My Father-in-law (Ch. 02) [F/M]

Chapter 2 [(Link to chapter one)](

I didn´t sleep that night. I lay in bed next to Jake, mind racing and heart beating with such force that I was afraid it was going to burst. I had a deep, dark sensation in the pit of my stomach, a mixture of guilt, shame and… well, lust. I couldn´t remember the last time I had been so turned on and even now I felt myself getting wet every time I tried to go to sleep, only to have John´s massive cock flash right before my eyes, tempting me into sin.

I tossed and turned in the darkness of our room, trying to make sense of what had happened. It all seemed like some feverish dream. A dream I could not help but long to experience again. I mean, it was not all my fault, was it? John hadn´t exactly thrown me out or even reprimanded me. He had continued.

I watched the sun rise through the curtains, a gradual change in colour and lighting as I lay sweating next to Jake. My sweet, oblivious Jake, who even now looked tortured and saddened by the hand life had dealt us. And now this. The guilt grew even stronger in my stomach, and I thought I would never be able to forgive myself.

Eventually I must have fallen asleep despite my racing thoughts, because I woke up by a tender kiss on the lips. In a panic I opened my eyes, a half-forgotten dream still playing in my mind, only to see Jake standing next to the bed.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he murmured. He looked rested, even though his eyes still held that sadness that they often did nowadays. “Morning,” I croaked, all the guilt in the world seemingly gathering in my chest. I sat up in bed, the sheets falling off of my naked chest. I had undressed before I went to bed, perhaps associating the clothes I had worn to the deed I had committed. Jake barely glanced at my breasts. We hadn´t had sex since he lost his job; every time I tried to make something happen, he seemed to depressed to respond to my advances.

“I´m getting some breakfast, do you want to come with?” he asked, starting to get dressed. The thought of food upset my stomach. “No, I just want to take a shower,” I said, trying to get a chance to be alone with my thoughts. I realized I still didn´t know where the guest bathroom was. After a brief flash of shame, I tried to hide my flushing red cheeks by yawning into my hands.

“Could you show me where the bathroom was? I don´t remember what J… Your dad said.” I wrapped a towel around me, and Jake led me through the corridor, the opposite way of where I had gone last night. Of course, it had been to the right facing our room, I thought, cursing myself in my mind.

Jake left me to myself, and I stepped into the shower to try and scrub myself clean of last night´s events. The hot water felt like balm for my soul, and I soon began to relax a bit. It wasn´t as if I had touched John, nor had he touched me. We had just…. No, I shouldn´t try to defend my actions. What I had done was wrong, but I would never do anything like that again. Never. I was going to pretend like it never happened, and if John brought it up I´d tell him to fuck right off.

I finished the shower, trying to pretend that I didn´t feel how aroused I was, how much my body ached to be touched, held, fucked. I brushed my teeth, put on my body lotion, and started to feel a bit like myself again. I looked in the mirror. My face looked a bit tired, sure, but it was not as bad as I had feared. After hesitating for just a second, I put on some light make up and wrapped my towel around me, heading out into the corridor.

And bumped into John.

He almost dropped his coffee but managed to save the cup in the last second, steadying us both by grabbing my shoulder with his large, warm hand.

“Woah there, Laura! Sorry, I was heading to my study. Are you all right?” He was dressed sharply, in corn blue suit pants and a white shirt, lazily rolled up sleeves showing off his muscular forearms. His smell hit me intensely, citrus and woodsmoke combining into something both masculine and refreshing. I blushed furiously, both at having been so clumsy and because of the instant arousal in the pit of my stomach.

“Y-yeah, sorry. I wasn´t looking. Wh- where I was going, I mean, I wasn´t looking…” I fell silent, memories of last night flashing in my mind. John´s thick cock, his large hand wrapped around it…

“That´s all right. Whether you look or not, it´s all all right. No harm done, huh?” He said, a playful glint in his eyes. “I´ll be in my home office all day, feel free to enjoy anything you find in my house. Make yourself at home, and all that.” He winked at me. I should say something, I thought. I should let him know that last night was a one-time thing. That he should back off.

But I didn´t want to.

Instead, I just nodded as he patted me on the shoulder and went on his way, leaving me alone, and wet, in the corridor.


Having dressed, I went downstairs to see what Jake was up to. The big house was maze-like and confusing, and it took me a little while to find the kitchen. Jake wasn´t there, but I could see his tracks. Ever since he got laid off, he had been terrible at housekeeping, and so there was no surprise when I found an empty coffee pot, a cereal box, and a half full milk carton on the kitchen isle. I sighed, cleaning up after my adult fiancé like I would a child, and then made myself a cup of coffee on a complicated, expensive machine that I barely understood.

I explored for a bit, partly to sate my curiosity, partly to find Jake. There were a lot of rooms, a dining hall, several bathrooms, guest rooms, some kind of game room with a pool table, the place was like a mansion. Eventually I found Jake laying on a couch, watching TV while looking at his phone. I sat down next to him, trying to figure out something to say. Part of me wanted to confess everything, but that thought scared me too much to even think about for more than a few seconds.

“Want to go swimming?” I asked, trying to sound casual. “The weather´s nice, the sun´s out.” I got the answer I was expecting. “Nah, I´ll just chill for a bit.”

That was what he always said, nowadays. I knew he was depressed, that I shouldn´t be angry, but… I didn´t know what to do. I slid closer, laying a hand on his thigh as I leaned in close to his ear. “Want to go upstairs and fuck?” I whispered. He visibly flinched, looking at me with something with confusion in his eyes. “I, eh, what?” he said. “I said, do you want to go upstairs and fuck me?” I said again, letting my hand glide over his thigh. His cheeks flushed and he start

ed to look around him, as if his father would walk in any second.

“I, Laura, my dad´s home… it just feels…” I shut him up by kissing him, while my hand grabbed his cock through his shorts. I could feel it stiffen, and despite my own arousal I couldn´t help but feel a twinge of disappointment at it´s size. I had never felt that way before, but after seeing his father´s cock… I shook the thought out of my head and pulled back from our kiss.

“He´s in his study, we can keep quiet. Come on, we haven´t done it in ages!” As I talked, I pushed my hands inside his shorts, grabbing his cock in a firm grip as I stroked it. I was only wearing a tank top and a skirt, so I took his hand in mine and pushed it up between my thighs, letting him feel my wetness. That silenced his protests. He kissed me back, then stood up. We gleefully almost sprinted up the stairs and entered our room. He led me inside. I closed the door. Mostly. The crack I left open surely wouldn´t let any sound slip out, would it?

Jake tried to lead me into the bedroom, but I dragged him over to the couch in the sitting room. I sat down, making him stand in front of me, and pulled down his shorts. His cock sprung out, hard as rock, almost hitting me in the face. He groaned as I deftly caught it between my full lips and let it slip inside my wet, hungry mouth. I let my tongue play over the head of his cock, making slurping sounds as I started to move my lips over his cock. It twitched pleasantly inside my mouth, the warm skin a wonderful sensation against my sensitive cheeks.

I took more of him in, drooling over his cock as he started to gently rock his hips making his cock slide back and forth, my tongue playing on the underside of it. At the same time, I started rubbing myself, feeling the wetness between my thighs, the ultimate sign of my immense arousal. I felt him begin to throb inside my mouth, quickly, and afraid that he was going to finish to quickly, I pulled back. I grabbed his balls firmly in one hand, pulling gently downwards.

“Fuck me, right now!” I said, a little too loudly. He was too far gone to worry about his dad hearing, now, and was more than happy to oblige. He went down on his knees, positioning in front of me. “What about the condom?” he asked sheepishly just as he was starting to push against my folds. I groaned. “Fine, go get it, but be quick!” As he rushed away towards the bedroom I looked towards the door to the corridor.

I wasn´t surprised. And I wasn´t, to my own horror, disappointed. John was standing there, silently looking at me. He was looking straight at my wet, aroused pussy, and as he realized I had seen him, he looked into my eyes. I looked straight back.

Jake came back, fumbling with the condom. He got it on, got down on his knees, and pushed himself slowly into me. I moaned loudly as his cock parted my wet folds, pushing into me, and as he started to fuck me, I started moaning louder and louder. All the while maintaining eye contact with John, who was just standing there. Watching. Grinning.

Jake started to slowly thrust into me fully, now, groaning into my ear as he did so. I felt the pleasure start to build inside me; he might not have inherited his father´s massive cock, but Jake knew what he was doing. He leaned back, a bit, and pushed me further down into the couch. He started rubbing my clit with his thumb, slow circles in a steady motion, sending a bolt of electric energy through my entire system with each circle. His thrusts came quicker, and deeper, and now he was starting to really get going. He kissed my neck, my earlobe, and me breasts, all without missing a beat.

And all the while, John watched. And I watched John. All I could think of was his cock, the thickness of it, the length of it, and how it would feel to have him inside of me instead of Jake. Jake, my lovely fiancé, who had always been so kind to me. Whom I loved. Deeply. And whose father was watching me get fucked, with a grin on his face. I felt the orgasm building up inside of me, partly because of Jake´s efforts, partly because of the audience. It was pleasure mixed with guilt, shame, and a level of arousal I couldn´t remember feeling ever before. “I´m- I´m coming, keep going, keep going keep- OH!” I moaned deeply as I was finally tipped over the edge, intense waves of pleasure soaring through my every fibre. My vagina clamped down on Jake´s already throbbing cock, almost like it was pulling it even deeper inside, and with a few final, determined thrusts, he came as well, intensifying my orgasm even further as his cock bucked inside of me.

He collapsed on top of me, closing his eyes. I looked over at the door. John was nowhere to be seen.



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