New girl wants to fuck me

I’m 19 and the girl is 18 turning 19 next week . I moved to a new place for my soccer team selection and I got into on almost the same week . Cut to next day I’ve been shown this house where I am going to live for the next 1 year . This girl lives with her mother . She is a really good looking teen . When I was going for soccer practice early in the morning I saw the girl standing at the gate waiting for someone . She was wearing a t-shirt and her nipples were visible because it was cold and she wasn’t wearing a bra . As soon as she saw me she smiled and said good morning . This instantly made me hard but I tried to act normal . She told me she was waiting for me to wish luck for my practice and wanted to hang out later . Once I got back from practice I found a paper on my door with a number and the girls name on it . I texted her who is this and she replied saying that it’s (*******) her name and she said she wants me to meet her at the back of the house . When I got there she was there sitting . I asked her what she wanted to talk about and she asked me did I like what I saw in the morning and I blushed and said what do you mean and she said I saw you checking out my boobs the other day and I thought why don’t I give you a peek and that is why I was waiting for you in the morning . I hope that made your day . She then came closer to me and asked me if I was home alone to wish I said no I have friends coming over to which she replied by oh darn it . She told me that no one can know we are friends and we will meet here mostly . She then turned around and as she was leaving she stopped and said btw I know you got hard in the morning and she chuckled and said it’s ok . I liked it . I’ll post next when something happens
