I 29[M] hate-fucked my roommate 20[F]

I just found this sub and I honestly don’t know if the stories here are real or fake, so I hope I don’t embarass myself by posting a story that actually happened in the summer of 2017.

**Backstory:** I was living in an apartment with two of my best friends and we were all students at the local university. In January 2015, one friend moved out to live with his girlfriend and we had to find another roommate. Lots of people applied and we picked this one girl. Even though she was 18 at the time and a lot younger than us, we got along great at first. She also seemed like a safe option, since her parents paid her rent. But even though she was young, she wasn’t that hot. She was very skinny, which I liked, but barely had any boobs or butt. Also her face wasn’t what I would call pretty, since she had quite a big nose. But she was fashionable, which is a big plus. Still, I never saw her as an romantic option, since she was my roommate and it would make things just complicated.

After a few months of living together, she started to get annoying. On the weekends, she would often have people over to party in our living room, because we had a lot more space than her friends who all lived alone.
She became vegan and kept trying to convice us to do the same. Her parents demanded she takes her dog into our apartment and it was barking so much even the neighbors complained several times. She constantly broke stuff and never admitted it. We couldn’t just kick her out, so only a year later my friend was so fed up with her and decided to get his own apartment, while I decided to stay. Honestly just because I was too lazy to move. Me and the girl had to look for a new roommate and of course we had to pick the one she preferred, so I was living with two girls after that who got along great. Life at home was quite annoying after that and I mostly stayed in my room.

**The actual story:** Most of the time, I tried to avoid even meeting her in our own apartment and she did the same, since by then it was clear we didn’t like each other. In the middle of 2017, her birthday was coming up and she told me she was planning to have a big party at our apartment. She invited me to join the party, probably because she thought I didn’t want to anyways. But when the night of the party came, I felt like I should give it a go, since there were like 20 girls in our apartment. So I tried to get to know some people by playing drinking games with them and it kinda worked, even though I was kinda afraid at first, since I assumed she must have told all her friends how we don’t get along.

At some point I was standing in front of our bathroom, waiting to take a leak. Then my roommate (the other one was in her home town that night) came up to me and she was really drunk. I can’t remember exactly what she said, but she asked me why I hate her so much and she started crying. I gave her a hug and comforted her, and I remember somehow thinking “This feels nice”. We all continued drinking and later went to a club together, which was fine too. When it was getting really late, everyone went home and my roommate and I took the train together. We sat next to each other, she put her head on my shoulder and we were holding hands. I don’t know why, I guess we were just really drunk.

When we walked from the station back to our apartment, something happened. We were still holding hands and she gave me a look which is hard to describe. But I just knew somehow that she wanted to make out with me, so I just kissed her and she was so into it. I mean we were not only kissing, she instantly went to grab my dick through my pants. I remember talking really dirt to her, like: “You seem like you want to get fucked tonight” or something liek this and she was so into it. So we went home, straight into her room and had sex. It was hot, but at some point I realized who I was doing it with. It didn’t change a lot, I just fucked her a bit rougher than I usually would.

After that, I went into my room and laid down. A few minutes later, she followed me and cuddled up to me. I don’t really remember what happened when we woke up, but she acted confused and like she didn’t remember anything at first. Later that day, we had an awkward talk about what happened and never mentioned it again after. And nothing like this ever happened again between us and we didn’t become friends either. In fact, I moved out just a few months later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ot32tf/i_29m_hatefucked_my_roommate_20f


  1. “So we went home, straight into her room and had sex.”

    …that’s your story? I think you misunderstand the point of this subreddit. The bulk of your story should be about the sex; the backstory is mostly just for context.

  2. I hate fucked someone at my wife’s request lol. After she kept wanting more and started to make up shit like I was fucking here behind my wife’s back to get us to break up. Ya It was maybe a bad idea. she gone now so all good

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