A Sorcerer’s new pet – Chapter 8 – Cowered – [M+F+] [NC] [Humil] [Magic] [Fantasy] [Edging]

[Chapter 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ogs3ss/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_1_rescued_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oh67sk/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_2_trained_ff_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ohojx2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_3_tormented_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oinxmh/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_4_conditioned_mf_nc/)

[Chapter 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ojttrw/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_5_tempted_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oli6df/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_6_mocked_mf_nc_humil/)

[Chapter 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/opjrh2/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_7_unleashed_mf_nc/)

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I look around at the exhausted bodies littering the floor of the lounge. Only the most resilient of us are still awake after hours of debauchery, namely Diana, Jade, me, and Lana.

The last one comes as a surprise since she is far beneath our level. The fact that a simple dark elf can endure such reveling is a testament to her determination. For this reason, Diana is taking it upon herself to run her into the ground.

“Stand on your toes. Bend your knees. Spread your legs wide open. Good girl!”

“Ahhhh- T-thank you, Mistress!”

“Stay still. Don’t you dare hide that snatch from me. I want to see it drip. Good girl!”

“Ahhhh. AHH.”

Every compliment elicits an orgasm from the girl, who refuses to pass out despite climaxing over and over again. Jade is looking at her with surprise written on his face.

“She’s good.”

I state the obvious. The girl has outperformed her sister by a wide margin, despite having received the same training.

“Yes. Your Geas made her blossom. It’s a shame we can’t afford to mass-produce them.”

“Believe me, I could use the practice, but I need all the mana I can spare for our next target.”

With a whimper, followed by a thud, Lana surrenders to Diana’s little game. The tiefling smacks her lips before joining us at our table. A demure elven slave tops off our drinks before scuttling away.

“So, gentlemen, are we really doing this?”

Diana’s usual bravado is gone. A rare note of apprehension tinges her voice.

“We don’t have much choice, do we? The Big Devil Himself wants it done. Dyne? Any thoughts?”

Jade downs a glass of dwarven whiskey before looking at me. Despite all his posturing, his time as a slave for the elves has left his mark. Dwarves have always been good to him, and he still tries not to trade in Dwarven slaves whenever possible.

“There’s no point in dragging our feet. Asmodeus is testing us. Understandably so.”

I have made up my mind long ago, way before most members of the Cabal. Jade and Diana are young compared to me, something I’m reminded of every time we need to get our hands dirty.

“Still, an actual goddess. How did she even survive? You have more experience, Dyne. What is your opinion?”

Diana is a different person when she’s not playing. Her powers are nothing to scoff at, but she treats her comrades with proper respect. I can’t help but think Ashtaroth has made a good choice by picking her as His warlock.

“I think Lyra must have sacrificed herself to cover Luna’s escape. She is her daughter, after all. What’s surprising is how she managed to stay hidden until now.”

“At least that was good for us. We only found out thanks to Tamara. If we hadn’t captured that priestess whore, Asmodeus would have never found out Luna was still alive. At least until it would have been too late.”

“Yeah, my Patron told me that Asmodeus was very pleased with us.”

We spend the next hour discussing the details of our plan. Kidnapping a goddess, even a minor one like Luna, is something most Sorcerers would consider insanity. On the other hand, most people who know of us think of the Cabal as a bunch of madmen. If someone is fit for this kind of job, it’s probably us.

An alarm bell flashes in my soul, and I spring into action. Ignoring the surprised stares of my associates, I nudge Ivy awake with my foot. The puppy opens her eyes and looks around, confused.

“Master, did I fall asleep? D-do you want to fuck me some more?”

“Wake up, Ivy. We are going home.”

“What’s going on, Dyne?”

Jade’s eyebrows raise in alarm. According to the original plan, I should be spending the night here.

“Lily’s Remnant is under attack. Somebody is looking for me.”


Lily had barely any mana at her disposal. Master had only granted her enough to escape from an emergency. She was unprepared for a prolonged fight against a trained warrior.

She had to admit the woman was stronger than she had given her credit for. While no match for her previous self, Rei was more than enough to deal with a mana-deprived Remnant like the current Lily.

The former Seawrath heiress was surprised she had managed to last this long.

The house she had spent the whole day cleaning was in shambles. Lily had levitated every small object she could find to use against the girl. It was a technique she had learned from her father – a very mana-efficient way to attack.

“Where is Alissa? Tell me, or I will fucking kill you!”

The idiot girl hit a pair of flying scissors with the back of her sword, breaking Lily’s control over them. The metal object fell to the ground, joining the mess on the floor.

Rei charged at Lily, who avoided the strike by turning herself incorporeal when the sword passed through her. She returned to normal an instant later, hitting the warrior with a barehanded strike to the face.

The bitch was freakishly resilient – or Lily’s strike too weak to hurt – so Lily back-stepped to try and gain some space. The furious warrior pursued her without missing a beat. A look of rage distorting her face.

Lily had enjoyed telling her all about Ivy’s training to rile her up. The warrior had thought it a sick joke at first and had yelled at her to stop spouting nonsense. Lily had to show her the remains of the puppy’s old uniform, now in tatters, to convince her.

It was at that point that Rei had started attacking Lily in a fit of rage. Lily had rejoiced when the warrior had hit her the first time. She needed the girl to stay here, or she would alert the authorities.

It was a dangerous game, but she couldn’t contact her Master otherwise. Lily doubted she could have kept the warrior in the house until tomorrow, and Sending spells did not work towards Master Jade’s mansion. He had warded the whole building against spells, to prevent scrying or other forms of espionage.

Master was also too far away for her to speak to him through her Soul Brand. Only the most basic functions of the spell worked at this distance. Lily could even try to escape from Master – as if she would ever do something so demented – proof of how much trust he placed in her.

The only way she could alert Master was by damaging the body he had given her. Master had conjured it from his Mana, so he would immediately feel if something was wrong with it, as long as he was on the same plane of existence. Lily hoped with all her heart that Master had not decided to visit the Hells on a whim, or she would soon end up there as well.

“There’s nowhere left to go bitch! Tell me where Alissa is, or I will end you.”

Lily’s breathing was ragged, and Rei had pinned her against the wall with her sword. She could turn incorporeal, but that required a lot of Mana for just a couple of seconds. Out of ideas, she was about to attempt a suicide attack. If she had to die, she would drag the whore to The Hells with her.

A familiar tingle in her Soul Brand stopped her just in time.

“I will not tell you a second time. Why the fuck is a Remnant like you dressing up as a maid? Where is that piece of shit?”

Lily couldn’t help but beam at the warrior. A saccharine smile that was so creepy she could see Rei shiver. Before Ivy’s friend could compose herself, Lily’s favorite voice filled the room.

“Look, Ivy. Your friend has come looking for you. Isn’t that exciting?”


Ivy wanted to scream. She wanted to yell at Rei to run away, to never look for her again, to tell the others to forget about her forever. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Too afraid of Master’s punishment, she could only lower her head before replying with her most demure voice.

“Yes, Master, this cunt is very excited to meet her friend again.”

She was such a fucking coward. Rei’s flabbergasted expression only made her feel worse, reminding her of her previous self. The proud Mage Rei knew had disappeared in just a couple of weeks. A meek puppy had taken her place, too scared to warn her companion of the danger she faced.

Ivy just hoped Master would go easy on her.

“A-Alissa, what the fuck are you doing? Get your hands off her, you piece of shit!”

Master’s amused expression made the lump in Ivy’s stomach worse. Rei was strong. Ivy knew that. Yet, despite having never seen her Master fight, she could tell her friend was no match for him.

“Now, now. Let’s not jump to conclusions. Ivy here is participating in our little game of her own free will. Aren’t you, darling?”

With a tug on her leash, Master prompted her to reply.

“Yes, Master. This fuckpet is willing to obey your every command.”

“What The Hells are you on about Alissa! Who the fuck is Ivy?”

The mage could not bear to look at her friend. Her only hope was to convince Rei to leave without having to fight Master. The most humiliating thing was that her tail had started wagging furiously at the disgusted looks her friend was sending her way.

“Are you telling me you’re some kind of pervert who enjoys this shit? I don’t buy it. You wouldn’t disappear without telling us. We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

The warrior was screaming, brandishing her sword around.

“I-I don’t… Please leave, Rei. Leave and don’t look for me again.”

Master was twirling her leash in his hands, amused by the exchange. Rei must have noticed his expression because she flew into an even wilder rage.

“I know you have something to do with this, and your maid is a Godsdamned ghost. Unhand Alissa immediately, or I’ll have to make you.”

Master was unfazed by Rei’s threats. He crossed the room, reaching for a drink. Ivy crawled behind him, careful not to let the leash go taut.

“I don’t think you are in a position to make demands. I think you should apologize for trashing my house first.”

Ivy could tell something horrible was about to happen, judging by the excited look on Isab– Lily’s face. The Remnant looked like she could barely contain her glee, and Ivy knew she had to do something.

Before Rei could start screaming at Master again, the mage interjected. But only after making sure Master had finished talking.

“Rei, seriously, you have to leave. I’m happy here; this is my place. I love my Master very much, and I want to spend my life serving him. I didn’t warn you because I could stand any of you anymore, and I knew you wouldn’t understand. Please get the fuck out of this place!”

Ivy hoped her companion would pick up some clues from the urgency in her voice. But Master, with deliberate timing, rested both his feet on her back.

Whatever caution she had tried to invoke in her friend had been dashed by the sight of him treating Ivy like a footrest.

”That’s it. I’m goi–NGHHAAAA”

Rei’s charge was short-lived. A wave of psychic energy slammed into her, making her collapse to the ground. Ivy had felt Master casting the spell, but had been too afraid to alert her friend. The mere thought of going against his wishes filled her with inescapable dread.

As soon as the warrior fell to the floor, Lily left the room. The Remnant returned soon after, carrying some rope. With practiced movements, she started tying Rei up as she convulsed on the floor.

The psychic blast had rendered her completely unable to retaliate. Ivy could see Rei struggle through the tears welling up in her eyes but did not move to stop Lily. The Remnant made sure the warrior couldn’t move before kneeling towards their Master. He nodded, then adjusted his feet on Ivy’s back, forcing her to arch it.

Master must have felt the Mage’s despair because he wasted no time twisting the knife.

“Don’t worry, Ivy. Since you weren’t able to convince your friend to calm down, we will have to get her trained as well. I have already alerted a friend to come and pick her up.”

This was bad. She had to do something. She owed it to her friend to at least try convincing Master.

“Please, Master. Would you consider letting her go? I promise I will do anything.”

“But you will already do anything I tell you, won’t you? Or are you saying the last warning wasn’t enough?”

“No! No, Master! You are right, of course. This fuckpet was stupid and was not thinking.”

She couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t. The mere prospect of being punished again was enough to make her freeze. She had always thought she was the type of person who would give her life to save her friends. Now, she realized how naive she had been.

Lily had been right from the very first day: she was nothing more than a selfish slut.

“I thought so. I would have loved to keep her and let you two play for a while. Unfortunately, we need to leave the house, or Lily’s father will grace us with a visit soon.”

“Master, who are we selling her to?”

Lily asked with a glint in her eyes. The warrior struggled against her restraints and tried to yell something, but the Remnant had stuffed Rei’s mouth with the discarded remains of Ivy’s old uniform.

“To an old friend you know very well. It’s been a few years since you last saw him, so I’m sure you’ll be happy to entertain him. He was instrumental in turning you into a good puppy, after all.”

To Ivy’s shock, Lily froze on the spot. The Remnant started trembling, tears forming in her eyes.

“I-is Lord Elzor coming to visit?”

“Indeed. I am sure he will be happy to see you again.”

“T-this cunt i-is beside herself with happiness.”

“Good, because Ivy refused to follow one of my orders today. Consider this your punishment for being too soft on her.”

Ivy had never seen so much hatred in someone’s gaze. The physical sensation of loathing dripping through the soul connection she shared with Lily made the Mage recoil. Despite Master not mentioning that she had interrupted him on the carriage, he still had not forgotten her refusal to comply with his commands during the party.

She had thought Master was in a good mood, but she was beginning to understand that he was the type of man who would never let something go unpunished.

“I will make you pay for this.”

Ivy could only shiver. Whoever this Lord Elzor was, she hoped he would go easy on Lily. Whoever he was, he could not be crueler than Master, she thought. One look at her friend still writhing on the floor reaffirmed this conviction.

Her hopes shattered a moment later when a crimson, fiery portal appeared in the middle of the living room.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/orflao/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_8_cowered_mf_nc_humil