Outsider’s Bane [A LitRPG/Erotica] chapter 1 [blowjob]

Outsider’s Bane
Chapter 1: Welcome to Town

Once Sam’s head stopped pounding, the first thing he noticed was that it seemed extra cold. He went to grab his blanket, finding nothing but grass meeting his outstretched palm.

He shimmied his shoulders, “Definitely not my mattress,” he thought. He bolted upright, half afraid to open his eyes. When he did, he regretted it.

Directly in front of him was a dirt road, with an old fashioned wooden sign post. One way pointed to “Ruby”, another to “Ariel.” An honest to God cart was leaving Ruby and heading down toward the cross section he was laid out at.

He jumped up to wave it down, and only then did he realize that he was completely naked. He couldn’t remember much of the night before, but based on his nightly routine of jerking off, watching stupid videos on the internet, and crashing alone, he was pretty sure he didn’t do this to himself.

Before Sam could hide himself fro. The oncoming cart, it had pulled up and stopped in front of him. Out a makeshift hole, a head popped out.

“Of for fuck’s sake, not again,” the small face of a young woman said, “New here?”

Sam nodded, confused.

“That goddamned wizard summonered another outsider without clothes.”

“I’m sorry, did you say wizard? And what’s an outsider?”

“You are. Not from this world, so you must be from outside it, yeah?” She popped open the door and got out of the cart. She was roughly his age, slim. She wore a loose skirt and a flowy white shirt. Her dark brown hair kept falling in front of here eyes, and she grinned at him.

“Might want to be careful about that. You’re not hiding much.”

Now very aware of his dick twitching at her appearance, Sam blushed, “Sorry about that. I’m Sam.”

“Nice ta meet ya, Sam. I’m Daniyelle. You can call me Dani. Do something for me so I know this isn’t a scam. Think the word ‘stats’.”

Confused, Sam thought the word and a blue box appeared in front of his face. He waved his hand in front of it as Dani laughed. Soon, words appeared.

Race: Outsider
Class: Not Assigned
Level 1
Mana: 10/10
Health: 15/15
Strength: 7
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 5
Charisma: 5
Vitality: 6

“What the hell? How do I get rid of this?”

“Just think it and it will be.”

He did as Dani said and clicked it off. She smirked at him, “”You’re the real deal then, so hop on the cart.”

She got back in and Sam followed. Dani seemed nice enough and he didn’t seem to have much other choice. The cart was roomy, and he was taken aback by how comfortable it was.

“Outsiders are rare, but you do show up from time to time, especially when Grimm is doing his spells. A byproduct that lets us know he buggered it.”

“So how do I get home?”

She shrugged, “Most I can do is tell you how to survive. I’m a merchant class, so my skills level up the more I sell. The wizard levels up when his spells succeed. Fighters fight, bards play music. Outsiders are different though.”

“Different how?”

“Well, the rest of us level up based on our class. You don’t have one at level 1, but you’ll be able to pick one at level 5. But you’ll never reach you’re full potential unless you deal with the Outsider’s Bane?”

“Which is?”

She licked her lips and blushed, looking to the door of the cart, “Say you decided to be a fighter. You can max out experience from fighting, but it won’t turn over to the next level until you complete a bane quest. At level 1, you just need to do the bane quest to advance.”

“Bane Quest?” A box popped up again.

Level 1 Bane Quest:
Welcome to Town
Get someone to spill your seed for you. Sorry, bud, your handy girlfriend Jill can’t help.

He repeated it out loud to Dani, who blushed deeper. She removed her shirt. Her small tits peaked into perky nipples, pale in the dark carriage.

“Now I’m only doing this to help you out. Don’t get any fun ideas. And just so you know, you can’t keep coming back to me. Bane Quests don’t tend to let you use the same people twice.”

She spread his legs open amd lowered herself to the floor in front of him. She took his now stiff cock into her hands and massaged it up and down, looking into his eyes.

“Why arr you doing this for me?”

She smirked, “Merchant’s Bane Quests usually involve helping people since we’re usually trying to get money. Call it an even trade.”

She licked the underside of his cock slowly with her tongue before taking his full member into her mouth. She bobbled her head back and forth, her tongue massaging as her mouth pushed and pulled around him.

She moaned as he was taking him, gaining speed and hitting herself in the back of her throat. Sam ran his figers through her hair at the roots, resting his palm on thr crown of it as she continued deep throating him. She came up for air, pre-cum dripping from her mouth, before swallowing him up again.

As she shoved all of his cock down her throat, he unloaded into her. Dani swallowed his cum down, keeping him placed in the back of her throat until he was done. She pulled him out and took a deep breath.

A silver light pulsated from her and Sam realized the same was happening to him. A box appeared.

Quest Welcome to Town [Complete]
You are now Level 2
You have 3 experience points unassigned.

Dani pulled out a pair of slacks and a loose shirt from a compartment somewhere and handed them to him.

“Here. We’re almost to town, and they’ll figure out what we can do with you.”

The cart slowed down and Dani opened the door. Sam took his first steps out into the town of Ariel.

Hoping this gets a little traction. Definitely want to keep it going if it’s well receives. Have tons of ideas, and knowing me, a lot kinkier quests for Sam to pull off. Upvote, comment, whatever to let me know if there’s an interest, and I will definitely keep it going.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ouzqb9/outsiders_bane_a_litrpgerotica_chapter_1_blowjob


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