Wife’s Corruption into a Biker Gang [Cheating] Part 4

*This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.*


Ever since that first day where she saw one of the guys getting head right in front of her feet away then on it was pretty normal for Isabel whenever she dropped by the bar/clubhouse. Another week had passed and she had seen more open blowjobs, handjobs, sex and other kinds of sexual play happening at their hangout. It still made her red faced at first but after a week had passed she had pretty much grown accustomed to it, like how as she walked in near noon time to see some of the members and girls she recognized while at the far end of the bar against a wall she could see a biker mounted behind one of the girls pounding her from behind.

More so she saw it was one of the girls of the MC she was quite close to Steph with her hands against the wall and her shorts around her ankles as she took the pounding she was getting from a guy called Spike. Another thing she had come to understand about this particular MC was in how the girls were treated like. Steph was actually the old lady of Jax one of the clubs members but the man mounting her right then was not her old man but some other member.

As Isabel made her way over to the bar where some of the other girls were. She’s come to learn a lot of the terms that the MC has including on how they label the girls. Like the one’s she’s with now the 3 at the bar, 2 were old ladies as well while they third was called a sweet butt. That old ladies were pretty much the official girlfriends or actual wives of the patch members while the sweet butt’s were just girls that hanged around the MC and had sex with any of the members. So why was one of the old ladies taking another members cock in her? For Sun Flare even though a girl has become a members old lady, if her old man gives permission either to specific other members or the club in general then even if she is an old lady she would still put out for them. So it depends on what kind of person a girls old man was if he wanted to keep his woman exclusive or share her, in where Steph’s case Jax had given permission to Spike to have her any time he wanted.

“Take it bitch!” Spike’s rather hoarse sounding and loud voice could be heard yelling out as he grunted out loudly as he stopped thrusting into Steph and just held her against him hard by her long hair and hip while she whimpered out. Watching his ass cheeks clenching anyone could tell he was unloading himself into Steph’s pussy. After finishing as he visibly relaxed and pulled himself out of her hole, his cock glistening in their mixed sex juices, as she turned around dropping to her knees and taking him into her mouth as she went to work cleaning him up for abit. Wasn’t long before she popped his now cleaned dick out of her mouth, giving it a quick soft kiss on the tip as she slipped him back into his pants and zipped him up.

“Thanks baby. Needed to let one out this morning pretty bad.” Spike patted Steph’s head as she stood back up as cum was already leaking down her thighs as she grabbed some tissue off a glass holder nearby cleaning herself up best she could before pulling her shorts back up her long legs and buttoning up. As they both then made their way over to Isabel and the 3 other girls that had been watching their show and having some cold ones.

Making their greetings to each other before the group of them started talking about random topics, gossip and so forth without much thought. Until Spike then brought up a topic as she directed attention to Isabel.

“So Isabel when are you going to let T-bun hit that?” As he took a swig from his mug.

Though she had grown accustomed to seeing others having sexual activity in the open. She still found it embarrassing and a bit shy when the others kept directing the topic of conversation to this. Everyone kept harking on about when she was going to put out and let T-bun fuck her. She’s already been there for a couple of weeks and kept hanging out with them, though all of them knew she was married it didn’t seem to bother them that much the idea about her cheating on her husband.

“You know I’m married and cant do that. Besides I’m just here hanging out as a friend that’s all.”

“Well sweet cheeks here is just hanging out here too as a friend but she’s taking cock!” Spike laughed out loud as he gave the sweet butt a nice spank on her ass that she flashed him a smile back at his attention.

“He’s right too babe. Not to mention hearing you complain about how your husband hasn’t been paying attention to you at home, let alone you getting some good dick and a fucking from him. You’ve gone dry for so long, who’s to blame you from finding a real man outside to do your husband’s job for him right?” Steph chimed in making Isabel blush out

“Steph! Shhhh”

“Nothing to keep secret you know? You pretty much yell it all out when your drunk ok?”

Looking around at Spike and the other girls and seeing all of their grins showed that it was the honest truth. “Oh gosh I didn’t realized I was being that loud!”

“You were being very vocal about it.” One of the other old ladies retorted with a chuckle

“T-bun’s a good guy, manly, dominant and most importantly he knows how to fuck a girl.” The sweet butt said. Isabel could believe it seeing as though she’s never seen him pounding a girl in public like the other guys have, she’s watched him take some of the sweet butts and old ladies into the back of the clubhouse. Judging from the sounds of the girls coming from back there, she had no doubt he knew how to make a girl scream on his cock. As sudden images of T-bun getting naked and carrying her off into his bed came into her mind, before she quickly she her head to get rid of such thoughts.

“No no….I cant. Marriage is something sacred and to be loyal to. I mean I know it’s a bit different here in the MC for the old ladies but it’s something I was raised up to believe in.” Isabel said with a slightly shaky voice that didn’t seem all that convincing to the others around her.

“Whatever you say babe.” Steph said before took another sip from her mug.

Still though Isabel was curious as she came to understand that T-bun was the MC’s president but from what she could tell he didn’t actually have an old lady of his own. “So…how come T-bun doesn’t have an old lady of his own? He’s been with the MC for a super long time and like the other guys around his age already have one.”

Spike spoke up then to her question “Well he’s a bit of a picky guy. From what I recalled he want’s his old lady to be particularly special, something that’s different from the other guys you know? So he can claim she’s special even amongst all of the already cool old ladies in the MC. More than that the guy even said once that he wants a woman with a high and wild sex drive. Even said that he wants the kind of girl that’d be open to still being banged by the others, meaning she’d be his old lady yes but she’d still be club property. So far though some of the old ladies are shared with some members, not one is still open to all members of the club even after becoming an old lady. That’s what T-bun wants the most.”

“Yeah that’s the kind of girl T-bun wants, Wild to the core but loyal to him in mind even as she takes the club inside of her. Besides he’s looking to marry her as well, and to be honest babe from what I can see from him now. He hasn’t shown as much interest and desire for a woman as much as you babe. I might actually think he wants to make you his old lady, something none of the other girls has ever got that kind of look from him before.”

“What? No…no he doesn’t see me in that way…..Im sure…..I mean…..does he? But I cant! I’m already married!” Isabel said with a mix of confused feelings in her as the others around her chuckle as they felt sorry for the sap she has for a husband but they put their MC first. If it takes to them manipulating Isabel mentally so she ends up with T-bun and leaving her useless husband. Then they don’t give a fuck as their MC’s happiness comes first.

“Yeah babe he does. T-bun wants you.” Steph said dead eye to Isabel to which made her heart beat like crazy in her chest. This was the first time that the conversation went as deep as today as usually she’d just say she cant and she’s married and they’d all drop it. But today Steph had explained it in much more detail than anyone else had ever said before in the past couple of weeks.

Before the conversation could continue the door to the bar’s open up and several other members of the club entered, coming back after a ride where amongst them was T-bun. Seeing him but with after hearing all of that now, Isabel was looking and observing him in a new light. Then seeing the way his eyes bore into her right then, made her realize what Steph said was the truth. Even as some of the bikers came over and carried the 2 old ladies and the sweet butt, heaving them onto their shoulders as they headed into the back to fuck.

T-bun made his way over to her, Spike and Steph as he called for a beer. Drinking and talking with them now as Isabel with a new found awareness found herself becoming more shy and less outspoken with him as to previously in the past few weeks. T-bun couldn’t help but noticed this seemingly new submissiveness in her and raised his eyebrows at Spike and Steph but they just nodded to which T-bun then understood their hint.

“Hey.” T-bun called out as Isabel turned to look at him where in the next second he had a hand around her slim waist and pulled he close to him as their bodies came into contact with each other. Her mind was in utter confusion and her brain was overloading as she struggled to understand just then what was going on and how should she act? She was married and she knew she should push herself out of his embrace yet at the same time her body wasn’t listening to her and instead she stayed still in place. Seeing that she wasn’t acting negatively to this and how she actually obediently stayed in his arm around her waist, T-bun smiled as he then continued the normal conversation they were originally having.

Feeing this strong man holding onto her, not letting her go and doing it infront of everyone both terrified her and excited her at the same time. Unlike her husband she hadn’t felt this safe or the sense of being owned and claimed before by a strong man. She used to scold other women whom had strayed in their marriages and how they should be loyal to their husbands, yet her she was now in another man’s arms and actually want to stay there. She can understand now in some ways why some girls prefer bad alpha boys, even as she felt his hand gently squeezing and slowly fondling the meat of her waist. She stood still and allowed him to do as he pleased.

While Isabel’s clueless husband at work, working hard for himself and his wife’s future was unaware of how soon enough one day that wife he thought was the most loyal and beautiful in the whole world would end up under the body of a dangerous biker as both their clothes were on the floor of a bar as the loud sounds a bed creaking, a woman moaning and the man grunting as they engaged in hard sexual intercourse. But not just yet as Isabel took her first step just then as to allow T-bun to hold her in his arms like that, already starting to make his claim on her and stealing her away from her marriage.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ovlcpb/wifes_corruption_into_a_biker_gang_cheating_part_4

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