(Interactive Fiction) Monster Girl Farmer v0.18 released! More artwork, more dog girl, more farming mechanics!

# About this release

Hello all! I’m happy to report that there is a new Monster Girl Farmer release. This one focuses on farming mechanics, scenes — both random and focused on your pet monster girl — and some brand-new artwork.

Regarding the new artwork, there is a new logo for the game featuring Eva the dog girl as the center of attention. And let’s not forget a new image of Sophie where she is the centaur of attention.

There is a new scene when you unlock the ability to use your field, and there are over ten new scenes to discover while you explore the forest.

Some of the scenes give you seeds which segues nicely into the major gameplay mechanic of this release: you can now find seeds scattered throughout the world and plant them in your field. When they grow into crops, you can sell them for money or gift them to monster girls to gain their affection.

In addition, you can now enrich your field with soil you purchase at the general store. This’ll give you a status effect that increases your crop yield.

There are lots more features in this release, so check out the change log or continue reading below:


– Added a logo as a game splash page. Check it out, Eva is the star.

– Added a new picture of Sophie the Centaur!

– When you unlock the ability to use your field (see more below), you also unlock a short scene with Eva.


– There are now three different types of items in the game: Key, Seed, and Commodity. Key items are unique and necessary for progressing in the story. Seed items can be planted in your field, where they grow into crops. Commodity items can be bought and sold. They can be used in certain quests.

– Your inventory can be filtered by item type.

– It is possible for a seed to be “unlimited.” This means you can plant it as many times as you want and you’ll never run out.

– The field tutorial unlocks unlimited carrot seeds.

– Certain seeds cost more energy than others to plant and harvest.

– You must have your first encounter before you can use the field.

– You can find seeds when you explore and grow them in your field. This was a big change and it opens up a lot of fun opportunities in the future. I’ll discuss one of these ideas at the end. Seeds can’t be sold or gifted to monster girls, but the crops they grow can. At the moment, seeds can be discovered by exploring the world.

– There are a lot of webpages hosting old versions of my game. Like over a year old. I’ve reached out to them to ask them to update, but in the meantime, I have created a white list: if a domain is not in it, there is a pop up warning you that you may not be playing the latest version. It won’t pop up if you are playing the downloaded version of the game or on the official site (https://monstergirlfarmer.com)

– The last version of the game had a survey after the latest transformation scene. This has been removed because it’s no longer the latest scene.

– I put most of my important links (chat, support, etc.) behind a link redirection service. That way, if I accidentally delete the access code page (again), I don’t have to have an emergency release for every version of my game to point to different URLs: I can just change where the redirect URL goes.

Bug Fixes:

– If you zoomed in really, really close in your browser, the active click area for the encounter log would shift. This wasn’t game breaking because the hit box was still on-screen, but it was a poor user experience.

– If you entered an access code on a paginated page, full game buttons weren’t re-rendered — they still appeared to be locked even though they weren’t. This is really obscure and probably hasn’t happened to anyone: the only way I think you could notice this is if your access code expired and you loaded a game on a paginated page and then entered a working access code.

– If you had cheats on (available to $5+ pledges), it was possible to give yourself multiple key items of the same kind (e.g. multiple dog collars). This is no longer possible as it could lead to undefined behavior.

– In surveys, lots of people told me they thought soil was supposed to be used on the field, but they couldn’t figure out how. Actually, before I had an encounter system, soil had a different purpose that no longer exists. But I figured, since people think you should be able to use it on your field, I may as well make it something you can use on your field. It increases the number of crops that grow when you harvest. It’ll also remove the bird status effect.

Random Scenes:

– Added 4 random exploration scenes for finding cabbage seeds. One of these can refer to a lewd choice you can make at the beginning of the game.

– Added 2 random exploration scenes for finding blueberry seeds.

– Skulldust returns to write 6 new random exploration scenes to the game. You may remember him as the contributor that wrote the Doe girl scene.

Here’s a couple of things planned in the near future, ideally in the next release:

– You should be able to invest money into shops so they can level up and offer unique seeds/commodities you can’t find anywhere else.

– There should be a lot more random scenes. I’m thinking of looking for freelance writers.

– You should be able to assign Eva to your field to reduce the energy cost for harvesting crops.

– More artwork!

– I want to write the next scene in the main storyline, unlocking more monster girls, some of which will set up shops in town.

– There should should be many more uses for money.

[Play on any device in your browser](https://monstergirlfarmer.com)

[Download the latest version for your desktop](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/archive)

[Chat with me and other fans](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/chat_with_me)

#About the game

**Monster Girl Farmer is an erotic text-based RPG.** Your farm is failing, but your fortune takes a turn when a starving Monster Girl barges into your home. In exchange for taking her in, she’ll help you start the world’s first Monster Girl farm! Collect monster girl milk, honey, pollen, and more.

## Game Features:

### The writing:
* Lewd scenes crafted by artisanal writers, grinding away in the paper mines until their quills and free hands are worn to nubs. With over zero years of combined experience, you can rest easy knowing I’m not happy until they’re not happy.
* Memorable characters with depth: the agoraphobic mushroom girl, the superstitious dryad, the cherry tree girl who thinks she’s a princess…
* A multitude of fetishes—many more on the way!
* A world brimming with lore. Learn about the Monster Girl Devil and why Hellhound Girls fell from grace.
* Color-coded, easy to read dialogue.
* No pretentious purple prose. You won’t find words like *milieu*, *mackle*, or *mélange* anywhere.

### Wholesome turn-based encounters:
* Raise monster girls’ affection through acts of kindness, not violence. *(Working—many planned improvements.)*
* Gain experience, level up, and learn new acts of kindness.
* A *mélange* of item drops. Sell them for money, use them to upgrade your farm, or gift them during encounters.
* Status effects that increase crop yield, temporarily decrease your energy, etc.
* Minimal grinding.
* Maximal grinding (against monster girls).

### The world:
* A clear visual mini-map to easily navigate the diverse regions. *(Map is currently textbased.)*
* Upgradable environments: convince monster girls to set up shops in town, build a coop with dryad wood, etc.
* Track critical information in your journal: the number of undiscovered monster girls, how many scenes are left, and what you ate for breakfast.
* Check out the content roadmap (starts at the top, subject to change): https://arcweave.com/app#/project/L80Vezw69R

### Customize your experience:
* Play as male, female, or enby. Choose your name and pick your naughty parts.
* Affect scenes by bringing different monster girls on your adventures. *(Implemented for one character—more planned.)*
* Dislike a kink? Skip any lewd scene BEFORE the action starts.

And if that doesn’t convince you, check out these rave reviews:

> “What’s up man. Everything okay?”

> “Shouldn’t you be looking for a job?”

> “We’re worried about you.”

And that’s just from my friends!

### About me (BIS):

* I’m proud to say this is my second NSFW game; I completed my first!
* I’ve been programming for decades, teaching best practices to others; there have been seven bugs over a four month period, and only one of those was major.

[Play the latest version in your browser](https://monstergirlfarmer.com)

[Chat with me and other fans](https://link.monstergirlfarmer.com/chat_with_me)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/p1sa72/interactive_fiction_monster_girl_farmer_v018