Secret sex club and ny first gangbang PART1 (draft)

Hi, names Tracy, I want to tell you about a crazy time of my life that happened not to long ago, the time i got invited to a secret university sex club and got fucked by 5 guys. But before we talk about that, how about an origin story.

One day back when i was 13 I was over at a friends house, what we were doing doesn’t matter. What matters is at one point she starts acting real shady, closes her door and reaches under her bed and pulls out a porn mag. “found this in my dads room” she said proudly waving it above her head. So we huddled round on her bedroom floor and all giggled at a nude women and chuckled at the penises. Now I cant speak for the other girls but something stirred within me that day. I remember seeing a picture of a woman laying naked on a bed, rocking a huuuge 70s bush. But its what she was doing that got my brain fired up…she had two fingers inside her girl parts…she was masturbating, que dramatic music. Shocker I know, but something about it just resonated with me, i didn’t know what i had to do, just that i had to do it. I made a terrible excuse of needing to “help my mum with the cleaning” and rushed myself home. I got home ran upstairs hid under the sheets and went to work. Took me a few tries like most girls, but it happened, for the first time. The fireworks, the blooming flower the triumphant music, that one GIF of Leonardo DiCaprio toasting you with the martini. Yes I had an orgasm. After that moment, you couldn’t stop me, long baths, late nights you get the idea. It was when I discovered internet porn you could argue it became a problem. Not really, i was just rampant. daily, twice daily. I bought my first vibrator when i was 16. My masturbation habits would continue in a similar fashion for many years.

Virginity, ahh virginity, the next step on the infinite road of sexual discovery. I lost my virginity when i was 18 to my first (and so far) only boyfriend and i gotta say, while i did enjoy myself it certainly wasn’t what i expected. I heard stories from my friends about how it hurts and how i was going to be walking funny the next day. Well, when you spent the better part of 5 years putting anything and everything remotely phallic shaped inside yourself, desperately and uneducatedly trying to reach the same unrealistic heights of climax the porn stars i watched online had, suddenly a penis isn’t so scary. Now my boyfriend was a great guy, a true first love, but, he just couldn’t make me cum. Any time i did cum with him it involved good ol righty and lots of clit stimulation from myself. Don’t get me wrong, he was great but a girl knows her own clit better then anyone and i had years of experience under my belt. He liked to film a lot and he loved anal. At times i felt like my own little porn star.

Lets jump forward to when i was getting ready to go away to university. I was going to a university up north, the complete opposite end of the country. I said my goodbyes to my family and my boyfriend and headed on a new adventure. I couldn’t of even left the Train station when the messages began. Anyone would of thought i had betrayed him, tore out his heart. I wont bog you down with all the drama but after texting back and fourth for a week i broke things off. Maybe this was what he was scared of and had simply played himself but i was starting university, the last thing i needed was a jealous and paranoid long distant boyfriend.

The thing about going to a university so far from home is the sudden feeling you get of being so alone and everyone you did know is out of reach. I felt very lonely for the first few months i was there an sure my masturbation habits where still alive and kicking but i was missing something, I missed cock. Thinking logically and also a little with my vagina, i realised i was going to stay stuck in this lonely rut unless i put myself out there more. I had made a couple of friends, not close friends but close enough to be invited to parties, of which i always turned down. This time however i told myself i wouldn’t say no. I waited for Friday to come around and as i was leaving to catch the bus back to my flat when they asked me. So that evening i got ready.

I didn’t have much in the way of clothes fit for a night out but i tried my best. I was so nervous as i frantically got ready i forgot to ate, great choice when getting ready for a night of drinking right. When i arrived at the party i felt dwarfed walking through the narrow crowded corridors of the Student housing building. You know what that i think about it i don’t know how tall i am. I mean I’m short i just don’t know a number. Anyway i worked my way through the crowds until i found my friends. I only got as far as a “hi” when they put a beer in my hand and told me to have a good time. I sat on a stool as i drifted on the outside of conversations as i usually did. It didn’t take long before the drinks started to hit me and i loosened up. I danced, did shots and cheered with the party as people were seen kissing in the corners of the room. I Started dancing with this guy, didn’t know who he was but he was cute and smelled really nice. I didn’t know much about dancing other then shake your hips while holding your drink. It was then i felt it, his erection pressed against my ass. He was rock hard and as i felt him push against me i felt a hot flush rush through my body and i thought again about how much i missed cock. Maybe it was the booze maybe i was horny or maybe it was both but i turned around and before i knew it my tongue was in his mouth. As we kissed i felt his hands squeeze my ass and i let out a little moan. I was so ready to fuck and he knew it. I waned him to take me to his dorm room and bend me over the first thing he could. He had other ideas and i found myself being led into the bedroom.

He closed the door behind him as i dropped to the floor, eager to take him in my mouth. I didn’t think i could yearn for something more but as i took his cock out and saw his girth, i felt an even deeper, hotter rush over my body. I could just about fit his head in my mouth as i began to stroke and suck him. I was enamoured, i wanted to suck out this mans soul. After a quick minute he pulled me back to my feet and walked me over to the bed. By the time i had laid my head back he had lifted my skirt up and pulled my underwear off. I knew i was about me be ravaged when in one quick motion he flipped me over and pulled my ass into the air by my hips, fuck i was about to get pounded. It had been a while and i was tight but he slid in and stretched me open with ease with how wet i was. He pounded me harder and harder, rough sex from the get go and i was shaking from the pleasure. I gripped the headboard just for something to hold onto. that’s when i heard it, the cheer from the party. I turned back to see a group of people standing in the light doorway cheering us on. For a moment i felt embarrassed but when i heard a familiar voice shout “go on Tracy” i felt confident, i felt like i was putting on a show. I turned myself around, sitting on the edge of the bed i took the rest of my clothes off and sucked him some more gaining more cheer from the party.

With my new found confidence i moved him to the bed and climbed on top. I tried to ride him as hard as me fucked me, pushing down on his chest and grinding my hips with everything i could, i will admit i was a little out of practice but i got the job done. He tapped my legs and shuffled to his feet. I dropped to my knees and held my tits in position as he sprayed his cum over them. Another cheer from the crowed and they dispersed. The rest of the night was a little fuzzy, i know i showered with him, and i know i had more drinks and then i was back home.

That morning i was lucky enough to not have much of a hangover, a slight niggling headache but that’s it. That morning sitting alone in the kitchen with a cup of black coffee, i thought on the night before. How crazy i was, how out of character it was…how amazing it was. I felt a part of me trying to find some level of guilt for my “slutty” behaviour but anytime i told myself i was bad, i was naughty i thought “fuck yeah i was”

I was ok with it, i was more then ok with it, i wanted to do it again. I easily found myself turned on again. I didn’t orgasm last night, nothing wrong with that i still loved every minute of it but he never touched my clit and i was to cock drunk to care. The pyjama bottoms dropped round my ankles and i bent over the kitchen sink and rubbed myself to a well earned climax. My legs buckled and i slumped to the floor, leaning against a cupboard i couldn’t help but but bite my finger as i thought again at how good last night was.

Things returned to normal for a little while, i was still a social introvert, and as exciting as it was i and many others were now too busy with work to think about partying. It was one evening while studying that i see a notification on my computer.

“hey Tracy, its you know who from the party, my names Sean btw, i got your number from one of your friends, we didn’t exactly have time to exchange names. I was wondering can i come over”

I was suprised to hear from him , i was ok with it being a one night stand, and to be honest i wasnt looking for a relationship. But perhaps i was over thinking things. Fuck it i thought lets see what he wants. “sure, is tonight good?”

“yeah thats great, mind if i bring a friend”

“a friend?”

“yeah, i have a proposition for you”

(story is fantasy as requested by Tracy) Feel free to DM with your own fantasies and i will write your story.
