He Grounded His Horny Daughter to My Room … Big Mistake [Pillow Humping] [Sexting W/ Pics] (Part 1)

*Author Note: Trying something a little different here, both with content and format. I’ve linked to images on Unsplash (free stock photo repository) for those of you who like visual inspiration. Also, slight trigger warning: This story features a parent who disapproves of his daughter’s sexuality. May we all be our true selves and help others do the same!*

When I walked in the door tonight, I knew there was going to be drama. My mom Kim and her boyfriend Walter were sitting at the kitchen table and you could cut the tension with a knife. She looked uncomfortable and he looked like he always does: mad at the world.

I was coming home from another day of interviews. It’s not cool to move back into your mom’s house as a 21-year-old, but the pandemic got me laid off. To make matters worse, my mom’s dumb boyfriend and his daughter Maggie had recently moved in after he’d been dating my mom for four months.

I didn’t really know her that well but Maggie seemed cool. Different story with Walter. I’d tried to get my mom to break it off a few times already. Though he was never violent or anything like that, he’s got a lot of ass-backwards views about a lot of stuff. Mom always gravitates toward dirtbags, something I had hoped she’d realize after she left my dad five years ago. Oh well.

“We moved Maggie into your room today, Jake,” my mom said. “Walt found … contraband … in her room and since we both work, you’re going to have to keep an eye on her while you’re home.” I rolled my eyes. Walter seemed to think Maggie was some devious rebel because she had subtle facial piercings, but she seemed like a normal teenager. “I have to babysit an 19-year-old?” I asked, annoyed.

Walter must not have liked my tone. “Yes, if you’re not working you’re gonna have to pull your weight around here somehow.” I fought the urge to punch him squarely in his giant balding egg head. “She’s not allowed to have any electronics like phones or computers, and you have to make sure she sticks around the house when I’m at the factory and your mom is on duty at the hospital.”

Whatever. As I walked toward the stairs, I asked, “What did you find in her room?” My question was met with an uncomfortable silence, so I assumed it was pot or some other bullshit reason to make a big deal out of nothing. I walked upstairs and past the open door to what had been Maggie’s room.

It was a mess like father-of-the-year Walter had dug through all the drawers and closet. There was a big space in the middle of the room, which meant they had moved her bed into my room. Great. She was going to be staying a while.

I approached my room at the end of the hall and knocked on the closed door. I heard shuffling sounds but didn’t get a response. I knocked again. I was exhausted from my full day of job hunting, so I knocked again and said, “Maggie, it’s Jake. I’m coming in.”

I’d half expected her to have tied our sheets together so she could escape and that I’d see her bright crop of rainbow hair ducking out my second-story window.

I opened the door to find Maggie on her bed, facing away from me. She was completely oblivious to me. She was sitting on a mound of blankets and furiously humping her pillow.

“Uh, hey Mags,” I said awkwardly, shutting the door behind me. “Is uh, is everything okay?”

She still had clothes on—a white top and blue shorts—but it’s always hot in my room so she was practically melting through her shirt. Her breasts bounced up and down while she grinded, and her nipples were visible through her sweat-soaked top. I tried not to stare.

She looked at me with a smile and in between her heavy breathing, she said “Hey Jake … sorry … I’m … almost … done … here.” I was so tired that nothing could really surprise me. I kicked my shoes off and laid down on my bed and tried to ignore the sounds of squeaky bed springs and soft moans coming from the other side of the room.

I tried to recap the answers I gave at my last interview but it was hard to concentrate. Over the next five minutes the squeaking and moaning only got louder. At this point, I was kind of worried they’d hear the noise downstairs. I looked over from my bed and said, “Maggie, you need to try to be a little quieter. I’d rather not give them a reason to come up here.”

Her cheeks were flushed and sweat was dripping down her face. She nodded, grabbed a handful of her blankets and shoved it in her mouth. About a minute later, I heard the sound of a muffled orgasm and the squeaking stopped. She collapsed on her bed.

About half an hour later, I heard Walter and my mom heading to bed downstairs. I leaned up and looked across the room and the heap of a person on the other bed. I was kind of afraid to ask why she had been rage masturbating, but I was curious. “So. What’d they find in your room?” I said quietly. If I had more than $40 in my bank account, I would have bet $50 that she was going to say weed or vodka.

Maggie lifted herself up, flipped her pillow so she wouldn’t be laying on cum, and laid down facing the ceiling. “They found [my sex toy](https://unsplash.com/photos/p1jEUyeeo-o),” she said without hesitation. “And the secret phone I was using for sexting.” She looked over at me and saw the look of surprise on my face. “And before you get any ideas that I’m some kind of nympho, I’m not into guys. Sorry, not sorry.”

Honestly this made more sense than drugs. Walter was an old-school bigot and when he found the texts, he probably thought Maggie was “sinning” or that it was “a phase.” “You don’t have to worry about that, Mags,” I said reassuringly. “You do you. Even if you were interested in me, you’re not my type.”

She laughed and seemed more at ease. “And for what it’s worth,” I added, “it’s bullshit that he’d have a problem with that kind of thing.” She was quiet for a second. “Yeah, he’s a piece of work. This is why I hadn’t come out. Oh well, I just try to make myself feel good and plan my escape.” We definitely had a common enemy.

“Alright, well I’m going to sleep,” I said while getting up to turn off the light. “And don’t worry about being grounded. After they leave in the morning, you can do whatever you want.”

“Thanks, Jake,” she said. “Uh, since you don’t care about the rules, do you mind if I borrow your phone? They threw out my vibrator, but I’d like to finish the conversation I had going earlier. If you think lesbians are hot or whatever, you can read the messages later as a thank you.”

“Yeah, you can borrow it,” I said, tossing my iPhone across the room. “Passcode is 1576. If I am being honest, I think lesbians *are* hot, but I don’t want to read your messages. Those are private. You can erase ‘em when you’re done.”

The screen of my phone illuminated her face. She was grinning ear to ear. “Thanks again, Jake. And if you don’t mind me asking, what is your type?” I was confused. “What do you mean?” “Earlier you said I’m not your type. What kind of girl do you like?”

“Big tits. Bigger ass. Nice skin. What about you?” “She looked up from her phone and said, “Same,” she said.

I was drifting off to sleep and a small voice in the dark said, “Do … do you ever think about what your dream girl smells like?”

It was a weird question, but whatever. “Uh, no. I can’t say I do. Do you?”

“Yep. Honeysuckles. Night, Jake.”

“Good night, Mags.”

Maggie’s snoring woke me up the next morning. I sat up in bed and looked over. She still had my phone in one hand and the other down the front of her shorts.

I got up and walked downstairs. My mom and our resident asshole had both already left for work. There was a note on the table written in Walter’s scribbled handwriting. I could barely make it out, but it looked like he had written down the rules of Maggie’s grounding again. I threw it in the trash, grabbed my keys, and walked out to my car.

About an hour later Maggie woke up and walked downstairs. Her rainbow hair was all over the place and she had a visible cum stain on her shorts. “Rough night?” I said from the couch where I was watching Netflix. She laughed. “Yeah, kinda. Here, take a look at this.” She unlocked my phone and showed me [a photo from her sexting](https://unsplash.com/photos/vWSHDZmJ0Zw). “Kendra said I could show you as a ‘thank you’ for letting me borrow your phone. I think she’s your type.”

On the screen was a gorgeous, full-bodied woman posing in lacy lingerie. Her dark skin was beautiful in the natural light of her bedroom. Her ass was in the air, and her curves were insane. “Holy shit, Mags. Well done!” She blushed for a second before saying thanks and handing me my phone.

“I saved it to your photos but I deleted the messages,” She said. “Thanks again for being so cool. I’m pretty sure I smell like B.O. so I am gonna take a shower.”

“No problem,” I said as I opened my phone to see if I’d missed any messages and check the front page of Reddit. “A bath works better than the shower upstairs.” “Cool,” she said.

When Maggie opened the door to the bathroom, her mouth fell open. The smell of honeysuckles hit her like a beautiful floral wall. Arranged around the bathtub were a bunch of flower-scented candles. On the sink was a bath bomb and a brand new vibrator.

Maggie walked downstairs in a state of shock. “D-did you get that stuff for me, Jake?” I smiled knowingly. “Yeah, I figured you could use a relaxing day after yesterday. I know zero things about toys, but the lady at the checkout counter blushed so I assume it’ll do the trick.”

Maggie practically ran upstairs. “You’re the best!” she said. She ran back down like she had forgotten something. “Can I borrow your phone again tonight? I laughed and nodded.

“Then I might need you to take [some photos](https://unsplash.com/photos/Smd-Vwx4Y_U),” she said. “I need to keep Kendra thirsty, y’know, and I don’t want to drop your phone in the water. I can see if she would send you more thank-you photos too.” She winked at me.

“Whatever you need, Mags. I’ll be up in a sec.” I needed a few minutes to myself for my newest fantasy. I was going to figure out how to get rid of Walter. For all of us.

Edit: Typo

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p5gm7h/he_grounded_his_horny_daughter_to_my_room_big


  1. Also, I will be giving Reddit Gold to one random person who includes the words “fuck you, Walt” in a comment on this post.

  2. Incredible story. Fuck that Walt guy tho. Had a step mom who was like him. Her son sucked good dick though.

  3. You know what. Love is love and Walt, Fuck You!!
    Lovely story very nice to see something different 😀

  4. Massively excited for more of this story!! But man, Fuck that Walt guy though

  5. i think all of us could use a nice healthy does of fuck you, walt. except for those reading called walt. sorry

  6. Fuck you, Walt. Some where, some place, you are depriving a village of its idiot.

  7. This is a great story!
    I feel like it accurately sums up some of the characters we come across during our formative sexual years.
    I love the OP’s open perspective.
    Looking forward to the next part.
    Oh, and fuck you, Walt!

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