I spent a week hopping from bed to bed after graduating! [F] [F23] [FM] [FF] (Part 1)

Some people do a graduation trip around Europe, but that’s not entirely feasible nowadays. So I celebrated my graduation hopping from bed to bed for a whole week straight.

Some of you guys are on /r/stupidslutsclub, and you might know about *Bang For Roof* challenges. For those of you who are new around here, this challenge is to hook up with a different person every day for a whole week **without sleeping in your own bed**. Really hot in the pre-Covid days, kinda sus now.

Here’s how I organized it. Being an introvert, my social circle really atrophied hard during the pandemic. My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a social butterfly. So I had him ask his friends if I could fuck them, and he agreed to handle the boring but important stuff. You know, stuff like finding out if they’re vaccinated or clean. I’m just here to convince them to fuck me (Difficulty rating: 3/10), let me spend the night (Difficulty rating: 6/10), and maybe steal some of their clothes (Difficulty rating: 10/10).

Sounds crazy for any other couple, but we’ve been in an open relationship and we sleep around a lot. Besides, we were kinda overdue for our anniversary. Sure, we did celebrate it in a SFW manner (and post about it on our social media and all that jazz), but ya girl’s gotta fuck.

We eventually narrowed it down to a list of a dozen names or so between the two of us, and I handed over the reins to my boyfriend. I’d get a new name and contact details every morning, just to keep things interesting.

Originally, all 7 days were supposed to be entire posts unto themselves, but I kinda forgot to record a whole bunch of details for the first half of the week! I’ll post individual details separately and link them in this post, but here’s a quick summary table about the 14 people I fucked!

| People fucked | Day 1 to 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 and 7 |
| At least 14! | 4 | 1 | 1 | At least 8 :P |

| Location | Total loads of cum | Day 1 to 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 and 7 |
| Mouth | 12 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 6 |
| Pussy | 13 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
| Ass | 7 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 |
| On me | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |

So here are the first 3 days of the challenge!

## Monday: June 28

I started the week with a backpack and a change of clothes.

Fredrick was a sophomore from my college, so I agreed to meet him after his lectures ended. We grabbed dinner near campus (Fish and chips, ya couldn’t get more stereotypical than that) and over a shared bottle of beer, he shared how he met my boyfriend volunteering for the college’s urban garden.

Wait, my college has a fucking garden?

Cut to 15 minutes later, and I was sucking him off by the greenhouse.

Fredrick said it was a bad idea the whole time, but his cock and I agreed it was a good idea, so we kinda had him outvoted.

He came once in my mouth, before we headed back to his place for more drinks. Well, drinks and more sex. Fredrick ate my ass pretty well, which isn’t something many men are keen on, before fucking my ass sore, which is something a surprising number of men are keen on. By the time he was fucked out, it was 2am and I helped myself to a warm shower before going to bed with him.

We woke up at 9, but sadly enough, he was running late for a morning lecture, and he kinda kicked me out of his room without letting me have a morning shower.

So that’s 2 loads, but not the best start to my week. Oh well.

| Loads | Loads from Fredrick |
| Mouth | 1 |
| Pussy | 0 |
| Ass | 1 |
| On me | 0 |

## Tuesday: June 29

My sundress I wore to meet Fredrick was still fine, but I figured this was the last day I’d wear it. I got 2 names from my boyfriend, Max and Lucas, so I started chatting with them separately. It turned out they’re roommates who met my boyfriend at a bar once, but *someone* forgot to tell them I was scheduled to sleep with both of them that night. I could fuck them separately, but if we’re all going to be in the same room, we might as well have a threesome.

Lucas was a senior in my faculty, who happened to be in one of the classes I TAed for. I met Lucas for lunch and we chatted about our time in the faculty. He mentioned that I was friendly and approachable, but I had a “resting intimidating face”. I assumed that meant I had a resting bitch face, but he really wanted to get into my pants.

Lucas brought up Max and told me he was a freshman under us, who happened to be in the introductory class I TAed in my final semester. So naturally, I had him invite us both out for dinner, in an empty study room on the top floor of the library.

Hold your horses, we did have dinner before having sex.

We chatted about our faculty over dinner, but the topic eventually drifted to our personal lives. As we started talking about how we all knew my boyfriend, I steeled my nerves and dropped the bombshell: I was gonna have sex with the two of them. Unfortunately, Max was one of those guys who think it’s weird for another man to see his erect cock, which just boggles my mind.

SMH, just don’t look at each other’s cocks if you’re gonna be awkward about it.

But that meant I had to talk Max into a threesome, because I was dead set on fucking the two of them and making them fight over whose bed I was going to sleep in. I couldn’t quite persuade Max with reason, so I resorted to my next line of attack: My oral skills. With my nimble tongue on his cock and my quick wits, I convinced him that his orgasm was necessarily contingent on accepting a threesome with me, and I promised I wouldn’t stick Lucas’s dick into his virgin asshole.

We left the library soon after they came and we hitched a ride back to their dorms. Lucas raided his alcohol stash for a little *something*, mostly to set the mood and to ensure Max would be down to fuck. We tried a variety of positions, before I eventually started riding Max in a cowgirl position. I pinned him down and started talking dirty to him. Everybody wants to fuck their cute TA, but Max was lucky enough to fuck her a few weeks after taking his finals.

It was also mostly a distraction, so I could reposition Lucas behind me to fuck me in the ass. I knew Max would be a little hesitant, so I focused his attention on feeling how tight my pussy felt around him and how hot it would be to fuck me in sync with Lucas.

Anything but the sensation of his balls bouncing against his roommate’s balls.

See, I love getting double penetrated. It presses and rubs against my G-spot perfectly, so I cum *easily*. Like, “I cum in 5 minutes”-easily. By the time we were all fucked out, it was way too late for a girl like me to head back, so I had to spend the night with them.

Oh no, what a shame. :(

Between the 2 of them, Max agreed to let me sleep in his bed, while Lucas agreed to sneak me into the common showers. He was a little too tired to let me give him a blowjob, but I had other plans. I had him shower with an open door, and I treated him to a view of me masturbating openly on the bench, playing with the loads in my pussy.

Somewhere between “God, you two taste good together” and “I bet your cock would feel amazing cumming in my pussy”, I got Lucas hard enough to agree to a blowjob.

By the time we were done, Max was beginning to doze off, so I crawled to bed with him and spooned myself against him. Lucas was gone in the morning, but Max and I enjoyed a late breakfast, followed by a good fucking on his bed. I convinced him into “loaning” me a shirt since my dress was quite unwearable, before I left for lunch.

So that’s 6 loads between Max and Lucas, for a total of 8 loads.

| Location | Total loads | Loads from Max and Lucas |
| Mouth | 3 | 2 |
| Pussy | 3 | 3 |
| Ass | 2 | 1 |
| On me | 0 | 0 |

## Wednesday: June 30

I changed into my spare skirt and Max’s shirt. His shirt extended halfway down my thigh and covered most of my skirt, so I certainly looked like a girl who hooked up last night and was doing the walk of shame home.

Except, I was heading out to meet Judith.

As you might expect from such a name, Judith was a Catholic girl, the sort of girl who says Grace before meals. We met for lunch at a vegan fast food joint near Max and Lucas’s dorms, where I found out Judith and my boyfriend met through Fredrick, and she brought up just how exactly my boyfriend started volunteering at the urban garden.

We spent the day visiting vegan cafes, which was honestly a wonderful change of pace. It turns out vegan food’s actually pretty fucking good! It’s a pity I was discovering most of them just before moving out, but it’s definitely something I’ll be keeping an eye out now that I’ve moved to a new city!

But enough about vegan food. Let’s talk about Judith.

Judith left me confused the whole time. She was Catholic as fuck, and over a slice of vegan chocolate cake, she shared the religious significance of her name and her confirmation name, while I shared the significance of my Chinese name. Listen, my gaydar’s ain’t half bad, but she looked like the straightest queer girl I’ve ever seen. Her hair was so damn Christian. Long, but tied up in braids. And her attire was super conservative! She looked like she was inviting London’s biggest slut to church on Sunday, over a cup of tea and pastries.

We left for her apartment in the late afternoon, and she drove me 20 minutes out into the suburbs. I’m no Benedict Cucumberpatch, but I was making a few deductions as I entered her flat. Her apartment door had a big cross on the door. She had one of those “Love is patient, love is kind” wall decorations. There was a Bible on the coffee table.

… And I’m supposed to have lesbian sex with her?

But then Judith opened the door to her room. I was greeted by a giant Progress Pride flag on her wall, and an equally large lesbian pride flag over her bed. Ah yes, there we go. She’s a fucking unicorn, a rarely seen practicing Catholic who was also flaming gay.

Judith wasn’t particularly kinky, and she was kinda new to eating a girl out, but she was an enthusiastic sub who was willing to try. Between rounds of sex, we talked about the LGBT+ club on campus. She’s attended a few meetings, but she felt intimidated because of her (very visible) faith.

Lucky for her, they held (online) meetings on Wednesday nights. I sent her a link to the Zoom call and we showed up together. I introduced her to my juniors, and thankfully, nobody started mouthing off about Christianity. Sure, we all hate homophobic Christians, but hating on Christianity to a Catholic newcomer? Bad fucking manners.

I convinced Judith to let me eat her out under the table, as I ostensibly left for dinner. It was a tight fit, but I’m tiny. Over the course of an hour, I feasted on her thighs and pussy, drenching my chin with her juices as I tried to cram as many fingers as I could into her.

I managed to work my way up to 3 fingers by the end of the call, and Judith barely managed to send her contact details to the club president before she hurriedly exited the call.

No cum loads today, but I sure did spend an eternity between her thighs. Unfortunately, she wasn’t Catholic enough to say Grace before eating me out, but I’ll take what I can get. By the time we were done for the night, I was very reluctant to get out of bed to shower and take my meds.

| Location | Total loads | Loads from Judith |
| Mouth | 3++ | Technically, all of them :P |
| Pussy | 3 | 0 |
| Ass | 2 | 0 |
| On me | 0 | 0 |

I’ve written up the next few days and I’ll post them soon, but I’m moving in right now in a whole new city, so this might take a while! :(

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ozz7nx/i_spent_a_week_hopping_from_bed_to_bed_after


  1. Those are some rookie numbers, gotta pump up those numbers!

    (Really though I love the idea that you have a spreadsheet to track all this 😂)

  2. This is a great story and I loved reading it. I loved the tables to stay organized about your “adventures” lol. Can’t wait for the next part.

  3. Wow yes UK based is great, and hot, I’ll be looking at all the girls I pass. Is wondering if it could be you…😃😃

  4. 14 in a week. That’s a feat for sure! 4 in a week is my record. As a bi girl, I’m extremely jealous. Never been with another woman.

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