Strangers in the night

My first attempt at writing anything, if anyone thinks its any good I can finish the story or if not any constructive criticism would be welcomed. thanks peeps

As James was walking home one night after a long shift at the mill he was feeling quite tired and devoid of energy. Luckily for him there was a liquor store still open on his route home, so he went in and got a bottle of whiskey and some ice. James wasn’t a tall man but he was strong, years of working in the local wood mill had its advantages. Even though the work is tough it gives a man naturally strong arms and core. something which James had used on several occasions to seduce women.

Looking forward to getting home to open his bottle of whiskey James decided to take a shortcut home through a local housing development that had just been built. As he was walking along lost in his own thought James saw something from the corner of his eye, he stopped and turned on the spot to have a proper look. In a second story window he saw the silhouette of a woman, a naked woman. he couldn’t see much but he could tell she was naked and she had a beautiful curvy figure.

As James stood and watched the woman turned a light on. The light exposed the full view of her, James could see every bit of this mysterious woman. Mesmerised by this goddess before him James was frozen in time. She was average height, had long brunette wavy hair and a beautifully toned bottom. The woman turned to face the window, before they realised James and this woman were staring each other in the eye, again frozen in time.

# The longer they gazed into one another’s eyes the more the tension between the pair built. Neither could avert their gaze. It was quite clear to both that the tension being shared was overtly erotic. All of a sudden the woman moved swiftly and turned off the light and disappeared from view. Although she was gone James did not move, he stayed , staring into the darkness off the window. Minutes passed as he stood, hoping for her to reappear. She did reappear, but not in the top window. This time she was standing in her doorway in a robe, back arched against the door frame. She raised a hand and gestured for James to come to her.



  1. definitely love this! bring us a p2 and keep the attention to details, for a first time this is great.

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