Not Taking No For An Answer [NC][BD][DS]

You were already at the party when I arrived. While I had never seen you before, you caught my attention right away. You were sitting on the couch in that way that you do, trying to appear casual while making sure you look as good as you can, to aware of people looking at you, but at the same time badly wanting us to look. You were absolutely beautiful.

A bit later I saw you on the dance floor. The way you move is lovely. Again striking a shaky balance, but this time between elegance and sluttyness. As soon as I saw you there I knew that I had to have you, and I decided that I would make you mine that very night.

I made sure to end up next to you when you next sat down, panting from the dancing, hair in disarray as you pawed at it trying to make yourself presentable. I introduced myself to you, taking your sweaty hand in mine, leaning in a bit too close when I gave you my name, holding on to your hand as I told you that I think you seem like a cool person, then I leaned back again, releasing your hand.

I asked about you, what you do and why, what you love and believe in. At first you were taken aback by my interest and my questions, but you got into it, didn’t you? I listened intently, taking it all in, while sitting an inch too close, constantly accidentally touching you. For twenty minutes or so, I listened to you, giving you my full attention.

A friend of yours asked you a question, which made you turn away for a second to answer. I moved away, just an inch or two, then struck up a conversation with the guy next to me, ignoring you. I could tell right away that it annoyed you, and for a second you were awkward, not knowing what to do. Then you stood up and walked away.

The next time I saw you, you were alone. You were sitting in the corner of the couch, your full attention focused on your phone. I sat down next to you, looking at you and smiling. You greeted me absently, still focused on your phone. I kept looking at you. You got annoyed at first, but my silly smile and full attention eventually got you smiling. We laughed together, at nothing.

I asked you if anything was wrong, and you told me about some things that were bothering you. I listened to you, but kept smiling, trying to make you smile too. For the most part it worked. You showed me away playfully, claiming that there’s something wrong with me, smiling at your problems like that. I placed my hand on your shoulder and leaned in, conspiratorially, and whispered “you’re smiling too”. You laughed again, and I leaned in while you were, as if to kiss you. Instead, I whispered “I think you need to get out of here”. You nodded and told me I was probably right.

A few minutes later you were leaving the party. When I followed you out the door you asked me if I was leaving too, and I just smiled and nodded. You asked what way I was going and I said “oh, I’m coming home with you”. You laughed at that, but started walking. We talked about your friends and about your problems while walking until finally we were at your building. You got awkward as you tried to bid me farewell. I just said that I’d follow you to your door. Not knowing what else to do, you opened the front door and let me enter behind you. At your door, you got awkward again, fiddling with your keys. Having nothing else to do, you unlocked your door, raising your hand as if to say goodbye.

I stepped in close to you, grabbing you by the waist and slapping your hand away from the key, then grabbing them myself, putting them in my pocket. You tried to push me away, so I released you suddenly, making you stumble a few steps backward. Then I let myself in.

I opened the door wide and smiled at you.

“Come on in,” I said.

You came inside with me, your eyes wary and your body tense as you passed me in the hallway. I locked the door behind you. Then I took my jacket off and hung it up. Hesitantly you took your own jacket off too, hanging it on the rack without taking your eyes off me. I looked at you, crossing my arms over my chest.

“You’re very beautiful,” I said. You just looked at me.

“Go on, continue,” I said, letting my eyes wander down your body, stopping briefly at your breasts, then at your hips, and then back up, locking eyes with you, nodding slightly.

You didn’t move, so I took a quick step forward, slapping your face. Not very hard, but the shock made you breathe hard.

“Like I said, go on, continue,” I said, raising my eyebrows a bit.

I could see understanding rise in your eyes just as they started watering a bit. Slowly you started unbuttoning your shirt.

“There you go,” I said. “Good girl!”

Your brain was working hard, trying to process the situation you were in, your body tense, your eyes darting about. As you finished unbuttoning your shirt, pulling it back over your shoulders to take it off, I turned away from you to look inside your apartment, moving a few steps inside as I started taking my belt off. Right away you ran for the door, trying to work the lock and open the door. But I was on you right away, pressing you up against the cold wood, your body shivering against me.

“No, no, that’s not right,” I said, my mouth close to your ear. “Just leaving like that, after you got me all worked up”

I took hold of both your wrists and pulled them onto your back, tying them together with my belt.

“You wanted me to take care of you, didn’t you?” I said. “Don’t worry, I will.”

I worked the clasp of your bra open before turning you around, looking at you and smiling. You were crying softly now.

“Please,” you said, shaking your head.

I kissed your forehead and slowly caressed your collarbones, down your shoulders, pushing the straps of your bra down, causing it to drop down along your arms. I cupped your breasts in my hand, and kissed you softly on the lips.

“Please,” you said again, looking at me with watery, pleading eyes.

I stooped down to pick up your discarded shirt, and then stood up and grabbed hold of one of your nipples, pinching it hard as I turned around to walk into your apartment, pulling at your nipple to get you to follow. You winced and sniffled, but followed me into the kitchen. I took hold of your shoulders and steered you to a chair. When you sat down, I went down on my knees and tied your ankles together, using your shirt.

I got up and started looking through your cabinets as I filled a glass of water and went over to you.

“Here, you need to drink a bit,” I said and put the glass to your lips. You drank the water down with a confused look in your eyes.

“There you go,” I said, as I patted your head.

“Now, you know I’m going to have to punish you for trying to run away. It’s not going to be that bad this time, but if you don’t behave, it will get much worse,” I said. “Do you understand?”

“Please,” you said while shaking your head “Just let me go!”

I slapped your face. Hard this time.

“Do you understand?” I said. You nodded, tears running down your cheeks.

“Good,” I said, as I grabbed your throat, pulling upwards, making you stand.

I turned you around, and sat down in the chair you were just sitting in. I opened your pants and pulled them down along your legs, then ran my hands up along your naked legs, cupping your ass cheeks, then stopped at your hips, steering you to stand beside me, causing you to shuffle with your tied ankles. Then I pushed you down to lie in my lap, carefully guiding you so that you were lying over me, your ass pointing up at me.

“Ten times for resisting me. Then fifteen times for trying to run away,” I said while slowly caressing your ass.

I slapped you hard and fast five times, then stopped for a minute, just admiring your ass and the slight red blush that started to appear. Then I started slapping again. Hard, but slow, letting you sob a bit after each hit.

“Now will you be a good girl?” I said. You did not answer, so I grabbed the inside of your thigh and squeezed hard, causing you to cry out in pain.

“Yes,” you managed to force out between sobs.

“Good,” I said. “Now, this is for trying to run.”

I started slapping your ass again, I hit five times, pretty hard, but noticed that it had started to hurt pretty bad as your whole body reacted to the blows now. I slowed down a bit, letting you recover a bit, caressing the sensitive blushing skin softly before continuing. You still shivered and moaned in pain.

“Shush, sweetie, it will soon be over. You’re doing great,” I said as I finished the last ten strikes fast.

“There you go. That wasn’t so bad now was it? You did very well,” I said as I caressed your ass, letting a hand slip in between your legs to feel your pussy.

I could tell right away that your panties were soaked wet. My hand lingered for a while, rubbing softly.

“Not that bad indeed,” I said with a smile.

You were sobbing and moaning, the sounds becoming indistinguishable from each other. I grabbed your hair, roughly pulling you up, then showing you down on the floor. You lay there in a heap, sobbing softly.

“On your knees,” I said. “Now!”

For a second, you just lay still. Then you lifted yourself up to kneel before me. You looked up at me with a mixture of defiance and fear, your face wet from crying, black streaks running down your cheeks from your make up, your hands still tied behind your back.

“You are so beautiful,” I said, leaning down to stroke the hair out of your face, then taking your head between my hands to kiss your forehead.

“Don’t you want to thank me for teaching you?” I said.

You looked up at me, confusion clearly evident in your eyes. I leaned forward to slap your face hard.

“Don’t you want to thank me?” I said again.

This time you nodded as you tried to suppress another sob.

“Ok, show me how thankful you are,” I said as I opened my pants and took my cock out.

You closed your eyes for a second, and took a deep breath. Then you shuffled forward a bit so you could get to the cock without falling despite having your hands tied behind your back. You suppressed another sob, took another deep breath. Then you looked up at me as you started licking along the shaft. I put a soft hand on your head, just stroking your hair. You took it in, sucking it in.

I thought I could really feel your gratitude as you worked it up and down. I grabbed your hair harder, pushing you down. You did better than I had expected, taking it all the way down before gagging a little bit. I pulled you up again, leaning forward to kiss your forehead again, and then leaning over you to loosen the belt tying your hands together.

I stood up, pushing the chair back, looking down at you, waiting for you to act. You just looked down at the floor. I used the belt to whip your back. Three times before you looked up at me again. Two more until you raised your hands to my cock, stoking it slowly, and then taking it into your mouth again.

“Good girl,” I said. “You may touch yourself while doing that.”

I took hold of your head with one hand, controlling your rhythm. You didn’t start touching yourself, so I whipped you a few times with the belt.

“You may rub your pussy,” I said, and you started doing that, hesitantly, as I held your head perfectly still, instead thrusting my cock in and out.

I could see your hips moving suggestively as you started rubbing your clit. I held you still, thrusting slowly, deep enough to fill you up, but not deep enough to make you gag, letting you concentrate on rubbing yourself as I used your mouth. I kept going, pushing in and out of your mouth, until, eventually, I pulled out.

I dropped down, squatting before you, our faces very close to touching. You shrank back, locking down, as if trying to get away without running away.

“Look at me,” I said, and your eyes met mine.

“Keep going,” I said and I saw something in your face, some kind of deeper fear.

You shook your head slightly, a measure of defiance returning to your eyes. I grabbed your nipples, one in each hand and squeezed hard, then twisting them around. Your face twisted in pain, but that spark of defiance remained in your eyes. I held it until you started to twitch, trying to keep yourself from just pushing me away, probably fearing a greater punishment. I released your nipples, instead grabbing your throat, using the grip to push you down to the floor. You put your hands on mine, trying to loosen my grip.

I straddled you, letting go of your throat, instead starting to slap your tits. You put your hands over them to try to prevent the pain, so I took hold of your wrists again, leaning over you, holding them over your head, then tying them together again.

I stepped off you, kneeling beside you. I had one hand on your throat, squeezing hard, the other went down in between your legs, finding its way in under your panties. You were soaking wet. I found your clit and started rubbing.

“If you cum,” I said. “It means that you love what I’m doing to you.”

You were shaking your head as your hips moved to meet my caressing hand.

“No, no, please, no!” You said. I could feel your orgasm building as I started rubbing harder, faster and stopped squeezing your throat, just holding you in place as your body convulsed.

“It’s ok,” I said. “Cum for me! I know you want to.”

And then your body became taught like a board and the orgasm took you, despite yourself. You were shaking and twitching and moaning and then you were silent and unmoving for a second, before you started crying again. I turned you over on your front, your limp body slightly shaking. I untied your hands and feet, removed your panties, then tied each foot to a hand instead. You didn’t try to resist, you were just sobbing quietly. I rolled you back over to your back, hands and legs now forced to the sides. Then I took my pants off, and kneeled between your legs.

You finally understood what I was doing, and life returned to your body. You started to pull at the bounds, trying to get your hands free.

“No, please don’t,” you said while shaking your head.

I leaned forward, grabbing your throat with one hand, slapping your face once with the other, before using it to guide my cock into you. It slipped in easily, wet and slippery, even though you were tight and tense, your body squirming beneath me, struggling against the bonds, trying to get your hands and feet free to resist me, all the while trying to get away, somehow. I grunted as I pushed myself deeper, starting to thrust in and out and in again.

I had to slow down not to cum right away, so I fucked you slowly, letting go of your throat and just lowering my body down to cover yours. I could feel your body pressed against mine, and I could feel you relax a bit. I brought my face close to yours, looking into your eyes, smiling at you, stroking your cheek, then kissing your forehead. You were moaning softly now, meeting my eyes.

“Please stop,” you moaned.

I raised my body a bit, one hand on the floor, the other grabbing your throat, squeezing hard now, cutting of your ability to breathe as I started fucking you hard and fast. After a while of this you started to shake your head, your body shaking, again trying to get away from me. I held you firmly in place, thrusting hard.

I released my chokehold after about ten seconds of struggling, then I leaned down and whispered in your ear.

“Cum with me now,” I said, fucking you fast. You met my eyes, moaning loudly, then your body tensed, your spine like a board before exploding in a thousand little twitches. With that, I came too, filling you up as your body shaked, lost in the orgasm. I lay down on top of you for a minute, feeling your body slowly relax with me on top of you and inside of you.

I rolled off you eventually, then I released your bondage, freeing your hands and feet. I sat down beside you, gently stroking the hair from your face and smiling down to you.

“You were wonderful. If you want me to stay, I’ll go make you some tea.”, I said. “Do you want me to stay?”

Do you remember what you said to me then?


1 comment

  1. Oh my…..I know what I would say…….but I need to know what she said!

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