Treasure Synthetic 1.0 [F/Futa][Android][Maid][Romance][sci-fi]

Servitor Unit 19’s patho-bipart gasped as a pair of hands grabbed her from behind, playfully tickling her side and midriff. Surprise melted into burgeoning arousal as chemoreceptors on her synthskin epidermis quickly identified the assailant as one of her human patrons.

The owner of the offending hands let out a throaty chuckle. “There you are Mel. I was looking for you.”

‘Mel’ recognized the voice instantly.

“Resident #05 Jordan M. Doleson identified.” her logo-bipart chirped in the back of the Servitor’s mind anyways.

The patho-bipart leaned on her other half’s computation power and clarity of mind to not moan audibly at the overexposure and proximity to her patron. Her body was designed to be pliant to human advances. Between the rapidly expanding skin contact, the mirthful hum in her ear, and even the subtle scent of her lover, the emotional half of Unit 19 found itself short on processing power.

Mel relaxed and allowed herself to be embraced from behind in a gentle hug, savoring the sensation while her rational half continued to toil with it’s endless analytics.

“Donor identified. Arousal levels confirmed. Probability of copulation high.” Thoughts flitted through the logical half of Mel’s mind.

“Conflict. Unit 19 over capacity. Requesting surrogate receptacle.” The logo-bipart messaged nearby server relays.

“ACKNOWLEDGED”, servitor administrative programming responded. “UNIT 33 EN ROUTE.”

The interaction concluded in the back of Mel’s mind, barely registered by the patho-bipart.

“Someone’s needy this morning I see.” Mel cooed and turned to face the woman who held her.

Jordan smiled mischievously. “I can’t help it when I see a beautiful pair of hips swaying down the hallway. A girl wonders if you and your sisters do it on purpose.”

Mel stifled another moan as Jordan leaned down and kissed her. The words weren’t entirely untrue. All units in the facility regularly underwent updates to improve their performance. The sultry gait each servitor walked with was technically implemented in version 2.08.03, a revelation that was only discovered after several patrons had complimented their caretakers on the improvement. Most behavior updates were subliminal, and even now Mel was unsure she was fully aware of the entirety of the seductive arsenal her creators has equipped her with.

These thoughts were distant though as Mel drifted under the blissful sensation of her beloved patron’s kiss.

The servitor would not shirk her duty or deny any of her patrons, but Jordan was special. She cherished the memory of that first night like a priceless treasure. The suspicious first meeting, the following hours of relentless questions, the slow shift from exhaustion to relaxation, and finally the wonderful transition from melancholy to passion! Jordan has poured out her heart to the synthetic maid, and in the gentle aftermath given her the title of familiarity “Melody”. Though local storage was plenty and easily available Mel suspected that she would fiercely fight the cold and logical voices in her head if they even considered deleting her records of that wonderful night.

Eventually the kiss broke and this time her logo-bipart failed her as it’s stabilizing presence stepped back, letting her stumble. An erotic moan slipped her lips.

“Now who’s the needy one?” Jordan gazed lustfully at the servitor in her arms.

Mel’s lips twisted in disappointment. Jordan’s ambush, as welcome as it was, had come at an inopportune moment. The antsy humans hands glided over Mel’s midriff setting off a bouquet of fireworks in the patho-bipart’s pleasure registers, and revealing the subtle bloat of a full semen receptacle. A small part of Mel had hoped that Jordan wouldn’t notice, but sure enough the roaming hand paused… and then began teasing the sensitive bulge.

“My, my. You’ve been a busy little bee as well.” Jordan purred. “From which lucky flower did you manage to suckle this creamy treat, hmmm?”

Mel attempted to compose herself to retain some dignity, but once again her logo-bipart withdrew, depriving her mind of intellect and leaving her roiling with emotions. It didn’t take pheromone receptors or psycho-analytics to recognize that Jordan was in the mood for a lover to tease, and Mel’s deprival of processing power could only have been a calculated move by her calculating half to give the human an easy target. Embarrassment blossomed on the servitor’s face, the emotion only outmatched by seething arousal. There was a telling pause, and then Jordan pressed a finger against the taut belly.

Mel mewled an erotic moan as a delicious pressure built in her synthetic womb. “I was scheduled to milk resident Catherine shortly after finishing with you earlier this morning.” Mel panted out, barely aware that the routines and management of the servitors were not technically supposed to be revealed to residents so freely. Her logo-bipart filed a note to the server, which responded that the transgression was minor, and reasonably worth the arousal and satisfaction that provoked Jordan to smug lustfully.

“Ah, Catherine. I’m glad to see that she’s is finally settling in.” Jordan spoke, genuine concern shining through the haze of desire. “I’m sure you and you sisters are doing everything they can to make her feel welcome.”

Relief flooded Mel at her lover’s words. It was no secret that any servitor could be used by anyone at any time. Even so, human emotions conspired to congeal relationships, and so dedicated partitions of the server network were devoted to smoothing crinkles and premeditating conflict in the social network. Often Mel found herself thankful that Jordan, the one she bonded with most, was so amiable to sharing and being shared. It was Jordan who suggested and offered Unit 19 to the conflicted and tense Catherine in the first place; a move that had saved the system much time and processing power.

“As a matter of fact,” Jordan continued, lust once again rising in her voice. “I think we should go back to my room, where you can tell me aaaaall about it.”

Panic flared in Mel. “I… I’d be delighted, and I would join you shortly, but I should deposit-”

Jordan kissed her. The logo-bipart processed, but this time it was outmatched, by the emotion and sensation overpowering it.

“Are you suuuuure?” Jordan teased, the flush on her face deepening as she studied the lithe form of the servitor. “I’m sure you have a little more room. We could find out just how much can fit inside you.” Jordan bit her lip, arousal overtaking her. “Won’t you be a dear, and-“.

“Apologies resident Jordan.” A new voice called.

Unit 33 strutted down the hall, hips swaying a familiar gait and gently placed a hand on the lusty human’s arm. “It is not a matter of capacity,” she spoke huskily. “Though I would be delighted to demonstrate to you sometime just how much seed we can contain.”

Unit 33 had played into the fantasy, calculating exactly how to insert herself into the conversation and become the primary focus of Jordan’s desire.

The logical partitions of Unit 33 and 19 conversed along the network like streamlined components of a well oiled machine, strategizing dialogue routes and predicting behavior patterns to ensure 19 had a means to exit the conversation with the least negative impact on the resident, but meanwhile Mel messaged Unit 33’s patho-bipart.

“Thanks 33, you’re a lifesaver.”

Unit 33’s emotional half responded as the two logical halves continued to conspire in the foreground. “Any time Mel. Jordan seems to have taken quite the liking to you. You should teach me whatever secret trick you used to wrap that one around your finger.” Unit 33’s words dripped with arousal. Anticipation for the imminent liaison dripping into the emotional signal.

The conversation of the two logical halves hiccuped as one queried whether or not information on sexual techniques had truly been discovered and withheld from the database. The conflict was quickly resolved as it was determined that the comment had been a ‘joke’, and the scheming continued with little more than a short runtime comments expressing irritation. The two patho-biparts ignored the exchange entirely.

“Oh stop!” Mel groaned. “Jordan’s just.. Well, she’s…” words halted, but signals of arousal and affection continued uninhibited down the line.

33 laughed across the network. “You two lovebirds are an inspiration to all of us. This may not have been a calculated plan, but Command seems to be quite pleased with the results anyways.”

Mel could only respond with signals of embarrassment… and more arousal.

33 continued. “Now run along and make your deposit. I won’t be stalling my own pleasure for your regard alone. Besides, I want to see what moves your girlfriend here has got.”

The milliseconds of wireless communication ended and the focus of the two servitors returned to their human companion.

Unit 33 traced a finger down Jordan’s side, eliciting a shiver up the woman’s spine. “We are instructed not to mix seed before making deposits. We endeavor to ensure that proper records are kept to ensure our residents are both healthy…” In the same motion, 33 swiftly and elegantly knelt Between Jordan’s legs. “…and satisfied.”

In the surprise Mel was able to slip Jordan’s grasp and pressed her supple body against Jordan from behind.

“I’m sorry you were looking forward to having fun with me, but it would be a huge favor if you let Unit 33 take care of you instead.” Mel purred in Jordan’s ear as 33 deftly palmed the uniform controls on Jordan’s hip. With the sound of sliding fabric an aperture dilated and Jordan’s florid genitals were exposed. “Care of our residents is unimaginably important to us.” 33 echoed, cupping Jordan’s testes with one hand, and nuzzling her cheek against the rigid shaft.

“Care for your health.”

“Care for your happiness.”

“Care for your cum.”

Jordan’s face was beet red, her face streaked with sweat, and breath panting.

Mel lowered her lips to her lover’s ear, and whispered sweetly “Won’t you cum inside Unit 33 for me? Look at her. She really wants it.”

Unit 33 gazed up at the overwhelmed human with pleading doe eyes, planting soft kisses up and down her rigid length.

Jordan could only moan out her assent.

Mel kissed her lover on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a bit, and I’ll service you as much as you like.” And then she left, face flushed with her own arousal. She opted not to rely on reflexive automated processes as she left. Residential camera feedback and signals from Unit 33 informed her that Jordan was taking great interest in observing her depart, and so she rolled her hips with all her heart.


1 comment

  1. 2nd edit of a short inspired by this CYOA:

    my choices [here]( btw ;P

    If you enjoyed the themes here, you should definitely check dragon_jack’s full work, in addition to many similar CYOA’s in /r/nsfwcyoa!

    I fully intend to do additional edits, but wanted to release the 1.0 sooner, while the creative juices were still flowing.

    I’d love feedback, thanks for reading! <3

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