An Uneasy Proposition [MF][Dom/Sub][Blackmail] Part 4

All characters are 18+. Please leave your comments and feedback below! Thanks!

**P.S.** the bold and italicized text is someone’s thoughts/inner monologue, but can also be external actions.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

Here is the background. This is a fictional story.

**Jessica**: F21. Main female of the story. 5’2″, blonde, c cup, petite, slender, athletic, great ass. Slutty at times, but loyal.

**Ben**: M18. Main male of the story. 6’1″, athletic build, brown hair, Kelly’s boyfriend.

**Kelly**: F18. Jessica’s younger sister. 5’4″, blonde, c cup, carefree, Ben’s girlfriend.

**Setting**: *Jessica and Kelly’s house*


*Theatrics and the new normal*

Jessica paced around her room. She had gone through her morning routine and was now wearing a pink thong and a long tee. She had no intention of exposing herself half naked openly, even if her appearance now would only give the impression of it.

“Just how the hell did this happen?” She angrily muttered under her breath as her stomach began to growl.

The smell of freshly cooked breakfast was finally wafting up to her room. Her replay of last night’s events started to become hazier as hunger started to take more importance. Figuring that she would have to face him again anyway, she started off and left her room, taking each step down the stairs with eagerness for breakfast, but not the company. Jessica walked into the kitchen to the sight of Ben and Kelly lightly kissing, neither one noticing her as they had their eyes closed. Their plates were still relatively full of food as Jessica noted. Rolling her eyes at their display, she walked over to the coffee machine and began to pour herself a cup. The noise of the coffee carafe clanging back into position caused the couple to become startled as they broke their kiss and looked over.

“Oh, sorry, Jess.” Kelly said with a giggle as she slid off her boyfriend’s lap and stood up to head back over to the stove. “Breakfast is pretty much ready.”

Kelly was getting the sausage and bacon as well while Jessica looked over at Ben who was smiling in her direction as he motioned with his hand for her to come over. With Kelly’s back to them both, Jessica sharpened her gaze at him, to his delight, as she reluctantly took her cup of coffee and walked over to the table towards him. She began to pull the chair out to sit directly across from him until she noticed Ben motioning with his head to sit in the chair to his right.

“Ughh…” Jessica growled audibly as she pulled the closer chair out instead and slowly took a seat.

Ben looked at her outfit as she sat, noting that she appeared to not have any bottoms as he had instructed. Kelly came back with a plate with some scrambled eggs for Jessica and another plate with the bacon and sausage on it. She handed the first plate to Jessica, who took it with a smile.

“Thanks, Kel.” She said.

Kelly sat down after putting the meat plate in the center of the table for everyone to take from as needed.

“Morning, Jessica. You must have had a hard night.” Ben said with curiosity in his voice.

Jessica’s eyes widened slightly with her head down as she was staring at her own reflection in her black coffee. Kelly also had a growing grin on her face as she did catch her sister naked on the sofa playing with herself.

“Ben.” Jessica began before being cut off by him.

“You kind of slept in a bit, huh?” Ben finished in a way to make his line of questioning more innocent and playful.

“Uh…yeah, I just decided to sleep in for a bit.” She said as her eyes met his before returning to her plate.

Kelly thought one thing while Ben and Jessica knew the truth, but the end result was the same — embarrassment for Jessica.

“Oh, there’s plenty of sausage for you here, Jess.” Ben said in a playful manner.

The double meanings were beginning to annoy her now as she looked back up at him. Kelly chimed in as well.

“Yeah, Ben told me that you wanted some after he went up to ask you earlier.” She added. “Thanks for letting me know. I’m going to take some too.”

Kelly reached with her fork to take a few of the breakfast sausages as Ben did the same. He looked over at Jessica slyly as he leaned forward with his fork to do the same as his girlfriend. Jessica sat there, clearly being made out to be a fool for Ben’s amusement.

***This stupid kid. Where does he get off acting like this out of nowhere? Yeah, I made a terrible, horrible mistake, but can’t he be mature about it and let it go??***

As she pushed her eggs around the plate thinking about the situation, she suddenly felt a warm hand gently graze her left knee before it quickly tapped her further up her thigh. Jessica restrained herself and acted normal for Kelly’s sake, but sharply glared at Ben who had a stupid grin on his face as he feigned leaning over to get some slices of bacon as well. He sat back down with his plate now full and then retreated his hand back to himself.

She couldn’t believe his brazen behavior. Just yesterday he was petrified to look in her direction and now he was touching her and even telling her how to dress. She quickly dispelled of the inappropriate gesture and reached over to also took some bacon and sausage for herself as she smiled at Kelly, who was sitting across from her. The three ate their breakfast and sipped their coffee for a while before Ben ran his left hand over Kelly’s right hand to get her attention.

“Hey, babe, can you get me some more coffee?” Ben asked her.

“Sure.” Kelly put down her fork and took Ben’s mug as she stood up and walked over to the coffee machine.

Jessica felt Ben’s eyes fixated on her as she instinctively looked up, still chewing her food more slowly now, and saw the back of Kelly’s head as her eyes slowly turned and met Ben’s. His cocky stare and smile was present as he leaned over a bit towards her and placed his hand on her thigh again, squeezing firmly. Not having it twice, she shook him off, but was forgetful to be mindful of Kelly. Her chair buckled a bit from her quick action. Ben quickly retreated by leaning back in his seat as he quickly looked down at his food and then up at her with a look of concern. By that time, Kelly had also turned around in the middle of pouring the coffee as Jessica had garnered her attention at well. She finished her bite and then addressed her sister.

“Uh, sorry. I was just adjusting the chair a bit.” She said meekly as she covered for Ben.

Kelly smiled and then turned back around as she finished and began to put the carafe back. Jessica turned her attention squarely to Ben, who was snickering with a hand over his mouth at how he got her flustered so easily. She punched him directly in his right shoulder as a means of payback, though it had no real effect on him. Kelly turned and came back with the mug and set it down.

“Need to go to the bathroom. Be back in a minute!” She said with a smile as she rubbed Ben’s left cheek with her right hand before running off and out of the kitchen.

Jessica suddenly felt trapped as she stared at Ben now, who was also looking back at her intently.

“Don’t even…” She said, not needing to finish the rest of the thought, as her voice trailed off in attempt to stop Ben from doing anything stupid while Kelly was away.

“You don’t feel like wearing your panties right now, do you?” Ben leaned in as he asked her in a suggestive tone.

Completely taken aback, Jessica pulled her head away and stared at him with confusion in her eyes and her mouth slightly agape.

“What? What did you say?” She asked as though she couldn’t believe what he had asked.

“Be a good girl and go ahead and take those off for me.” Ben said with a smirk as he extended his right hand with his palm up towards her.

Jessica’s head was about to explode as her face started turning red at the mere thought of taking her underwear off for him…again. Yet, even then, there was a hint of excitement in her mind. It was faint, almost a flicker, as her disdain for Ben far exceeded any kinky appeal of this back and forth.

“Don’t call me a ‘good girl’.” She said with clenched teeth in a hushed voice.

“Would you like me to call you a bad girl instead?…Makes sense, pretty sure I got the bad girl last night.” Ben said in a lowered voice as well with a bit of a chuckle as he snapped his fingers with the extended hand, still waiting for the pink thong to be delivered.

Jessica glanced down at his hand and then looked up at his face with a look of disgust.

“You can’t…you can’t be serious right now.” She protested. “I’m…I’m not taking off my underwear for you, jerk.” She said with conviction in her voice, again in a hushed tone as Kelly could walk in at any moment.

“You don’t want me to tell Kelly and our parents just how much of a slut you are, do you, Jess?” Ben asked in an annoying tone.

Jessica gulped and looked at the expectant hand as she rolled her eyes, shocked that she was about to do this. She wasn’t really the lying type. If Ben did expose her to her parents, Kelly, and his parents, she’d crack under the pressure. The idea alone would leave her mortified that such a thing would be revealed to them, which would undoubtedly be impossible for her to deny in front of them all. She put her fork down and slipped both hands slowly underneath her shirt below the surface of the table. She slipped her thumbs into the sides of the thong, getting ready to slowly peel them off. Only her left side was visible to Ben based on their seating arrangement. He quickly reached over and lifted her shirt hem a bit to check her out in the thong first before dropping the shirt back down in case Kelly came back.

“Mmm….that’s a good girl. I like that color on you.” Ben said with a smooth tone that sent a shiver down Jessica’s back.

She stared at Ben’s face as she didn’t physically react to his lifting her shirt.

“You’re disgusting.” She muttered, finding herself short on words and high on humiliation and anger.

She slowly started to pull them down as the grin on his face grew with each pull. She lifted her butt slightly to get them off just past before she heard footsteps running back towards the kitchen door. She quickly let go and placed her hands back up on top of the table, quickly grabbing her coffee mug with both hands as a cover. Ben turned his hand over and placed it on the table as he too grabbed his mug to sip his coffee. Jessica was sitting there with her bare butt against the chair now, her underwear no longer covering anything.

Kelly waltzed back into the kitchen and quickly took her seat again as she sighed, glad to take a seat after running back down.

“So, what’d I miss?” She asked with a curious innocence.

“Uh, nothing.” Jessica said in a dismissive fashion as she glanced up momentarily before taking another bite of the last sausage on her plate.

“Well, actually, babe, Jessica was telling me that she wanted to do movie night again tonight since she loved it so much. I said sure, but that we’d need to see if you were up to it too.” Ben said, taking another sip of his coffee as he eyed Jessica with the mug covering his mouth before he looked at Kelly for her answer.

***This little jerk! If he thinks that he’s going to get Kelly out of the way so that he can have sex with me, he’s got another thing coming!***

“Yeah, of course!” Kelly said excitedly.

Ben reached over slightly and tapped Jessica’s thigh again as he left his palm face up under the table in her view. Jessica sighed quietly as she used her right hand to slowly pull down the thong with discretion, not wanting to attract her sister’s attention. Kelly quickly finished off her last slice of bacon and got up to take her plate to the sink. Ben quickly looked over at Jessica who was leaning forward now as she pulled the thong off from around her ankles and feet before she sat back up and handed it over to Ben under the table quickly. Being more concerned about Kelly catching her than about handing over her own underwear to her sister’s boyfriend, she ended up shoving the thong into his hand as though it belonged to him.

“There, you idiot. Happy?” Jessica whispered angrily as she gave him what he wanted.

Ben took the thong and quickly put it into his pocket and then went about eating his breakfast as normal with a grin. She just watched and couldn’t believe his behavior or really even her own for giving in like that. She also got up quickly and took her cleared plate over to the sink, not feeling very comfortable anymore at the table.

Kelly finished washing her dish and left it to dry as she dried her hands and walked over to Ben. She turned around to see Jessica spaced out at the sink, washing her plate and mug. She smiled as she turned and bent down to kiss Ben on the lips quickly.

“Mmmm…meet me upstairs in a few minutes, okay?” She whispered in a seductive voice.

Kelly slowly reached down and stroked the imprint of Ben’s cock through his shorts back and forth as he was growing in excitement.

“Mmmm….yes, I think we’re on the same page, babe.” She added.

“Get yourself ready for me.” He said in a whisper as he pulled her into another quick kiss.

Kelly giggled and darted off and out of the kitchen, her footsteps trailing off as she ran up the stairs. Ben turned his attention to Jessica. She was lost in thought at the sink, staring out of the window ahead of her as her mind wandered through the events of the night prior, her anger towards Ben, her boyfriend, Todd, and her own actions. Ben stood up quietly and slowly and walked until he was directly behind her, about a few feet back. He was already hard and stroked his cock to nearly full length as he slowly lowered his shorts, exposing himself. He closed the distance between himself and Jessica and slowly lifted the back of her shirt hem to expose her bare butt to him. Before she could react, he slipped his cock between her cheeks, letting himself rest between her thighs as he wrapped his hands around her stomach and waist over her shirt, holding her close.

“What the-!?” Jessica squealed as she tried to shake her body from Ben’s grip. She still had her hands on the plate and sponge and didn’t react at all to drop them to free her hands as she was completely thrown off by the sudden and unexpected action.

Ben held tighter and rubbed his cock underneath and against her bare pussy as he kissed her neck softly. He felt her resistance increase initially, but then slowly subside as her head tilted in the opposite direction, giving in as he continued kissing her.

“You…idiot…ughh…why are you doing this?” Jessica asked in a weakened voice.

“Because you really want it, princess. I felt it last night. You need this.” Ben said in between his soft kisses against her neck.

As quickly as he embraced Jessica so sensually and inappropriately, he released her and stepped back. His cock had a bit of wetness from her still on him, which was enough for him to be satisfied for now.

“You’ll need to get ready for me too…later.” Ben said as he firmly spanked her left butt cheek, which caused Jessica to yelp slightly and jump a bit as a reflex as it was completely unexpected to her.

She stood there with her hands still in the sink, stunned, confused, and now angry at what just happened as Ben quickly darted out of the kitchen to get to Kelly. Jessica turned and just watched him leave as she was left utterly speechless.

“What….what the hell was that?” She asked herself in a whisper after she was alone, now more concerned about the situation than she was even just a few minutes prior when handing over her underwear to him.

***Later that evening***

After a relatively quiet and normal lunch together without any inappropriate gestures or comments from Ben towards Jessica, the three of them ended up on the sofa again getting ready for the movie. Ben and Kelly spent the better part of their afternoon together having sex and lounging around, while Jessica spent most of hers shopping online and talking with some friends.

Kelly giggled a few times as Ben tightened his arm around her as they exchanged soft kisses, cuddled up against the corner of the sofa. Jessica sat at the opposite end and curled up, hoping to be invisible to them both as the night progressed. She couldn’t help but examine and study Ben’s movements and actions, wondering if he was ever going to look in her direction at all. Up until now, he hadn’t and this only served to confuse her.

***Okay, maybe he’s too preoccupied with Kelly to be bothered with me. Maybe he’s over it? Yes…please, just let this nightmare end.***

“Sorry, Jess.” Kelly said with a giggle as she broke away from Ben’s embrace and looked over at her sister, a bit embarrassed that they were so touchy in such close proximity to her.

“No, it’s okay.” Jessica replied as she looked away.

Kelly reached over to the coffee table and grabbed the remote to start the movie.

“Can you turn out the light, Jessica?” Ben asked her nicely without any seemingly ill intent.

“Uh, sure.” She responded as she got up and did so. She came back and sat down at her spot and placed a throw pillow over her legs as she curled up again.

He glanced over at her and noticed that she had a blanket around her body, and he couldn’t really see what she was wearing without lingering in viewing her, which would have raised Kelly’s suspicion.

Ben and Kelly stayed in a close embrace during the movie for much of the time, but also had a few periods of separation as his girlfriend’s interest in the movie increased. Jessica watched without much thought of the movie as she was more apprehensive of what might happen near the end of it or if Kelly fell asleep.

Kelly eventually settled in against Ben’s chest as her eyes began to drift off. Jessica took notice as she looked at the sleepy eyes of her sister, but then her gaze shifted upward slightly to lock onto Ben’s eyes that were already staring at her. Despite the light being off, their closeness to the screen and the brightness from it was enough to illuminate things quite well. He had a bit of a smirk on his face that signaled to Jessica that he hadn’t forgotten or given up on his pursuit of her. She looked away quickly, focusing on the movie now, but then took comfort in the fact that Kelly looked quite attached unlike the night before. Setting her down without waking her would prove to be a challenge for Ben — or so she thought.

Ben stared on at the screen, having no interest either. In reality, it was really only Kelly who cared for the movie, and she was being put to sleep by it as Ben had planned and anticipated. He and Jessica were both playing the waiting game, more a game of cat and mouse, and Jessica knew that it was now starting to look like it was only a matter of time before the cat got his mouse.

After about another half hour, light snoring from Kelly produced a devious smile on Ben’s face as Jessica’s reflected a bit of anxiety and discomfort. Both stared at each other as Ben slowly took his finger up to his mouth, indicating for her to be quiet as he slowly stood up and gently laid his girlfriend against the pillow that he was leaned up against. He looked down at Kelly, who was completely asleep and smiled at her. Jessica looked on, unable to do anything as she dared not wake her sister since she was really at Ben’s mercy with the whole slut reveal and he had already motioned for her to stay quiet.

Ben slowly made his way over to Jessica. She noticed right away that his cock was hard as it created a noticeable tent in his shorts as he got closer and within range. She blushed at the sight and looked away as she straightened her legs and sat more upright in a more defensive posture. With her hands underneath the blanket, clutching it tight to conceal herself, she looked up at him now as he stopped in front of her.

“Wha-?” She began at her normal tone.

Without a word, Ben grabbed her blanket and stripped her of it. He rolled it up and set it aside next to her as she angrily glared at him. He looked down and saw that she was wearing a pair of black shorts and a black tank top.

“Hmm…more clothes than I’d have wanted you to have on under that blanket, but we’ll fix that, won’t we?” He whispered.

Enraged by his condescending words, she was about to retort before he spoke again.

“Time for us to go upstairs.” Ben said directly in another whisper.

“What??” Jessica said with confusion and anger in a hushed voice.

“You heard me. You knew this was coming. Get up, or I’m going to pick you up.” Ben said with a grin.

“Fine!” She said, standing up as Ben backed up to give her room.

The two got to the stairs as he stayed close behind her, but without touching Jessica in case Kelly woke up and saw. Jessica deliberately started going up a few stairs slowly, in no rush to get to the bedroom. However, having enough of her antics, Ben decided to speed things up a bit.

“Okay, princess, have it your way.” Ben said in a whisper as he leaned forward and said it closer to her right ear.

He spun her around quickly and reached down to scoop her up as he tossed her over his right shoulder. The separation between them on the stairs made it easier for him to pick her up, so he was going to save them time this way. Ben secured her butt with his right hand, gripping her tight as he started up the stairs quicker.

“Ben! Put me down!” She complained in a hushed tone, finding this fairly embarrassing.

He ignored her and her cute attempts to punch his back and flail her legs as he reached the top and carried her to her bedroom door. Jessica looked on, helplessly, as she was carried around with ease like a backpack or a small child despite her wiggling around. He set her down in front of him as she pouted angrily that he did that.

“…Don’t do that again!” She yelled.

Ben reached past her arm and opened the door to her bedroom.

“After you.” He said with a grin as he stared down at the frustrated Jessica.
