[MF] I hooked up with my wife’s sex-deprived friend when her husband wouldn’t

At the start of the pandemic, my wife’s friend Amanda texted me out the blue to ask if we were getting good use out of our rowing machine, as apparently she was thinking about buying one. I told her I was using it about 3x a week, but that it’d been a pain to set up. Eventually, over the course of texting, Amanda told me that her husband Colin didn’t appreciate her much anymore and hadn’t seem overly interested in her since she gave birth about a year prior. Being polite, but also ever the flirt, I told her that Colin was being ridiculous and I thought that – if anything – she might look better now than she did then. She accepted the compliment and somewhat flirted back, talking about how lucky my wife was that I was aging well too.

This then simmered down for a few weeks until about a month later, on a Monday, when she texted me out of the blue yet again.

‘Hey! Are you around this week? I wound up getting the same model rower that you guys bought and could use some help assembling it!’

My company more or less shut down at the beginning of the pandemic and hadn’t started back up yet, so I had all sorts of time on my hands.

‘Yeah, most of my week is wide open. You’ll definitely want a socket wrench. Need help assembling it tomorrow?’ I replied. I thought it was strange that Colin couldn’t assemble it, but didn’t ask it. Oddly, she answered the question for me.

‘Awesome! You’re my savior! Are you free Wednesday instead? Colin said he wasn’t going to help and that it could be the first workout I needed. He’s still being an ass.’ Amanda texted back.

‘Sorry to hear that – he’s crazy.’ I noted. ‘But I’ll bike over on Wednesday and get my own workout in along the way!’

That night over dinner I told my wife I was going to help Amanda build her rower on Wednesday, and she spilled the beans about just how quickly Amanda and Colin’s sex life had deteriorated. Apparently, it had been months since they had last had sex, as Colin expected her to look the same as before their kid. This obviously offended my wife as well, since she was also a mother, but I tried to not let on too much about my attraction to Amanda. My wife had always been weird about me admitting if I found any of her friends attractive.


Amanda had a cushy job with the city that was extremely flexible to her working from home, so she said I could make it over at my convenience. On Tuesday afternoon, I texted Amanda early to let her know I’d be over a little before lunch the next day. I also let her know I’d be bringing a few tools with me since the ones that came with the rower weren’t helpful.

Somehow, my mentioning of tools led down a somewhat dirty path of texting, where Amanda proceeded to say things like ‘Colin doesn’t use his tool anymore’ and ‘I bet Molly enjoys it when you use your tool for her.’ I tried to play it off with laughter and stay casually above any sort of sex talk, but Amanda was somewhat relentless.

Of course, one text in particular made me second-guess what would happen if I did, in fact, help her assemble her rower the next day.

‘Sometimes I think I just need to fuck someone else and get it out of my system, ya know?’ she wrote. ‘Nobody would ever have to know. And I don’t want to leave Colin. We have a good life. But I miss getting fucked.’

I replied back to her that I understand it would be difficult to no longer feel desired, without tipping my own hand that Molly and I didn’t fuck nearly as often as some might think. I also added that working out might make her feel better about herself regardless of whether or not it made her look better, and that her husband was being childish. Thankfully (?), both of our spouses came home from their jobs before the conversation could veer off course any further, so I told her I’d see her the next day.


On Wednesday, the bike ride over to Amanda and Colin’s house was easy, as the weather was still nice and cool, and they only lived about 4 miles away.

As I rolled up to her house and took my backpack off, I noticed she’d left the front door open with only the screen across, which I took as my invite to walk on in.

“Hey, Amanda!” I called, walking into her home. “What room are we building this thing in?”

“I’m up here!” she called, from the top of the stairs. Her house was at least a century old, and the stairs were just to the left of the front door and wrapped in a way that you couldn’t see to the next level.

“Okay, cool,” I said, putting down my bike helmet and ascending the creaky wooden staircase. I had my backpack in my hand with the tools I’d brought, as well as a bike lock in case I wouldn’t to cruise elsewhere around town afterwards.

“This shouldn’t take too long with two people, I hope,” I said, following her voice to the empty room next to her bedroom where I assumed we’d be doing assembly.

Amanda was where I expected her to be, rowing machine box open, but not wearing what I’d expected. She was in a tight black and green sports bra that shoved her significant cleavage up towards her chin, and only otherwise wearing a pair of black and grey athletic shorts with green accents. Her mid-section was exposed, as was the majority of her thick Midwestern legs. Her shoulders were largely bare, and somewhat boxier than I’d expected, as her long, curly blonde hair which was almost always covering them was up in a ponytail. Her chest appeared smaller than usual thanks to the sports bra, but the sports bra was also the reason so much cleavage was readily apparent.

“How the fuck did you keep track of all these pieces?” she asked, her vulgarity always amusing me. She was sitting on the floor of the room with her legs to her side, and it was hard not to notice her top.

“Ha, I told you it was a pain to set up. This wrench should make everything go a lot quicker though,” I replied, holding out a socket wrench that had saved me an hour of labor last time.

As we worked to assemble the rower, we made some small talk about how our kids were doing, the pandemic, and how we thought the election would go later in the year. I tried to avoid talking about her and Colin’s relationship, as I felt like my wife had told me more than Amanda had been willing to admit, but I could tell that Amanda was enjoying the one or two times she had caught me looking at her cleavage. I never asked why she was dressed that way, but clearly it’d been planned. Despite her vulgarity, she was usually a very modest Midwesterner, and her large breasts were almost always completely covered.

After about 45 minutes, the rowing machine was finally assembled, and Amanda found a way to naturally transition to the topic I’d been trying to avoid.

“Thank you so much!” she said, admiring the finished product. “Now I just have to get myself assembled the right way.”

“I still don’t get that,” I replied, also looking at the machine. “I still think you look great.”

“That’s just because you’re a boob man,” Amanda snickered. “And you don’t really know the way I look now versus before – not the way Colin does.”

It wasn’t really true that I was a ‘boob man,’ but my wife was blessed with a large chest to compliment her big ass, and it wasn’t worth correcting.

“Well, no, I mean obviously I don’t know the way you look naked,” I laughed, somewhat uncomfortably. I’m far from the perfect husband but I’d always tried to avoid being too flirty with my wife’s friends. Too many things could go wrong.

“I mean, I have pictures if you want to see what he used to see,” she suddenly blurted out.

“Oh… I don’t think that’s necessary,” I responded, trying to hide my suddenly-growing bulge. Having rode my bike over, I was also in athletic shorts, so I probably wasn’t doing a great job.

“No, seriously – it’s no big deal. At least then you can stop telling me it’s crazy that he doesn’t want me anymore,” Amanda noted. “I’m not naked in them or anything.”

“Alright, sure,” I found myself suddenly replying, my cock still trying to grow. I guess it wasn’t a big deal if she wasn’t naked. Nothing different than what I see at the beach, right?

Amanda paused a moment to open up her phone and thumb around for a second before walking over closer to me.

“Here, see?” she said, handing me over her phone. The picture on the screen was her in a bikini from a few years prior, which I’d never seen her in before. Her hips were less wide, her thighs slightly less full, her stomach a few inches tighter, and her chest was somewhat perkier – even though it wasn’t quite as big. I thought she looked good then, but I didn’t really see a dramatic difference and thought she arguably looked better now. After staring for a few seconds, I went to hand the phone back to her.

“You can swipe right to see more of what I’m talking about,” she said.

“Oh, that’s okay,” I said, trying to give the phone away before having to conceal any further growth.

“No, look,” she said, leaning over to swipe. She swiped so fast and so flippantly that she withdrew her hand back before she saw the next photo on the screen. I glanced down to see a photo of her sitting on her bed, fully naked, with her legs spread wide for the camera.

“Oh, shit, no the other way,” she said. I tried to swipe left not realizing she’d already gone left when she told me to swipe right, only to see another photo of her topless in her bathroom mirror. Panicking, I handed the phone back to her instead of swiping any further.

“I didn’t mean to…” I began to say, but she was busy quickly closing her gallery app and locking her phone.

“No, it’s okay. It’s okay!” Amanda said, her face flush. “I told you the wrong way. That’s not your fault.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said, trying to stare at my feet.

“No, seriously, it’s fine,” she assured me. “The next photo was supposed to be me in a bikini from last month.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure I can more or less make out what you look like in a bikini right now,” I said, commenting for the first time on the way she was dressed.

“Ha, okay – then right?” she chuckled, my eyes drawing upward with her laughter.

“I mean, I still think you look good,” I said. “I don’t get what the hoopla is. You’ve had a kid or whatever; of course you don’t look exactly the same. But you’re a total MILF,” I continued, trying to laugh with her.

“A… MILF?!?” she said, her laugh in an uproar. “What – so I’m a mom you’d like to fuck?” She had a facial expression that was a mix of amusement, shock, and humor.

“What? Oh… I just mean you look good is all,” I said, defensively. My hands were even raised as if my body was actively playing defense.

“…So you don’t want to fuck me?” she said, now somewhat more seriously. I felt trapped.

“I mean, I would, of course, but that’s not what I…” I began to say, before I suddenly felt the rush of her plump, warm lips against mine. She had a somewhat larger mouth than most girls, and her tongue was brusquely rushing across to meet mine.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t embrace kissing her back. Her tongue was wide and strong, and her mouth was aggressive in pursuit of mine. It was only when I felt her fingertips teasing the edge of my waistband that I pulled back to hesitate.

“Amanda, whoa – you’re friends with Molly,” I said, verbalizing my wife’s name. “And I don’t exactly hate Colin.”

“I won’t tell if you don’t,” she responded breathily in my ear before nibbling on my lobe. Her fingers were once again eagerly probing at my waistband. I had to step back from her again.

“Look, we can’t just…” I began, struggling to find the words. I’d cheated on Molly before, but Amanda didn’t know that. And I’d never cheated with one of Molly’s friends. This was too dangerous, especially if Amanda was just caught up in the moment.

“Are you sure this is what you really want?” I asked.

“Nobody ever has to know,” she responded, her eyes locking with mine. “I’ll take this to my grave. I swear.” With that, she reached out to slowly stroke her hand over the outside of my shorts, the fabric gently tracing the outline of my throbbing cock. No matter how much I might have been stalling with my words, it was obvious my manhood was all-in.

It had been a few weeks since Molly and I last fucked, and I was definitely itching for action. I tried telling myself I hadn’t thought it through enough, but knew I had. From the moment Amanda’s texts had started veering in a dirty direction, I had been contemplating this. And I’m sure she had been too. And her hand felt so good along my shaft at the moment.

“This stays between us,” I said, stepping forward and back into her kiss. She enthusiastically nodded and our tongues danced along each other once more. As I felt her hand fumble inside my shorts and her fingers slide over my precum-soaked head, my own hand slid to the bottom of her sports bra – fighting against the tight spandex in an effort to free her heavy breasts.

“Mmm,” she moaned, as her fingers glazed the precum down along my shaft, her hand eager to begin stroking my cock. The tight fabric of her sports bra had snapped down along my knuckles, but my own eager fingers were now probing at the curvature of her breasts, seeking out her nipples.

“Follow me,” she sighed, grabbing at my available hand with her own. She was leading me the short distance across the hall to her master bedroom, and I was happy to follow.

As we entered her bedroom, my mind raced back to the photo I’d briefly seen of her spread on this very bed, her tits and pussy exposed, and my cock leapt in anticipation of the sight to come.

“I love how hard you are for me,” she said, mechanically pumping at my still-stiffening cock. I smiled and leaned in to kiss her once again, and now grabbed at her sports bra with both hands in an effort to lift it up and over her head.

I listened to the fabric of her bra crumple onto the bed as my hands enthusiastically went for her ample breasts. I had always known Amanda was hiding a large chest, but I’d underestimated just how large and magnificent it truly was.

“Oh my God,” I chuckled, my hands roaming the massive outline of her bosom.

“Do you like them?” Amanda nervously asked. It was clear Colin really had been neglecting her.

“They’re magnificent!” I yelped, my hands now reaching down to grab at the back of her thighs and hoist her onto the bed. As she landed, I slid on top of her and my mouth raced for her large, pinkish-brown nipples, which sat atop tennis ball-sized areolas. Her areolas were large, but proportionate to her enormous bust.

While Amanda twisted in pleasure at the tingle of my tongue along her nipples, I could feel her hands reaching for my shorts once more, working vigorously to begin pulling them down past my prominent and intrusive erection. I slid my hips upward to assist her efforts, and moved my mouth to once again entangle itself with hers. As she pulled, my cock sprung free once she got my boxer briefs in line with the waistband, and I felt it’s sticky thud against her stomach.

Amanda giggled at my touch, as her left hand turned its palm outward and effortlessly reached down to fondle my shaft and balls, while her right hand slid inside her shorts and began playing with her pussy.

“Mmm, are you nice and wet for me?” I asked between kisses, my cock still jumping with every movement of her hand.

“Yes, baby,” she cooed, and I could sense she wasn’t lying – the delectable scent of her cunt was now wafting into the air.

“Good,” I smiled, and slid down between her legs, my knees landing softly against the floor. I reached up to pull her shorts down her legs and could feel her getting into a more comfortable position. My fingers easily gripped her shorts and panties and removed them both in one fell swoop, her legs briefly coming together and moving upward to slide the items off. I couldn’t help but take the opportunity to run my tongue along her now-exposed lips.

“Oh, fuck – I can’t remember the last time Colin tasted me,” Amanda moaned.

“You taste good,” I smiled, and tossed her shorts across the room. With that, my mouth frenetically plunged towards her pussy; my tongue eager to trace every inch of her folds; my lips hungry to gather the taste of her juices. Molly was never a huge fan of receiving oral, and I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass me by.

“Ohhhh,” I could hear her moan, her hips buckling into my face as I consumed her taste. I easily found the swollen nub of her clit and began to suck and massage it with my mouth, my tongue occasionally darting downward to lap the wetness off her lips. She tasted amazing, and I couldn’t get enough.

While she continued to gently grind her face into my tongue, I moved my hand up along her thigh and slid my middle finger past her lips, curling it backward to stroke along her walls while my tongue continued its work on her clit.

I could tell this was doing it for her, and she wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Oh, fuck!” she cried out, her thighs beginning to tremble. I could feel her hips buckling in perfect rhythm now, her torso practically facefucking me. “Don’t stop. Just like that,” she whimpered again, her walls now clenching tight against my finger. She was close. I devoured her clit as I felt the pressure increasing and then heard the distinct sound of her trying to catch her breath in anticipation.

With that, she came. Gloriously. I felt her hand grip the back of my head as her juices poured against my lips, my finger felt like it was caught in a vise, and her moans filled the room. Between my legs, I could feel my cock jump in excitement while my face went along for the ride. It must have been at least 20 seconds before she released me, her legs still quivering.

“Oh my fucking god, Evan,” she calmly said. “Does Molly get that all the time?”

“Molly never lets me,” I cooed, my tongue playfully flickering against the outside of her folds.

I then gently climbed back up on top of her, my precum now leaking everywhere as my cock flopped against her slickened thighs. Amanda leaned in to kiss me, the taste of her pussy being shared between us. She hummed a low moan of pleasure, our lips intricately playing off one another as she took in her own flavor.

“Mmmm…” she gasped, in a low whisper. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

I smiled my response and planted a deep kiss on her while forcing myself back onto my knees.

“How do you want me?” I asked, looking down at her beautiful, curvy body.

“Just like this,” she replied, implying on her back.

With that, I began to tease the head of my cock along the folds of her pussy, while I lifted her legs up against my shoulders. I didn’t pause to ask about a condom, knowing she’d had been fixed after her the birth of her child.

Sliding into her, I was in awe of the slickness with which her lips parted for my enlarged cock. It was a warm greeting for the aching that had pervaded me, and I could feel her pussy massage me with each slow stroke.

“Oh, wow,” I grunted, the pleasure overwhelming me as my eyes watched her enormous breasts begin to sway with the motion.

“You feel amazing,” Amanda smiled. “Just like this,” repeated.

I smiled in return and continued my focus on the heave of her chest, her tits crashing in to one another and bouncing along her chest. It seemed almost criminal that she hid them so often, but their appearance now also made me feel honored to be in their presence.

Soon after, I began to pick up my pace, watching as her breasts began to really heave and her breathing intensified. I could feel her hips gentling buckling in to mine, and my cock began to plunge into her deeper and more forcefully with each and every stroke. I continued this way for at least ten minutes, the sight of her jostling tits burning into my brain.

“You feel so good,” I sighed, pausing to let my cock sit fully inside of her, the tips of her folds brushing against my groin.

“I want you to cum for me,” Amanda said. “Don’t stop.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, now grinding myself inside her. She gently bit her lip in pleasure before responding.

“I’m sure. Don’t stop again,” she replied.

I began to slowly pick my pace back up, my hands roaming her magnificent breasts, as I leaned in to ask,
“…and where do you want it?” Without a condom, there almost certainly wouldn’t be a wrong answer.

“I want it in my pussy,” Amanda whimpered, closing her eyes and resuming the chew of her lips.

“Okay,” I gasped, the excitement of the moment surging through me. I could feel my cock pulsing as it prepared to unleash a powerful load, and I was charmed by the continuous way in which her pussy was trying to coax it out of me. Her incredible wetness was a feeling to behold.

“I’m getting close,” I whispered, her eyes still closed as her tits bounced up against her chin.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered. “Cum for me, baby. Please, cum for me.”

Her begging was more than I could hold out against and I felt the first shot dribble out of my control. I then quickened my pace to feel the long, deep strokes inside of her and released my hold, blasting several strong, thick shots inside of her.

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned under my breath, each hip thrust accompanying another powerful burst. I was surprised by how many releases I could feel, and was pleased by the sensation of her pussy actively pulling it from me.

Eventually, my thrusting ground to a halt, and I could suddenly feel the weight of legs against me as I tried to regain my composure. Overwhelmed in pleasure, I gently moved her legs and collapsed alongside her – my arm draped across her stomach while my face nuzzled to the side of her right breast. My lips reached out to plant small kisses on her chest while my nostrils fought to regain my normal breathing.

“Thank you,” Amanda said, leaning her head down to rest along the top of mine.

“Thank you?” I asked.

“For making me feel desired again,” she replied. “That was exactly what I needed.”

“I can’t remember the last time I came that hard,” I laughed, my cock continuing to twitch and leak. “I’m not even sure I’m done.”

Amanda laughed at my comment and reached down to touch my still-struggling cock, her fingers coated with the sticky remnants still slowly leaking out.

“Wow,” she said. “Let me take care of that for you.”

“Huh?” I asked, not entirely sure of what she meant. By then, however, Amanda had already begun to sit up and slide down toward my torso.

Although I was far from fully hard, she then took me in her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around the head, her lips puckering around the tip as if to extract every last drop. Her mouth felt incredible, and I was suddenly sad she hadn’t gone down on me during foreplay.

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned again, as I felt Amanda imbibe every remaining driblet of my cum. I could feel her hand gently playing with my softening cock, squeezing every morsel to the tip. She seemed to delight in toying with my drained manhood.

“You taste amazing,” she then cooed, and leaned up to kiss me. I could taste a touch of myself on her lips, the salty distinctness being difficult to escape. We kissed for about a minute longer, as I could tell she found the concept erotic despite there being virtually no cum left in her mouth.

Leaning back and laying next to her, our bodies now spent, I decided to say, “I still don’t think you need that rower.”

Amanda laughed her hearty Midwest laugh, and I was able to see her tits bounce one last time before she put a top on.

“Well, I’m glad you helped me build it,” she said. “And I’m glad I don’t need it if I don’t use it.”

“Is that your way of saying we’re going to do this again?” I asked, rolling over to grab my clothes.

“I’m game if you are,” Amanda replied. “As long as this stays between us.”

“Trust me, I’m not going to tell anyone,” I responded. “I like being married, after all.”

“Good, me too,” she said.

After we were both dressed, Amanda walked with me to the base of the stairs to say goodbye. Before I could exit through her front door, however, she pulled me to the side for one last kiss.

“I had fun today,” she told me. “I really do want to do it again sometime.”

“I’m sure we will,” I smiled.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/os5t7w/mf_i_hooked_up_with_my_wifes_sexdeprived_friend


  1. Incredibly sexy story! I love that the circumstances permitted you (and was encouraged by her) to finish inside of her!

    Besides your neighbor Emily, what were the other times you’ve strayed from Molly? Can we hear about the first time or the best time?

  2. i loved the story and if i was you id definitely be going back for more and make sure to get a blow job at the start of play

  3. Well written, you give good details. I like how she was the one begging you to come. Seems like it’s always the other way around.

  4. There is definitely going to be more to this story! This is intense!

  5. Really really good. Love the sex details, you care about scent wafting, about lips and tongue and wetness. Salt. Really really really good

  6. Except Dr. Won’t fix women with just 1 child and under a certain age.

  7. >My wife had always been weird about me admitting if I found any of her friends attractive.

    >I’d cheated on Molly before

    Hmmm, wonder why she was so weird about you calling her friends attractive… like just get a divorce if you’re not satisfied. Christ.

  8. I usually like to read Gay stories but have to admit that l was turned on by this Story. Very well written and enjoyable. Plus HOT AND SEXY. Thank you for writing it. I’d enjoy any others you might write. HOT A.ND SEXY.

  9. Very much. I am still Bi but LOVE COCK AND CUM. So l can still get turned on by straight sex story’s. Love 💘 to read anything else you write.

  10. I think this is my first story I read that was this long! I want to say it was well written, great description on detail and every line got me hooked

  11. Not bad. At least you’re not over doing it and putting yourself in a position where you’ll easily get caught by doing it daily or even weekly. Neighbors may start talking if you showed up that often. He’s a fool. I bet he’s fucking someone else and a younger woman. Why else would he go so long without sex? I know that l wouldn’t. Especially with a lovely 💘 wife at home that’s HORNEY. LOL

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