My Dad’s Cleaning Lady and I Made a Huge Mess (Part 2) [M/F] [Milf] [Free Use] [Oral] [Anal]

It was 9:56 on Wednesday. I’d been checking my phone obsessively for the past hour. It was only four minutes until Brenda was scheduled to get to the house. And I’m not going to lie, I had already changed my boxers once because I was already leaking precum.

It had been a week since I had fucked her in the bathroom. Seven full days since we’d first discussed our new arrangement. 168 hours since she had let me do whatever I wanted with her tight pussy. And now I was a just few minutes away from exploring her body again.

9:58. I had jerked off in the shower probably a dozen times since last Wednesday. Technically it was a dozen times between Wednesday and Sunday. I had been saving my cum for her since Monday, and my balls felt completely full.

There were moments when I questioned whether my dedication would pay off. What if she had reconsidered our free use agreement since last week? What if I was full of cum and she showed up only to say that we should go back to the way things were. But then I would remember how she looked at me in the mirror and the worries would melt away.

Every time I closed my eyes in that bathroom, I now saw her ass. Her tits. Her tongue licking my cum off the glass …

*Dammit*. I needed to change these boxers too, now. I sprinted upstairs to my room, and grabbed a new pair that weren’t already damp with my juices. That’s when I heard the doorbell.

10 a.m. She was always right on time. I almost fell on my face while pulling my shorts back on as I ran down the hall. Then I almost fell down the stairs. *Pull yourself together. It’s just Brenda. You’re her number one customer. You’ve got this.*

I regained my composure and pretended like I hadn’t just run across the whole house. It was pointless though. The moment I answered the door, I lost my breath again.

Brenda had changed her company’s uniform.

She was standing on my porch in a light blue dress with her logo emblazoned on the chest. The buttons were straining against her tits. Distracted as I was, my brain told me something didn’t add up. It was too short to be practical for a cleaning lady, and the fact that it was spotless told me she hadn’t worn it to her earlier clients’ houses.

*She put it on just for me.*

It could have just been my imagination, but her cheeks looked flushed when I opened the door. She gave me that million-dollar smile and her blue eyes sparkled. “There you are! I was worried for a second that you weren’t home and that I was going to have to clean all by myself today.” She winked.

*Don’t cum don’t cum don’t cum*

“Oh no, just didn’t realize what day it was so you surprised me!” I lied. “Come on in. Sorry, this place is a mess since you were last here.” I was thinking of my cum-soaked boxers on the floor of my bedroom. The house as a whole was actually cleaner than normal. I’d been picking up after my dad and I because I didn’t want to be distracted by my own mess while Brenda was here.

“Don’t apologize!” she assured me. “I don’t want you boys to put me out of a job. Where should I get started?” Over the past week, I’d imagined fucking her in every room of the house, but there was one room that kept resurfacing in my fantasies. “It would be great if you could straighten up the kitchen,” I said, trying not to sound overeager.

Though I guess it’s pointless to avoid sounding overeager when you have a massive erection that’s about to break through your shorts. It’s like my body was magnetized toward hers.

I followed her into the kitchen, my eyes fixed on her long legs. Suddenly she spun around and I had to pretend I wasn’t staring. “Did you see my new outfit!? Doesn’t it look great?” She smiled and did a little spin in the doorway of the kitchen. I almost died.

The hem of her dress came up and for the slightest second I could see that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. *DONT CUM DONT CUM DONT CUM*

“It looks amazing,” was all I could manage. She looked down and grinned. My swollen cock said everything I couldn’t put into words. We both walked into the kitchen, which looked immaculate. I had polished every surface this morning so the room was practically shining.

“Oh my, yes, I’ll have to get to work in here right away.” She was playing along. “I’ll get started with this backsplash and the counter. She took out a rag and started wiping down the ivory tile along the wall. But she couldn’t quite reach the top, right below the cabinets. So she got on her tiptoes and leaned over the countertop.

I watched her dress rise up in what felt like slow motion. The bottom of her perky ass peeked out from below the hem. It felt like gravity was turned off as the material rose higher and higher while she strained to reach. Her cheeks jiggled ever so slightly as she wiped the tile back and forth.

I got down on my knees behind her and I was mesmerized. Her flawless skin smelled like heaven. I reached out to feel her beautiful curves. I couldn’t see her face when she felt my hungry fingers grip her ass, but she started humming like she did the other day. The tune was unmistakable.

*She was humming Pour Some Sugar on Me.*

I leaned forward and spread her cheeks. Instantly cream began to run down the inside of her thick thighs. I lapped up her sweet juice until her legs were clean again. Then I licked her pussy from the back. My head was under her dress at this point and my face had practically disappeared between her ass cheeks.

She was still humming, but the notes were becoming less accurate, like she was distracted. My mouth was dripping. I stood up and grabbed a paper towel to wipe my face. Brenda was almost done with the backsplash, but I was just getting started.

“It’s been a little while since I cleaned the oven,” she said cheerfully. “Oh yeah, that definitely needs to be done,” I replied. I was looking through the pantry, a little distracted. I glanced over and saw Brenda looking at me with a curious look on her face. I winked and she went back to her duties.

*There it is.*

I looked back across the kitchen and Brenda was completely bent over and looking in the oven that I had also just cleaned that morning. I walked up behind her bare ass. When she heard the unmistakable “click” of the honey container’s cap, both of her holes visibly twitched with delight.

I drizzled the golden, sticky nectar on her lower back and watched it roll down her ass. I didn’t stop until I had filled every crease with the amber liquid. The honey caught the light that was pouring through the kitchen windows, so it looked like it was glowing.

She was breathing hard now. I heard her gasp echo against the metal insides of the stove when I finally put my tongue right on her sweet, tight hole. I flicked my tongue quickly back and forth before traveling further down, lapping up the honey from her pussy.

At this point, the floor I had mopped only hours ago was a huge mess. There were yellow pools of honey mixing with Brenda’s white cum on the jet-black tile. “It’s okay, I know someone who can clean that up,” I thought with a smile. By this time I had eaten almost all the honey.

“Please make sure you get the floor in here too, Brenda,” I said. My lips were sticky, so I got another paper towel. When I looked back, she was on her hands and knees. Licking up the mess I’d made. That we’d made.

Seeing her lapping up her own cum was too much for my overflowing balls. I walked right up behind her as I felt a rush of warmth course through my cock. I firmly pushed her head toward the floor and she instinctively raised her ass. I wasn’t going to cum on a cold, hard surface like the bathroom mirror. I craved the warmth that can only be found inside a person. Inside of her.

I pushed my dick inside her asshole and sprayed my cum deep inside her. She gasped for air and tried to brace herself on the floor with her toned arms. She kept saying, “Oh god oh god oh god.” Her knees shook while I pushed myself inside inch by inch. I wanted to feel the base of my cock pressed against her lower back. I glanced up and watched Brenda’s eyes roll back. She had wanted to feel it too.

I drained every drop of cum I’d been saving for her, thrust one or two times for good measure, and pulled out. Once again, inch by inch. Her asshole tightly gripped the head of my dick like it wanted me to stay right there behind her. Thin strands of cum and honey followed me when I was finally free of her hole. It winked for a moment before closing up tight, as if I hadn’t just pushed my entire cock inside and left three days’ worth of my seed deep in her belly.

I staggered a few steps and slouched to the floor, leaning against the lower cabinets. I was exhausted. I made eye contact with the gorgeous woman on the other side of the kitchen, hoping we could just relax in the moment. But Brenda isn’t the type of woman to lie down on the job.

She was trying to stand up and find her balance, and I could tell she was having a hard time. I quickly stood and helped her up. Brenda smiled and held my hand for a second after she had regained her footing. I smiled back and brushed a strand of honey-covered hair off her cheek. She was a mess. A beautiful mess.

She started to open her mouth to say something, but it looked like she reconsidered at the last second. She bit her lip instead and then simply went back to cleaning. Humming and cleaning.

I sat in my usual spot on the couch and watched her go. She was a bit slower than usual because she was so focused on keeping my thick cumshot inside her ass while she walked around. Despite her best efforts, she was leaving a little trail of white cum drops on the wood and tile around the house. But I wasn’t worried.

I knew Brenda would clean it up before she left. She always takes exceptional care of her number one customer. In fact, I thought she’d earned another five-star review.

“★★★★★ – Will not disappoint. Brenda goes above and beyond to make her clients happy! She even cleaned the hard-to-reach parts of our kitchen … not sure what I’d do without her.”



  1. “It felt like gravity was turned off…”. Great imagery and searing eroticism.

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