There is no clitoris on my upper palate. No erogenous zone in the back of my throat. No g-spot on my tongue. No reproductive organs hidden behind my tonsils. In fact, I and I am sure many others have been gifted an anxious pharyngeal reflex. Therefore, why, why do we (alright, I) (and others, I’m sure) still engage in, or even relish (on occasion… or even often or usually) the act of fellatio.
For the giving party, there should be no pleasure to be obtained from such an act. No direct pleasure at least. If the only pleasure is in the pleasing of another, this act must be close to selfless! I must have committed near-selfless acts now an uncountable number of times without giving myself the credit I deserved. Pass the gold star.
But in truth, the act of fellatio is often arousing for the giver (alright, this giver). And if that’s the case, then participating cannot be seen as selfless.
But what makes it arousing?
Thus begin investigations.
As I said at the beginning, no obvious avenue for physical pleasure immediately presents itself.
The bending of the body, the folding and the kneeling of the knees. The subtle bend at the waist. The slight elongation of the neck. The relaxation of the jaw, the softening of the lips followed inevitably by their parting with a barely audible pop. The clicking of the tongue departing from the upper palette. Its flattening and softening, creeping slowly forward across the bottom teeth, touching the bottom lip and beginning its journey across that field.
And then, vroom.
Reader, surely you didn’t think I was typing that as fiction, or pulled from memory. It was absolute, pure reportage. The oral history of one subject conducting one experiment, solo, kneeling before no one, investigating whether there was a physiological response to the acts, the shapes, the gestures that contribute to the condition of fellating.
And vroom. That familiar feeling at the moment the tongue crossed the lip. Heat, energy, motion, beginning somewhere inside and radiating in a flash in a flush outwards throughout the body, a lightning flash somewhere dark.
I took a scientific approach. The experimental process was repeated, with variations. Without the bending, the folding, the kneeling of the knees, the result was much less powerful. Without the forward progress of the tongue between parted lips, kneeling alone proved fruitless. The combination of these gestures..? Energy, selfish energy (with a side of the hopeful selfless, a sugar syrup for my bitter pill).
I am not a biologist, I am not a psychologist, I am not a psychiatrist. I can offer no conclusion. My sample size was one, and the cause cannot be investigated with the limited tools at my disposal. So allow me to hypothesise wildly for my own (and your?) (?) amusement.
I am Pavlov’s fellator.
This was very good! I found myself making my own investigations as you were.