My GF[30F] and I[28M] Got Seduced By Our Newlywed Friends[MF]

So some background my GF and I have a pretty normal sex life. I wouldn’t call it vanilla but it’s in house. Sure we’d dirty talk about getting watched but I did not expect this.

So our mutual friends from back in college got married a few months back and we went camping with them. Everyone but me likes hiking apparently. But let’s call our friends E[M28] and K[F28]. For descriptors sake they’re both pretty small(short, petite, skinny, etc..) folks. Compared to my 6 foot 225 pounds and my GF’s pretty notable curves.

So anyway we arrive at the camp site have some fireside food, drinks, we catchup. Then we turn into our respective tents, theirs maybe 10 feet from ours. Long story short my GF and I get intimate, after she starts rubbing my cock through my shorts. Things move from there to her riding my cock. Despite our best efforts E and K must have overheard us as we hear there giggling so my GF quickly dismounts me.

But then something happened. We hear them starting to fool around in the neighboring tent no biggie but we hear them pretty loudly saying both our names. Which must have fired my GF up be cause we’re back on each other.

A minute or two later we hear our tent zipper slide down and to our surprise our old friends are asking if they can crawl in. We’d known them for years so this was out of the blue. My GF to my shock agrees to their coming in and we let them watch while they mutually masturbated.

Also to my shock I loved it. It was so hot but things went even further. Soon K is touching my thigh while E starts kissing my GF. From there on they dominated us with their tiny asses and tits.

It was a surprise but overall not a bad weekend!


1 comment

  1. Can you extrapolate on what “from there on they dominated us with their tiny asses and tits” means?

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