[Group] [30F] A day at the beach and how I helped to make someone so much luckier than they could ever have imagined

This is something that happened very recently, and I’ll try to be as concise with the details as possible in hopes that I can maybe talk about it more specifically with you people! That said, there’s a lot to say in order to really communicate what happened, so forgive me if it’s a bit longer than I intended.

I’m in my late 20s and I have a best friend who has been my best friend for pretty much both our entire lives. I have never really had a fixed friend group, as I prefer to have individual friendships, but she does have a close friend group and so I’ve got to know the people in it over the years.

They are a very close group of friends who have stuck together ever since early high school. So a very long time ago. They were the nerdy group in high school, and are still very much like that in a lot of ways. Most of them very successful, living incredibly normal lives. Nothing truly exciting to note.

There are two girls in the group (including my best friend), and three guys. They hang out together all the time, and usually hang out as a group of five. I sometimes join them when I cross paths through my best friend, but I’m a friend of theirs more than an actual part of their circle.

My best friend also has an older sister, but she was never one of the nerdy ones, very much the opposite, and was always kind of known as the “hot older sister.” She, too, is very intelligent though. Not ditzy or anything even remotely like that.

So she doesn’t interact as much. She’s very nice and friendly, but doesn’t get involved in anything.

All three guys in the group are pretty nerdy, but one of the guys, James, is especially that way. He doesn’t have any friends outside the actual group, still lives with his parents, doesn’t get out much, and spends most of his time playing video games.

The awesome part is that James wouldn’t probably have any friends if it weren’t for them/us, but the bad part is the rest of the group is feeling increasingly sorry for him, and his struggles “getting out there.”

This sentiment led to us doing something that is still surreal and hard to fathom even for me. But it happened, and I’m excited to talk about.

Fast forward to what, on the surface, appeared like a very innocent trip to the beach.

My best friend’s group rarely gets a chance to go to the beach, and it’s one of those things they never do, but one that they collectively felt they should just go ahead and organize. So one Sunday was set aside, and my best friend invited me to join them.

The plan was to drive there, go to a reasonably quiet spot, and go for a swim.

For guys in a friend group, I do know that going to the beach or being around water with their female friends is simultaneously horrifying and exciting experience. Getting to see your closest friends in swimwear, but with all the nervousness and jealousy that might go around the group with that. You might be surprised to hear we’re aware of it, too.

The plan was for me, my best friend, the other girl in the group, and James to meet up beforehand and drive out there together. The other two guys would meet us there.

So James showed up to my best friend’s place, to be surprised to see that her sister – who never joins us – had nothing to do, and had asked if she could come too. So it was the four of us girls and James on the ride over.

We were all wearing our swimwear under our regular clothes at that point, so when we got to the beach, we found a very quiet spot, set up, and began to take off our jeans/tops, etc.

This was actually the first time James had seen any of his closest friends, let alone both of them, plus me, plus the older sister of one of them, in their swimwear. And let alone all at the same time.

If his awe wasn’t obvious enough from his face and the staring, I think it was obvious enough from the bulge in his trunks. He was bright red in the face, probably extremely embarrassed, and didn’t know what to do.

Little did he know, this was all going to plan, although maybe a lot faster than we’d expected. We planned to go for a swim first, but a couple looks at one another, and this seemed the right time to strike.

So we asked him, did he know when the other two guys were going to get here?

He said he didn’t, and assumed they would’ve told us.

That’s when my best friend told him that actually, we’d never invited them, and they weren’t coming.

He was obviously confused by this, and asked why not.

Because, we told him, we had a surprise for him. Some bad news, and some good news, except mostly good news. The bad news being that we had felt a bit sorry for him lately, but the good news being, we were about to do something to him that would make the other guys in the group so fucking jealous they’d implode.

The four of us knelt around him on the sand, reached up, pulled down his trunks, and we all leaned in together, and began licking and sucking all over his cock at the same time, literally all four lips and tongues on his cock simultaneously.


Yes, we did this.

Yes, this happened, and yes, I do want to chat with someone about it! If you want to chat with me, send me your initial reaction to the whole thing, along with any thoughts you have! Priority will probably go to those who are truly mind blown rather than just sort of impressed.

I very much look forward to your messages!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/oyo5tv/group_30f_a_day_at_the_beach_and_how_i_helped_to

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