The Centaur Queen: Part 1 [MF] [arguably bst]

This story was originally written in response to a [prompt]( at /r/DirtyWritingPrompts: “*A proud centaur marries a human king to forge relations between their species. However, after a disappointing first night together, she begins taking notice of the King’s Royal steed*”. Now that I’m writing a sequel I wanted to repost it as its own post. I ended up going in some directions I don’t normally get into (some SPH, pregnancy kink I guess, and of course the arguable bestiality) so be forewarned. Part 2 coming soon!


The wedding was over, but somehow Ellara was still nervous. The part she was most anxious about was yet to come – the wedding night.

The groom was fine enough – youngish, handsomish, and of course there was the matter of his being the King. And yet the bride – now Queen Ellara of Fairland – couldn’t help but wonder how their first night together as man and wife would go, seeing as he was, after all, a human. She had nothing against humans, per se… There had always been political and military scuffles between their peoples, and indeed that’s what the marriage was for: to sow some peace between the two kingdoms. But still, Ellara had to wonder how the marital act would even work between a human and a centaur.

And now the moment was here. The last guests had bid their farewells to the royal couple, and the King looked eager to take his new wife to bed. He laid a hand on her flank for just a moment, then took her hand and led her to the royal bedchamber. Waving the servants out to the corridor, he closed the door and turned to Ellara.

“Now, my dear,” he said, clearly exhausted from the day’s events but nonetheless excited. “At last we have our privacy.” And with that he began unbuttoning, unbuckling, unravelling his various ceremonial adornments. Robes, ruffs, stockings, and belts made a pile on the floor before he noticed Ellara still fully clothed, staring.

“Oh! Of course… how rude of me!” He walked over, clad only in his royal undergarments, and laid his hands tenderly on Ellara’s cheeks. “You can’t undress yourself. Let me help you, dear!”

This was not the reason Ellara hadn’t undressed, but she felt she had little choice now but to let her husband continue. She knelt down on her bed, which was a firm mattress on the floor next to the king’s human four-post bed. He came to her side, undoing the ties on the back of her dress. It fell to her knees, and he went to work on the corset. With that off, she breathed in and out deeply, opening her eyes to find the king standing in front of her. Not the king, she thought, right now he’s my husband.

“My lord,” she said, hesitating. “I- I mean, Athrum.”

“Yes, my love, what is it?” asked Athrum.

“I just… I mean, I’m of course looking forward to… to…” she didn’t know how to finish that, but luckily she didn’t have to.

“Marvelous! So am I.” said Athrum, and he knelt in front of her and locked her in a series of long, wet kisses. Ellara gasped, but felt it best just to go with it for the moment. Athrum’s tongue waggled around as if searching for food in her mouth, while his hands greedily found her tits, squeezing and pinching. It was all so bizarre for Ellara, but she had no way of knowing if this was normal or not. After all, as a young princess she had had precious little experience with sex, having only one encounter with a young colt of a lad in her teenage years, and there was very little of this kissing stuff with him. She knew even less about human sexual behaviour, so for all she knew, Athrum could be quite a talented lover. She wouldn’t have bet money on it, though.

Now one of Athrum’s hands was groping its way down her chest, her belly, down to… not what he was looking for apparently. His fingers reached the border of her thick coat of hair and retracted, pulling his face away from her as well. He laughed nervously. “Oh! Oh, yes. Right. Well.” His hand patted her awkwardly between her front legs, as if he had wanted that all along. He looked down in an embarrassment that was short-lived as soon as he noticed he still had his undergarments on. “Well…” he said, stripping off.

Ellara was… surprised. She shouldn’t have been, of course, but there it was. The king’s penis, the royal member, the cock of the kingdom, and barely… nine inches? She looked up at him and he seemed quite proud. “Well?” That seemed to be the only word he could say now, but Ellara was at a loss for words herself. She managed a smile, at least. Then Athrum stood up abruptly, seemingly expecting her to make the next move. But now his cock was just swaying, half-erect in her face, and – oh yes, that must be it.

Still uncertain, Ellara took his dick in her hands, giving it a little squeeze. Then she opened up and easily slid his length into her mouth and down her throat. The king moaned in appreciation. Ellara took this as a positive sign, at least, and slowly moved her head back and forth. Half-erect quickly became mostly-erect, and Ellara was almost starting to like the weird feeling and weird taste of it when Athrum pulled out of her mouth. He bent to give her a kiss, hesitated, and planted one on her forehead. Then he moved around her.

One last article of clothing remained, a sort of ceremonial cape that draped elegantly over her hindquarters and was a must-have in any formal human-centaur events. It covered the parts that seemed to make humans uncomfortable, and which Athrum was now eagerly uncovering. Ellara half-twisted around, trying to see what was going on, but again… she didn’t feel there was much she could do. So she tried to accommodate, to make things go smoothly, pulling her hind legs under her in a kneeling position. She twitched her tail to the side, trying to keep it from brushing against Athrum as he… got in position.

She felt him standing there, felt him lightly pushing the tail farther away, felt him squeezing her ass and feeling around back there. He found her asshole, poked it curiously – not painful, but not exactly pleasant for Ellara – then decided it wasn’t what he was looking for. He reached farther down, between her legs, and found it at last. The long, warm slit, the lips plump and inviting, and as his fingers probed inside, she was much more surprised than he to find how wet she actually was. She hadn’t exactly loved what passed for foreplay for Athrum, but nonetheless she was curious and even somewhat optimistic about what would come next.

Ellara had never considered herself a size queen. And yet now, ironically, when she actually was a queen, she found herself dramatically underwhelmed by her husband’s entrance into her. It wasn’t his fault, of course. He couldn’t help the fact that humans were just naturally less well-endowed than centaur studs. She didn’t know how much less, and maybe his was even big for a human! Still… she’d thought he had moved up to two fingers in her pussy, until she realized that both his hands were now squeezing her ass again. Oh, she realized, I guess it’s happening…?

She tried her best to be a good wife, to make Athrum feel like he was doing a good job. She moaned a little, bucked her hips in time with his hammering, and even squeezed her own tits for him, tweaking her now-sensitive nipples. That last one actually felt good, at least. Little twinges of pleasure rippled out as she pinched the nipples, thumbed her areolas lightly, and appreciated the warmth and softness of her full, round breasts. She was almost starting to enjoy herself again when Athrum pulled out.

Ellara turned around. “Everything all right, love?” she asked. “Weren’t you able to… wasn’t it good enough?”

Athrum chuckled, a smirk on his reddened face. “Of course I was ‘able to’, my dear! Surely you felt that, eh?” And he kissed her forehead again, before getting into his bed and saying goodnight.

Obviously she hadn’t felt it. She could barely feel anything when he was in her, and she didn’t remember feeling him cum at all. Then she felt a little bit of something. She got up and headed for the washing chamber, checking to make sure Athrum was facing the other way in bed. With the help of some mirrors and a lot of awkward twisting, Ellara finally spotted a little trickle of white running down her leg. She sighed. Athrum’s pitiful load probably hadn’t even made it halfway up her pussy. Her sexual dissatisfaction aside, how would they ever conceive a child like this?

Ellara was restless, worried, and now felt cooped up in this large, stone human building. She had to get some air. With one last peek into the bedchamber to make sure Athrum was snoring, she trotted as quietly as she could until she found her way out to the dark, silent courtyard.


Ellara wandered aimlessly while Athrum slept. It was hours past midnight, but she was restless and in no mood to sleep. And she was so, so horny.

She was wearing only a nightgown over her human torso, and the cool night air seemed to simultaneously soothe and arouse her aching pussy. She was practically dripping, long after her husband’s tiny load had oozed out of her. She had worked herself up far more than he had, but either way, she needed relief. And distraction from her thoughts.

The sounds of drunken revellers enjoying the last of the king’s wine echoed from the main courtyard, so she steered clear, instead heading down around the back of the castle. Under the moonlight, she found animal pens – pigs, chickens, geese – but she followed the sounds and smells to the one building that really drew her interest. Checking to make sure no one was in sight, she pushed open the large, swinging door into the royal stables.

Instantly, she felt strangely at home. Centaurs are not horses, to be clear. But there was always something there, a solidarity, an understanding, a sort of fraternal bond. And somehow, amid all the pomp and grandeur of human monarchy, Ellara felt more comfortable here, among the hay and mud and horseshit. She walked the main aisle, smiling at the row of gorgeous horses. The royal guards’ noble steeds, messenger horses, hunting horses. She stroked the mane of an upset mare, whispering her back to sleep. She tried her best to whinny in response to a proud-looking stud, but worried that she would just offend him. At the far end of the stables, she found the workhorses.

These were the massive, awe-inspiring creatures that ploughed the fields, hauled freight, and did all the dirty work. Ellara admired them for a long minute, watching their huge frames, their rippling muscles like heavy rope, their messy manes tossing restlessly. As restless as she was. And she couldn’t help but notice what hung underneath them, swaying heavily in the dim light.

One enormous Clydesdale caught her eye then. His stall was near the very end of the building, tucked away in private. He was a monster of a horse, several hands taller than Ellara, even with her upright torso and head. His eyes locked with hers, and his cock grew as she watched it. Double the king’s size and growing. Ellara’s heart thumped and her pussy screamed in her head. Panting, unthinking, the unlatched the door to his stall and walked in.

She closed the door. The Clydesdale shook himself from head to tail, his dark brown hair gleaming in the shafts of moonlight, his white legs shuffling towards her. Ellara took a deep breath and turned around. She pulled her tail up for him.

He wasted no time. He certainly didn’t kiss her. He simply came up behind her, heaved his body up and forwards, and came down on her with a force that almost knocked her down. She gasped but stood her ground, her terror hopelessly drowned out by her desire, her need for this massive cock. And then she gasped again as she got it.

The Clydesdale shuffled farther up onto her, and effortlessly, naturally, his aching cock met her aching pussy. The enormous head parted her lips forcefully, but she was so overflowing with her own juices that it barely hurt her when its full length, over two feet, charged into her full-force. What came out of her was halfway between a scream and a moan of pleasure, and she felt her body pulling itself into exactly the right position to welcome him in. Then he started thrusting, drawing almost his full length in and out of her with all the force his impossibly muscular body could throw at her. Muscles for tilling gravel into farmland, muscles for hauling millstones, were now being used to pump Ellara like a machine, till she felt like she would tear and burst from the pleasure of it.

It probably didn’t go on much longer than Athrum’s turn, honestly, but in Ellara’s mind time floated away from her and she coasted on waves of pleasure that filled her whole body. She tried, at first, to play with her tits again, but the sheer force of the Clydesdale’s ramming shook her too much for that to be a possibility. Instead she just gripped the walls of the stable, white knuckles grinding against the wood, as his eighteen inches penetrated what felt like much more than that, deep in and through her. And finally, all the way out again. She tensed up even more, her human half bending over double, and just as she felt herself slipping over the edge, so did he. A few final thrusts and he let loose a geyser of hot, thick cum that filled up every bit of her and then spilled out around the base of his cock. She felt it overflow and start dripping down both their legs as her orgasm reached ever higher and she cried out, now properly screaming for him, not caring who might hear.

Finally, spent and out of breath, she slumped against the wall and just floated in the afterglow. After a moment, her Clydesdale slowly pulled every last glorious inch out of her, and she felt utterly emptied. Even as the cum gushed out of her gaping pussy, Ellara knew she was still full to the brim of his hot, delicious load. She’d have no trouble getting pregnant now, she thought with a drowsy smile, though it remained to be seen how much resemblance the child would have to its supposed father…

When at last she felt she could stand, she got up, kissed and nuzzled her Clydesdale on the forehead, and let herself out. Only on closing the door to his stall did she notice the sign there:


Ellara laughed out loud. “Well,” she said to Roman, “You’re one hell of a royal mount, I’ll give you that. But I bet I’m a better ride than him.” And she went to rejoin her husband in the royal bedchamber.


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