Lady Wood – Birthday Sex Adventure [FMMMM] [Public] [Group Sex]

This is a story about a friend I used to have. That kind of friend that drives around with a pocket vibrator on while doing errands.


For as long as she could remember, life had been mediocre. It was plain, unexcitable, unadventurous, and quite frankly, “simple To-a-T,” as a friend of hers had put it. Excitement and adventure were foreign concepts to her – they had been absent from her rather unextraordinary life, and everything she did left her feeling unfulfilled. There was something missing. She felt as if she was missing out on something spectacular. She felt as if she was missing out on something that everyone but her knew about. She felt like a toy, broken, and discarded – or worse, disassembled and used for parts. Ultimately, she didn’t feel, ‘whole.’

It dawned on her one day, that, for her to truly live her life the way she wanted, she would need to find a new way to accentuate and amplify her already boring day-to-day schedule. She knew that she needed to find something exciting to do. She wanted to feel important. She wanted to feel involved. She needed something to occupy her lifeless mind, that did not include binge watching Netflix shows or staring aimlessly at her Facebook dashboard. She needed to do something that would make others go, “Wow!” But, at the same time, she was aware that she didn’t have the slightest idea of what that was or where to find such a thing.

However, that sense of loss and missing out on something began to fade one morning. She decided that it was time to improve her quiet life. Her birthday was seven days away and waking up one morning, she grabbed her diary, opened it to a blank page, and began writing. It was a list of things that she wanted to do. To her, it was a bucket-list of things she had yet to do. It was a list of fantasies that she had always wanted to but never acted upon. It was a list of wants rather than needs and she was determined to complete each task, one at a time.

Satisfied with her list, she closed her diary and gently tossed it, watching as it landed on her bedside table with a light thud. Yawning, she crawled out of bed and walked into the én-suite bathroom. She stared at her reflection with bleary eyes and sighed. As her vision cleared, she examined herself. Her eyes, wide and full, were a lighter tint of hazelnut this morning. They were slightly sullen and there was a purplish tinge under both eyes – probably from working overtime over the last two weeks. Leaning in for a closer look, she groaned at the sight of them. Her hair, thick and dark, weighed loosely over her shoulders in a curled mess. And as she studied herself, she noticed imprints left on her face from the creases in her pillow.

“I need coffee,” she mumbled tiredly, whirling around, and turning on the shower. Dragging her underwear down lazily, then tearing off her T-shirt, she closed her eyes and sighed. Cupping her breasts, she peered at herself in the mirror. Although she liked her breasts, Katrina always wondered about having bigger ones; the breasts she had were petite and firm. Her nipples always looked erect and were a dark shade of tan. And the longer she looked at them, the more she thought of Hershey’s Kisses or those small chocolates you could buy for baking.

She couldn’t help herself but continue to gaze at her figure as she stepped into the shower. Her fingers, long and dainty, looked uneven against the grain of her distended hands as she brought a puddle of water to her face. Her arms, long and muscular, were in dire need of another gym session. Her belly, flat and lightly tanned, needed firming. And her legs, long and toned, needed a good shave. As she showered, her mind drifted. She wondered what the day had in store for her. She thought about what she was going to have for breakfast. For a moment, all she could hear was the sound of the running water and her stomach grumbling hungrily. The grumbles led to thoughts about her figure again. She realized that she was overthinking it all. She told herself that what she saw wasn’t what others saw and remembered that her life wasn’t short of occasional compliments.

Dressed elegantly and eager to satisfy her appetite, she grabbed her car keys and made her way to the door and stopped inches from the door. Katrina looked back at her apartment. Something had changed her mind about driving and tossing her keys to the sofa she thought to herself, “I’m going to walk today.”

She spent her first of seven days exploring the city that she had lived in for five years. She was surprised at how unfamiliar the city actually was. She was amazed that she didn’t recognize half the places she passed. “Am I really that boring?” she asked herself, stepping into a café she had never been to.

As the week progressed, Katrina realized that she had been missing out on a lot. But she was pleased; she was glad that she was finally playing catch-up with her previously sheltered life. She was happy that she had found the drive to make her life a little more interesting.


A couple of days before her birthday, Katrina decided to do something different – something quite different. Up to this point in her life, Katrina hadn’t been particularly adventurous when it came to her sex-life. She had been in two relationships – both long term, and that was the extent of it. She was conscious of the fact that she wasn’t very experienced and recognizing that irritated her. It shouldn’t have but it did. One afternoon, Katrina decided to do something that she had never even dreamt of doing until that day: to do something in public. The idea of being caught by someone excited her; the thought of someone, a stranger, watching her made her quiver in delight. There was something so off-putting about the idea and yet something so enticing about it at the same time. The idea disgusted her and excited her so much that it left her feeling nervous, conflicted, and thrilled all at the same time.

Was there a plan to Katrina’s fantasy? No; well, not really at least. It was more about ‘doing’ it. It was about doing something exhilarating, thrilling, and so blindly directed that she didn’t even care if the police were called on her. At least that was the extreme she was willing to reach to feel some level of pleasurable adrenaline that she had never experienced before. Her desire to replace her mediocre memories with this kind of memory was why she wanted to do something publicly.

Her birthday was two days away and as the hours passed, Autumn finally swept in. It came with cold swift winds this year. Katrina recognized that it was time to do it before it got any colder. Dressing warmly, Katrina grabbed her dark greenish-grey tote with light-brown leather straps and filled it with things she felt she’d need that day. She tossed two vibrators, a bullet-vibrator, and a slender semi-transparent baby-blue dildo into her bag. Grabbing a bottle of vanilla-flavoured lubricant, a hand-towel, and a beach-towel Katrina stuffed her bag to the brim. She looked around her bedroom for a moment then, wondering if she was doing the right thing. She felt hesitant and part of her wanted to stay home. Shaking her head, Katrina turned to face the bedroom door.

“No turning back now,” she reassured herself, hauling her bag over her shoulder and grabbing her car keys.

Up to this point, Katrina still didn’t know where to go. She hadn’t really thought it through. Her lips were pursed, and her ears were a bright shade of red. As she sat in the driver’s seat, worry washed over her – she realized that this idea might not work in her favour.

“Get it together,” she told herself, staring at her reflection in the rear-view mirror. “You’ve got this – you can do this. Everything is going to be fine.”

Suppressing her anxiety as best as she could, Katrina unbuckled her seatbelt. She reached into her tote and pulled out one of her vibrators. It was a simple thing; it was a miniature copper coloured bullet vibrator. She had bought it years ago and was amazed that it still worked considering how often she used it.

Grabbing hold of her dark-grey and black leggings, Katrina pulled them passed her knees. She was wearing a pair of dark-blue panties with an intricate lace design. The front had a pocket on the inside, just big enough to hold the vibrator in her hand. Slipping the toy into the pocket, Katrina pulled her leggings back up. Exhaling deeply, she slipped a hand passed the bands of her leggings and twisted the dial, activating the vibrator.

The vibrations jolted her, sending waves of excitement through her body. Resting her head back, Katrina closed her eyes. As the bullet continued to purr, Katrina’s breathing started to elevate. This was the first step to her unplanned sexual excursion. Buckling herself in, Katrina pulled out of the underground carpark, wondering what awaited her outside.

Thoughts of exposing herself in public overwhelmed her thoughts as Katrina drove. Her thoughts were almost too much for her to handle as her eagerness intensified. Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore; as the car came to a stop at the traffic-lights, Katrina daringly rolled the windows down, turned off her stereo, and let out a long and harmonious moan. For a moment, she even squealed as the vibrations in her underwear continued to coax her closer to a climax. Opening her eyes, Katrina noticed people staring at her in wonder. As her body trembled, they continued to watch her through her open window. Meeting their stares, Katrina hurriedly looked away. Suddenly, she heard honking. Looking up, Katrina realized that the lights had turned green.


It didn’t take long for Katrina to find a place to stop as her car disappeared around the corner. Pulling up to park, Katrina turned off the engine and looked around. She had arrived at the city’s botanical gardens. Rolling her window up, Katrina pushed her seat back and stared at the ceiling.

The vibrations in her underwear were getting stronger by the second, and as she brought a hand down, she could feel how wet her panties had become. Pulling her leggings down just enough to expose her covered mound, Katrina quickly opened her tote and grabbed the baby-blue dildo. Pulling her panties aside, Katrina’s mouth enveloped the head of the erect toy before bringing it down to her aroused folds. Gently, she rubbed the head against her opening, glistening with her juices, and inhaled deeply as she pushed the toy passed her lips. She watched in awe as the toy disappeared into her, inch-by-inch. The combination of the toy escaping into her vagina and the vibrations from the bullet made her moan uncontrollably. With all six inches buried deep inside of her, Katrina readjusted her underwear and pulled her leggings back up.

She could feel the warmth of her creamy juices trickling over the rubber-cock buried inside of her. Grabbing her tote, Katrina stepped out of her car and inhaled steadily. The air was crisp and sweet and for a moment her senses were bombarded with an array of floral perfumes. Combing her hair behind her ear, Katrina looked around. Her lips were quivering, and her heart was pounding. The environment she had stepped into was beautiful. The leaves were in shades of brown, purple, orange, and red. The freshly trimmed fields of grass made her think of freshly cut emeralds. There were flowerbeds everywhere she looked and for a moment she couldn’t breathe. It was breath-taking.

As she took a step towards the curb, a sudden wave of excitement pulsed through her body, causing her to stop and tremble. She was close to coming.

“Not yet,” she groaned. “Not yet.”

But as soon as her feet touched the pavement in front of her car, Katrina heard wolf-whistling. Looking over her shoulder, Katrina felt her body give in. A car of young and attractive men passed her slowly. Their windows were down and as the car hesitantly drove on, Katrina watched as a couple of them smiled in her direction. She didn’t know if they had been at the traffic-lights, but as she heard them shout encouragingly and absorbed the sight of their smiles, her hips gave way.

Leaning against her car to keep her upright, Katrina bit her lower lip. “Fuck,” she squealed quietly. Her lips trembled irrepressibly as her vagina began to contract around the baby-blue dildo. The vibrations from the bullet continued to purr rhythmically as her swollen lips pushed and pulled on the toy inside of her. Wave after wave, Katrina could feel her body getting weaker and weaker. “Fuck… my pussy,” she moaned loudly with a final shudder. She couldn’t take it anymore as her body continued to convulse hysterically; the vibrations in her underwear were too strong for her to endure. Without thinking, Katrina shoved a hand into her pants and turned the bullet off. Realizing what she had just done, Katrina quickly opened her car door and slipped into the driver’s seat.

Shivering, Katrina leaned back and wrenched her leggings and panties down. Pulling the toy out of her with a pop, Katrina counted the streaks of white cream covering her dildo. Bringing the permanently erect penis to her mouth, Katrina licked the head. She was delighted; her juices tasted sweet and salty. Enveloping the shaft, Katrina sucked the toy clean, savouring each and every single drop it had to offer*.*

She sat there for a few minutes gathering her senses. Her body was still sensitive to touch and her hairless mound was still bare to anyone passing by her window. But she didn’t care. Her day hadn’t gone as planned. Katrina had wanted more from her first experience, but as she brought her leggings back up, she realized that she was too weak to continue. She realized that regardless of what she had and hadn’t done, the day had been a surprisingly good day.


“Should I?” Katrina asked herself in the comfort of her bedroom the next day. “Or should I wait till I’m outside?” Taking the latter option, Katrina grabbed her leather jacket and her unpacked tote and left the apartment.

Katrina had sixteen hours before her birthday, and she wanted to spend every moment of that time doing something she’d remember for the rest of her life. She was wearing plain-black gym-leggings, a loose white T-shirt, a pair of dark-blue sneakers, and her dark-brown leather jacket. Her hair was tide back messily and her heartbeat echoed in her ears.

She drove for a while, thinking about what she wanted to do. After some time, Katrina came to a stop. She had arrived at the botanical gardens again, only this time, she was on the other side of the sanctuary. Parking her car, Katrina turned off the engine and left. Stepping onto the road, Katrina felt a rush of elation overwhelm her. As her feet touched the sidewalk she reached into her bag, rummaging through the items that she had brought with her. She had packed an additional two items: a bright-pink jelly-dildo and a princess plug. At the sight of her baby-blue dildo, Katrina smiled.

“Yesterday was fun,” she thought to herself. “But today is going to be unforgettable.”

She walked for a while, admiring the scenery that surrounded her. She hadn’t had the opportunity to appreciate her surroundings yesterday, but as she walked through the gardens, Katrina was amazed at how beautiful everything was. She gazed in awe at the vibrancy of the flowers and stared in wonder at how gorgeous the early-Autumn treelines were. Tearing her mind away from the world around her, Katrina realized that she was alone in the park. She stopped for a moment to listen to the fantasy she had stepped into; she could hear birds chirping, leaves rustling, wind whistling, and the steady rhythm of her breathing. She couldn’t quite understand why the park was so deserted. It was only four-in-the-afternoon. She wondered if she had picked the wrong day to do what she wanted to do. Shaking her head, Katrina resumed walking.

Katrina approached a fork in the path when she stopped. Looking to her left, Katrina felt a surge of joy engulf her – she found the place that she had been looking for. It was perfect. It was discreet and out of sight, hidden from the main path. It was a small patch of recently cut grass. Towards the right, sitting on the edge of the spot, just feet away from the treeline and a cluster of bushes, was a vintage cast-iron and wooden bench. Approaching the bench, Katrina placed her bag on the ground. Clearing the bench of a few fallen leaves, Katrina sat back, closed her eyes, and inhaled.

Her heart thumped uncontrollably and gazing down at her hands, Katrina couldn’t help but notice the subtle tremble in her fingers. She looked around to see if anyone were there with her and raised her head to see if she could make out the path she had just left. Convinced that she was alone, Katrina closed her eyes and thought about her fantasy.

As her fantasy progressed, Katrina explored her body. Touching her chest, she began rubbing her breasts. The firmness of her chest under the fabric of her T-shirt was sensitive to touch as her fingers trailed over her erect nipples. Katrina’s arousal intensified as she began thinking about being watched by someone beyond the treeline. She wondered if that someone would approach her. She wondered if that person would touch her in ways she had never been touched before. She wondered what it would feel like to have his hands on hers. She wondered what his tongue tasted like and wondered what his skin felt like. She imagined his breath on her neck and trembled at the thought of him whispering, “good girl,” into her ear. The idea of having a complete stranger touching her elevated her breathing. Her arousal was almost intolerable as her ample breasts began to heave in excitement.

Slipping a hand passed the bands of her leggings, Katrina felt herself. She was wet to touch; her vagina, shuddering and yearning to be caressed, was glistening in anticipation. Biting her lower lip, Katrina slid her fingers under her panties and caressed her swollen clit. Shivering, Katrina spread her legs and closed her eyes as she continued to rub herself tenderly. Guiding her fingers along the shape of her folds, Katrina opened her eyes to gaze at the darkening sky as she continued to play with her concealed vagina. Parting her folds, Katrina guided two fingers passed her opening. As her fingers slipped in, Katrina felt her hips quiver. The warmth of her welcoming hole contracting around her fingers with each thrust was intoxicating.

Her mind began to drift as she continued to tease herself. Her blood hummed deeply in her veins as she thought about the four men, she had seen the day before. She pictured them with her. Undressing them in her mind, she imagined them surrounding her, passing her around like a toy. She wanted them to use her. She wanted them to fill her in every way imaginable and she wanted to submit herself to them. The very thought of having them enter her one-by-one made her whimper.

Taking her hand out of her pants, Katrina stood and turned around. Bending over, Katrina tore off her leggings. Sitting down, she brought a knee to her chest and shifted her posture to face the treeline ahead. She half-hoped that someone was watching her. Pulling her panties aside, Katrina began rubbing her clit again. She massaged herself with an unrelenting longing to taste herself. Her rhythm, erratic and inconsistent, urged her closer to an orgasm.

The lamp posts in the park came to life in a chorus of electrons as the early-night sky turned a deeper-shade of blue. As the moon rose higher and the stars burned brighter, she felt herself in an amatory fervour. Bathed in a faint yellow light, she pressed her fingers passed her folds and felt her warmth envelope them. Her body quivered excitedly as her wrist moved back and forth. Entertaining her insatiable clit, Katrina let out a soft moan.

Echoes of Katrina’s groaning and squealing began to fill the air as she continued to masturbate herself. By that point, she didn’t care who heard her. She didn’t care who came looking and she didn’t care if she got into trouble. Yet, unbeknownst to Katrina, someone was already… watching her.

“Fuck,” Katrina murmured, feeling her hips buckle. Pushing her fingers deep into her, Katrina rested her palm against her pulsating mound. Curling her fingers against the roof of her appetizing vagina, Katrina shook her wrist. She could feel the creamy warmth of her juices escaping her folds and as she opened her mouth Katrina let out a long and amorous groan. Wrenching her fingers free from her sopping hole, Katrina watched in delirium as her juices gushed from her quivering folds. Fixated for more, Katrina shoved her fingers back into her and shook herself harder.

“Holy fuck,” she shouted frantically.

Breathless and bewildered, Katrina closed her eyes. Her fingers, still inside her, moved back and forth slowly, caressing her in a way that left her feeling weightless. She was satisfied; she hadn’t used the toys that she had brought with her and yet, that had happened. Smiling, Katrina opened her eyes and jumped. In front of her were four men. They had been watching her.

Trembling and embarrassed, Katrina grabbed her leggings and covered her legs. She was suddenly worried and afraid of what them. But before she could say anything, the man closest to her spoke.

“That was… amazing,” he said. As he smiled at her, Katrina studied his features. He had light-brown hair and hazel-eyes. Gazing at the remaining men, Katrina noticed that the one that had spoken to her was shorter than the rest. She also noticed that he was the only one with a hand down his pants. “Wait,” Katrina thought to herself. Looking again, she corrected herself: they all had their hands down their pants. All of a sudden, Katrina’s fear vanished. Her fear was replaced with an acute and perverted appetite to feel their lengths inside of her. Her mouth curled into a seductive smile and placing her leggings down, Katrina spread her legs to the men. Keeping her eyes on them, Katrina reached into her tote and plucked out her toys.

“If they want a show, I’ll give them a show,” Katrina thought excitedly.

The men remained where they were and watched in awe as Katrina began caressing herself. They were hypnotized as they watched Katrina’s arousal inflame. Playing with her erect nipples, Katrina licked her lips. She knew she had their undivided attention and it excited her. As she grabbed her baby-blue dildo, one of the men spoke.

“Yes,” he mumbled. The sound of his voice, weak and submissive, made Katrina shiver as her dildo slowly disappeared into her. Grabbing hold of the princess-plug, Katrina looked up.

“Will one of you boys help me?” Thrusting the dildo deeper into her alluring pussy, Katrina groaned and watched as the boy closest to her approached her, his penis now in his hand.

“What do you need help with?” he asked blushing.

Locking her eyes with his, Katrina replied. “I want you to squeeze some lube on your hand and I want you to rub it all over my asshole.” Putting her princess-plug into her mouth, Katrina watched as the stranger did as he was told. She shivered as his hand, covered in vanilla-flavoured lubricant touched her bottom. She closed her eyes as she felt him fondle her butthole with his fingers. Feeling his finger escape into her, Katrina whimpered.

“I didn’t say you could do that,” she said sternly, pulling the princess-plug from between her lips.

“I… I’m sorry,” the man replied pulling his finger out.

Katrina’s body screamed in protest at the action, but she was equally amused by the man’s submissiveness. “No, put it back in. Just don’t do anything unless I tell you to.”



“Yes, Katrina.”

The man’s fingers entered her asshole in a flurry of excitement and suddenly Katrina felt an overwhelming sensation to scream in ecstasy. As he stood there masturbating her rectum Katrina continued to drive the dildo in and out of her. Having the dildo lodged in her pussy and the man’s fingers in her asshole left Katrina feeling dizzy. Enchanted, Katrina watched the three remaining men as they stroked themselves. The urge to feel their erect cocks escalated intensely.

“Take your fingers out,” Katrina whispered. Bringing the princess-plug to the man’s welcoming mouth, Katrina watched as his saliva swathed the metallic-surface of the toy. Lubricated and ready, Katrina brought the plug to her rectum. “Move back,” she told the man. As he stepped back, Katrina pressed the toy against her hole and moaned as it slipped in with a pop, burying itself deep in her flesh. “Oh,” she sighed satisfyingly.

Grabbing hold of the rubber-cock in her vagina, Katrina groaned. In a frenzy, Katrina drove the dildo in and out of her hurriedly, eager to come for the men watching her. Coming to a slow and steady rhythm, Katrina spoke. “Before I come for you boys, tell me your names.” Surprised by her change in pace, the men looked at each other awkwardly.

Clearing his throat, the short hazel-eyed man spoke. “I’m Tim.”

“I’m Scott,” replied the blond-haired and blue-eyed man.

“Mike,” responded another one of the boys. He had reddish-brown hair and dark-brown eyes.

“And I’m Hector,” said the last man. He was fairly tanned with faint freckles mapping his complexion. His eyes were a deep shade of caramel and his hair, curly and short, was black. He caught Katrina’s attention. “Come here,” she instructed him. For a moment he seemed hesitant but as he approached her, one foot after the other, Katrina told him, “I don’t bite.”

With inches separating them, Katrina stared into Hector’s eyes and smiled. He was shaking fretfully. Grabbing his hand, Katrina guided him down to her waiting vagina. “Fuck my pussy while I suck your fat cock,” she heard herself say as she grasped his erect shaft. He stared at her in shock but did as he was told as his hand gripped the end of the dildo. Unbuckling his belt, Katrina dropped the man’s jeans passed his knees and guided his penis into her mouth. As her lips slid over the head of his penis, Hector moaned.

“Oh,” he gasped, feeling Katrina’s tongue trail down his length. Staring at the dildo in his hand, Hector began jerking the toy in and out of Katrina. Hearing her moan was music to his ears. “Can I eat you out?” Hector asked suddenly. Swirling her tongue around the tip of his penis, Katrina nodded. She watched him as he knelt between her legs and groaned as he pulled the toy out of her. As his tongue and lips played with her folds, Katrina looked at the other men.

“You,” Katrina said eyeing one of the men.


“Yes, you. Come here.”

Katrina watched Scott approach her, never breaking eye-contact with him. Nothing but air divided them as he stopped in front of her. He was more confident than Hector as he stood in front of Katrina stroking his swollen member. Amused, Katrina replaced his hand with hers. Tugging on him, Katrina brought his penis to her mouth. Scott watched as he escaped passed her lips and moaned as he felt the tip of his shaft touch the back of her mouth.

As Katrina continued to savour Scott, Hector maintained a consistent rhythm with his tongue on her clit. As his tongue traced the outline of her folds, Hector grabbed Katrina’s vibrator. Turning it on, he placed it against her clit and penetrated her vagina with his fingers. The vibrations and thrusts made Katrina shiver in delight. Feeling his fingers move in and out of her warm and creamy vagina felt amazing to her. With Scott’s penis in her mouth, Katrina moaned. The sound of her voice seemed to have an effect on Scott. Grabbing the back of her head, Scott’s hips pushed forwards.

“Fuck… me,” he growled as he ejaculated in her mouth. Katrina felt her mouth fill with his creamy juices and for a moment she held her breath. As Scott slowly withdrew from her mouth, Katrina gulped, feeling the warmth of his sperm flow down her throat. Grasping his throbbing penis, Katrina brought Scott back to her mouth. She savoured the aftertaste of his sperm with pleasure and licked his shaft clean.

“Your turn,” she told Tim as Scott moved away, shivering, and shaking.

Without hesitation, Tim rushed to Katrina’s side and watched his erect cock vanish into her mouth. As Katrina savoured Tim’s engorged penis, she felt her body creep towards another orgasm. Hector slipped his fingers out suddenly and looking at Katrina he smiled.

“Can I fuck you?” he asked softly.

“Mhm,” Katrina replied with a full mouth, pointing at her bag as she swallowed a mixture of her saliva and Tim’s precum.

Katrina watched as Hector hurriedly searched for a condom. Finding one, she watched him rip the packet violently and followed his movements as he brought the lubricated sleeve over his erection. Katrina could feel her body begging to give way as Hector entered her. Her body shook in a frenzy as his scrotum clapped against her opening. As he continued to move in and out of Katrina’s sopping pussy, Hector reached out and cupped Katrina’s breasts.

“You feel so amazing,” he groaned. Katrina relished each and every thrust Hector made and for a moment she hoped that it would last forever.

“Shit,” Katrina said gasping for air. Grabbing a tuft of Hector’s hair, Katrina moved her hips along to his tantalizing rhythm. She knew she was close to coming – she was almost there. “Fuck,” she yelled. Wrapping her legs around Hector’s waist, Katrina pulled the man in and felt his body shudder as her juices rushed over his length and passed her folds to cover his exhausted scrotum.

“Jesus,” he moaned deliriously.

“Keep fucking me,” Katrina squealed, eager to satisfy her wanting appetite for more.

Katrina watched Scott approach her then and found herself holding her breath as the man grabbed Hector and pulled him away. His eyes were full of lust and a yearning to be inside of her and even though he hadn’t asked her for permission she didn’t care. She just wanted something inside of her again. “Fuck me,” she whimpered.

His penis pressed against her folds hesitantly and for a moment Katrina groaned. “Give it to me,” she begged him. Grinning, Scott pushed his hips forwards and entered her. “God,” she gasped. She could feel every inch of him as he moved inside of her and it drove her mad. Grunting like an animal, Scott continued to use Katrina’s vagina to stroke his cock when suddenly, he pulled out.

“Move back,” he told Tim.

Confused, the man did as he was told and watched as Scott picked Katrina up. She was equally surprised, but as he sat down with her in his arms, Katrina realized what he was about to do – at least she thought she did.

With Katrina’s back facing him, Scott reached down and grabbed hold of her ass cheeks. Spreading her wide, Katrina expected him to re-enter her vagina, but instead felt as his fingertips clasped the princess-plug. As he pulled the plug out, Katrina looked at Tim.

“If Scott’s going to fuck my ass, I want you to fuck my pussy,” she thought, her surprise replaced with an eagerness to feel both of them at the same time.

Placing the princess-plug down, Katrina felt Scott’s hand return, this time holding his penis. Gently but surely, Katrina felt Scott’s penis rub against her rectum. She was nervous. She had only ever masturbated her asshole. This was her first time with something real. Thankfully, Scott was gentle despite his readiness to fill her. Spitting on her hand, Katrina brought her lubricated fingers down to her asshole and rubbed her saliva in. And grabbing hold of Scott’s penis, she guided him into her. The process was slow and gentle but as the head of his penis disappeared into her ass, Katrina surrendered. Katrina’s body ached with a tormenting want as the length of Scott’s penis slid into her.

“Now you,” she said looking at Tim.

He was more than happy to comply as he positioned himself between her legs. Cupping Katrina’s face in his hand and holding onto her hip with his other, Tim watched his erect shaft slide into Katrina’s unsatisfied and hungry vagina. For a moment nobody moved. Gripping Tim’s forearms, Katrina closed her eyes and gasped. It felt amazing having both of her holes filled. Gazing into Tim’s eyes, Katrina spoke. “I want you boys to come in me.” She didn’t care that they were bare inside of her – she just wanted to feel the rush of their sperm fill her up.

Katrina began to lose her hold on reality as Scott and Tim continued to hammer their bodies against hers. All she could focus on were their erect penises inside of her. It was intoxicating.

Suddenly, it occurred to her that someone had been left out of the fun. Looking over Tim’s shoulder, Katrina saw Mike. He was sitting on the grass watching her as Scott and Tim continued to move in and out of her holes. Looking over Tim’s other shoulder, Katrina stared in amusement at Hector: he was, oddly, asleep. “He must have had too much fun,” she thought to herself smiling.

“Put your cock in my mouth,” she said winking at Mike.

Mike did as he was told; standing up swiftly, the man rushed over to the trio and placed his penis in her outstretched hand. Drawing him in, Katrina dipped her head and swallowed him instantly. Reaching out she cupped his scrotum and fondled them as her mouth continued to massage his shaft. Just as Katrina was beginning to enjoy the taste of Mike, Scott yelled. “I’m coming.” Thrusting his weight against hers, Katrina felt Scott’s body tremble as a flood of his fluids rushed into her throbbing asshole. Like a faint heartbeat, Scott’s hips continued to rock back and forth, gradually pulling further away as he emptied his load in her.

Pulling out of her, Scott reached around Katrina’s torso and played with her nipples. Feeling the warmness of his come pour out of her asshole sent shivers up Katrina’s spine. But what happened next left Katrina awestruck; Tim pulled out of Katrina and for a moment she thought he was going to ejaculate on her. Instead, Katrina watched as Tim staggeringly and perversely entered her pressed his cock against her rectum.

“Do you want me to come in your ass?” he asked Katrina, short of breath as he entered her.

“Yes,” she moaned. “I want you to come in my slutty asshole.”

“How badly do you want me to come?”

“I really want you to come in my ass. I want you to empty your load in my naughty asshole.”

Tim groaned barbarically as his pelvis collided with Katrina’s mound. “I’m going to come,” he groaned loudly. Katrina screamed in delight as Tim’s sperm shot into her bottom. Pulling out of her almost immediately, Katrina watched Tim stumble back before collapsing on the grass with his cock in his hand. She heard him let out a deep sigh before turning her attention to Mike.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she asked him, still wanting to orgasm herself.


“Do you want to come in my pussy?”


“Then fuck me big boy. Give me your cock and fuck me like you’ve never fucked anyone else before.”

Jumping off Scott’s seemingly lifeless body, Katrina bent over the park-bench and wiggled her bottom. Biting her lips, Katrina felt Mike’s hands touch her bottom. Spreading her cheeks, Katrina braced herself. As Mike entered her, Katrina whimpered. He was bigger than the other men and as his cock slid further into her creamy pussy Katrina couldn’t help herself but squeal.

“Come on big boy,” she cooed encouragingly, adjusting to the girth of his penis.

Growling, Mike thrust his hips forwards. Feeling the head of his penis hit the back of her throbbing vagina, Mike pulled back and thrusted into Katrina again.

“Fuck,” she gasped as his pelvic bone slammed against her bare ass.

Pressing a thumb into Katrina’s come-filled ass, Mike continued to drive his cock in and out of Katrina’s dripping hole. His heart pounded in his chest, and he knew he was close to coming – his body was ready to give in and let go. Pushing his thumb deeper into her seductive rectum, Mike’s breathing elevated.

“Are you going to cum for me?” Katrina asked ravenously.

“Yes. I’m so close.”

“Cum for me. Fill my pussy up with your hot, creamy cum.”

Reaching back between her legs, Katrina’s fingers wrapped around Mike’s base encouraging him to orgasm. Almost immediately, Katrina felt Mike’s hips buckle. “Come,” she cried as she felt his penis shudder inside of her. “Keep your cock in me,” she begged him, not wanting the moment to end just yet. Touching her clit, Katrina began massaging herself.

Spent but eager, Mike’s hips started moving again. Katrina was so close to coming and all she could think about was how she tasted; she wondered how she tasted on Mike’s engorged member and for a moment that’s all she could think about as she coaxed herself closer to another orgasm.

Leaning in, Mike’s hands cupped Katrina’s breasts. As he fondled her sensitive nipples, Katrina began to shudder. “Make me come,” she groaned. She could feel herself becoming more submissive by the second as Mike continued to drive his penis in and out of her. She was a slave to his control. She depended on his presence. She needed him to fulfil her desire to come.

As Mike continued to coax Katrina to come, she felt his fingers enter her rectum and gasped as she felt Scott’s and Tim’s sperm ooze out. Mike didn’t seem to mind as he thrusted his fingers in and out of her voraciously. Each impulsive thrust Mike’s fingers made into her drove Katrina closer to her end. Suddenly, Katrina felt a wave of euphoria wash over her as her body began to convulse.

“I’m coming,” she screamed grabbing Mike’s wrist. “Fuck!”

Transiently, Katrina was rooted where she was unable to move. Her legs shook uncontrollably and as her chest heaved, Katrina’s eyesight began to blur. Gripping the park-bench in front of her, Katrina took a moment to gather her sense and recover from what had just happened. She felt Mike pull out of her vagina and let out a long and deep sigh.

Turning around, Katrina fell to her knees. “Give me,” she demanded playfully grabbing Mike’s semi-erect penis. Placing him in her mouth, Katrina savoured the taste of him and her until there was nothing left to swallow.

“That was fun,” she said sitting back down on the park-bench. Looking around, she realized that three of the men were still out cold. She watched Mike as he sat down beside her. Then reaching out, Katrina stroked his swollen penis. His eyes were on her as she dipped her fingers into her sated holes.

“That was fun,” he said.

“It was indeed.”


Her vision was blurry as she opened her eyes. Night had fallen and looking at the clock, Katrina realized that three hours had passed. Gazing down, Katrina smiled – her bright-pink dildo was barely visible in the dark but looking closely against the moonlight she could see streaks of her creamy fluids covering the toy. Grasping the end, Katrina pulled the toy out of her and brought it to her lips. As she sucked and licked the toy clean, Katrina sighed.

“If only,” she whispered.

Pulling her leggings back up, Katrina turned the car on and pulled out of the parking space.
