[Part 8]A Point of Light (female pov, nc, pregnancy, imprisonment)

[Rachel’s Saga Erotic Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/odwnf8/rachels_saga_erotic_story_hub_female_pov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Links to the previous chapters are at the top of the post if you’d like to read them. The bottom of the post has plot and character summaries for those who’d like to get up to speed a bit faster (warning summaries may contain minor plot spoilers!). 😉

Chapter 8: A Point of Light

The birds were singing again as I opened my eyes. There was a grey sky today, and it kept our basement room dim. The fact it wasn’t just mine for once gave me reason to be cheery despite the dismal day. Holly was still asleep on the mattress next to me so I slid off as quietly as I could to avoid waking her. I hurried over to the bathroom and sat there on the floor quietly for a while, feeling a bit ill. I never did throw up, but sitting here was fast becoming part of my morning routine.

After a few minutes the feeling started to fade, so I went through my morning routine as quietly as possible before returning to the main room.

“Morning sickness?” Holly asked. She was sitting up on the mattress looking a little disheveled, nude from the waist up like me. Guess I wasn’t as quiet as I hoped.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up, but yup I think so” I replied, “it hasn’t been bad, but it’s always there when I wake up.”

“You should drink more water,” Holly offered. “My mom used to be really sick in the mornings when she was pregnant with my little brother. Drinking more water helped her a lot.”

I smiled back “thanks, that sounds like it’s worth a try.” I went over to the far corner where Rick left the food and other supplies and grabbed a water bottle. “Did you want anything?” I asked while twisting off the cap.

“What is there?” Holly replied curiously.

“umm… a brown banana, some poptarts, water bottles, and half a loaf of bread” I said a little disappointed. “Sorry, not the best selection.”

Holly sighed and laid back down, “no that’s okay, I’ll just wait until after Jacob visits.”

“Do you know when he’s coming?” I asked.

“Not really, but I’m sure he’ll be here. He’s been creeping after me for years, he’s not going to miss this chance.” Holly said, turning back in my direction with a defeated look on her face.

I sat down next to her and shared a sympathetic look. “Hey, don’t worry we’ll think of something.”

Holly looked at me a little doubtful, “we will?”

“Sure,” I offered, “if he’s had a crush on you for years, there’s gotta be a way to exploit that. Besides, you’re like twice his size!”

“I don’t know,” Holly sounded reluctant, “I don’t really want to make things worse for us.”

“It’s okay,” I replied, “after being trapped in this small room for months, and enduring all this hell, nothing they can do anymore scares me.”

Holly seemed to perk up a little at the thought, and I saw a bit of hope trickle back into her eyes, “so what do we do?” she asked.

We brainstormed for a while; talked about Holly’s family. Her years of annoyance with Jacob. His likes and dislikes. The time he threatened her family, how his dad was the only one who seemed to be able to keep him under control. I learned a lot about the little town where the men were from. Holly seemed to come back more and more as we chatted. It wasn’t long before she was sounding almost excited. She was pacing around munching on a stale chocolate poptart when we heard voices from the floor above us.

“That’s him,” Holly said fearfully as she heard the voices. The enthusiasm that had been there a minute ago suddenly drained from her face.

“Okay, you’ll be okay, you can do this!” I tried to sound as encouraging as possible.

Holly took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts. She nodded slightly at me and removed her panties and I quickly did the same. We sat down and huddled together on the mattress, and I gave her hand a little squeeze. There was loud laughing descending the stairs outside, and the same old clink and clank as my door was unlocked and pushed open. Jacob, Rick, and Sam all stepped in.

“Hey, how’s my little filly today?” Rick chuckled, eyeing my bare chest. “Growin my baby still?”

I just lowered my head and nodded, “I’m good thanks.”

“Alright they’re all yours Jacob,” Rick said. Then added as a warning to us “we’ll be just outside if you have any trouble.”

With that the two men left the room, they turned to the left as they exited and I could hear their voices discussing something, though I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Jacob’s eyes glowed greedily as he stared at Holly, who stared back at him with a worried look. He started across the room in a hurry and literally jumped, landing on her as she fell backwards.

I sat there in startled shock as Jacob rooted around on top of Holly. He seemed almost feral, driven by his lust as he wedged in between her legs and struggled to remove his jeans. For her part Holly just went limp, her face vacant as she stared up at the ceiling. After a few seconds Jacob’s erect cock popped free of his pants. He quickly wedged his way forward and with a few thrusts of his hips pushed himself inside Holly. He let out a satisfied moan, but Holly didn’t even react.

Jacob was clearly disappointed with this “hey, you alive down there?” He asked Holly.

Holly didn’t react and just laid there limp, her eyes a bit distant.

Thinking quickly I interjected, “Sorry, we didn’t have much to eat this morning. I think Holly’s a little exhausted.”

Jacob seemed surprised, “are you girls okay?” he asked in a whisper. There seemed to be genuine concern in his voice.

I lowered my eyes and spoke quietly as well “not really, I admitted. “We’re both struggling a lot, but especially Holly.”

Jacob turned back and looked at Holly with worry. “Is that why you’re like this during sex?”

Holly didn’t respond at first. I reached over and gave her hand a little squeeze. She squeezed back weakly.

Jacob seemed determined all of a sudden, “well that’s not right. I can’t have my girl suffering like that.” He said, “tell you what, how about I see if you can come with me?”

Holly’s eyes brightened as she turned and looked at Jacob, “you mean that?” she said, finally saying something.

Jacob nodded, “sure do! I mean Rick said he’d take care of you, since he had more space here, but I can totally do it too. I have my own double-wide on my dad’s property. I can make a room for you and take care of you and the baby when it comes and everything!”

Jacob started to sound excited now. It was like a fantasy coming true for him. I looked at Holly and back at Jacob. Holly seemed to be processing everything.

“I’ll be okay Holly, you can do this, it sounds like he really cares for you.” I said encouragingly as I gave her hand a little squeeze again. After a moment’s pause she squeezed mine back.

With that Holly reached her arms up and wrapped them around Jacob pulling him down on top of her they locked lips in a passionate kiss.

I stood up and made my way to the wall by the window to give them room on the mattress. Jacob wrapped his arms around Holly as she let out a pleasurable moan. Jacob began rocking his hips slowly, driving into Holly’s body. In response Holly lifted her legs wrapping them around Jacob’s back. She arched her hips and squeezed Jacob with her legs tightly, hungrily pushing his hips down, and letting him deeper inside her.

I averted my eyes at this point and went to admire the spider in the window again. She was very large now, happily full of a summer’s worth of flies and bugs by this point I imagined. The grey sky hung like a blanket in the background, and it looked to be a cool morning outside these walls.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud grunt from Jacob, then Holly moaned in turn. I gathered they must be just about finished now. I turned back to see them smiling at each other sweetly in a gentle embrace, locked together at the hips.

Jacob hopped up, pulled up his pants, and left the room. I heard him talking to the men outside. He sounded excited, the other two voices less so. There was a bit of an argument but it died down quickly.

Holly turned towards me and smiled. “You’re right, I can do this. I’m done being afraid.” She gave me a wink and headed towards the bathroom to clean up.

Holly left with Jacob a short time later. Jacob bought the whole act. She was ready to try to pull off this risky ruse, and I was back to being alone in my room after just a short respite. It didn’t feel so empty this time though. It was filled with hope.

To be continued…


Hi again horny friends and strangers! 😊

Hope everyone is doing well today! Just one more chapter left now! As usual I’m always happy to hear feedback or tips for improving my writing, I’m still new to all this after all. 😉

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/oqzi0z/part_8a_point_of_light_female_pov_nc_pregnancy