Coyote’s Trick Chapters 2 and 3 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

I’ve written this story through chapter 5. It is complete. All chapters are available on my website. There’s also an illustrated version available. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Chapters 1 and 2: [](

Chapter 3

Night and day were more binary than ever for the Moore household. James was his normal, sweet self with the sun up. But once night fell, so did thousands of years of civilization. James howled, panted, and his rapaciousness knew no bounds. This happened all week.

Christina sat in the kitchen sipping coffee on a Friday. It was almost time for James to arrive home from school. Much to Christina’s deep shame, she grew to love their nights. She found that her body now longed for the wildness to enter back into her eighteen-year-old son’s eyes. Poor Henry would certainly divorce her if he knew what she’d become. She shivered in the warm sunlight as she wondered if James would continue their untamed congress once his father returned from his business trip.

The door slammed and Christina turned her attention to the kitchen entrance. Moments later, her son bounded in and dropped his backpack.

“Hi, sweetie. How was your day?” She gave him a nervous smile.

“Good, Mom.” James walked across the kitchen and swung open the fridge. “I’m starving.”

“Yes, you forgot to eat dinner last night.” Christina crossed her trembling legs. He had not, however, forgotten to gorge himself on her vaginal fluid. He must have slurped at her for over an hour the night before.

“I’ve been feeling weird all week.” James retrieved a jar of pickles and sat at the kitchen table with his mom. “Maybe I’m coming down with something.” James opened the jar, stuck his hand in, and pulled out a pickle. He gnawed the thing ferociously and reached for another one, splashing pickle juice on his clothes and the kitchen floor.

“James, sweetie …” Christina watched him eat like a savage. She was going to reprimand him, but her voice fell silent. The way he’d been eating had grossed her out just a few days ago. Now, it reminded her of the beast he would become. “Never mind. Enjoy your pickles.” She watched him wolf down the whole jar.

“I’m still hungry.” James looked at her with unease, he wasn’t quite sure why he was so hungry. Maybe he was going through a late growth spurt.

“I’ll make you some burgers, Jimmy.” Christina stood up and retrieved the ground beef out of the fridge. She could tell he needed meat. A mother knew these things.

“Thanks, Mom. Could you make them rare?” James sat and let his mother cook for him. He stared at her with longing. When she brought him a glass of milk, he gulped it down in one go, milk running down his chin and onto his shirt. As he ate dinner, he discarded food detritus all over the table and the floor around him. Before dark, he kissed his mom on the cheek and stumbled off to bed.


“I have to go, honey.” Christina tried to wrap up her phone conversation with her husband. The pinks and reds of the setting sun filled her living room. It was almost time. “What? There’s a TV show I want to watch. That’s all.” She listened to Henry, tapping her bare foot on the carpet. She didn’t want him on the line when James came downstairs. That would be a disaster. “Yes, Jimmy’s fine. We’re spending quality time together … okay … okay … Bye.” Christina disconnected the line.

Just in time, too. She could hear her son moving about upstairs in his room. He made such a racket in the evenings. Christina’s phone vibrated, and she looked at the caller ID. Sally was calling. Christina hit ignore and sent it to voicemail. She’d been avoiding Sally’s calls the last few days. She was done talking about James and drugs. Whatever was happening to her son, she didn’t want it to stop.

Christina carefully removed her dress and underwear. Her fingers trembled with anticipation, making the clasp on her bra difficult, but she managed. Her poor vagina was so slick and ready. Her son had trained her all week, and it seemed her body had taken to the training. She got down on her hands and knees, facing her pale butt at the living room doorway. Christina waited. She knew she wouldn’t have to wait long.

“The forest takes what it once lost.” James stepped slowly down the stairs. “My streams and rivers bore the cost.” His curved, fierce cock bounced and swayed before him. The dark veins on the thing contrasted with his white skin in the dim light. He could smell his mother’s excitement somewhere on the main floor. James paused and sniffed the air at the base of the stairs. “Tonight, I’m going to take your bum. For I’m the tool of Kumokum.”

Did she hear him correctly? Did he intend to take her butt? Christina shivered. Henry had tried that a couple times years ago, but Christina hadn’t liked it. And Henry was smaller than his son. Much smaller. She waited for him to find her on her hands and knees, ass up in the air like dog.

“Mooooommmmmm?” James gave a low, threatening growl. “Ggggrrrrrrrrr. Don’t make me hunt for you.”

“I’m in here, Jimmy.” Christina closed her eyes tight. “Waiting for you.”

“That’s good, Mom.” James moved toward the living room, his alabaster skin almost luminous in the white streetlight that fell through the windows. “Aaaahhhhooooooooo.” He found her ready for him. Nothing in James’s life had looked more inviting than her ass up in the air, with her back arched. He stalked into the room, walked around her, and sank to his knees in front of her. “Open your eyes.”

“James?” Christina opened her eyes and looked up at her feral son. He was sweating, panting, and his tongue hung out of his mouth. She had expected him to get behind her. Her eyes were wide with surprise. “What are you doing?”

“Choke on it.” James bent forward a little, as the upward curve of his animalistic cock made the angle awkward. He watched his mother readily suck him in when the oozing head touched her lips.

“MMmmmmmppphhh.” Christina had lost her battles with her son, and now she had lost the war. She would do anything. She knew she must look quite a sight, with her breasts hanging ponderously below her, and her butt so exposed. She bobbed her head as best she could.

“What once was dry, is now quite wet.” James looked down at her bulging eyes as she worked about a quarter of his cock down her throat. “A resized ass, you will get.” He pulled himself out of her and sprung on his hands and feet behind her.

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” Christina looked down at the carpet. She prepared for the pain. “I don’t knooooooowwwwwwwwww.” The massive thing worked into her tight anal entrance. She stiffened and took his shoves as it burrowed into her guts. “I don’t … knnnnowwwwwww. Aaaawwwoooooooooooo.” It felt amazing. She was not expecting the surge of pleasure that spread through her. She howled just like her son as he pulled out and savagely thrust back in.

Mother and son were so lost in their fornications that they didn’t even hear the doorbell ring.


Why wasn’t she answering her door? Sally rang the bell again and leaned her ear against the sidelight. She brushed her blond hair out of the way and listened. She could definitely hear something that sounded like one of those nature shows. Christina was home. She was just avoiding Sally, it seemed. Sally folded her arms over her ample bosom and tapped her foot.

She looked in the sidelight, but couldn’t see much. The lights were off inside, but they were home. Christina probably didn’t want to tell Sally about James’s drug addiction. Sally was sure the young man was hooked on reefer or something like that. Well, Christina couldn’t just hide from her friend to avoid an awkward conversation. Sally would give her a piece of her mind.

The side gate rattled as Sally opened it and let herself into the backyard. She made her way around the neatly tended flower beds, onto the back deck, and found the sliding door. She peered in, but all was dark back there, too. Sally tried the door. It was unlocked. The door slid quietly and Sally was immediately accosted with a cacophony. It sounded like Christina was listening to her nature show at full volume. There were grunts, growls, barks, and howls. Sally stood for a minute, shocked that Christina would watch something so … animalistic. She stepped through the sliding door into the kitchen.

Sally had been over to Christina’s many times and knew her way, even in the semi-dark. She walked through the house, ready to give her friend a piece of her mind. Her feet took root when she hit the threshold to the living room. “Sweet Jesus.” Her hand went to her mouth, and her eyes went as big as dinner plates. Both James and his mother heard her and stopped what they were doing. Christina, naked and sweaty, was on her hands and knees, her black hair wild and falling around the horrified expression on her face. Sally didn’t know if it was horror at having her son’s filthy thing so obviously all the way up her butt, or horror at being caught. James gazed at Sally with a snarl on his face. Drugs … Sally’s brain tried to make sense of things. This had to be the drugs. “What … what are you doing?” She could hear the pair panting as they looked at her. The rest was silence.

“I’m so … sorry, Sally. I … can explain.” Christina tried to come up with something, but how would she explain their most forbidden sodomy.

“You’ve lost your mind, Chrissy.” Sally looked back and forth between them. There was evil in James’s eyes. “You’ve both lost your minds.” Sally then did what any sensible civilized woman would do. She turned and ran, her dress billowing behind her.

A surge of adrenaline hit Sally as she got back to the kitchen. She needed to get back out the sliding door. Then, she could never think about Christina or James again. But she was clumsy in her heels. Her ankles nearly turned when she put on the brakes on the kitchen’s linoleum floor. Somehow, James had cut her off. He stood naked by the door. He looked almost skeletal as he hunched over, his body drawing up and down with each ragged breath. Sally’s blood ran cold when her gaze dropped, and she saw his weapon. She’d never seen a penis like that before. It was ghostly pale, but the veins were such a deep blue they looked black. And it curved wickedly toward his stomach. Sally’s heart went cold and panic set in. She ran back toward the front door and heard a blood-curdling howl behind her.

“She breaks into our quiet den. The clucking, twitting, blabby hen.” James moved like a flash and cut Sally off again. He watched the woman’s boobs bounce under her dress as she veered off and headed for the stairs. “Come, Mother, or she’ll spoil our fun. Let’s make her pray before Kumokum.”

“Okay, Jimmy.” Christina slowly stood. She could feel the sweat evaporating off her naked breasts in the breeze coming through the open back door. James was right. They couldn’t let Sally go after what she’d seen. Not before she met Kumokum.

James howled and bounded up the stairs like a predator, his lithe, skinny body moving almost like water.

“Aaawwwwooooooooo.” Christina couldn’t help herself. She howled along with her son and ran up the stairs after them. She had never felt so alive.

Mother and son cornered Sally at the end of the hallway.

Sally turned her back to the wall and pressed herself up against the plaster. Her whole body quaked like a leaf as the naked Moores approached her. A low, buzzing sound filled the hall. To her utmost horror, she realized they were both growling at her. “Please … please … I just want to go home.”

“Get her ready.” James stepped aside and let his mother pass him.

“Shh. It’s okay, Sally.” Christina approached the whimpering woman. She pulled off Sally’s dress without much fuss. Christina then ripped Sally’s lacey panties right off her. “I didn’t understand at first either, but now I do. The forest wants us back, Sally.” Christina turned her around and placed Sally’s hands up on the wall. “We need to abandon ourselves.” Christina stepped to the side. It was her son’s turn.

“My husband …” Sally couldn’t think straight. She’d somehow walked into a nightmare.

“Abandon your leash, Sally.” James stepped up behind her. “Your husband would only hold you back.”

“This isn’t you. It’s the drugs talking. You’re both hooked on the drugs.” Sally felt hot, sweaty hands firmly grab her hips. He was going to do it with her. “I just want to … aaahhhh …” It hurt to have his thing inside her. She wasn’t used to anything near that size. “You … ah … can’t …” Suddenly, James humped her like a runaway piston from behind. He gave her no time to adjust. She dug her nails into the wall and held on for dear life.

“Aaawwwwwoooooooo,” James bellowed out his conquest.

“Aaaawwwwwoooooooo,” Christina reveled in the quarry captured. She watched her son hump her meddling friend and knew the woman would never be same. Christina’s hand fell down to her vagina and pumped two fingers inside.

“Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my,” Sally said through gritted teeth. She looked down and watched her breasts flop with each smashing thrust. The pain had vanished so quickly. She was left with a growing ecstasy that spread from her vagina throughout her body. Even her toes tingled in her shoes. She forgot about her horror at how this nice suburban family had turned feral. She forgot about getting home to make dinner for her husband. She forgot even her words. When James told her to bark, she did. “Ruff, ruff, ruff.” Had they somehow slipped her drugs? Well, if this was what drugs felt like, she wanted more. She wanted to swim in that feeling for the rest of her life. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.” Sally screamed out her climax, but the piston behind her didn’t stop. That terrible, curved penis kept hitting a spot she hadn’t before that moment knew existed. She would give anything to have that spot pulverized daily. In quick succession, she orgasmed again and again.

“Gggggrrrrrrrr.” James grunted and growled, his hips going even faster. The slapping sound of Sally’s generous backside filled the hall.

“He’s going to … ah … seed you now, Sally.” Christina was on the edge of her own climax. “You’ll be … ugh … one of us. One of our … pack … oooooohhhhhhhhh.” Christina shuddered and watched James complete his conquest.

James howled, Christina grunted, and Sally screamed. They all came at the same time.

It took a long time for Sally to gather her wits. When she recovered herself, she was still leaning against the hallway wall. She looked behind her. The hall was empty. Sally could feel the warm, sticky stuff sliding down the inside of her thighs. She picked up her dress, and slowly pulled it on. Her panties lay in tatters on the floor, so she left them there. As she walked toward the stairs, she passed Christina’s bedroom. She looked in to see mother and son curled up on the floor together, apparently sleeping.

Sally raced out of the house. She drove herself home and ran to the shower before her husband could smell what had happened to her. In the shower, she thought back to the incomparable pleasure James had given her, and she rubbed her button to three more orgasms. Sally didn’t know what Kumokum was, but she knew she wanted more. No, she knew she had to have more.

Chapter 4

Only two days until Henry returned from his business trip. During her husband’s long absence, Christina had nearly drowned herself in her new, animalistic lifestyle. Every night, she eagerly waited until dusk. Then, she gave herself with alacrity to her eighteen-year-old son. Over and over again. The cozy numb of suburban living sloughed off the once tranquil housewife. Now, she longed to spend her hours in the most basic existence. Love and lust. Hunger and satisfaction. Predator and prey.

Waiting for James to descend the stairs for the evening, Christina nudged the quiet phone in front of her. With little, violent thrusts she knocked the cold piece of plastic and glass closer and closer to the edge of the table. “What once was more than any needed,” she playfully whispered to herself. “Begone, my warnings never heeded. And when you’ve drowned in the river’s cum, then you’ll know Kumokum.” The phone reached the edge and with one last push with her index finger, it fell to the kitchen floor and cracked.

What did it matter? Who was she going to talk to on that box? Henry? Sally? Well, Sally was a thought. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair from her best friend since James had seeded the woman.

The telltale thumps sounded through the ceiling. James had roused himself for their nightly congress. The patter of his bare feet descended the stairs. Christina turned away from her broken phone and watched with wide eyes as James slumped into the room. He crouched low, his wan skin glowing in the last embers of the sun’s daily light. His massive cock was, of course, quite hard. The blackish-blue veins very prominent against his paleness. The violent curve of the thing went straight up, drawing Christina’s eyes. She shuddered, knowing what wonderful violence that organ had in store. But not yet. “Put your clothes on, Jimmy. We’re going out.”

“Is that fear you hide inside you, now? I’ll plumb it out and –” James was interrupted by his mother’s mirthful laugh.

“No, no. Not fear. We’ve let Sally wander on us, Jimmy. We can’t let the marked quarry flee. Can we?” Christina jogged upstairs to put on some running clothes. They were going to do some mother-son exercise. “Come on now. Get dressed. You don’t want sheriff to shoot you,” she called down to him. And sure enough, she heard him rummaging in his room for clothes. “Wear something loose.”

Ten minutes later, they were out jogging down quiet suburban streets. James had a strange, loping gait. And Christina thought she might be running differently, too. All of her muscles cheered the release from a sedate home environment. And she had so much stamina. She felt like she could run and never stop. Houses passed on either side of them. Inside, the lighted rooms showed families sitting to dinner, or watching a ballgame. Christina felt sorry for those poor fools as she darted by.

Shadows strobed over her yoga pants. Her boobs flopped under the tank-top. She didn’t see much point to wearing a bra now. The bouncing didn’t seem to hurt like her old self might have expected. What luck.

Beside Christina, James bounded in a mostly unused track suit. His father had bought it for him when he had been trying to inspire James to get out of the house more and turn off the video games. Well, the good news for Henry was that his son hadn’t played a game in weeks. But there was bad news for the old man, too. James’s hard penis comically rose and fell with each step under his outfit. Christina was happy they had done this in the dark. The houses grew larger the closer they got. They were now surrounded by tall, sprawling McMansions. They only had a few more blocks to go until they reached Sally’s house.


Settled on her viewing room sofa with the television blaring a stupid 1950s body snatcher type movie, Sally felt comfortable in her yoga pants and cashmere sweater. She wiggled her butt into the cushion below. Really, she should have been making dinner. She always got home from her work at the charity before her husband, and she liked to have a hot supper on the table waiting for him. But she hadn’t been herself that week. She should have been horrified by everything that had happened over at Christina’s house. Good Lord, Christina and her son had sinned by joining together in the worst way. And then they had brought her into their immoral cabal.

Sally sipped her Diet Pepsi and tried to not think about the pleasure she’d felt at the end of James’s curved spear. This was why drugs were bad. People needed to learn to say no. Sally focused back at the screen just as the alien emerged from the lagoon. It was a large feral-looking thing, covered in seaweed and shedding sheets of water. Sally froze at the sound of the doorbell. Who could that be? She paused the movie, put her cold Pepsi on the coffee table, adjusted its coaster, and then stood. “Coming,” she called.

The front walk was dark and Sally couldn’t make out who was out there through her peephole. She flipped on the outdoor lights, and her heart skipped a beat. They were crazy coming there. Christina and James stood just beyond the front door, both panting. James’s feet moved back and forth with restless tension.

“Hello, Sally, dear,” Christina bellowed through the door. “Let us in, please.”

“Go away!” Sally watched as James sprinted off into the darkness around her house. Oh, my. Was her back door open?

“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff …” Christina said to the door.

Sally paused for an agonizing second. Should she get her phone from where she left it in the living room and call her husband for help? Or race to the back door? Her heart beat like a drum trying to leap from her chest. Then, she raced to the back of the house. Her socks slid on the hardwood floor as she scooted through the dining room into the formal living room. Sally lost her balance, stumbled over the east sofa, and climbed over it in a panic.

The lights were out in the back of the house, but Sally knew her way around, even in the seldom used game room that opened to the veranda. She bolted into the room, and her socks slid her to a halt several feet from the billiard table. The back door was wide open. She could hear crickets and frogs singing their evening chorus from the wilderness beyond her backyard. Sally looked around the room, her chest rising and falling, her muscles taut. There was a crash somewhere in the house. That beastly teenager was in the house with her now. Her stomach did somersaults thinking of what he’d like to do to her if he got his dirty hands on her again. He would stick that crooked thing in all her precious holes if she wasn’t careful. Her knees trembled at the thought. She imagined looking up into that feral face, gazing at his pleasure.

“Hello?” Sally called out.

“Aaaahooooooooooooo.” The howl reverberated around the main floor, coming from somewhere near the viewing room.

With the monster inside, she did the only sensible thing. Sally ran out the back door. They had bought that house for the unrivaled privacy it offered. No neighboring house was visible from the back. Just their waterfall and pool, and over an acre of fresh cut lawn. Sally’s socks became damp as she crossed the grass. It was a long way to the neighbor’s backyard, but she didn’t want to go around the front of the house and confront the corrupted Christina. Her friend had been such a good woman. Drugs were a filthy evil. There was no doubt.

“No!” Sally gave a shriek when she looked to her left and saw Christina bounding toward her on all fours. It was a hideous sight. The woman ran across the lawn like some sort of deformed dog at full sprint. Sally veered to her right, toward the forest. About halfway to the wood-line, Sally felt a weight fall around her middle and went tumbling onto the grass. She wound up on her back with Christina looking down at her. The woman’s once fine black hair was tangled and hanging in her face.

“One of us, you’ll soon become. Say hello to Kumokum.” Christina’s smile wasn’t cruel, exactly, but it wasn’t warm either.

“Christina. Let me go. I don’t want to cheat again.” Sally looked around the gloom. She could see nothing of the neighbors from their spot in the yard. And her phone was all the way back in the house.

“Aaahoooooooooo.” The howl echoed off the forest’s veil as James jumped out the back door.

“Aaaahhhooooooo,” his mother called back.

“Wait … Chrissy … don’t …” But Sally found herself offering pathetically feeble resistance as the other woman turned her over onto her hands and knees and lowered her pants and underwear down to midthigh. Sally tried to squirm away, but Christina held her by her pants. A breeze blew in from the forest, carrying with it the uncultivated smell of wild nighttime flowers. As Sally’s nostrils flared, she hung her head. The fight ebbing out of her.

“Don’t tell me you aren’t ready to let the wild back in.” Christina leaned her pretty nose down near her friend’s exposed ass and inhaled deeply. “I can smell your anticipation.”

Sally only whimpered and waited. Her body gave an involuntary jump when James smacked her ass.

“It looks like a full moon tonight.” James howled again, and discarded his clothes in the darkness behind him. He put his feet on either side of her knees and squatted down. “Be a good bitch and bear me some pups.” With a hunch of his hips, he shoved his dick all the way into her. Sally’s grunt of acceptance was music to his highly-tuned ears. He grabbed fleshy handfuls of ass for leverage and went to work.

“One of the pack.” Christina’s head buzzed as she stepped back from the mating couple. They looked so perfect humping under the moonlight. She couldn’t think straight, but it didn’t bother her. A little entropy was a good thing. It was all a cycle, and civilization was now waning back into the forest. The perfect embodiment of the phenomenon was Sally’s rising voice as her orgasm approached. The woman didn’t need her fancy house. She didn’t need her electronic gizmos shackled to her. All she needed was the immediacy of want and need and the satisfaction of those desires. “Turn her, Jimmy,” Christina breathed. She found herself removing her clothes. “Bring her back to the hallows and the mountains.”

“Oh, God … good, God … he’s hitting me … in that spot … with his curved … eeeeieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Sally threw her head back and forth, her base-self exposed.

“How does it feel?” Christina sat herself down on the grass in front of Sally. The grass tickled the exposed skin on her butt. She looked into the faraway eyes of her friend.

“Full … so … full …” Sally was barely aware of Christina in front of her. Part of her brain took in the contours of the woman’s curves made of shadow and moonlight. But most of her mind was otherwise occupied. Sally’s fingers dug into the lawn, plunging her wedding ring into the dirt. The diamond going back to its birthplace in the earth. Just like James had gone back inside his mother. It was all a cycle, Sally thought. But then her mind was no longer able to string together coherent thoughts. She screamed out her next orgasm.

“Do you feel the rain? Do you feel the wind? The rivers running though my James?” Christina put her hands on the back of Sally’s head and slowly, but steadily, pulled her down between Christina’s legs.

“I … do … I … do. Mmmmppppphhhhhh.” And Sally did feel it. And she drank the wilderness when it was presented to her, slurping up the excitement that leaked from Christina’s pussy. She would never concern herself over the evils of drugs again.

“She’s mine, Mom.” James humped away, the slaps of his violent thrusts echoing off the house to one side and forest on the other. “She belongs to Kumokum.”

“Almost … sweetie … almost …” Christina leaned her head back and stared up at the night sky. She could barely see the stars through all the light pollution. That would change, soon enough. “We can’t let her go … this time.”

“Yes … yes … yeeeeeeesssssssssss,” James hissed as he unloaded inside the newest member of the pack.

A while later, with her underwear and pants now around one leg and her sweater still on, Sally bounced on top of the teenager with urgency. Her face was covered in Christina’s juices, but she didn’t notice or care. All that mattered was the pressing, ephemeral push of each successive orgasm. The squelch of her vagina full of cock and cum would have once upon a time disgusted her. Now, it only added to the heightened sense of feral pleasure. “Eeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,” She shrieked again and let the beast explode inside her for a third time.


An hour later, Christina pulled Sally’s car out of Sally’s garage. With her mind a little clearer, Christina had decided they couldn’t simply carry Sally back to the Moore house. That might get someone’s attention. So, they elected to borrow Sally’s Range Rover. From the back seat, Christina could hear slurping and gagging sounds as Sally bobbed her head on James’s cock. Christina adjusted the rearview mirror so she could see what they were doing. Sally had her left hand around James’s right testicle, but Christina couldn’t see much else as Sally’s hair fell around her face.

A few blocks into their trip, Christina noticed a white Mercedes pass in the other direction. That had to be Sally’s poor husband. Christina made a u-turn and followed him back, parking the Range Rover at a distance so she could watch the house. Sure enough, the Mercedes pulled into Sally’s garage.

Christina rummaged around in Sally’s purse on the passenger seat and found the woman’s phone. They had packed Sally up in a hurry, but had forgotten to leave a note at the house. She texted Sally’s husband that Sally was over at Christina’s house for the night. The sounds of the blowjob continued from the backseat. Her passengers were unaware of the detour.

The phone buzzed with an incoming call from Sally’s husband. Christina let it ring. It seemed he wasn’t happy with a text message. Christina watched the house, wondering if the fool had any idea that wilderness was creeping back into his fortress, reclaiming what was once lost. She looked into the backseat and saw her son’s tongue hanging from his mouth. He was going to explode again, soon. Christina texted the husband again on Sally’s phone, saying she couldn’t talk.

Thirty second’s later, the phone rang again. “Yes, hello, Bruce.” Christina answered it. She expected Sally to freeze upon hearing her, but the blowjob continued unabated. The woman was so lost in the act, she wasn’t even aware of the danger she was in with her husband. Christina wondered if James would howl out his orgasm while she was on the phone.

“What’s going on, Chrissy?” Bruce sounded more confused than anything else.

“Well, I’m lonely with Henry gone.” Christina couldn’t help but giggle at the thought. “And Sally is keeping me company.”

“Why are you answering Sally’s phone?” Bruce’s voice raised a little.

“Oh … um … Sally is playing a game with James.” Christina took one last look at Sally’s house and put the Range Rover in drive. She turned and headed back toward her home. “I’ll have her call you when she’s free.”

“Okay.” Bruce sounded defeated. “Tell her she left the back door open. She shouldn’t be so careless. Wild animals could get in.”

“I’ll tell her.” Christina checked the mirror as James’s grunting intensified. “Goodbye.” And she disconnected before he could reply.

“Ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.” James growled out his orgasm, pinning Sally’s head on his cock.

Christina could hear Sally eagerly gulping down the mess as she drove them home.

I’ve written this story through chapter 5. It is complete. All chapters are available on my website. There’s also an illustrated version available. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search my name on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
