How I accidentally gave a super public blowjob to my FWB [FM]

I was about 20 almost 21 at the time in the summer right before my birthday when I was going to college in Mississippi, and lived near a party house I could walk to. There was of course a party going on with a good number of people I knew and many I didn’t and most everyone was drinking, smoking, or doing something and getting topless. I had moved outside, smoking a cigarette and saw a guy (25 then) I had been casually sleeping with for a few months at that time also come out for a smoke. We got to talking, and then flirting, and in our talk I realized that this man had gone down on me several times in our hookups but I hadn’t given him a blowjob of any sort in that time, and I did/do really enjoy giving head to others – especially if they give to me!

We were kind of off-set from the party, in a darker corner of the yard where a bunch of cars were parked and the street light wasn’t directly over us, relatively away from the large crowd hanging under the big carport but still in eyesight of each other. There were dozens of people milling at the party, in and out, so I suggested we could just do it right then and there. I did live less than a five minute walk from this place, but I was into outdoor/risk of being caught stuff and I figured that we could just lean by this big SUV and the bush nearby that we were standing beside, and the majority of people wouldn’t see us from that particular angle. We ended up moving a couple of cars down from that, still blocked by the SUV, loud music is playing and we’re pretty sure we’re safe from view but still risky enough to make it hot.

He agrees and we start making out, rubbing on each other, and after a short bit of that he’s hard and excited to get this blowjob and smiling at me. We both look around to check that no one is looking, and then he whips out his dick and I start giving him a blowjob. I’m inebriated and really getting into it, he’s into it, and I just am sucking his dick and getting turned on by him moaning and running his fingers through my hair. I don’t know how long I was actually there, but we were suddenly interrupted by a loud shout saying, “DAAAAAAAMN!”

We both stop to turn, his dick still out, and realize the SUV that had been our primarily blocking point moved – the crowd had now stepped further and pretty much everyone outside was staring right at us, far enough away I couldn’t see their entire expressions but enough mouths open to see we had definitely been putting on a show we (and they) weren’t expecting. Most of the crowd had actually moved closer to us to get a better view, but you could likely still tell what was happening without a direct view.

I look up at him, we’re both a little surprised, but I said, “I don’t mind to keep going,” and he smiled and nodded and said, “Let’s keep it going, then!” so I started back and some from the crowd started cheering. I’m suddenly even more turned on, smiling, and having a lot of fun, and I can tell this man is about to come from the added intensity.

That is, until a girl he had slept with just a couple weeks before for the first time came running out to us, screaming and yelling and crying. I’m not sure if it was because she was just more drunk than I was, or they hadn’t communicated about being casual, but she caused a scene enough to make the whole sexy mood get ruined. I was overwhelmed and also not sober, so I also started crying. The guy in question immediately lost his boner, and started trying to console us both. The girl ran crying to her car (she did not drive!) and I ran crying to the back porch. It was madness.

Anyway, he got his blowjob but he didn’t come that night… Eventually it came down to the girl revealed he had been honest about being casual as he had been with me, but she had still tried to steer them into dating and was very upset about it due to some other things going on in her life and was also just really drunk. Later at the party, a friend said that about 200 people had showed up throughout the night of the party at this large house (likely not all at once) so I could have had over a hundred people actually watching. Eventually, most of the town had found out about it and I’m sure there were pictures floating around (or I like to think there were) and made comments about it. This experience actually opened up some other fun experiences with others who liked me being a freak!

A bit of a not so good ending there unfortunately, but the experience of all those people getting a surprise show was still so hot, I like to think about it and try to imagine if he had actually came and we could’ve gotten high fives from others when we returned to the party and all had a fun time. Eventually I did give him a good blowjob later, but in private, away from any potential other casuals we might have had.


1 comment

  1. I feel like id be horrified if a crowd was watching me suck dick. But it was such a power move to keep going instead of running home

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