Another Confession of a Little Slut

I wouldn't say the night started out innocently. Through my black lace top, my light pink bra was clearly visible. It was a given, too, that underneath my skirt, I was wearing a matching pink thong. But aside from that, I hadn't any particular plans to be a slut that night. Some new friends had invited me over for pizza and a reading of the manifesto for the activism we were going to participate in the next day. I was debating going, or just eating noodles in bed and reading a book, but when the two guys from the group (Franco and Marco) offered to pass by my house and pick me up so that I wouldn't have to travel alone at night, my mind was made up to go and have a good time.

I checked my facebook. They had never been to my house before and I was worried they wouldn't know how to get here. Exactly as I supposed, they had taken the wrong bus. I typed in the directions in the chat window and seeing as they'd arrive within 20 minutes, I checked who else was online. Alejandro sent me a message, "How'd it go the other day at the refuge?" I was excited to talk to him; he had added me after I published a very passionately written piece to an activist group and aside from having very similar values as me, he had a couple of shirtless beach photos that I enjoyed looking at.

"Do you know where they meet tomorrow?" I grilled him. "Let me ask the boss," He replied, "You should add her." "What? So I don't bother you any-more?" "You can bother me all you like, haha, I just don't want to give you the wrong information." "The thing is, Alejandro, I'm kind of shy to talk to her." "She's a cool chick. Don't be shy! Maybe I'll pass by. Perhaps we'll see each other." 

And with that, my doorbell rang. I ran downstairs to greet Marco and Franco and together we got a bus to Lorena's house. She lived alone, but the apartment was quite large with a big entrance room, a full dining room, a kitchen, patio, and two bedrooms. That said, the walls and floors were bare concrete and most everything was in a state of disarray. The pizza arrived within minutes and we dug in, now and then going over the 57 page document we were to read for the next day. "I hope you don't mind, I invited another friend over," said Lorena checking her phone. We heard the bell ring and she left momentarily, returning with a guy who looked strangely familiar. He had a lopsided smile and dark eyes that spoke of mischief. I greeted him cordially and he introduced himself to the group as Ale. He had brought fernet but not ice and he proposed that we all take a trip into the night air to buy a bag of ice.

I walked slightly behind the group, watching Ale with the growing realization that it was the very same Alejandro with whom I had been talking earlier. With my pastel coloured hair, I'm certain he recognized me. Did he take my lack of recognition as ignorance or as aloofness? I couldn't tell and began to feel insecure: I needed a drink. We stopped at the gas station for ice and I waited outside nervously with Ale, making small talk. I recognized the neighbourhood. If I wasn't mistaken, there was a pool bar right around the corner… I grabbed his hand. "Let me show you something!" I exuded and I dragged him around the side of the building. Suddenly we were very close. "Look!" I exclaimed pointing over his shoulder, "That's a really cool bar, they have pool and bowling!"

When he suggested that we go now, I already knew I was in trouble. I adore men who are capable of spontaneity. "But I'll kill you in pool," I challenged him in a low voice. We locked eyes and he laughed a devilish laugh, before turning back to get the others. I did actually kill him and the others in pool. Twice actually, but as we only played teams, I couldn't directly judge my prowess against his. Between the rounds, he approached me with the menu, offering me a drink on him. He ordered two tequila shots for himself and a cuba libre for me. I appreciated the attention.

Back at Lorena's house, Ale poured me a glass of fernet and grapefruit, slipping it between my hands. The house was pitch black as Lorena had turned off all the lights when she stood up to dance cuarteto. Disinterested in the music, I decided to explore. I felt my way along the hallway to the kitchen, my fingers grazing the rough walls. I perceived the fridge on my right and sensed a ray of moonlight just ahead of me. I passed through a doorway into the internal patio. Behind me, I heard soft footsteps against the music. Ale's body slid up against mine, his breath in my ear. He reached out to touch my hip and I rocked back ever so slightly to intensify the contact.

But my name was being called and I quickly separated from him and returned to the dining room. I saw him emerge from the shadows a few moments after I did and I shot him a private smile. I danced briefly with Lorena and complimented Marco on the music, just to be nice. Franco refilled my drink for me, and without making a scene, I quietly slinked back into the hall. This time, I headed for the second bedroom. In this part of the house, not a solitary moonbeam was to be found. I bumped my shin against something hard. OW! The music was much fainter here and when I heard the familiar sound of Ale's breath, I wasn't surprised. This time he grabbed my waist without hesitation and kissed me, hard. I could taste the grapefruit on his tongue. His hands gripped my hair, descending slowly over my back and softly, almost timorously caressing my ass over my skirt. I touched his arms lightly, feeling the ripple of his biceps. We were interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door.

Lorena was feeling sick so we guided her to her bedroom, covering her in a blanket. Marco and Franco announced their departure while Ale and I decided to stay, to take care of Lore. That's how I found myself at 5:30 in the morning napping in Lore's bed, with Ale cuddling me as the big spoon and a very drunk Lore passed out beside him. Lightly I disentangled myself from his long arms and went to the bathroom. I consulted the mirror over what I was about to do. Was it a good idea? Would he even notice? I might end up cold and alone. But there was another possibility too.

Quietly, I turned the bathroom light off and padded down the hall into the second bedroom. Making sure not to bump my shins, I climbed onto the freezing mattress. There were no sheets or blankets. There was no light. I lay still on the hard bed, hoping silently. Without seeing his silhouette or hearing his voice, I knew it was his figure standing in the door way. He lay down beside me and I let out a small nervous laugh. "Did you know I was going to come?" he asked. Yes, I knew. I knew and I hoped. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me lightly. My whole body relaxed towards him, feeling his presence. Slowly he began to increase the intensity of his kisses, his wandering hands becoming more urgent in his caresses. "It's a luxury just to feel you," he whispered and I whimpered slightly into his mouth. I didn't deserve such beautiful words.

He reached one hand under my skirt and with the other he covered my mouth. I licked his palm as he touched me. As his fingers ploughed into me, I matched his rhythm with my hips, fucking his hand faster and faster. He slipped his fingers in my mouth and I sucked them sensually. I wanted him to feel the soft, wetness of my tongue and of my pussy at the same time. Removing his hands from me, he grasped his belt, quickly undoing it. He released his erection and I let out a sigh, "I knew you'd be big." Without waiting for his direction, I began to stroke him. Soon he was touching me again and we matched our pace. Now I knew what his dick was like, his hands were a poor substitution, but I revelled in our rhythm, making sure to caress the parts of his cock that were the most sensitive.

When Ale took his hands from me, I felt bereft. I wanted, needed, him to keep touching me. As if I weighed nothing, he lifted me from beside him and placed me easily on top of him. I searched his face. "But we don't have a condom," I protested.

"I just want to feel you," he murmured as he reached around to adjusting his cock between my pussy lips. Obeying, I began to rock back and forth, coating his dick with my moisture, from his balls to the very tip, never allowing him to enter. I could see him getting more and more agitated beneath me. He began to moan, eyes closed, ever so quietly, and I put more pressure on him, grinding against his cock with intensity. Without warning, his eyes flew open, he grabbed my hips and rapidly positioned himself. His dick entered me like a like a band swelling to crescendo; it's all we both wanted and in that second, it was perfect. But we couldn't. I pushed against his chest and levered myself off of him.

"You know we can't," I whispered, out of breath.

"I'm so turned on, I'm trembling," he whispered back. He held up his hand as proof and I could see it vibrating uncontrollably. I too, could barely contain myself. My legs were like jelly and my heart was racing. I bit my lip out of sheer frustration and he pressed me tightly against his chest. "You're gorgeous," he murmured, as the morning sunlight softly began to illuminate the house. I nestled into him, if I wasn't in trouble before, I definitely was now. Breathing in the sweet scent of his cologne and sex, I drifted off to sleep.



  1. I’m sorry it’s so long. I just wanted to share the hot weekend I had with you guys! As usual, all dialogue is translation, but I think I did a better job this time.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with long. I think both of the stories have been pretty great, so if you wrote a novel I’d read it. Plus, knowing it is in Spanish somehow makes it hotter to me.

  3. That’s actually an amazing compliment. I really appreciate you saying so!

  4. I do what I can. :) I hope you keep writing then, it seems like being with you would be not just hot, but really passionate as well, and I like that.

  5. As long as I keep having sexy experiences, I’ll keep writing, haha

  6. Timorously? A band reaching crescendo? I love these phrases! Thanks for writing up these obviously intimate experiences for our pleasure. Hope you have many more with Ale.

  7. Yes, please don’t apologise for a long story – the longer the better! This is another really erotic offering. You write in such a sexy way. Love it.

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