Keep it Coming [m/f] [long] [Just A taste installment]

Keep it Coming

My legs are still weak from the earth shattering orgasm Wyatt gave me just moments ago. I don’t know how it’s possible, but just listening to him talk about pushing me to new limits has my pussy hot and twinging with excitement. The look on his face is heart stopping. There is a certain mystery behind his eyes. The smirk on his lips tells me he’s enjoying every moment of this as much as I am.

As I stand there studying his face, he reaches over and lightly brushes the hair that has fallen out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. He run his fingers lightly down my jaw and stops at the tip of my chin. He lifts my face just slightly and looks deep into my eyes. “Are you sure you want this? It isn’t too late to back out.” The question catches me off guard. “Why would I back out now? The fun just started.” I answer with a smirk. “Huh. You’re right, but I need to make a few things clear. I have a very primal nature. I like to take control and push limits. I want to make you cum more times and harder than you ever have. I want you to beg for my mercy. I want you to beg for my cock. I will decide what you get and when. I will push you to the very edge of more than you think you can take, but you have to have complete trust in me. We set a safe word. The second you utter that word, everything stops, no questions asked. After, we do whatever you need, whatever that means. We can lay there and cuddle, watch a movie, talk, whatever. It’s important that you know you have just as much if not more control as I do.”

It’s a lot to take in. I’ve never been in a situation quite like this. Sure, I’ve read plenty of romance novels and with bdsm/ dominate submissive relationships, but I’ve never been in one. It’s all a little intimidating, but I’m so intrigued and turned on by it all, how could I say no? I genuinely trust Wyatt. I know he will respect what I want. “Elevator.” I say. “What?” Wyatt asks with a confused look on his face. “My safe word. It’s going to be elevator.” He smirks. “That’s perfect. In the case you can’t speak, snap your fingers three times. That will serve the same purpose. You snap, I stop.” I hadn’t even thought of that. Ive never been gagged before and I’m not entirely sure I’m ok with it, but i am intrigued. I nod.

That is all it takes. Wyatt picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He holds me by my ass. I lace my fingers together and place them at the base of his head. His eyes are locked on mine. He carries me straight to his bedroom and places me on the edge of the bed. I can’t help but notice his bed is high off the floor. It has four posters and a heavy wooden headboard. The bed is made and has a soft dark gray comforter on it. The lights in the room are dim and set the mood.

“Lie down. Flat on your back in the middle of the bed.” He says with a straight face. He is over by his dresser looking through a drawer. I can’t see what he is doing, but he doesn’t look away from it. “Ok?” I say in a confused tone. “Yes, sir. Would be the correct response.” He turns to look at me and pulls off his shirt. He’s still wearing his scrub pants sitting right at the bottom of the V at the bottom of his abdomen. I slide back on the bed and lie back propping myself up on my elbows. “Yes, sir.” I say lowering my eyes and my voice. “Good girl.” He says it with almost a growl to his voice. I’ve never had someone say those words to me and it does something to me I can’t describe. My pussy ignites in a fire off passion. I want him to say it again. What walks over to the bed. He climbed up on it and then on top of me. He straddles my waist on his knees. He isn’t touching me except his legs against my naked sides. He reached down and takes my right wrist. He pulls my hands to his mouth and kisses the palm. He moves that arm backwards over my head. As he does this he leans down still not touching me. I hear something rattle behind me. I realize he is clasping a soft cuff around my wrist. I pull down slightly testing it’s limits. It barely gives. Wyatt watches my expression. I cock an eyebrow at him. He then takes my left wrist and immediately and forcefully placed it above my head as well. He places it in a cuff equally as tight. He leans his face down within a centimeter of my face. Our lips almost touching. He doesn’t touch me though. He moves down to my already hard nipples. He blows on them. They stand up painfully hard. The bars that penetrate them causing more of a sensation than I can stand. I squirm against the restraints. Wyatt sits up and smiles. “Already squirming? This is going to be fun.” He says with a laugh. “You are just mean.” I say. “Oh baby girl, we haven’t even started yet. You have no idea.”
I playfully glare at him. Wyatt climbs off the bed and goes to his closet. He comes back with a blindfold. “When you deprive yourself of one of your senses, the others are heightened. Let’s see how high I can get you.” He says as he places the blindfold over my eyes. It’s silky and snug but not tight.

I hear him get off the bed again and bring in what sounds like a rolling cart. I just want to see what he’s doing, but I have no choice but to lay here and wait for whatever he has in store for me.

Just as I’m pondering what is about to happen I feel a soft, almost tickling feeling running ever so lightly over my fingers, down my hand and right arm. It feels like a feather. He trails it across my collar bone and over to the left side. This time he runs it slowly up my arm, and ends of my finger tips. He then runs it lightly across my lips, down my chin, and onto my chest. He runs it down between my breasts, down my stomach, and stops just short of my pussy. My breathing is getting harder. My pussy is hot and wet. The anticipation of his touch is killing me. He continues trailing the feather down my right hip and cuts painstakingly slowly across the crease of my hip and leg. He run it down the right leg and foot, then switches to the left doing the exact torturous thing. I secretly hope he’s done with this sweet soft torture, but he’s not. He run the feather up my stomach, to my sternum, but stops this time. The feather is directly between my breasts. He circles my right breast slowly along my chest and the higher and higher climbing toward my nipple. I bite my lip hard I’m squirming my ass into the bed, arching my back as far as it will allow, silently begging for his touch. He stops just shy of my painfully hard nipple. He moves to my left breast and does the same thing. I moan out loud as he stops shy of my nipple again. He gives a throaty laugh. I bite my lip hard and take a deep breath. I squeeze my legs together as hard as I can. I’m so wet I feel a gush when I do this. Fuck I want him, and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

I’m not sure if it’s the sensory deprivation of being blind folded or just my innate need for his touch, but my entire body feels like it’s on pins and needles. I’m so aware of every sensation. I hear everything. Wyatts breathing is slow and even. I wonder how he’s so calm. He obviously enjoys this immensely. As I’m focusing on his breathing, I suddenly feel something very different. He is lightly brushing it against my right calf. Its definitely not a feather this time, but it’s still soft and smooth feeling. He trails the new item up my thigh. He slides it between my legs about half way between my knees and my pussy. He uses it as almost a lever causing me to spread my legs. I don’t want to. The pressure of squeezing my legs together is the only bit of reprieve I get right now. I resist without really consciously doing so. “Open your legs for me. Now.” His voice is deeper than normal. It sends a chill up my spine. “What are you going to do if I don’t?” I quip. He scoffs. With that I get my answer to not only what he will do, but what he is using on me. I hear a sharp snap. I immediately know he’s using a riding crop. There’s no denying the sound of a whip when you hear one. I jump a little. Oh fuck. Something like fear courses through me. “Now open those legs wide so I can see that pretty little pussy.” He says through his teeth. Why do i still want to protest? I purse my lips. With that tiny bit of protest, I feel a sharp slap and sting on the inside of my right thigh. I jump and my breath catches. I still manage to keep my legs together. He slaps the inside of my left thigh this time a little harder. A sigh escapes my lips. I loosen the grip of my legs just slightly. Another slap to my right thigh and I arch my back causing my thighs to part just a little. I close them back quickly. “If that’s how you want to play this, that’s fine, but I promise, you will lose.” He says. What am I doing? I think to myself.

I notice Wyatt is no longer close to me. He’s back within a moment and at my feet. He grabs my right ankle roughly and pulls it to the side. I pull back against him. He counters even harder. I feel him wrap something around my ankle snuggly. Restraints on my legs too? I hear a rattle that sounds like metal. He grabs my left ankle and does the same with it. My legs are still nearly completely together. I don’t know what he’s getting at, but I’m winning this battle. Just as the thought crosses my mind, he grab what is between my ankles and quickly widens it thrusting my legs apart. I hear it lock into place. A spreader bar, I should have guessed. I’m completely and utterly exposed. My sopping wet pussy open. I try like hell to pull my legs in together, it’s pointless. The bar is locked into place and there is nothing I can do to fight it. He leans down close to my right ear. “Didn’t I tell you, you won’t win this battle. Now be a good girl. Do as I say. Lay there and take it like the little slut I know you are.” In an exceedingly low and raspy voice. I bite bottom lip. “Yes sir.” I whisper. “That’s it.” I can hear the smirk on his lips through his voice.

He continues using the riding crop. Trailing it up the inside of my right thigh. He surprises me when he doesn’t stop short of my pounding pussy. He takes the crop across my lips ever so lightly. Because he has me spread so wide, the crop grazes my clit. I arch my back and push my pussy down trying to gain further contact. Of course he won’t allow it. He continues his trail up my stomach to my breasts. As he reaches the right one, he gives it a little slap. It doesn’t exactly sting but it gets my attention. He brings the crop up to my nipple and drags it across it. I do my best not to squirm. Without warning, he gives my nipple a little slap as well. “Mmmm” I moan. He does the same to my left breast. “When you behave, I reward you. When you protest, I punish you. Although, I’m not sure pain is the way to punish you. You may like it a little too much.” He gives a little laugh. I can’t help but smile. As he is taking he runs the crop back down my stomach to my pussy. He slides it down with more pressure this time. “Do you like my crop against your pussy?” He asks. “Yes sir.” I say nearly breathless from desire. With that he pulls the crop away, but just as quickly returns it with a little snap right against my slightly exposed clit. I let out a loud moan. He does it again. This time a little harder. And again. This time I can’t help but scream out. “Fuck!” “Do you like that?” He asks slyly. “Yes daddy. Fuck yes.” I realize I said daddy instead of sir. I withdraw a little hoping it doesn’t cause him to stop. “Ha. That’s why pain will never be the proper punishment for you.” He laughs. He pulls the crop away. Damn it.

“Turn over baby. Let me see that big ass of yours.” He orders. I oblige with help of course. It’s a little difficult to turn freely with four point restraints on. As soon as I turn over he grabs my ass with both hands and squeezes it tight. He gives it a hard slap with his hand. “Have you ever played with you tight little asshole?” He asks. “Yes sir, some.” I answer. “Good.” He replies. That’s all he says and let’s me go. He backs away and is back within a second. I hear a bottle open. I assume it’s lube. God I want him to play with my asshole. Fuck, I want him to play with anything. I just need him touching me.

He drips the hot liquid down my spine, over my ass, and down my thighs. I’m surprised to feel the heat from it, but it feels good. He runs his fingers through the oil on my back and then down and across my ass. He begins rubbing and massaging it into my skin with slow, deep, pressure. I push against him. He works on my back for a few minutes before running his hands down my ass. He rubs the oil all over it using the same glorious pressure as before. He works his way down my thighs in the same fashion. As he finishes rubbing my thighs down, he runs his hands up the insides of them. One hand on each I thigh. He increases the pressure the closer he gets to my pussy. He slides his hands the sides of it, pressing his thumbs into the tender skin. He keeps moving up my ass keeping the pressure with his thumbs. He spreads my ass cheeks as he does this. He keeps massaging and working his way closer to the inside. I’m lifting my ass as high as I can for him.

God how I want him. I want him playing with my tight asshole while he pounds my pussy into oblivion. I want him to slap my ass so hard it gets hit and red. I want him to grab me by my hair and pull my head back until my tits are off the bed. I want him to grab my nipples and pinch them hard. I fucking want him. I fucking need him. Now.


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