My one gay experience

Some years ago some friends from high school got together for a long weekend at an Airbnb. This is the true story of what happened after some drinks one night in a chance encounter that neither of us that were involved ever talks about, but I thought it’d be fun to share the story here so, here it is:

We were all talking about how we used to play tag in high school in our basements. We’d block the windows with pillows and blankets and play in the middle of the night, so you truly couldn’t see a thing. We all though it’d be a great idea to play after some drinks so we set it up downstairs and got started.

My friend Jeff was the tagger, and when he killed the lights I knew I wanted to go right under the pool table. I quickly and quietly made my way over, and slid underneath. To my shock, as well as my friend Aaron, we bumped into eachother under the table as he had the same idea as me. We laughed quietly and then got really quiet as we didn’t want to be found. We layed there facing eachother, and probably nothing would’ve happened if it weren’t for one thing: when we bumped into eachother our dicks collided and stayed there.

We both had thin sweatpants on and nothing underneath as we soon found. At first, we silently started grinding against eachother. Each of us started to grow a little bit more as the seconds ticked by. Soon after that, I could feel his dick pressed hard against mine through our sweats. It wasn’t long before we were full on dry humping — our hands on eachothers asses pulling the other dick into our own; rubbing and grinding as hard as we could.

I had no idea what I was doing or why, I just knew it felt good. From the grinding our pants sort of started falling lower, and we helped eachother slide them down to our thighs then wasted little time in using our hands on eachother. We silently jerked on eachother while our friends roamed the basement trying to avoid the tagger. Only two noises came from us.. breathing that only the other could hear, and the occasional sound of friction made from a hand clenched on a precum-glazed penis.

When I was stroking him with an overhand grip I pulled his dick to mine and wrapped them both in my fist to jack them off together. We layed side by side with the backs of our soaking wet slippery cocks rubbing together, and my hand sliding balls to head and back again.

Back and forth I went, a handful of dick — hard and wet. His hand on my ass gripping and pulling until he suddenly dug his fingernails into my ass. I felt the smallest rise in his breathing while he desperately tried to stay quiet.

Knowing he was going to cum made me cum, but he went first. I used my other hand to block his cum from shooting too far as it was pitch black and we’d have no idea where it was. I jerked us together and felt his warm cum hit my palm. I rubbed it back into the tips of our cocks and then made sure to take it back down to the base and balls when my still jacking hand paid a visit. No more than 30 seconds later it was my turn, exploding into my hand and rubbing our cum together, and all over our sweaty, slippery but getting sticky dicks. I finished my stroke to get it all out, and we quickly pulled our pants back up — rolling away from eachother and desperate to find new hiding spots.

Minutes later, someone got tagged, the lights went on, and the game ended. We never did it again, and we’ve never spoken about it since — or maybe we have and I’m too tired if typing for a follow up 😉
