Sarah, who lives next door [M/F] pt 1


Winter had begun its biting approach, but with it was the refreshing air of comfort. Sarah enjoyed winter for the most part. The beauty of snow as it lay in untouched fields. The feeling of entering a warm cafe from the cold. But something always came over her during the period. She became extremely savage.

Not for food or wine, but for pleasure, the type that made even her blush at times.
She was hardly a slut, Infact she prided herself on being very selective. But there was something about the cold air that drove her mad.

Sarah had grown up in a normal household. A normal family with normal friends. She was an only child, but was never overly spoiled nor neglected. She assumed she had a normal life of that of any young woman, until that is, on one Wednesday.

She had just turned twenty and had flunked her classes that day. Sometimes she needed space, a day with no one around, where she could just have the house to herself. Her parents were at work and so she intended to pass the day reading and maybe watching a movie or two.

She pranced around the kitchen, fixing to make some lunch. A mean cheese grilled sandwich would be in order, to celebrate this day of freedom. slim and slender she always watched what she ate, but today was about indulgence. As she began to cut the cheese the doorbell rang. Sarah froze for a moment. No it couldn’t be mum or dad she thought. Oh no maybe they forgot some document. How would she explain herself.

Putting down the knife she slowly walked to the door, forgetting that she was only wearing knickers and a bra. She peered through the small side window and a sigh of relief came over her.


Brad Harrison screwed the last nut into place. 9 whole months and now, at last, the Chevy was complete. It had been a passion project, to get his mind off work. He searched through the boxes for some motor oil but came up empty. Damn, he thought, he wanted to take the girl for a test drive, he’d have to run into town and that would be about an hour.

Suddenly he remembered the Dentons his next door neighbours. It was along shot for sure, it being a weekday and during the day. Molly would be at work and their daughter Sarah would be at Uni. But there was a chance that Jim might be in, working from home.

He walked over to the Dentons forgetting to clean the grease off his shirt. The house seemed empty but who knows Jim could be in his office, he thought. The chime of the doorbell rang as he patiently waited for any signs of life. Maybe no one was home. After a moment he saw through the small side window a figure appear from a distance. Much to small to be Jim, it must be Molly. Not a problem, he could ask her whether it was okay to burrow the oil and be on his way.

The door opened. Immediately his eyes widened as the unexpected confronted him. There before him standing in her undies was Sarah. Instinctively his eyes glanced south at her pink knickers before he corrected his gaze back to her eyes. But that was enough, enough to see the slight camel toe through the pink material.

“Eerrrrmmm” he cleared his throat, composing himself “Sarah isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s Harrison right”. She said, curling her finger around her hair. She suddenly became aware of her half naked presence.

” O my goodness” she exclaimed, her arms pressed against her chest in an attempt to conceal herself, but all it did was accentuate her assets.

Brad averted his gaze, shielding his eyes with his hand and looking away. ” I’m terribly sorry” he said ” I err, only came to borrow some motor oil from your father.”

“O, his not in right now,” she said, still blushing. “Uumm why don’t you come in, I’m so sorry I didn’t think anyone was going to come over” she said.

” O that’s quite alright, I’ll come back later.”

” No no, I’ve seen the oil, my Dad keeps it in the garage, but you can come in and wait while I get it.”. She said she hadn’t meant to invite him in but in the moment something had come over her.

“Sure”. He said.

As they went in he couldn’t help but stare at her rear, the edges of her pink knickers creeping up between her tight buttocks.

She glanced back at him, enough time for him to correct his eyes

” I’ll be right down, just got to put something on”. She made a little giggle then scampered up the stairs. ” Make yourself at home” her voice muffled from upstairs.


The refreshing air of AC cooled his arms as he went into the kitchen. He looked at the half made sandwich on the counter and the urge to have one came over him. He went to the fridge hoping for some cool water to trench his throat. He often lost himself when working on his car, but now the results of being in the sun for a period were dawning on him.

Upstairs Sarah fumbled through her draws picking out some clothes. Nothing fancy, after all it was just a neighbour. Though she could not deny that he was handsome, and with an impeccable body, so different from the boys she saw. She put on a t-shirt, combined with a here’s my peach bum denim shorts. Glancing for a moment in the mirror she gave an approving nod to herself then went downstairs.

She found him in the kitchen behind the fridge door. When he came into sight he stared at her, just long enough for him to get a good look. He looked away, turning his attention to the jug of water but she knew he liked what he saw.

“Some water?”. He said holding the jug in his hand

“Sure,” she said.

” Sure is a hot one today.” he said.

She watched him as he took a long swig of water, the sweat curressing his neck and down under his shirt.

She drank too, and while she did his eyes took her in. The tight pink t-shirt barely fit around her chest. He felt himself becoming stiff as her scent, that of fresh clean soup invaded his nose.

Moments passed and neither of them said anything, they just stared at each other. His brown eyes undressing her and her green eyes reciprocating. He cleared his throat.

” O let’s find that oil”. She said.

He followed her into the garage, a beam of light from the small windows bathed the area in a yellow dreamy ambience, quite pleasing to the eye. The place was chaos, boxes on-top of boxes, with bits and pieces scattered here and there. In the middle, a small ping pong table it’s colour faded with use and time.

“It’s in here somewhere.”. She said, holding a finger to her red lips.

” I’ll take a look” he said moving to some boxes, he made out to look busy, to hide the fact that a bulge formed raising that area of his jeans.

“I’ll look over here I guess.” She said proceeding to the opposite side of the garage.

” Damn you guys have alotta stuff in here”. He said, small talk could make him forget the smooth contours of her body.

” Well as a kid I had alotta stuff.”

” A ping pong table.”. He retorted

” Hey.” she turned around. ” I’ll have you know that I was quite the ping ponger”. She said putting her hand on her hip.

” O I don’t doubt it.”. He said.

” Good cause I’d kick your ass.”

“Yes mame”

For a while they sorted through various boxes. Occasionally he glanced over, his eyes lingered following the contours of her legs then too her rear. She bent over and he saw right down her shirt. Her breasts wobbled as she rearranged her position trying to gain purchase of a large box. He stiffened at the sight, but seeking not to bring attention to the fact, he moved towards her holding a box to hide his indiscretion.

” You need a hand?”. He said. He lowered the box”

” O man this was a lot lighter when I saw it.” She said with a chirpy laugh. ” Yeah if you could just grab the other side that would be ace”. She nodded her head to the box. He placed his box on the ground Making sure his hips were back hiding the protrusion. Keeping his eyes firmly on the box he gripped the side. The smell of her clean body with her sweat made its way into him. He stiffened again.

” Okay on three okay”. She looked at him for confirmation. He raised his head meaning to look straight at her face but his eyes first settled in the deep cavern made between her breasts. He met her eyes immediately after and she made a cheeky grin. No doubt she was accustomed to such stares, she handled it well.

” One… two…”. She stared into his eyes and he stared right back. ” Three”. In concert they heaved upward.

“Okay let’s set this over there out the way” she gave a nod to a spot behind him.

They began to move. This was uncomfortable. He tried to remain calm thinking of his wife, but he couldn’t. He stared at her chest. The two perfect mounds gently bobbing beneath the tight t-shirt. Brad lost his balance. An old sock found its way under his foot. The box tilted to one side, slow at first but as they both watched it’s pitch continued.

” No” Sarah said as it swayed to the side “no, no ,nooooo” she said aloud her voice escalating as they both fell to the ground, the box emptying its innards.

The contents fanned out onto the concrete floor. Brad landed hard on his arse, he winced but the pain finished when he saw Sarah propped on the floor, she sat there, her legs spread apart. The denim shorts tightened around her nether region. She rubbed her elbow which had the effect of cradling her chest, giving them extra lift.

“You okay?”. He said.

“Yeah I just…”. She stopped.

Her eyes gazed over his trousers. He had forgotten. There in full display framed between his legs, his man bulge protruded forming a hill. She blushed but did not avert her glare. She had of course seen an erect one before, but always from what she considered boys, never one of a man.

“O dammit” he said, getting up and turning away from her. “Please, I urm, err,”. He stared down at himself ” I don’t know what came over me.”

Sarah giggled then got up.

” It’s okay Mr Harrison.”. She said dusting her shirt off. ” I have seen one before, Don’t worry about it”.

” It’ll only be a minute,” He said.

He occupied his mind with thoughts of his wife, of his car. Anything. But those perfect tits and her mound flashed in his mind. When he had settled he turned around. She smiled at him. This time he forced himself to concentrate on her eyes.

“Look at the mess we made”. She said.

” Yeah we really screwed up.”

They both chuckled in concert. Together they both began to retrieve the bits and pieces that had fallen.

“This must be your father’s stuff”. Brad said as he picked up various space craft models.

“I guess, he was a big nerd back in the day.” She said looking at the space shuttle in his hand.

She turned away putting the box upright but froze. Inside a stack of magazines had managed to stay in the box. She looked over her shoulder, Mr Harrison hadn’t noticed, his concentration on the various parts of models scattered around. She took a closer look, a sense of fascination taking over her.

On the front cover a woman who looked to be close to her own age, sat upright on a chair in what looked to be a classroom setting. Her legs were spread apart with her finger in her mouth, as if she had misbehaved moments ago.

She glanced back again then went back to the magazine. Turning page after page her eyes darted from one image to another. She bit her lip as she scanned each woman. She could see herself posing as they were, indeed even performing the acts. Her nipples stiffened and she rubbed one of them biting her lower lip as she did. Engrossed in the material, she didn’t hear Mr Harrison come over.

“Well I think that’s all….” He said but stopped when he saw her reading the magazines.

He caught her mid massaging her nipple. She froze when she saw him, her eyes wide, a deer struck by headlights. She kept her position. Brad’s eyes changed focus, first to her lips then to her hand. For a moment they both stared at each other. Slowly Sarah continued, her fingers in a circular motion curressed her nipple then traveled around the areola.

Brad stood not believing his eyes. He had just managed to settle his stiffness but now it became hard again. This time though he did not shy away.

He stepped forward. The sound of plastic clanged on the floor as he let the pieces fall as they may. Her hair flowed as he ran his fingers through them. Eyes still locked, Sarah pressed her hand against his groin, rubbing it in a circular motion. A series of groans followed. The restrictive material of his jeans added to the sensations as her hand motioned up and down.

Unable to contain himself, he reached for her breast. Squeezing ever so slightly. So soft yet firm. A moan came from her, then again as he let his hand traverse her bosom. The plastic pieces skittled along the floor once more as Sarah stood up. As she did she dug her hand down his jeans giving a firm grip. Their lips met. Pulses washed over her as lips moved to her neck, then made their way down, next to her breasts. Pressing them together with gentle pressure he kissed, sucked them, tasted them through the top.

He lifted her up, setting her on the ping pong table, her buttocks laid flat on the surface. Frantically they both tugged at each other’s pants.

” Do you have one?” she said.

Standing there mid action, his penis throbbed just inches from her slit.

” I don’t.” He said.

She looked at him then regarded his cock, it bobbed in the air. A nice shape she thought.

” Just don’t cum inside me”. She said.

“Okay” Brad moved in.

He entered her. At first putting only the head in. Her moans were a symphony of pleasure and pain. Motioning back and forth he dipped in and out. Then he put the full length in. She gasped as a rush of sensation coursed through her. It hurt a bit but in a good way.

” Are you okay?” He asked. Her face having the expression of someone in mild pain.

“Mmmhhmm” she managed to get out. ” Just go slow.”

So he did. Easing back inside her, she gripped the edge of the table. He took his time pausing between each thrust. Half glad that she had wanted him to go slow, her pussy was so wet he felt close to letting go inside her a number of times.

Each thrust was a test to his will power, his ability to hold on. She lifted the front of her shirt up, revealing her perky breasts. Taking a break to meet them with his tongue, he stopped thrusting savoring her mounds. She quivered as he rounded the nipples and sucked on the soft skin.

He entered her again. Pushing deep, forcing it into her tight pussy. She groaned as he continued, thrust after thrust.

“Mmmm, fuck, aarrrrr” looking down, her femine fluid coated his cock, easing each thrust and wetting his inner thigh.

The creaking of the antique ping pong table filled the garage mixed with the squelching of flesh and the cries of ecstasy. She intertwined her fingers with his, her grip tightening with every thrust.

They kept one anothers gaze, their breathing intune as they received each other. He could hold on no longer. He jetted inside her and as he did she flung back her head as a sea of bliss lapped over her.

He gave a few more thrusts after the climax, until he became flaccid. She flinched as he pulled out. A small trickle of semenal fluid seeped out.

” I eerrr, I came inside of you.” Brad said. He looked worried then relaxed when he saw that Sarah, still in a state of bliss, just smiled back at him.

” It’s okay”. She said. She began to laugh while still lying on the table.

” What’s funny?”. Brad asked as he pulled up his trousers.

” Nothing” she said. ” This was the last thing I thought I’d be doing today “. She moved her finger to her belly button making a circular motion around the rim. ” It felt so good.

Brad smiled but then his countenance turned to one of concern. ” Are you on the pill?”

She raised her head to look at him, a dismissive smile on her face. With a burst of energy typical of youth she sat up straight on the table and pulled her shirt down. She hopped off and scoped her knickers up from the floor. He stared at her as she turned around to pick up her shorts, wanting an urgent reply.

Finally she answered. ” My Mum keeps some morning after pills in her draw.” she said without acknowledging him. ” I doubt she’ll know one’s missing.”

Relief came over him and his muscles relaxed.

“ Right I’m going to get cleaned up, you can show yourself out.” She said as she pranced through the door. Brad Zipped up his fly, taking in what had just happened. He promptly made his way out, forgetting all about the motor oil.


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