A Sorcerer’s new pet – Chapter 10 – Inflamed – [M+F+] [NC] [Humil] [Magic] [Fantasy] [Edging]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ogs3ss/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_1_rescued_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oh67sk/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_2_trained_ff_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ohojx2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_3_tormented_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oinxmh/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_4_conditioned_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ojttrw/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_5_tempted_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oli6df/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_6_mocked_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/opjrh2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_7_unleashed_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/orflao/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_8_cowered_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/otvvvx/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_9_cornered_mf_nc/)

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Tamara took a deep breath and began reciting the secret mantra that granted access to the Shrine. Like all places of worship approved by the Gods, this was a place of power. Trying to enter it any other way would reduce most Sorcerers to smithereens, let alone a Priestess like her.

Holy Priests were not that strong, after all. Their talents laid in healing and comforting others. For this reason, every Priest or Priestess had to pick a Guardian. Those that followed Lyra, the Goddess of Mercy, had to abide by an additional law. It was a sacred rule that Guardian and Priest had to be married to ensure their union would be unbreakable.

How ironic, she thought, that this bond had become the chain that kept them leashed to their captors.

The barrier protecting the entrance flickered out of existence. Only people blessed by one of the Gods could see it. Not even Master Dyne – the man she hated the most – could perceive it, despite being the strongest Sorcerer she had ever met.

“Are we sure it’s safe? You are not fucking with us, are you?”

Master Jade, the detestable half-elf, grabbed her by the arm. She recoiled at his touch, a habit she had picked up after spending many nights in his company.

“She’s not lying. I can tell from her Brand.”

Mistress Diana never let go of an opportunity to remind her of the cursed Soul Brand. Master Dyne had warped their souls, corrupting her Goddess’ blessing: a white lotus-shaped mark on her soul she had received during her initiation as Holy Priestess. Now, in its stead, Tamara could see a shiny black lotus that sapped her will to defy her Masters.

The feeling of someone having unrestricted access to her thoughts made Tamara want to retch. The worst part was that Mistress Diana would rent control over her Brand to customers, who were quite eager to pay for the chance to humiliate a Holy Priestess in front of her Guardian. She could only keep one percent of her earnings, the rest going to her Mistress for “management fees.”

Tamara needed every copper she could get her hands on to pay for Milo’s monthly upkeep. Mistress Diana demanded a thousand gold coins a month to not kill her husband, and she had no choice but to use her free time to keep selling herself on the streets to make ends meet.

“Still, are we sure we can trust this bitch?”

“It’s going to be fine, I’m telling you.”

“Focus. Both of you.”

Master Dyne’s curt remark snapped both the tiefling and the half-elf back to attention. Supposedly, the three all shared the same rank in their mysterious organization. However, it was clear to Tamara that Master Dyne was in charge of this expedition.

Before entering the temple, Master Dyne locked Mistress Diana’s hands in a heavy pair of metal manacles. A thick, long-chain was attached to them, the other half firmly in Master Jade’s hands.

“Remember. We helped you capture Diana, and your husband died in the fight.”

“Yes, Master.”

Tamara could not oppose this man. He could kill Milo with a thought or make her think or feel unspeakable things. She still remembered how desperately she had begged him in front of her poor husband, who could do nothing but watch. The things she had said that night had broken something deep within Milo. Something she wasn’t sure she could mend, even if she didn’t have to whore herself out every day.

With bated breath, Tamara entered Luna’s Shrine. She was one of the very few people that knew the truth about the Gods. The Holy Priestess knew now that her own life had been a giant, cruel lie. The only contact she had ever had with her Goddess’ presence was by interacting with the Shrine of Grace in the Kingdom of Lyra. Nothing more than an Artifact She had left behind to handle blessings in her stead.

Luna was the only Goddess she had ever met in person. Lyra’s daughter had appeared to her and Milo one day, out of nowhere. She had explained the situation and recruited them for the craziest plan she had ever heard: invade The Hells directly, and use the element of surprise to break Lyra free.

It was a reckless plan, but it was the only one the Enlightened races had left. Far too weak to contend with Gods and Demons, they could at least fight the Devils that would be hindering Luna’s descent into the Forsaken Place.

Nothing of that would happen though, Tamara would make sure of it. Despite Her efforts, Luna would fail. She was far too weak and inexperienced to contend with Asmodeus. Even now, She had no idea the Forsaken One had already foiled her plans. The only reason they hadn’t been all killed by Demons and Devils was that Asmodeus didn’t want to risk the general public finding out about the truth. The illusion of Heaven kept most people in check, content to live a pointless life, unaware of their true destiny.

For that reason, the Cabal was in charge of kidnapping Luna. Master Dyne had made her an offer she could not refuse. In exchange for the betrayal of everything she had ever believed in, she and Milo would break free from Diana’s grasp. They would instead become Angels serving Master Dyne when he ascended to Godhood.

She hated that man, but anything was better than ending up in The Hells after death. If she had to serve him for eternity, so be it. He could be a vicious Master, but the cruelest of Gods would always be far better than the kindest of Devils. She loathed to admit it, but there was also a part of her that had never stopped craving him since the only night they had spent together.

And thus, having made up her mind, Tamara led the wolves in the sheep pen.


Ivy was lying in a square stone pool filled with lukewarm water, located in the bathing room of their new safehouse. She could feel her cramped muscles releasing the tension accumulated during days of grueling training. If not for Lily’s words, Ivy would have begged to not be allowed this relief. She didn’t deserve it after what she had done.

“Don’t worry. You are going to hate this.”

The Remnant had delivered the curt sentence with a soothing voice while making sure the water temperature was just right. Since the day Master had shown Ivy how selfish and pathetic she was, Lily had taken great pleasure in fanning the flames of self-hatred that raged in her heart.

“It’s good that you are starting to see the truth. There’s nothing we can do to fix how rotten we are, but we can still hope to be of some use to Master.”

After weeks of constant instruction and soul manipulation, Ivy had begun to see a glimpse of what her Mistress meant. Weaklings like them were worthless compared to entities like Lord Elzor or their Master. Their only hope to avoid ending up like Rei – stop thinking about her, fuck – was to be of some use to Master.

“Worms like us are just a burden for him. Master keeps us around because he finds us amusing. Do you realize what would have happened if Master didn’t take a liking to you?”

A small part of her kept muttering that she would be living her best life if not for Master. Ivy crushed those thoughts under the weight of self-loathing and cold logic. If Master hadn’t rescued her, she would have ended up in The Hells eventually, suffering for all eternity.

Lily had filled her in on the reality of the situation after Master had left. The shock from that revelation was still strong, but she could tell Lily wasn’t lying from the soulbond they shared. The implications of what she had learned were horrifying.

“I understand, Mistress. This cunt is grateful to Mistress for opening her eyes.”

“Good girl. Master truly is the best at making dumb sluts see reason.”

The Remnant entered the small pool, sitting on the opposite side of Ivy. The bath was big enough to accommodate both of them, with a couple of feet between them. It was also quite tall, so both their bodies were underwater except for their heads. They sat on the steps carved in the pool’s floor, and Ivy could see Lily’s perfect body semi-obscured by the water’s vapor.

“Now, since a bimbo like you cannot be trusted, we need to make sure your body helps you stay focused. I will not tolerate you thinking about anything else but being the best fuckpet for Master.”

Ivy was struggling to pay attention. Her body wanted nothing more than to fall asleep after weeks of constant effort, and the warm water was making it impossible to stay awake.

“See what I mean? You are dozing off already. Here, let me help you with that.”

Lily’s soul extended its influence over Ivy’s for just a second. The Mage could feel the effects an instant later. Her perception of warmth was now different, making her squirm and shiver in pleasure.

“My Mistress, Mistress Daisy, came up with this method to teach me a fundamental lesson.”

From Lily’s flushed cheeks, Ivy could tell the Remnant was subjecting herself to the same treatment. Both girls basked in the heady feeling of arousal for a few seconds. The water was getting warmer, Ivy noticed. And with the increase in temperature came an equal increase in arousal. Ivy tried her best to maintain her composure, imitating the beautiful Remnant.

“I want you to think about our Master now. About how much you crave him, now that you have tasted Heaven.”

Ivy’s mind went back to the mind-shattering series of orgasms she had experienced but a week ago. She could not recreate the feeling in her head, but she knew that she was already addicted to it. Ivy rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the need she felt between her legs. Her nipples were now hard, and her whole body was warm with hot water and lustful shivers.


“I want you to think about how good it feels to be called a good girl by him. How desperate you are for his praise.”

Ivy’s mind began filling with images of her Master. When he had called her beautiful before moving into her. The way he had protected her from Milo, calling her his precious pet. The mesmerizing flow of mana in his eyes.

“Fuck. Ahhh”

“Hmm. Yes. Feel the w-warmth on your skin, serenity spreading through your heart. T-this is what it feels like when Master is pleased.”

Lily was now squirming as well. Ivy could see tears of joy fall from her beautiful face.

“Yes, M-Mistress. It’s beautiful. Ahhh.”

“D-don’t cum, little fuckpet. You are way too worthless to claim pleasure for yourself.”

Master’s presence was polluting Ivy’s thoughts; he was everywhere inside her. The ivy-shaped Soul Brand was infesting every corner of her memories. Even the cold, dreadful image of Lord Elzor dragging Rei to The Hells was thawing thanks to Master’s love and approval.

Master was rooted in the center of her being — a blazing bonfire drawing her in like a moth. She wanted nothing more than to burn in his light. The Mage had to struggle with every scrap of her will not to climax, letting herself ignite in that flame.

“T-this is what we’re m-meant to worship. T-this is the difference between Master and us.”

“M-Mistress, I-I can’t take it anymore! P-please don’t make me cum!”

To stem the overwhelming tide of pleasure, Ivy dug her fingernails into her arms and thighs. The water was now so hot that her skin was turning red. The Mage could see the Remnant sobbing before taking a long breath and mumbling something under her breath.

Then the frost came, and Ivy felt herself shatter.

The water had turned glacial in an instant, leaving her gasping for air. The shock rocked her body, trapping her in an icy hellscape. Master was gone from her mind. She was alone. Despite her best efforts, Ivy could not move nor breathe nor rekindle the fire of his presence. The heavenly climax she had almost reached was nowhere to be found.

Lily was watching her, her eyes dripping with tears of frustration and contempt. Ivy’s whole world was cold and desolate. The guilt for what she had done to Rei covered her soul like a dreadful snowstorm. She was back to being worst than nothing, a worthless, selfish, useless slut with a rotten heart. She couldn’t even cry under the crushing weight of the existential dread she was experiencing. She could only quiver, in the freezing water, horrified by the emptiness within her.

“This, cunt, is the truth of who we are, and I will make sure you never forget it.”


Lana pulled her sister’s hair with both hands, burying Iris’ face between her legs. A shattering orgasm rippled through her as she came all over her sibling’s face.

“Oh fuck yes! It feels so fucking good to finish for once.”

“Hmm nghhh”

“Shut up. You don’t get to complain anymore. Master Jade said I could use you however I please from now on. I don’t want to hear you bitching ever again.”

Without waiting for Iris’ reply, Lana started grinding her pussy against her sister’s face. During the past weeks, while her bitchy sibling had done nothing but grumble about how unfair their situation was, she had trained herself to endure more punishment.

As per Master Jade’s orders, they had had to eat each other out every night for an hour before sleeping, and they hadn’t been allowed to cum because of the Geas Master Dyne had placed on them.

Lana would wait for Iris to fall asleep before sneaking out of the bed they shared. Every night she had trained in the small courtyard outside their bedroom, working on her physical condition.

The dark elf had been a ranger-in-training when a roving band of elf-poachers had captured her. Her teacher had taught her many exercises to improve her endurance, and she had made good use of them, even if not for their intended purpose.

While Iris had complied with Master Jade’s instructions, she had never given up on the thought of running away. She had been forced to accept the harsh conditioning but had never considered exceeding their Masters’ expectations.

Probably because she had no idea the members of the Cabal were about to become Gods.

Lana had overheard Master Jade and Master Dyne talking after the latter had modified their souls. She had decided to eavesdrop because she had always been the curious one of the two. Iris had been too scared of getting caught and had instead retired to their room.

When she had heard about her Masters’ plan, she knew she had found her chance.

Those favored by the Gods could live forever in Their domains. The dark elf was still young and beautiful, but she knew this would last for a couple of hundred years at most. She could never escape from these people. Lana knew that.

Not even the best Sorcerers of the Summer Kingdom could do what Master Dyne had done to them so casually. There was a reason the Gods had banned Soul Magic. The whole continent would join forces and hunt down whoever tried to dabble in that field.

Despite the massive manhunt — according to another conversation between Mistress Diana and Mistress Jade — nobody had been able to capture Master Dyne. Even the infamous Seymour Seawrath, the prodigy of the Kingdom of Lyra, could not apprehend the man, losing his daughter to him in the process.

The day Lana had realized who she was dealing with was the day she decided she would do everything to get on his good side — even throw her sister to the wolves.

What was family compared to eternal youth? Lana had grown up listening to the stories told by their elders, while Iris had been uninterested in elven history. Those picked by the Gods became Angels: supernatural beings that shined throughout the ages. They inspired the hearts of all believers and were revered and venerated by the masses.

She wanted to be worshipped, adored, and idolized. Who cared if she had to stab someone’s back in the process? Now that she had obtained permission to boss her sister around, she would make sure Iris would always be too tired to make a good impression on Master Dyne.

“I’m going to sleep bitch. Take care of all the laundry and prepare breakfast for tomorrow before you go to sleep. And don’t think for a second that since I came, you’ll get to cum as well.”

Before closing her eyes, she saw her sister’s furious face covered in her juices. Iris hesitated for a moment, trembling in wordless rage, before moving to obey her new Mistress’ commands.

Lana stretched like a cat before taking all the covers for herself. Maybe her sister would catch a cold in this horrible climate, she mused. Dark elves only thrived in tropical regions, and their constitution weakened outside of the Southern Territories.

“You know what? You are sleeping on the floor tonight. Next time I want to see more enthusiasm when you’re eating me out.”

Iris could only stare at her with a dumbfounded expression. She was never the sharpest tool in the shed, Lana thought to herself. Maybe after a few days of her new regime, she would start appreciating how smart and beautiful her younger sister was instead of dismissing her as usual.

Master Jade had good taste in women, and he had told Lana that Master Dyne had agreed with his assessment, lifting part of her Geas as a reward.

Lana drifted off to sleep to the sound of her exhausted sister slaving away. She could get used to this, she thought, before succumbing to sweet dreams of vanity and eternal youth.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ovnq14/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_10_inflamed_mf_nc