My Father-in-law (Ch. 01) [F/M]

I don’t know how it happened. It was all so sudden, it all happened so quickly, and I felt more like a bystander in a train wreck rather than a participant in the event. There was something about him that seemed to take my anxiety away, a reassuring presence that helped me overcome the confusion and the disappointment of what had happened. I was doomed from the start, from that very first night.

My fiancé Jake had gotten engaged right after we graduated college. We tried for months to get an apartment, but with the outbreak of the virus we had both lost our jobs, and no one wanted to rent out to two unemployed 21-year-olds. I had been sad, but Jake was… devastated. He had worked so hard for his dreams ever since I met him, and now to have them taken away just as they were starting to become more than just dreams; it had almost crushed him completely. It was hard, seeing him like this. I felt like there was nothing I could do, nothing that could help him.

Luckily, his father came to the rescue. He lived on the other side of the country, and I had never even met him, but he didn´t even hesitate before offering us to come live with him. Jake was hesitant, at first. I knew they had had a strained relationship in the past, and had only recently reconciled, but I knew that this was our only chance to get out of this mess. If I had known what would happen, maybe I wouldn´t have convinced Jake to agree. Or maybe I would have…


I was nervous when we got out of the luggage claim in the airport. Jake had told me a bit about his father on the flight, but it´s hard to give an accurate depiction of your parent to someone else. There are too many layers to unfold, to many memories clouding your perception of them. Thus, I didn´t know what to expect when I exited the doors, didn´t really know who to look for. I followed Jake until he spotted someone, waving casually. I followed his eyes to see John for the first time. I had seen him in pictures, but that´s never quite the same as seeing someone in real life. Especially not someone like John.

He was tall, very tall, and had an imposing build. Muscles stretched his expensive shirt out, but also the slightest beginnings of an older man´s belly. He was handsome, much like Jake, and had streaks of silvery grey in his carefully trimmed hair and beard. His face burst into a smile as he spotted Jake, and he quickly crossed the distance with long steps and wrapped his son into a hug. Jake tensed up for a moment before returning the gesture, patting his father on the back awkwardly.

“Hey, son! Was the flight okay?”

John asked in a deep voice, turning to me before even getting a reply.

“And you must be the lovely Laura I´ve heard so much about! A pleasure to finally meet you.”

Before I could answer, he had wrapped me into a hug. He smelled like clean clothes and citrusy cologne, and underneath that I could feel subtle hints of woodsmoke and leather. I felt something coursing through my body but waved it away as shock at his familiarity.

“It´s… lovely to meet you, too,” I managed to answer, my voice cracking slightly. Jake picked up his bag and put it on the cart his father had brought, while John took mine. Father and son chatted a bit as we walked to the car, and I could sense the tenseness between them. Jake had never really told me why their relationship had been the way it was, but you could see that both of them tried hard to bridge the obvious gap between them.

The car was new and looked expensive. It smelled like John, I realized as he opened the door to let me into the back seat. “Watch your head,” he said as he placed a hand on my back while helping me inside. Again, that strange feeling through my body, like a small jolt of electricity. He brought in the bags, and we took off, me in the back and Jake in the passenger seat. They had a rather limping conversation about basketball as we drove, and I drifted off for a while into my own head as I watched the unfamiliar city envelop us. John´s deep voice woke me from my thoughtfulness.

“So, Laura, what did you major in? Literature, like Jake?” I saw Jake tense up a bit, clearly his choice in major was a sore subject.

“Ehm, business and criminology. I want to become a lawyer, but I have to save up a bit for Law School.” John nodded his head, flashing me a brilliant smile in the rear-view mirror. His steely blue eyes meeting mine sent another little bolt through my spine, and I couldn´t quite get myself to meet his gaze.

“Clever girl, that´s what I did, as well. If you want me to give you some recommendations for internships, just let me know!”

I smiled back shyly, not quite knowing what to say, but just as the silence was starting to get uncomfortable, he turned his eyes back on the road and made a quick turn.

“Shoot, almost missed the exit. I just moved to a new place, and I´m still not quite familiar with the area.”

“You sold your apartment?” Jake asked. “That place was awesome, how come?”

“Well, I kind of wanted to get out of the city proper. I´m old enough for a lawn now, don´t you think?” John grinned through his beard.

We arrived after a while, parking outside a large house in a very upscale neighbourhood. It was late at night, so no one was out, but the whole place reeked of money. John and Jake grabbed our suitcases, and I just timidly followed them inside. It seemed even bigger on the inside, and I felt like I would have gotten lost if it hadn´t been for John leading us into our room. Or rather, rooms. We had sort of a suite with a large bedroom, sitting room and a separate bathroom.

“The bathroom is still getting renovated, so you´ll have to use the one in the guest room down the hall for now. It´s two doors to the right,” John said as he put our bags on the bed. We thanked him and he said good night, a tired look on his face. Jake closed the door after him and let out a sigh, looking at me with trepidation as we started to unpack.

“Well, this seems nice,” I said in a cheerful tone. “And your dad seems nice, too. I´m glad you´re getting along.” Jake gave me a half smile, slumping down on the bed. “Well, yeah, I am too. We´ll see what happens.” I put the last of my stuff away, laying down next to him. I felt exhausted from the long flight and had no energy to even get up to brush my teeth. I looked over at Jake to ask something, and saw that he had already fallen asleep, clothes and all. I leaned over, kissing him gently on the forehead, and laid down as well.


I woke up with a start, not realizing where I was. I looked over to Jake in a panic; he was sleeping soundly in the bed. At some point he must´ve woken up because he had taken his clothes off, and I put a hand on his naked back to reassure myself. Shaking my head to rid myself of the strange, feverish dream that had woken me, I realized just how badly I needed to pee. I got up and started to find my way towards the bathroom in the dark, but then remembered that it was broken. Cursing under my breath, I rubbed my eyes as I looked for my cell phone in the dark room. Using it as a flashlight, I quietly snuck out of our room, finding myself in the long, confusing corridor of identical white doors. What had John said? Two rooms to the right?

I tip toed down the hall, the blue light of my phone giving it an unearthly look. I carefully opened the door I thought must be the guest bathroom and peeked inside. I sighed with relief as I spotted the toilet, my bladder almost bursting. I didn´t even bother turning on the light as I locked the door behind me, sitting down to relieve myself. The bathroom was large and luxurious, almost strangely so for a guest bathroom. As my mind started to slowly be awakened, I started to see other strange things.

A towel, clearly used. A toothbrush in a cup near the sink, along with lotions and creams and a bottle of cologne. It slowly started to dawn on me that while John had said two doors to the right, I didn´t really know which right he had meant. Was I… in John’s bathroom?

I quickly finished peeing and got up to flush when I heard a sound. At first I thought it was someone´s footsteps on the carpet and felt my heart beginning to beat faster, but then I realized where the sounds where coming from. There was a door leading into an adjoining room, much like in John´s and my room, and the door was slightly ajar. The sounds were odd, like rhythmic, slow breathing, but not quite… they were moans.

I felt that strange electrical jolt inside me again. I knew that I should just leave, that John was clearly in the middle of… something, but I couldn´t help myself. Without my mind´s consent, my feet slowly moved towards the door, and I found myself at the crack. The room beyond was dark, but I could see it was another sitting room like in ours. My heartbeat increased it´s pace as I heard the groaning louder now, an even pace quietly sifting through the air. Before I knew it, my hand was slowly pushing the door open, and I slid inside the sitting room.

I saw another door on the opposite side of the room, a soft light illuminating the frame. This one was open as well, more than a crack. Light and moans spilled out of it, and as I slowly approached, I knew in my heart what was happening. And I knew that I should turn back, that I should go back to bed, but I just… I just couldn´t.

I stopped at the door, breathing as quietly as I could. The moans where louder know, and underneath it I could hear John stroking himself, slow, steady strokes which pace matched his groans. I felt a tingling sensation in my crotch; it started in my clit and moved through my vagina towards the pit of my stomach.

This is wrong, I thought as I slowly peeked beyond the door into the bedroom of my father-in-law-to-be.

I shouldn´t be doing this, I thought as I saw him lying there, his large hand stroking a cock that put his son´s to shame.

I should go back to bed, I thought as my hand reached under the hem of my skirt, my fingers gently touching my swelling labia through my panties.

What if he catches me, I thought as I pushed my panties to the side, letting my middle finger slowly tease my clit.

John´s pace increased slowly, his moans growing in volume and in depth. I could see his whole, massive frame starting to slowly tense up, his muscles playing. His hairy chest and stomach started to show signs of his age, but not nearly enough to take away from his raw sexuality as he lay pleasuring himself.

I was just a bystander, I tried to tell myself, and this was not that different from watching porn, right? Except for the fact that the man I was watching was my fiancé´s father, and that all I wanted to do was open the door fully, walk inside, crawl up onto his bed and feel his big, thick cock enter…

I hadn´t seen my orgasm coming; it had built up faster than I had thought. It surprised me so much that I failed to hold in a shocked moan. I quickly put my hand over my mouth, but it was too late. John sat up, his hand still holding his cock. His piercing grey eyes locked into mine immediately, as if he already knew what was going on.

I couldn´t pull away. My whole body was screaming, my mind was telling me to run, to hide, to do something, but I couldn´t tear my eyes from his. We must have looked at each other like that for more than a minute. I know that it felt like a lifetime.

Suddenly, he grinned at me. He laid back down, still looking straight into my eyes with his piercing gaze and started to stroke his cock again. I looked on, unable or unwilling to look away, and felt my fingers slowly start moving again. Eyes interlocked, ten feet apart, we pleasured ourselves to the sight of each other. I must have opened the door more because I suddenly realized that I was standing in the middle of the door frame, teasing my clit faster and faster as John increased his pace.

Our quiet moans intermingled as we neared ecstasy together, the sexual tension across the room increasing for every second until suddenly he groaned, his large cock twitching in his hand. As I watched him paint his own stomach with ropes of white, sticky cum, I felt myself tipping over the edge for the second time that night, my knees almost buckling as electrical surges ran through my body, my wet, aching vagina contracting.

We breathed heavily for a few seconds, still looking straight into each other´s eyes, and then a sudden, crashing feeling of guilt consumed me, and I turned around and ran quietly out the way I had entered.

And that was my first night with my father-in-law.



  1. Hi! This is my first real attempt at writing erotica. If this is well received I plan to follow up with more chapters of Laura’s adventures. Let me know what you think, both positive and constructive feedback is welcome, as well as any thoughts on how the story should progress.

  2. Great start. Please know that there are three 2s. The two of us, to make, and too friendly for words.

  3. Okay great story! Very good writing skills. I’m close to loving your stuff. Let’s see part 2.

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