Groped, But Not Blackmailed or Forced, Not This Time…Part 2

The next morning when Vicki woke up her tits felt sensitive, hot and engorged. She was still producing milk and now they were both swollen and needed emptying. Had her husband woke up horny and started sucking on them he would have gotten the surprise of his life. She was glad she didn’t have to try and come up with an explanation on the fly. But the problem at hand needed to be taken care of. She was pretty sure Billy would be glad to help her out since it was all his fault. She could tell her husband she was taking the car to him to get it cleaned up. As soon as he left for work Vicki gave Billy a call. He answered on the first ring. “Hi, this is Vicki”. “Oh yeah, I recognized your number, how’s it going?” She didn’t want to come right out and say the reason for her call, so she said, “Well, I um, kinda have a problem I thought maybe you could help me with”. Billy spoke with a bit of concern in his voice, “Is it something to do with yesterday?.” “Yes,I guess you could say that. I didn’t want to bother you, but its sorta pressing”. Billy hesitated before answering, then said, “well, ok…I’m out of town right now and won’t be back till this afternoon, I could see you then if that’s ok”. Vicki really needed relief, soon, but if he wasn’t available, she might have to wait or come up with something else. “Ah, ok, I’ll check with you later then”. As she hung up the phone, her bra irritated her sensitive nipples. She knew much more rubbing would have then leaking. She didn’t want to buy a breast pump, but she may not have a choice. Then she thought about Lisa. She may even have one laying around, but it was doubtful. She hadn’t talked to her in awhile since she herself had retired. Lisa was still teaching, but school wasn’t in session yet, so maybe she would be home. Before she left the house she took off her bra and put on a thin, loose fitting shirt. She wouldn’t go out that way normally, but Lisa wouldn’t mind.

As luck would have it, Lisa was at home, alone, when Vicki got to her house. She greeted her at the door with a hug, which Vicki had to break away from to keep from being squeezed to tightly. Lisa noticed, and said, Hey, whats the matter?”. Vicki decided there was no time like the present to tell her what was on her mind and told her “well that’s what I wanted to see you about”. As Vicki nervously related to her friend what had taken place the day before, Lisa put her at ease by really getting a kick out of the story. With wide eyes and a big grin, she playfully punched Vickie’s shoulder and told her “You’ve got to be kidding me !, you fucked Billy,the car wash guy ? And he turned you on so sucking your tits, you started lactating? Wow !, he must be really good !. Lets go lay out by the pool and tell me more” !. “Well, I don’t have a swimsuit with me,and”…”who needs swimsuits?”,Lisa said with a grin as she took her fruend by the hand. “Hmm, this is gonna be good. I just made a big pitcher of Mimosas too !”. As Lisa peeled off her clothes, there was nothing else for Vicki to do but follow suit.

Before the thing with Mr. Earl, Lisa’s father in law, years ago, Vicki had never been attracted to women, not in a sexual way. The first time she and Lisa had sex, Earl had drugged her and then forced Lisa to make out with her. Then when the tables were turned and he forced Vicki to have sex with Lisa, Vicki, blaming Lisa for what was happening, had been pretty brutal to her friend. It was only later that she realized Lisa was a victim also and was really torn up about the situation. Trying to comfort her, she had gently given her a kiss, and well, from there, she saw that they needed each other. For awhile they would get together and really enjoy each others bodies. Lisa, more experienced with women, and smaller than Vicki, loved climbing on top of her and agonizing Vicki with foreplay before moving between her legs with her tongue and bringing her to explosive orgasms. It didn’t take long before Vicki was returning the favor. After awhile life intervened, and while remaining good friends, getting together for sex got rarer and rarer.
“So, tell me more about Casanova Billy”, Lisa demanded while they sipped on their second drink. Vicki told her all about selling the camper, going by to give Billy his cut, and him surprising her while they stood inside the sweltering tent. She thought it was funny that Vicki thought he wanted to fuck her right then and there. “If the camper is a rockin, don’t come a knockin” she said with a laugh. Vicki said she was just so shocked she wasn’t thinking straight, eliciting another laugh from Lisa. She then related how he led her into the house, into his mothers old room, and then standing in front of her slowly and gently stripped her. Then, taking a bottle of aromatic lotion off the nightstand, he started applying the lotion to her body as she stood before him, he massaged it into her shoulders, and then down her stomach, and her ass, then down each leg, front and back.Then, applying more on his hands he rubbed it onto her tits, slowly, gently, not missing a spot. After that he motioned for her to lay in the bed while he stripped out of his clothes. The whole time Lisa was carrying on, asking questions… “ooooh, that sounds so hot ! Who would have ever believed Billy was such a lover boy, he rubbed his mothers lotion all over you, then had you get in her bed ? Wow, that sounds kinda kinky !, how about his cock was he huge ? Or just average ? He didn’t have a tiny weeny did he ? Giggling the whole time. As Vicki told her how he started sucking her tits as he continued to work the lotion in, then turned her to face him as he nursed on her tits, Lisa’s eyes got big as she hung on every word. Vicki tried to explain the sensation she felt, saying no one, no adult, had ever nursed on her the way he did. When she could tell she was lactating, Billy never really reacted, as if he knew what was going to happen. He just happily, noisily nursed one tit, then the other. “Wow ! Lisa repeated, he rubs you all over with his mothers lotion so you would smell like her, lays you in her bed and crawls in with you and starts breast feeding on you till you start giving mothers milk!, that’s so wild”.
“Yes, I agree, when he rolled over on top of me to fuck me, it was almost like he was doing me a favor, repaying me for letting him nurse, by having intercourse with me. Anyway, that brings me to my problem. You see, I’m still producing milk, and as you may have noticed my breasts are all swollen, they feel like they’re about to bust.”
“Oh, you poor girl”, Lisa cooed, “I wish there was something I could do to help, but I’m lactose intolerant” “Bitch”, Vicki said while popping her on her naked ass, “then you’re no help at all” Lisa laughed and said, “just kidding, why don’t we go get a shower and we’ll explore how I can be of service. This sounds like fun”.

After washing the sweat and sunscreen off their bodies, Lisa led Vicki into the guest bedroom. Standing before her beside the bed, she joked “should I rub you down with lotion before I attack you ?” “Maybe another time” Vicki answered, “We have some urgent business to tend too “. As she lay down on the cool sheets, Lisa followed. Laying on her back, her chest heaving in anticipation, Vicki reached out and helped Lisa climb on top of her. Wasting no time, Lisa leaned over and buried her face in Vicki’s chest. Gently running her tongue over her protruding nipple, she took it in her mouth and began to gently suckle he=r breast. The engorged tit soon started giving up its sweet nectar. At first taste, Lisa swirled the sweet, warm liquid around in her mouth before swallowing, then sat up, beaming “Oh my God, thats wonderful” she said before returning to her task. Vicki sighed in relief as as the urgency in her tits began to subside. As Lisa nursed, Vicki gently held her head in place, running her hands through her hair as it spilled over onto her sensitive tits. Its softness sent waves of pleasure through her body as it tickled her free nipple. Her hands meandered their way down Lisa’s back to her tiny little ass, AS Lisa continued to empty Vicki’s breasts, Vicki started running her finger up and down Lisa’s butt crack, back and forth, going lower and lower. She remembered learning this from Mr. Earl. It was the first way he had groped her, and wound up leading to so much more. She moved her hand back to her cheeks, squeezing them hard as the wonderful sensations from Lisa lips on her nipples sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. As Lisa lifted her head to move to her other tits, she looked up Vicki. Their eyes met, and Vicki pulled her face to hers and kissed her deeply, their tongues intertwining. Vicki tasted her mil on her tongue as she felt it inching down her throat. The kiss was passionate, urgent, neither wanted to stop, not even to breathe.Finally Lisa broke away and returned to the task at hand. The pressure in one breast had been relieved, one to go. Her lips clamped down over her breast. She felt her tongue twirling around her nipple before she engulfed it and started to hungrily nurse once again. Vicki settled back to enjoy the erotic feeling of her friend feeding on her. After what seemed a long time Lisa Lifted her head and with a tender smile said “all gone…and I’m full” Vicki grabbed her again and kissed her deeply. “Thank you”. “Oh thank you” Lisa replied. “That was so…I don’t even know how to say it. I feel so needed, so loved”. “You do know though, that stuff is loaded with calories ! If we keep this up I’m gonna get fat!” Vicki laughed at this, “You fat, never happen, you got a long way to go skinny girl!”. Now, what do I do to properly thank you?”. “I”ll think of something”, Lisa said with a coy look. “But Steve will be home soon. Wouldn’t want him to catch us”.
