Subtle [edging] — roommate and friends nearby [exhibitionism] [voyeurism] [F]


Idfk why tf I’ve been so horny today. It’s been a busy few weeks, but I don’t remember doing anything particularly wild in terms of masturbating lately. I am not a multi-day edger — it works for some people, but I find it can distract me from work and that’s important to me — but sometimes (a lot of times lol), I will go several days without masturbating just because I get busy (pun intended) with work or other things, and then when I do have time to masturbate, it’s pretty awesome and… I get hooked on it. I’ll come a *lot.* Probably not as much as some people, but holy shit a lot for me lol. I’ll find excuses to be alone etc., be horny like all the time, be in situations where I *could* masturbate but didn’t come (again, puns lol) for that — and not be able to resist (“not be able to” is a loose phrase if we’re being honest, but for story’s sake, lol). Be on the toilet, brush your clit while wiping, and just. Be changing clothes and end up swiping that area, god forbid climbing into bed and ending up with a pillow between your legs. Goddddd. And when you do masturbate, coming and having your finger or whatever it is linger (down there, nipples, whatever) too long so you can’t resist having another, and another and another, until your stomach hurts or you get interrupted and forced to stop.

I don’t remember exactly, but I think recently, I got on one of those streaks. At least I was partway on it — a day here or there in between. Think after I’d gone for a while then found myself in one of those accidental situations, masturbated a little casually, and it just felt so fucking good. Partly due I think to my period coming up.

Anyway, I’ll get in a situation sometimes where my clit will pulse constantly.

That happened today.

I was hanging out with some friends, and it started. When this is happening, I can actually make it pulse. Thinking about it. Moving *just* slightly (like legit barely at all). When it won’t pulse, if I put a hand on or near the top my pelvis, lower stomach, and give even the *tiniest* amount of pressure, it pulses. I’ll basically hump the air — my pants, underwear, whatever — and the hood pushes down over my clit; pressure. My fucking clit pulses. If I do it just once or twice, sometimes I’ll just do it to relieve some of it and I’ll be fine. But sometimes, let’s say that doesn’t happen… and the more and more I do it, the more desperate I get.

I was doing fine — just a pulse here and there — but then, we started watching TV and it went bad. We got all settled and I had a pillow in my lap, and that was my mistake. I pulsed, the pressure of the pillow there was too great, and I started humping more often. I put more and more pressure on the pillow with my arms and hands, which were casually on top of it. I tried and partly settled partway through the show, but it was hard.

Afterwards, I went the fuck to the bathroom. I got on the toilet and fucking went to town on myself. Scrubbing my clit area with my whole fucking hand, three fingers. Circles, scrubbing, rubbing both sides of my labia — the works. Had a finger inside me on the other hand. I wasn’t just rubbing though — I started fucking myself like *Crazy.* Wildly humping both hands so my clit would go harder and finger would fuck me faster. I whimpered, did my best to breathless moan (very high pitched and quiet), and breathed *So* fast. I had gone into that bathroom thinking “I can’t do this right now; my friend has to leave soon,” and then I started, realized this would not take fucking long, and went nuts. That was my craziest, most intense go I’ve had in a *long* time.

I probably could’ve gone again/kept going, but I was relieved enough and motivated to get tf back out the bathroom that I didn’t. Went the rest of the evening with occasional minor but relatively little difficultly.

Then though, I finally laid down to go to sleep. My roommate was relaxing on their phone and I was watching a little TV on the device I write you on now before I went to bed, but then, our cat laid down on my lap. Like — me laying down and it being right, on top, of my vagina. The whole damn thing.

I swelled up immediately. Tried, but thrust up. Tbh, just her laying there made me pulse without my even moving. She was wayyy heavier than a pillow. I didn’t stop.

When that pressure wasn’t enough to get me, I put my device up near my pelvis, pressed down, and that made me hump and pulse (or pulse and hump; sometimes, I can’t tell; the former just makes more sense). Then, I wanted more. I couldn’t get my hand under her (the cat), though.

All this time, my roommate was sitting nearby.

I couldn’t do anything more until my roommate not only went to bed, but went to sleep. (Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to tell for pretty damn sure when they’re asleep because they snore like a bear.) Once they did, I at first lightly rubbed myself over my clothes. I could feel how hot it was. Then, I started rubbing — sliding, pressure, etc. I needed more, more pressure, all of it, and started fucking my hand. I got *so* close. I didn’t want to come yet, though. When I felt right on the edge, it took everything I had, but I stopped, but after a minute I still couldn’t resist having hard pressure on it and something to fuck, so I put my heel over it, pressed down and humped that good.

Currently doing that as I write. Been writing since the cat sat down. Didn’t want to come until I finished. So now, I’m gonna click “next,” submit this to a couple other sub reddits also, rip off my pants and omfg come come come.


Enjoy your evenings, ladies and gents 😉
