He said.

“Ummm, would you like a drink while you wait?” I asked. “Josie said she needed to take care of something, and asked me to run the drinks.”

“I don’t drink alcohol.” Then we talked about his religion—he was kind of in between I guess given his present circumstances. He had converted to being a Mormon to be with his wife, apparently, and had even gone on a two year church mission trip before they got married, but wasn’t sure he wanted to stay in the Church after he caught her cheating. It was a lot. Anyway, The conversation got ultra awkward again, and he walked away.

A couple of minutes later, Morgan came back to the grill, red-faced. “Well, I found out what Josie is taking care of’,” he declared.

“OK.” I answered. “Would you like to share with the class?”

“She’s taking care of Mike!” He said. “They’re having … sex … in their bedroom right now. I went looking for them ,and I could hear them through the door!!” “So gross!”

“Well good for them” I said, offering him a beer. “You must have been listening to them for a while. You were gone for a minute. It must not have been all that bad.” I teased. “Ready for that drink?”

With that, he looked at me with horror, and just walked away, but not before taking the beer with him.

After a little while, Michael and Josie reappeared, and Josie came up to me and thanked me for filling in.

“Hey, it was my pleasure.” I told her. “Besides, apparently, I wasn’t the only one doing some *filling in*.”

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Morgan went looking for you, and heard you and Mike doing the mattress dance through the door.” I told her.

“Oh, geez. That’s embarrassing.” She said.

I just laughed.

“Has he always been this uptight?” I asked him.

“He’s always been uptight, and holier-than-thou, but ever since he caught his wife sleeping around, he’s been even worse.”

As the night progressed, people started to gravitate towards the pool. I was pool side, after getting another drink, when Morgan appeared.

“Hey there, hot stuff. Come for another beer?” I asked him with a wink.

“Oh, sure. I bet that’s your answer to everything, isn’t it? Drink yourself into a stupor, and everything will be fine!”

“Have you always been this much of an asshole?” I asked. “If you don’t want to drink, fine. But stop preaching about it all the time.”

He looked at me, and finally said “OK, fine, give me a drink.” He told me.

I got him another beer, hoping that he would have no tolerance, get drunk, and pass out so that the rest of us could have a good time.

I was finally able to change into my skimpy purple bikini and start relaxing in the pool, talking to some other partygoers.

On my way back into the house, Josie came up to me and said “I don’t know what you said, or how you did it, but Mike and I are kind of impressed. Mike and I have never seen Morgan drink. We’re completely amazed.” I think it had a lot more to do with his wife fucking other men than me, but I took the compliment for what it was.

At that point, Morgan walked up wearing his swim trunks.

As the party progressed, and the people thinned out, Morgan and I actually had a nice conversation. I apologized for calling him an asshole, and he apologized for being one. It all blew over.

I told him about my faith, about my family, and about my late husband. He talked about his divorce and his kids and how he was living out of a hotel while his wife got basically everything. I felt bad for him, and strangely enough, I even started to find myself attracted to him.

Around midnight, I noticed that we were the only people left in the pool, and there were two couples on the pool deck getting quite amorous.

I noticed that Morgan was watching them, and he let out a drunken sigh.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing. I just miss that kind of thing, that’s all. It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone be like that with me.” He told me.

“Aw, little Morgie is a romantic!” I flirted. I wasn’t even tipsy—I knew I would have to drive home. “Seriously though, your ex is an idiot, if my opinion means anything.” I told him.

“Thanks,” he said, then getting out of the pool and walking inside to dry off.

I stayed in the pool after Morgan got out, and Mike and Josie both walked up.

“Can I ask you a BIG favor?” Josie asked.

“Ask away, birthday girl” I teased.

“Can you drive Morgan back to his hotel? Since he doesn’t drink normally, Mike and I took his keys, but we don’t want him to spend the night here, if you know what I mean?” Josie said, giggling.

I knew what she meant.

“No problem. Let me dry off, and I’ll get going.”

After convincing Morgan to let me drive him home, not something he was used to (Even though his keys had already been confiscated.) we climbed in the car and started the drive to his hotel.

When we got to his place, I noticed him acting weird, and asked what was wrong.

“It’s nothing.” He said.

“No, tell me.” I told him.

“Well, I was wondering if you want to come inside?” He blurted.

“Why not?” I thought. “It’s been a couple of weeks and mama could use a mattress dance of her own.” Is it messed up that I didn’t even care that he was my brother in law’s brother?

I giggled. “I’d love to.”

The look on his face.

As I parked and made to get out of the car, I noticed Morgan staring at my bikini clad body. I hadn’t bothered to get dressed again before leaving my sisters house. I gave him a nicer view of my cleavage as I bent down to pick up some my cover off of the car floor. I noticed him looking again this time catching his eye, and smiled at him. I parked the car, put my cover on and walked in the hotel with him.

When we got in, I asked if he wanted me to take my cover off again.

“Yes, Please!?” He asked. There was no mistaking what was going to happen.

As we sat in his living room talking, the conversation became more personal.

“I just don’t understand what happened.” He said to me about his marriage. “It’s not like I’m THAT repulsive.”

“You are not repulsive.” I told him. “But hey, You’re single now. You can get back at her by living it up.”

“Haha, you’re really nice.” He said. I slid over, and gave him a tight hug.

Holding him felt nice, and his hands started to slide across my back while we were hugging.

“Mmm, that feels nice.” I said, as I squirmed in closer. “Hold me tighter, and don’t stop.”

He suddenly stood up, and told me that he couldn’t do this.

“Oh, OK, I guess I just wasn’t reading this right!”

“Are you nuts?” He asked. “The fact is that we’ve been drinking, which I’ve been taught for the last two decades is a sin, and that is exactly why I can’t do it. Not to mention I’m not supposed to have pre-marital sex. You are gorgeous, and I would jump at the chance to take you to bed if we were married, but I don’t want to regret it in the morning.”

I looked him square in the eyes.

“I want to have you. I promise you, we won’t regret anything.”

With that I walked up to him, stood him up, and wrapped my arms around him and gave him the biggest, most seductive kiss that I could, feeling his hands slide up and down my back, and glide over my ass.

After a couple of minutes, while his hands were gently squeezing my ass- cheeks, I pulled my head away from his, and said “we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“Screw that, I’m taking you to my room, NOW.”


He told me to hold on to his neck, and bent down, and picked me up in his arms, and carried me to his room.

When we got to his room he gently laid me down on the bed. He got on top of me, and started to kiss me more passionately, with his hands now covering my front as well as my back. When he got to my breasts, I gasped, and then I put my hand over his, and held it there.

I started to squeeze his bulgr a little more firmly, and I started to roam my free hand over his body, getting closer and closer to his cock. His fingers slid underneath one of the cups of my bikini top, and lightly grazed my nipple, which almost immediately stiffened. When he did that, I gasped, and pulled him in tighter and kissed him.

He pulled his fingers out of my top, and reached up to untie it.

“I want you to suck on my tits.” I said.

He bent down to kiss one of my nipples, obediently.

“Ohhhh!” Was my only response, as he slid his tongue over my closest nipple, and licked it softly and gently. I immediately reached up and pulled his head in tighter to my tit.

“Oh, my, that feels nice.” I whispered, as He lightly clamped his lips over my nipple and started to suck on it.

He then switched sides, and licked and sucked on my other nipple, while he played with the one he just left, massaging in the wetness that his tongue left behind.

As he was working on the second nipple, he started to slide his hand down over my belly, and down to my bikini covered crotch. They were soaked, and not just from the pool.

He started to suck a little more firmly on my nipple, still teasing the other one, as he cupped my crotch and gave it a firm, light squeeze. When he did that, I gave a little yelp, and pushed up against his hand.

He let go of my nipple, moved back up to my face, and gave me a deep kiss as He stroked my still covered pussy. That caused me to really start kissing back hard, wrapping my hands around his head and pulling him in tight.

That was the point where he started to slide his fingers under the gusset of the bikini bottom, and stroke my lower lips. When he got to the wetness, and slid his finger lightly over my clit, I pulled my head back, and gasped loudly.

“Oh my goodness!” I said loudly, as he started to work his face back down my chest and belly, his fingers still playing in my wet lips.

As he got past my belly button to the top of my bikini bottom, he pulled his fingers out, and l let out a moan, which was quickly replaced by an “Oh, yes!” as he started to pull the bottoms off.

After he pulled the bottoms off over my feet, he started to kiss his way back up the insides of my legs. I let my legs fall widely apart as he worked his way back up, and when he got to my crotch, he bent down to take his first taste of my juices, and I grabbed his head and pushed it into my tortured cunt.

“I want you to taste me, lover.”

“What do you think I’m doing? I want to taste you too. My ex-wife never let me do this. She said it was too dirty.” He told me.

“You mean that in all the years you were together, you NEVER kissed, never tasted, your wife’s pussy?”

He hung his head and said, “No. I’ve never kissed her there. I told you, she said that oral sex was dirty.”

“Well, that’s her loss.” I told him. “Now eat me.”

I had to guide him a little, but with some direction, he was actually very good with his mouth. He went down to the bottom of my slit, stuck his tongue out and slowly and gently licked his way up my pussy, sticking his tongue into my wet hole a little, and working his way up towards my clit.

When he got to my clit, my breathing was becoming heavier, and he pulled back slightly, used his fingers to open my lips up, and gently blew on my clit. This made me gasp, and my body stiffened as I grabbed on to the sheets.

He stuck his tongue out, and lightly licked up one side of my clit, and then up the other side, intentionally avoiding the little nub of my clit. I started to move my hips around, so he started to give me light, quick little licks at the very tip of my clit.

“Oh my god!” I yelled, as he got just the tip of his tongue going onto just the tip of my clit.

Then he started to lick up and down the entire body of my clit, going from one side to the other. That started to make me shake, and my hips were moving even more.

I was starting to think that I was going to hyper-ventilate. He slowed down a little, and I told him “fuck me with your finger.” He placed his pointer finger at my opening and slid it in, and resumed his vigorous licking.

That really got me going, and he started to stroke the top of my pussy as he clamped down on my clit, and sucked on it.

“Oh my god! Fuck yes!! Don’t stop!!!” I yelled.

I continued to grind my pelvis against Morgan’s face and gasped. “I’m gonna cum for you. I’m gonna cum on your face. Don’t stop!”

I pulled his head in more and screamed loudly, and my body started to shake.

“Oh my god, I’m cumming!!!!”

As I started to come back down, Morgan slowly worked his way back up my body, giving my clit one last, quick lick, and kissed and licked my nipples, and straightened up, wiping my juices from his face, and started to lick his fingers.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. I can’t believe that I’ve gone my entire life, and never licked a pussy to orgasm!”

“So what else haven’t you done?” I asked.

“What else is there? All she ever did was turn out the lights, I would get on top of her, and … do it.” He told me.

“Well, why don’t I finish undressing you?” I asked, and l got up, knelt between his legs, and started to work his shorts down his legs, leaving his magic Mormon underwear on. He called them garments.

When I got his shorts off, and came back up to his underwear, I saw the tent that had formed, and took it in my hand.

“This is my doing, isn’t it?” I asked.

He nodded.

I softly squeezed his still covered, hard cock.

When I felt his hard thickness, I gave a little whimper, and then bent down and pulled his underwear off, almost getting hit in the face when his cock sprang up. It was rather average, but raring to go. Besides average was exactly what I needed at that moment.

“Oh, my.” I said, looking at his cock. “That’s SUCH a big cock!” I wanted him to feel confident. It really was just normal size, but the head was very large, and I could tell it was going to feel quite nice once it started fucking me.

I started to squeeze it, and lightly stroked it.

“I’m going to make you feel the way you made me feel.” I said. “Did your ex ever suck your cock?”

“Only once, after begging her for a blowjob for years, and she couldn’t even do it for two minutes before complaining that her jaw hurt and we went back to regular missionary sex after that. Though she didn’t seem to mind sucking off Brother Jones.”

“Do you want me do that?” I asked


“Yes you want me to do what?”

“I want you to put my . . . penis . . . in your mouth. I don’t know how long I will last though. You’re so beautiful.”

“Ok, first thing, it’s a penis when it’s soft, or when you’re talking to your kids about the birds and the bees. What is it when you’ve made it hard, and it’s in your hand, and when you want the hot naked woman on your knees in front of you to put it in her mouth?”

“I can’t say that.” He said.

“Yes you can” I told him. “Say it. Say the word. I know you can. You know you want to. Do it.”

He swallowed deeply, and said “Cock. I want you to put my cock in your mouth.” He said softly.

“That’s good” I told him. “What do you want me to do once your cock is in my mouth?”

“I want you to … suck it?”

“You want me to do what, to what?”

“I want you to suck my cock. I want you to SUCK my COCK.” He said firmly.

“Mmm. That’s better.” I told him

I moaned, bent down, stuck my tongue out, and licked up one side, and down the other. I did that for a couple of minutes as I watched him squirm. Then I opened my mouth, and placed it over his cock, and slid my lips down.

I love sucking cock, but I was determined to make this the best blowjob Morgan would ever get for the rest of his life.

“Oh, yes, that’s nice.” He told me, encouraging me onward.

I had no trouble deepthroating him, which he thanked me for with every bob of my head. And I kept sucking and licking his cock.

After a few minutes, I pulled back, and asked “Does it feel good, lover? Do you like getting your cock sucked?”

“Oh, yeah. That feels great.” He told me.

“I’m surprised you haven’t cum yet.” I said.

“It’s taken every bit of my willpower not to.”

I smiled, a little impressed by his stamina.

“I bet you’ve never had a woman on top, either, have you?” I asked.

“No. I was always on top.” He answered.

I then stood up and knelt over him until I was straddling his cock, and lined it up at my wet opening. My birth control is active now, and he explained that he got himself tested after he caught his wife and he was clean. So we went raw, which is my preference.

“I can’t wait to sit on this cock.” I told him.

“Ohhhhhhh.” He replied, as I took a hold of his hard cock, now wet with my saliva, and sat down over it.

“Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyy goddddddddddd.” I moaned in unison with him, as l lowered myself over him completely, burying him deep inside my pussy.

“Oh my god, I’ve never felt like this.” He said, as I started to wiggle my hips a little, getting used to the shape of his cock.

As I was riding him, he reached up and gently tweaked my nipples, and I shuddered a little. I started to ride faster and harder, leaning over him.

As I was leaning on top of him, he reached up, placed one hand on my back, one on my ass, held firm, and started to fuck me hard.

“Oh, yes! That’s it. Take control! Fuck my pussy!!!” I cried out. “Oh yes, keep doing that. That feels sooo fuckinggg gooood!”

I soon collapsed on to his chest, and he then rolled us over so that l was on my back, took my legs and placed them over his shoulders, and started to piston in and out of my used kitty. I was so freaking wet that you could hear my juices sloshing around as he was sliding in and out of me.

“Do you hear that?” I asked him. “Do you hear how wet I am?”

“I can feel it.” He cried. “Can you feel how insanely hard I am?”

“Oh, yes, it feels so good.” I encouraged.

After a couple of minutes like this, I decided that it was time for something else, so I rolled onto my stomach and had him straddle my legs, and slide back into me from behind, burying himself all the way in.

“Oh, yes!” I cried. “This is my favorite position. Do you like it?!?”

“Oh, yes! That feels so good!”

In that position, Morgan was able to pull all the way out, and then slide all the way back in, so he did just that for a couple of minutes. Then he started going faster and harder. That made me go nuts.

“You like that, don’t you?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. I love it!”

“Then don’t fucking stop! Do it. Fuck me. Make me feel like a whore! FUCK ME!” I yelled.

“You like that? You want to be fucked like a whore? You want to feel like a tramp, a SLUT?” He asked me, which surprised me, since I had to coerce him to ask me to suck his cock. Now he was spouting off profanities and degrading me, which I loved hearing from my mormon lover.

“Oh yeah. Make me a slut. I want to be a slut. Fuck me like you always wished you could fuck your ex wife!” I cried out, as I was slamming my hips back up at him.

“Stick your thumb in my ass, while you fuck me, lover.”

He didn’t even hesitate. Gone was the choir boy I had met hours earlier. He wet his thumb with my juices and placed it at my tight asshole. He rubbed his thumb all over my tight little hole, as he slowed down his fucking and buried himself deep.

“Mmm. Yes.” I responded as his thumb started putting pressure on my backdoor.

He pushed his thumb in to my ass, and moaned as it disappeared inside of me. I looked back at him. “You like that? Fucking me with your cock and your thumb?”

“OHH, yeahh! You’re such a dirty little slut!” He said.

He started to fuck me with his thumb, and I was moving my hips back as far as I could, with his cock still deep in my pussy.

“That feels good!” He cried out. “You’re such a slut! I love what you’re doing to my cock! Take it!!!”

“Do you REALLY want me to be a dirty slut?” I moaned into the air.

“Oh, yeah. I want you to be a real dirty slut.”

“Then put your cock in my ass.”

“Oh fuck!” He pulled out his cock from my absolutely soaked pussy, regained his composure, then started to line up his rod on my asshole.

I started to wiggle my ass around as he was doing that, and he put the head of his cock at my butthole, and slowly started to push it in past the sphincter.

“OH MY GOD!!! Fuck YES!” I yelled as I felt him pop in.

“I can’t believe I’m fucking you there.” He told me, and pushed in a little more.

“Fucking me where?” I asked, as he pushed in a little more. He was almost half way in.

“Oh, god! Fucking your ass! I’m fucking your ass!!! You’re such a good FUCKING SLUT!!! TAKE IT!!!!!” He forced out, pushing to get as deep as my poor little asshole would allow.

I pushed back and I buried him all the way into my ass (I’ve had some practice). I could feel his pubes brushing on my ass cheeks, and I started to wiggle my ass around with him buried in me.

“Oh, yeah, that feels so good!” I whispered.

“I want you to reach underneath, and play with my pussy. I want you to fuck my ass until we both cum.” I moaned.

He slid a hand underneath me until he found my clit, and he started to fuck my ass again. I put my hand on his and helped him rub my clit.

“Oh, god, you feel so nice and tight.” He told me, as he pounded my ass.

“Yeah, fuck me. Fuck me. Pound my ass. Rub my clit. Make me cum!”

“I’m gonna cum soon.” He told me.

“Yeah, fuck me. Cum in my ass. Oh, god I’m such a little slut! Fuck me! Make me cummmmm!!!” I cried out as he fucked my ass harder and faster.

He told me again that he couldn’t last much longer.

“Oh, yeah! Make me cum again! Fill my ass with your hot cum! I’m a dirty slut. Fill me with your cum!”

All of a sudden, I heard “I’m gonna cummm!!!!!” And he did.

He blasted what felt like a huge load into my ass.

That was close to setting off another orgasm for me.

“Oh my god, I can feel you shooting your cum inside of my ass! Oh my god that feels so hot! Keep rubbing my clit! Oh God Yes! I’m cumming!!!!!!”

As we both came down from our orgasms, he collapsed onto my back, and held me tight. My asshole was contracting around his softening cock, and he was almost instantly hard again, which I was flattered by.

Eventually, he pulled out of my ass, and we both groaned as we heard the “pop” when he left me.

I jumped up. Ran to the bathroom and then returned to bed where we both fell asleep, wrapped up together, a born again Christian and a Mormon. When we woke up, Morgan had a big smile on his face.

“I’m glad to know that wasn’t a dream.” He said.

“No, that was pure reality.” I told him. “How are you feeling?”

“Well I think I’ve got a little hangover.”

“Same, and my butt is a little sore.” I winked, “But other than that, I’m feeling great.” “Can we agree not to tell Mike and Josie about our extra curricular activities last night?”

“Haha. No worries there. Are you hungry? I’ll cook some breakfast for us.”

“Only if you cook naked.”

He laughed, sighed, and got out of bed, naked as the day he was born.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/p6idsp/i_40f_had_sex_with_my_brotherinlaws_divorced