My Best friends Sister

**Note:** There are time jumps in this story. The present is italicized and the time frames are mentioned in brackets. Appreciate any and all feedback, enjoy.
**I said I love you … in the backseat of your Dad’s car. Your head tilted back in ecstasy as you came on my cock and yelped my name… pleading**
“We can’t tell anyone…”
**What have I done…**
(Before)…we never really spoke, outside of the pleasantries of when I visited your brother (my best friend). I saw you After football practice every weekend. Doing cheerleading drills. I admit I stare at your booty shorts when you do your stretches… and you always look back at me when I’m leaving. we share this glance – electricity rushes down from my shoulders to my groin…every time. I told myself you’re probably not looking at me, I told myself my body was just exhausted from training. I told myself I shouldn’t be looking at my best friend’s sister that way…
**(Now)… I’m somehow here, stuck in a car with you, driving you home at midnight as it rains out. Im burning inside my skin. Is it Excitement? Anger? The rain crashes on the car’s roof I can’t think.**
You: “Stop the car. The roads are too slippery and you seem unfocused… we should wait. come back here and sit with me. I’ve had a rough day like I said my-.”
**I cut you off, abruptly stopping the car. I Took out the keys and I join you in the back* silence*
**Before you open your mouth to continue…**
Me: What if I said I don’t want to hear about your day… What if I said I was upset when you called me and said what you said. What if I said I am burning inside right now and I dont know why you make me fee- **(I have said too much)**
You: wow, well that settles it !
**You quickly get on top of me and sit on my lap. Your ass is now squished on my palms under your skirt that bloomed open your bottom for me as you fell. I feel your skin and lace under it all. I am stupefied… you lean in and kiss me softly, you kiss me like you’ve known all along. I squeeze your ass and pull you in. I kiss you hard … like you don’t know the half of it.**
(In the past) We’ve always stood far apart at gatherings, parties, even during games. Always across from each other with the horde our mutual friends being our metaphorical and literal barrier. I couldn’t… I shouldn’t reach out because I’ve always had a crush on you and I fought against that urge. You pretended to be shy, and I knew better than to hit on my best friend / team mate’s sister… I didn’t want to open Pandora’s box. But your piercing eyes made my stomach drop, the way you walked straight with a body toned from years in ballet and cheerleading raised the hair on my body… Your quick strides across the room made me perk up, the sway of your hair made my heart race and your ever broadening hips always takes my breathe away. I am SOO mad for how you make me feel this way… you have me suffering, I was all yours and I couldn’t admit it.
(Now)… *I melt in you as water drops glide down the car’s glass windows. The thunder outside and a blurry mirage around us gave us permission to misbehave, we are far away from everyone now – we are alone parked on the side of the road. Your legs wrap around me, my face burrow in your tits, my tongue fishes erect nipples; finds them and teases them out. I pull off your cheerleading skirts slide my fingers in your panties to find you all wet and open for me. Your soft breasts against my face, my wet fingers between your labia, your racing heart against my ears … it all gives me strength to do what i’m about to… I grab on tight to a handful of your hair and pull back as I go …. Deep … cool wet drips over and around my cock and I am in bliss. You moan my name and I am completely lost in you. I want to fuck you soo bad….*
I had decided I should suppress these feelings, it’s not worth it. I know how protective your brother is of you. I stopped looking at you that way. But you made it harder, I saw how your hips sway in cheerleading practice, I saw how alive you looked when you were working out. I couldn’t stop imagining you getting worked up like that…with me. I thought I was over it all… Until I saw you at the after party (last week) when we won the finals. That red dress you wore perked up your bosom, defining your waist, and exposing your strong thighs; You drove me crazy that night. Your long legs glistened in the neon lights and the curls in your hair hypnotized me… I was completely and utterly mesmerized, I could no longer see you as the innocent sister. I stared and though I could tell you noticed… you didn’t show. I knew I was in trouble.
*(Now) alone in the car with you; separated from the world by this metal hunk and miles of rain, I devour the woman I avoided admitting you were. Your breast lays bare for me to fondle, your neck for me to leave my mark on, your bra hanging by your shoulder, your bracelet and earring sprawled around the seat and the floor. I’ve made a mess of you and I love it. My hot hard cock bulges tightly inside your wet pussy where it finds relief from the months of stiffness you caused it… you hold onto the plum leather seats as I thrust inside you over and over. Your squeals of pleasure drives me feral… your hair a mess, your panties soaked hang around your ankle, your tits bouncing with every stroke… your loud moans drowned out by the heavy rain outside – I revel in disheveling you like this, cracking you wide open and indulging in forbidden fruit. I want you to feel how you make me feel. We kiss, lick and suck on every inch of each other that we can find. You love the taste of our sweat and spit slobbered over each other…*
*yelping like a puppy …. “Fuuuuuuck~” …orgasming all over me , I can’t handle this…*
Me: “FUCK! I’m about to …”
*I pull out in time… but you pull my face into yours , wrap your legs around tighter , your thighs shivering, our tongues thrashing in our mouths. In all this mania my cock was out, squeezed in between our bare bodies – pointed up , I oozed cum all over both of us soaking your tits in my cum. I can’t stop myself…, I run my hands over your stiff – heaving breasts to rub the ~cum in , exhausted but continue playing with your now slippery nipples , you try to catch your breath as you rub your fingers in on my throbbing and still leaking cock hoping it can give you some more, your jaw hangs open both as a reflex and also to let more air in your tongue sticks out drooling down our spit back on my cock as you use it to massage my tired soft dick that you’ve seem to have taken a liking to… You smile at me devilishly with a wink …. FUCK you’re soo hot… We are clearly done but we can’t stop ourselves. I’ve never felt this vulnerable before. I blurt out “*I love you*” and immediately – regret rushes into my bloodstream … what I had just done. You look into my eyes, I am your prey again. What will you say…*
You: ”We can’t tell anyone…”
(1 hour ago)
*After a long day of video games and beers at your place with your brother and our friends everyone got knocked out. It’s midnight; I didn’t see you come downstairs today… Where are you? The truth is I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about you… I should head home*
***Phone Rings***
Me: Hello?
You: Hi…
A sharp pang runs down my spine as I hear your voice… you never call me
Me: Hey… what’s up?
You: are you at my place?
Me: yeah….
You: Is my brother there?
Me: He is… but he’s knocked out… what’s going-
You: Okay good, I am stuck out in the rain. I’m outside the stadium. I think… I think my boyfriend just dumped me… Can you pick me up …please?
(Boyfriend…what the fuck? OMG what is going on right now…)
Me: uh, yeah but… uh I didn’t bring my car actually.
You: My Dad’s keys are by the front door above the shoe shelf. He won’t mind. Hurry, there’s supposed to be a thunderstorm later.
Me: okay i’ll be there as soon as I can.
You: Thanks… I owe you one.
***hangs up***
*How do you manage to make soo mad… I’m coming.*


1 comment

  1. this felt like a movie than an erotica hahaa
    it was great though but the time jumps turned me on and off and on and off
    but overall a great story. keep it up

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