How I accidentally helped my brother find herself [F, Transgender/Non-Fiction]

Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca, I’m a young ciswoman who’s been through a lot in her life and I’d like to share a story with you about my then-brother who today is a beautiful princess!

It all started when I was a freshman in college (I have a degree in fashion journalism and I’m happily employed in the industry) when I started to hoard fashion magazines. I’ve always been an avid and dedicated reader of VOGUE, ELLE and Cosmopolitan, but it was only in my freshman year when my hoarding tendencies started getting out of control. With my mother’s money, I bought a subscription to about 10 magazines and, at the same time, I was spending upwards of 200 dollars a week in additional women’s magazines I bought from both newsstands and online because I’m really obsessed by them. I know nobody reads magazines anymore, but even today I can’t stop buying them.

Although my room was very spacious, it was also getting full with stacks and stacks of ladies’ magazines everywhere, but I didn’t care much because we did have a vacant room I could use to store more of them if needed and my mother also loved my mags. If I wasn’t in class, I was devouring them in my room. Reading every mag back to back like it was some kind of religious ritual. I still to this day consider Anna Wintour to be my goddess and my role model in life.

As the months passed, I started noticing that my magazines were moving around inside my room as if out of their own volition. The newest issue of VOGUE that I had left on my bed was suddenly on my desk when I came home from class. I never gave much attention to it when one day a newly bought mag that I had put on the top of a pile of mags in my room simply vanished. I asked my mother but she said she hadn’t seen it. She reads my mags but she always tells me which ones she’s taken from my room.

Before I continue narrating the story, I need to tell you who my brother was. He was an angry 16 year old who was always fighting with me about every minor thing. He’d openly say he hated me and asked why I wasn’t in a college dorm (I was attending FIT and I live in NYC so there wasn’t any point in staying in a dorm). He was the definition of troubled teen with teen angst issues.

The trend of vanishing magazines kept on happening for several weeks and my mother was always unaware of it. The only person who was unaccounted for in The Great Lady Mag Crisis was my brother who was also the least likely person to be interested in celebrity gossip and fashion tips.

One day when he wasn’t home I started looking around in his room and found twenty six of my magazines (some of which I hadn’t even had the time to read before he stole them) hidden at the bottom of a very deep drawer he has in his wardrobe. I’m going to be dead honest with everyone right now: I really thought he was masturbating to them and I wasn’t feeling very good about it. These are (expensive, mind you) fashion magazines for women (!!!) but it’s not difficult to find photos inside them would make a male teenager want to jerk off. With a sinking feeling in my heart, I very slowly grabbed each of them and check to see if there were any pages stuck together (sorry if TMI). To my surprise and confusion, they were all intact and as new.

I was really confused so I brought my mother over and showed her my brother’s stash of women’s fashion magazines (good luck explaining that). Deep down I honestly had a suspicion that something gender-related was at play here! But I was more keen to believe that he was robbing them to mess with me.

Later in the evening when he was home in his room, me and my mom went inside and started confronting him. I was seriously pissed off because these magazines are like my babies and I still protect them because they are my babies and I need them. I started asking why did he took my mags and didn’t tell me while my mother gave him that look of disapproval. He looked seriously scared and but didn’t budge. He stayed silent. I got tired so I just left and pretended nothing happened.

To my surprise, he wakes me up crying 6 in the morning saying he took them because reading the magazines made him feel like a girl. He loved the photography (can’t blame him), the girly articles, reading about the models, catching up on that gossip, “reading the fashion guides” and even the juicy stuff on Cosmo from a girl’s perspective. I was at a complete loss and didn’t know what the hell I was supposed to do. I quickly went to my mother’s room, woke her up, brought her over and all 3 of us sat down on the floor and talked for over an hour as he sobbed uncontrollably.

Turns out that throughout these tantrums my angry teenage brother was hiding a beautiful butterfly princess inside him that really really wanted to come out. He had been feeling gender dysphoria for at least 2 years, he came out to us as gay, said he was addicted to my magazines (at this moment I was smiling from ear to ear) and confessed to us that he wished he was a girl.

She started seeing a gender therapist already on the day after and after few weeks she started taking those happy lady pills as I watched my angry brother become the most delicate and gayest princess I imagined he always dreamed to be. Today she is 20 years old, devours my magazine with me (she doesn’t even need to ask to borrow them), is happily dating a beautiful gentleman she met in college (she’s studying cosmetology) and things have never been better.

Thank you all for reading my sister’s story! Remember to love yourself! Kisses, Rebecca.
