The path (CnC) [M/F]

It was that smell, floral, barely concealed by the dissipating rain. I’ll have it made clear I am no impulsive man, no, I have always been a man of careful calibration. Yet, this scent of yours… flooding my senses with strange desires so dark my blood pumped at it’s depravity.

Hurrying along the path, even in such a heightened state i was careful to make no noise. I had to know who you were, this effect I had never felt, the smell was not enough. I needed to see you, the thoughts of more than seeing, feeling even, they soared through my mind in short bursts, shunted out forcibly as fast as they came only to return with even more force.

In only moments I was less than a man, no different than a bear, an animal with its sight on prey. As I moved, I saw you. Your hair tied loose, slick with the drizzling rain as if in imitation of the dewy grass under my feet. A simple yet tight trainer, Grey and white, I imagined my index finger hooking underneath it’s strap and the thought was so intense that for a moment I stoped in my tracks.

No, i couldn’t afford to stop. I could not justify walking away. Yet the storm of need had receded in only the smallest of ways. A tinge of self hate creeping through. Uncertainty in nature, could I do this? Would I do this? I had only wanted for a walk, but this… a prize I hadn’t known I needed.

It was not long before the realization hit that there was no choice available regardless of any ideas of morality. This top would not stop spinning, there was no moving back. Adopting a more leisurely stroll, i moved within yards. It’s with clarity I remember the expression on your face as you noticed, a glance behind you, no more than a glance.

The strangest thing, I felt protective of you. Isn’t that silly? An urge from deep in my stomach that itched to lecture you on such a cavalier response to strange men in the dark. Truth be told, it gave me no pause, only emboldening me.

If you paid me no heed before, that was not for long, the price of nonchalance was paid for with my fingers holding your mouth closed, a grip if iron trailing from your lower jaw and over your mouth. I had imagine in my hunt that this would be something of a violent thing, I was sorely mistaken.

No, you were my little deer in headlights. So still, so quiet that I quite enjoyed the moment as it stretched out. It must have been an odd sight, you standing in the open path of a moonlit park. My hand tightly forcing you mute, each of us still as one could be.

That was quick to change. I forced you to your knees, my right hand now gripping your shoulder. Pulling the strap of your trainer along with you. Snapping it harshly on the way down. Ecstasy, The way you quietly folded. The way you flinched, but made no move to provoke me.

Perhaps you understood you would find no reprieve by fighting, that in mass alone I dwarfed you, much less in will. You may very well have had every desire to run, to avoid what was obvious in my intent. Not badly enough though, no? There was no leaving, no, not without my marks and my sick little fantasies brought to some form of reality.

For now, you were my toy, and you were quiet a Obedient one. It wasn’t long before I began to pull you up again, ripping your trainer off rather violently in the process. Only then did you make noise, a Yelp, perhaps from the pinch of the trainer as it was ripped. What a beautiful sound, even now I relish in it. Monstrous though it may be, that fearful little noise would have made it worth it even if that was all I could extract.

Flipping you around, I pulled you in. Letting your pretty little chin go, grabbing instead every soft piece of you I could. Your eyes so wide I could bathe in them. Normally a patient man, no longer. Your neck was perfect for a hand like mine to grip and so I did so. Your body light and easily maneuvered, and so I did so.

Taking you away from the open field and further into the dark, jerking you still for a moment to turn on the light on my phone. Only then did you begin to beg, did you begin to mewl and cry. Joy. I felt it strong and heady. If I was doubtful before I was no longer. I would feel you beneath me, I would own you. I would degrade you. I knew this, I was certain you did as well.

As we passed through the tree line, I pulled you over a log, ripping your sweats so roughly you began to cry in earnest. My control was waning hard, without intention, I slapped you. Not particularly hard, I’ll admit, but the result was immediate. For the first time I noticed your makeup, smeared now in pretty little puddles.

I was damn near grunting with need, can you remember? The way i pinched your nose shut, forcing those soft lips to open, to gasp. Cutting your cries short, do you remember the way your gasps were replaced with gags as I took my opportunity, fitting my cock inside your mouth with swift ease?

Disappointingly, I lasted no time at all. Pumping deep, pulling out for the air you so desperately needed. The way your salive dripped in strings between my head and your lips, coating your chin, dripping further down to your bare body. How could I last for long? Shoving myself deep, deeper than you could surely handle, I imagined your walk home.

Your clothes were a ripped and tattered pile of cloth. I felt it, I would cum deep soon. What a waste I thought, for you to swallow the seed I had worked so hard to gift to you. With such a noble thought in mind… I flipped you to your stomach. Forcing your pert ass up, your soaked face forced to the ground, your cheek in the dirt.

Has a man ever so easily driven deep into your cunt since my little deer? The secret I’m sure you keep buried deep, how wet you were, my oh my you were nearly an ocean. I would give you no orgasm. I paid no mind to your pleasure. You were to bred, it was my only design. Your cunt gripped me tight, and within only a few cruelly rough thrusts i emptied myself inside, every drop deep, little deer I emptied my balls in you as it should be.

Do you remember me wordlessly sliding off you, watching you stumble? Little thing you could barely look at me, was it shame in your eyes? Shame for being used? Shame for enjoying it? I remember idly playing with my softened cock as you spent a moment looking fruitlessly for clothes, finding nothing. I remember you slowly backing away, after only a few steps, as certain I would not follow as you could be, running. Away to your home. Naked, filled, bred, mine.
