Tobias the Tempter [Horrorotica]

A cool gust of autumn air blew, whistling through the brightly colored leaves and sending their fallen brethren scattering across the landscape. Tendrils of rust colored hair danced across Remi’s face, tickling her freckled cheeks and catching in her lashes, but she remained motionless, unable to take her powder blue eyes off of the strange figure looming in the corn field.

She’d seen scarecrows before, but none that looked as eerie as this. This one turned her stomach in knots, ice cold dread spreading over her pale skin.

The wind continued to blow, harder now, howling viciously in her ear as if to warn her away. The Straw Man twitched in the breeze, giving it a terrifying sense of vitality – as if it were living and breathing just as she was.

It unnerved her and she felt her fight or flight response kicking in.

She was running back toward the old, weathered farmhouse before her brain could register the action, not daring to cast a glance back toward the tatterdemalion. Her bare feet slapped loudly against the worn wood of the porch as she bounded up the steps, not stopping until she was through the door and safely inside the confines of the family home.

Ragged, uneven breaths tore from her lungs as she moved toward the window, cautiously parting the lace curtain just enough to peer out toward the field. The scarecrow hadn’t moved from its post, it’s sagging body and dangling appendages moving in unison with the billowing wind.

Above, the sky was darkening as the sun began to lower itself below the distant hills, dark clouds rolling in as if a storm was brewing.

“Remi, are you alright?” Her mother, Abigail’s, voice came from behind, startling her plum near out of her own skin.

She spun around on her heels, heart pounding against her ribs as her mother stood rooted in the kitchen doorway, apron on and hands dusted with flour.

“Goodness, dear girl. What’s gotten into you?” She asked, eyes widening in surprise. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

She’d seen *something* alright, but it had been all too real to be a ghost.

“The scarecrow.” She muttered shakily, lowering her voice as if the thing outside would hear her.

“You like the Straw Man?” Her father, Artie, cut in, appearing at the top of the stairs.

Remi looked up to meet his gaze, noting that the old man looked all too happy about the menacing spectator in the field. He made his way down the rickety stairs, wiping his hands on an old red handkerchief before stuffing it into the back pocket of his overalls.

“I seen it this mornin’ on my way into town. Someone just left it layin’ on the side of the road. Thought it’d make a great addition to the family.” He said with a boisterous laugh.

“I don’t know what enticed you to bring that thing home. It’s uglier than pig manure if you ask me.” Abigail scoffed disinterestedly.

“Oh, c’mon now. You’ll hurt the poor fella’s feelin’s talkin’ ’bout him that way.” Artie teased, lowering himself into his favorite chair.

Remi knew her father was joking, but hearing him talk about the scarecrow as if it were an actual person made the knots in her stomach grow tighter.

“His name’s Tobias.” He added with a chuckle.

Hearing the name made Remi’s head feel funny, almost foggy, and a strange warmth had begun to snake beneath her skin. Like hot coals had been placed inside of her, threatening to ignite and engulf her in flames.

“Yeah, well, Tobias done near scared your daughter half to death.” Abigail retorted, waving a dismissive hand before disappearing into the kitchen.

Artie laughed at that, swiping the TV remote from the coffee table and putting on an old black and white western. Unable to shake the unease twisting inside of her, Remi decided to go upstairs and shut herself in her room, locking it behind her for good measure.

She distracted herself with reading a book, not leaving the safety of her room until dinner was ready. Even then, she couldn’t stop glancing toward the window, terrified that she’d see the twisted face of that wretched scarecrow staring back at her.

However, that never happened and after she’d helped Abigail with the dirtied dishes, she returned to her room and locked herself inside for the remainder of the night.

Hours later, she was awoken by a booming crack of thunder and the harsh patter of rain beating against her window. The house creaked and groaned as the wind whipped and whistled outside.

Perhaps it had been the manner she’d been awakened, but Remi’s heart was already pounding and the sense of dread she’d felt earlier had tripled. Fear crept along her spine and an ancient, primitive fear screamed *danger*.

Unable to gather the courage to crawl out of bed, Remi instead squeezed her eyes shut, pulling the blankets over her head as she had as a young girl. Such a naive notion, but it was her only comfort.

Just when she’d begun to think herself as silly and paranoid, a tapping sounded at her window, distinct and rhythmic in a way that set off alarm bells within her brain. As much as she wished to believe it was the wind or even a tree branch, it was terrifyingly clear that the tapping was deliberate – coming in a pattern of threes.

*Tap. Tap. Tap*

She refused to take the covers from her head, unable to swallow the fear long enough to steal a peek.

*Tap. Tap. Tap.*

Her heart pounded so violently, she thought her ribs would crack.

*Tap. Tap. Tap.*

Her breath had stilled and a tear slipped down her cheek as she silently willed whatever was outside her window to go away.


Nothing could be heard save for the beating of her own heart and the rain pelting the glass. Adrenaline burned in her veins and she strained her ears to hear through the raging storm.

No more tapping. Nothing but the wind and the rain and the occasional crack of thunder. Remi let out a breath, only just realizing how long she’d been holding it.

And then, the window creaked loudly as *something* slid it open.

Her blood turned to ice and she dared not move nor make a sound, certain that doing so would lead to her demise. More tears streamed down her freckled cheeks as *something* heavy hefted itself through the window, its feet noisily hitting the floor.

Whatever it was, it cared little about discretion.

The wind billowed through the open window, causing the blankets to shift and threatened to pull them off of her. Her fingers gripped the fabric tighter, refusing to be exposed to whatever monster lurked just beyond its thread.

Remi’s fear mounted when the *thing* began to move across the room, coming closer and closer to where she huddled beneath the covers. And then, it stopped just at the edge of her bed.

She could hear its breathing, broken and uneven as if breathing was a new concept that it hadn’t quite figured out. Even through the layers of cloth covering her, she could feel its eyes boring down on her and that strange warmth from earlier had returned much stronger than it had been before.

What initially felt like hot coals beneath her skin now felt as if the fires of Hell was licking at her bones.

Then, to her horror, the thing grabbed hold of the blankets and began to tug at them, urging them downward to expose her trembling figure beneath. Unable to will herself to defy its will, her heart sank as the blankets uncovered her face and she was finally able to see *what* had invaded her sanctuary.

Her mind went numb and a scream bubbled in her throat as the lifeless, distorted sackcloth face of the scarecrow stared down at her, the abysmal darkness that lurked beyond the tattered holes of its makeshift eyes now a milky white. Its hands were no longer bits of straw, but large human-like appendages tipped with lengthy, spindly fingers that sported sharp, pointed nails that more resembled claws.

All Remi could do was lie frozen in place, staring up at the monstrous creature as it continued to slowly peel the blankets from her body, pulling them down until she was entirely in its view. The two stared at one another for what felt like an eternity, neither moving aside from the violent tremors that quaked through Remi’s petite frame.

And then, the thing lifted one of its grotesque hands to its face, pinching the sackcloth between its unnaturally long digits as it began to pull it upward. Little by little, it began to reveal a face that would have been more comforting had it been more odious and inhuman.

Instead, it was quite the contrary.

The thing closely resembled a human man, but something was… off. It wasn’t quite right. Its mouth was a bit too wide and its thin lips curled up into an almost cartoonish grin, revealing a set of dagger-like teeth – and it’s eyes… the eyes were the least human of all.

Just two white orbs that showed no trace of an iris or pupil. In fact, they almost seemed to glow from within.

Its skin also appeared to be rough in texture and was a light umber tone, its straw colored hair reaching the lobes of its ears. That strange, erratic breathing filled the room as it stared down at her, its strange eyes flicking along her body as it appeared to take her in and size her up.

“Pretty.” Tobias rasped in a low, sonorous voice, its grin somehow stretching even wider.

It reached out a hand, brushing its long fingers against the bare skin of her thigh. Remi instinctively jerked away from its touch, those sharp claws grazing against the smooth expanse of creamy flesh.

Beads of bright red blood formed on a small gash it had caused and the scarecrow collected the crimson liquid on the tip of its finger, bringing it to its mouth to have a taste. It groaned with delight, her blood sweet on its tongue.

“Oh yes,” Tobias proclaimed in that deep, rumbling voice, “I must taste more.”

Remi wanted to scream, to push the creature away, to fight it, to run – *anything* – but all she could do was lie there as the thing brought its hand back to her thigh, its calloused fingers hot against her naked flesh. Slowly, it trailed its fingers higher, edging its way toward the thin cotton fabric of her underwear.

It became painfully clear what its intentions were as those spindly digits brushed ever so lightly against her center. The touch sent a jolt of white-hot electricity through her, causing her insides to contract and her toes to curl.

She’d never been touched in such an intimate place by someone other than herself, and as terrified as she was, her body couldn’t help but to react accordingly. There was a certain thrill to it – it felt so wrong and shameful, yet so sinfully enticing and she found that she was growing slick between the legs.

Her breath hitched in her throat as its finger grazed her again, more deliberately this time, carefully tracing her lips through the only article that separated its skin from hers.

Beneath her shirt, her nipples were hardening, showing through for the creature to see. Its white eyes shined at the sight and a ruby red tongue darted from within its mouth to lick at its lips, its excitement growing along with hers.

It was rubbing her now, tracing her lips and feeling her wetness bleeding through the cotton. Tobias groaned with jouissance, wrenching the garment to the side to expose her bare sex, causing Remi to audibly gasp and redness to blossom across her cheeks.

It licked its lips once more at the sight, her flower soft and delicate, its petals a tender, delectable pink.

Remi loathed the way her body reacted to its touch, loathed how it sent her femininity into overdrive. This thing wasn’t human and its touch was neither soft nor comforting, but something about the roughness of its skin and the way it seized control had her squirming like a bitch in heat.

The storm continued to rage outside, the wind and rain beating violently against the house and showing no signs of relenting. Nor did the scarecrow as it slipped a calloused finger between her lips, exploring her warm, velvety folds, collecting her nectar on its digit before landing on her trigger.

It began to work her with precision, as if it had done this many times before, and she felt herself burning with desire and embarrassment as her breathing became hurried and shallow, her body beginning to twitch and convulse as she neared climax.

Light exploded behind her eyes and thunder cracked so loud, the entire house shook as she let out a moan, her thighs clamping tightly around the scarecrow’s wrist as she came undone.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her skull as wave after wave of ecstasy moved through her, her insides burning with lust and a need to have more as her back arched against the mattress. The moans died down into whimpers as she neared the end of her peak, her hips bucking against the scarecrow’s hand as she rode the last wave of her high before collapsing back onto the bed.

Tobias pulled its hand from between her legs, using its claws to tear her underwear away from her body. It wrenched its own pants down, exposing an intimidatingly large phallus that closely resembled that of a human penis, but had a more arrow shaped tip and sported thick, dark veins all along its shaft.

It hurried out of its clothes, climbing onto the bed with Remi and forcing her legs apart. It dipped its head down, that bright red tongue slipping between its lips before slipping between hers.

Another sharp gasp tore from Remi’s throat as the creature’s warm tongue probed her wetness, flicking over her hypersensitive button before roaming down to her entrance. It tasted her, sliding its tongue deep inside of her. She couldn’t hold back a moan, its tongue seeming to stretch impossibly long to reach parts of her she didn’t even know she had.

It hit something that made her body jerk and her legs go weak and it continued to tease her to the point where she was ready to explode a second time. However, this time, it stopped just before she could crest that peak, abandoning her right at the edge of eruption.

Tobias quickly slid itself between her legs, its rough fingers grasping her hips hard enough to bruise, its claws digging into her skin as it positioned itself at her opening. There was no time to catch her breath before it began to push itself into her, its thickness nearly too much for her virgin orifice.

Remi clenched her teeth and gripped on to the sheets as tightly as she could, the pain almost too much to bear. But she knew protesting would be futile – this thing had come here with one intention and she had a feeling that she wouldn’t fair well in a fight against the creature.

It was massively tall and despite its slender physique, it appeared to be quite strong. She had an overwhelming feeling that it was being gentle with her, and even then its touch was not soft and there was a kind of violence in the way it commanded her body to its will.

Little by little, it eased its way deeper inside of her, spreading her open and forcing her insides to conform to its size. The pain was immense and Remi had no doubts that her sheets would bear her virginal blood.

After what felt like a lifetime, Tobias had managed to fit all of itself inside of her and it gave her little to no time to adjust before it began to pound into her, its hips moving in wide, powerful arcs. Tears fell from her eyes as she felt as if she were tearing apart from the inside, a pained whimper escaping between her lips as the scarecrow showed no signs of relenting.

But after a few minutes of absolute torment, somehow, the pain began to feel… good. Remi’s pained cries turned into moans of pleasure and soon, she was spreading her legs a little wider to urge the monster deeper, her body needing *more* of it.

It wasn’t long until she was cumming, her face buried into her pillows to stifle her screams of ecstasy as the scarecrow slammed itself into her so violently she thought the bed might break. If it weren’t for the storm outside, she knew her parents would hear the commotion – and even then, she wasn’t sure how they couldn’t.

Yet, nobody seemed to stir and she was left alone to the creature’s mercy.

“You are mine.” Tobias growled viciously, reaching up to tear her shirt open with one hand, releasing her dainty breasts from its confines.

Its fingers squeezed around the fatty tissue, much too hard and the roughness of its skin felt like sandpaper but she was too enraptured by its cruel fucking to care, a symphony of moans rushing from her throat so forcefully that it began to feel as raw as her insides.

“*Say it.*” It demanded, moving its hand up to grab her throat.

It didn’t squeeze hard enough to cut off her air, but it gripped her neck firmly enough to show that it meant business.

“Tell me who you belong to.” It roared, its other hand digging painfully into her hip.

She knew that not only would there be bruises, but she could feel its claws shredding her skin.

“*I’m yours*!” She cried out, just as she reached a powerful and painful orgasm.

Her walls gripped Tobias even tighter and it groaned with approval, her proclamation of ownership urging it to grow more vicious in its corruption of her innocence.

It smiled wide, letting go of her throat before lowering its mouth to her neck, flicking its tongue over her salty skin. The sounds that came from within her delighted it greatly and it did not break its pace, even when it knew she needed clemency. However it was ruthless and would not relent until daylight threatened the sky.

Their night had only just begun.

*(To be continued?)*


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