Clementina, Part XXI [extreme, sf/horror/fantasy, monster, insects, tentacles, transgender, anal, lactation, TTTTF]

As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

There are transgender people in this story, there are monsters in this story, and there are transgender monsters in this story. I AM NOT IMPLYING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE ARE MONSTERS. I am just having fun with genders, ‘cause, after all, ain’t that the point?

This story assumes you have read all previous parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

This part completes chapter 4. This part includes people being fucked by a swarm of insects. Be warned. I get the sense that the bug theme isn’t as popular as some of the previous chapters. Well take heart, this is the last part for that chapter.

SORRY! I had a family emergency and had to leave town in a hurry. I meant to dump this story onto the laptop I took with me but forgot in the hubbub. My apologies. This piece has been sitting on the laptop the past two weeks waiting to be posted. I hope this is worth the wait. Again, my apologies.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them. And if you have been paying attention, more than one reader suggestion has made its way into the story…

This begins immediately after Part XX ends.

Thank you

Clementina, Part XXI

Chapter 4: Brood (end chapter)

I shook my head as I slowly climbed to my feet and hunted around the room for my bikini. The others were doing the same. Ona lounged naked on her pink throne, her long sheaths still hung out of her ass and vagina, laying slickly across the pink flesh of the throne. The soft mound of the throne had molded itself roughly into a chair shape, and Ona sat quietly with a self-satisfied smile, letting the slow oozing of slime from the pink pile of flesh slip across her phallite features, mingling with the slime and fluids that trickled from her own orifices.

“So you wanted to be a queen,” I said. “Congratulations.”

She smiled.

“At least this time you don’t have to purge anything from me,” she said. I nodded. I leaned down, gave her a little kiss.

Shrugging my breasts into my bikini bra and adjusting my cock in the thong bottoms, I turned to Makala.

“So can we get these workers to expand that crawlspace so we can start going directly from the house to the nexus without either going out to the barn or crawling through that connector tunnel?”

The blue cave spirit nodded and turned to Princess Rosie.

“They are already at work,” the half-beetle, half-woman creature said. “It will take a couple of days, but it will be done.”

“Thank you,” I said.

I was ready to go back to the house and do some chores that were in my queue, and in the bigger picture, I was ready to move on beyond this adventure with bugs. There were other doors to be opened and much larger issues to confront. This had been fun, but we needed to get back on track. If I recalled correctly, we needed to start focusing on opening the door of the three.

I mentioned this to Makala, who suggested we take a day or two off, then come back fresh to work on our next set of challenges. A murmur of assent wafted through the room, and we all began filtering back out to the nexus.

In the nexus, the swarm of workers Ona had just birthed were already hard at work on expanding the tunnel back to the house. It guessed in just a couple of days the work would be done.

Back at the house, I ran through some chores, then Clementina, my mom, and I did a grocery run while Olympia and the twins spent the afternoon in the nexus and the lab, running tests of some of the workers and Princess Rosie.

The next morning, I woke up early. It was a warm day so I wandered out to the pool for a morning swim and found Alura, in her human form, already up and skinny dipping in the pool. I joined her. We swam a bit and chatted, but there was nothing sexual initially.

“You know there is one final thing you need to do for Ona and her brood,” Alura said as we leaned against the side of the pool. “Since you are the one.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “Nobody mentioned anything yesterday.”

“You were pretty tired yesterday,” said a voice from the direction of the house. I turned and Makala was emerging, also in her human form.

“What do I need to do?” I asked.

“Princess Rosie needs new eggs,” said Alura.

“Eggs?” I said. “I have the wrong hardware for that. I have a cock, not a vagina. No eggs here.”

“True, but in order to make more eggs herself, she needs your seed.”

“Wait,” I said. “She needs semen to make eggs?”

“That’s right,” Alura said.

“Do I need to do this right away?” I asked.

“Before you need more workers you will need to provide her with your seed and give it a week or so,” Makala said. “Not that you need any more workers right now, but having Rosie cocked and loaded should the need arise isn’t a bad idea.”

As they talked, Alura and Makala had positioned themselves on either side of me. I could feel their hips pressing against my sides. Makala turned so her breasts pressed against my shoulder and her cock, slightly aroused, pressed against my own.

“So what do I need to do?” I asked.

“We can show you if you want…” Alura asked, sliding her hand across my breasts and down my stomach to my growing cock. She gave my thick phallite meat a stroke.

“You’re convincing me,” I said.

We climbed out of the pool and made our way down into the nexus. The workers looked like they had been at it most of the night and the crawlspace had been widened about a third of the way down to the chamber with the two statues and the steps beyond leading into the house.

We went into the queen’s chamber and found Rosie sitting in a corner. To our surprise, Ona was there, lounging on her throne.

“Have you been here all night?” I asked.

“No, I just woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I came down here. I like it here.”

There was something different about Ona that I couldn’t quite place. But something was changing. Having seen the change that being the dark queen had wrought on her, I was a little concerned, But I was fairly confident Alura and Makala would say something if anything awful was going to happen. I decided to just wait and see rather than ask up front.

Alura and Makala had returned to their cave spirit forms, and their green and blue skin, respectively, shone in the pink glow of the chamber. Makala’s seven foot frame, phallite curves, and monster cock stood next to Alura’s curvy upper half and mass of writhing tentacles below the waist.

Alura turned to Rosie.

“You need fresh eggs,” she said.

Alura moved forward and pressed her chest against mine, our milk-engorged phallite breasts squeezing together and oozing sweet phallite milk across our skin. Her mouth met mine, our tongues intertwined. A glob of slime slipped from my throat into my mouth, mixing with Alura’s slime, then sliding from between our lips and down our chins, to mix with the milk that was coating our breasts and stomach. I coughed and gagged slightly as more slime slipped up my throat and out my mouth.

More slime slid from my cock that was now at half-mast. Alura’s tentacles were wrapping around my meat, coating it with slime, stroking, bringing it to full attention. She ran her appendages up and down the shaft, teasing the underside of the head, and pulling it between us. I was at eighteen inches and growing fast, sliding into the cleavage between our pressed-together tits.

From within her mass of writhing tentacles, her own tentacle-like cock appeared. She slipped it up between our breasts as well, pressing our cocks together and sliding them slickly across each other between our heavy, pendulous, milky breasts.

Alura reached down and pulled one of my engorged breasts up to her lips, sucking on the long tip of the wide brown nipple. Gushes of intoxicating phallite milk poured into her mouth as she suckled greedily. She pulled in a mouthful, then lifted her face to my lips, passing the milk back and forth between us, mixing with slime until it formed a thick, frothy mixture that slipped from our lips and down our already slick, chests. More slime slipped from our cocks.

My cock was at full attention and fully extended, two feet long, thick, purple with a wide gaping hole at the tip. One of Alura’s tentacles slid up my meat to the tip, and then slipped inside my cock. I moaned as the thick appendage penetrated the opening, stretching it wide as it pushed in. The feeling of the soft tentacle sliding past the sensitive spot under the head of the cock – from the inside – made me gasp and a fresh load of slime slipped from the tip of my cock around the tentacle that was probing ever deeper and deeper inside my meat. The underside of my cock distended as she pushed further inside.

Makala, who had been watching the show, was now at full attention, her slimy rock-hard meat sticking up in front of her her milky breasts. She turned to Ona, who had been masturbating frantically, and pushed her back on the throne, kissing her on the lips. She picked up Ona’s vaginal sheath that was already extended over a foot, and pulled it across her cock like a sleeve.

Makala masturbated herself several times with Ona’s pink, slimy sheath before sliding her two-feet of cock into Ona’s pink, sliming, gaping vagina. Ona moaned, her asshole stretched from the pressure of Makala’s gargantuan cock in her slit, and her pink anal sheath popped out, slipping wetly across the throne and sending a thick thread of slime down the side. Makala picked up the sheath and pulled it out even further, pulling it up to her mouth and sucking Ona’s anal slime. She held it gently in her mouth and squeezed it between her breasts, tit-fucking Ona’s anal sheath even as she ground her meat in and out of Ona’s stretched snatch.

Alura slipped her tentacle slowly out from my cock and I moaned every inch of the way. She leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

“Are you ready for Princess Rosie?” she asked.

“I guess, what do I do?” I asked.

“You’ll find out,” she said, smiling and nibbling my ear. She gestured to the beetle-princess who was still standing obediently in the corner of the chamber. Princess Rosie crept forward on her six bug legs, her female upper half smiling softly in the pink light. She definitely looked like a beetle-centaur, as someone had called her a few days before. Her lower half was a shiny beetle carapace with six legs. Her upper half was a typical phallite female with large pendulous milky breasts. Hanging underneath her carapace was a thick, ribbed bug-cock. The cock was still soft but was dripping thick globs of slime.

Alura moved to the side and Rosie slipped in front of me, pressing her lips against mine, her tongue into my mouth. She tasted of the licorice scent of phallite sex. My cock squeezed between our bodies as she pressed her breasts against mine. I ran my hands down her back, then across the smooth, shiny top of her insect carapace.

Alura stood beside us, still nibbling on my ear and caressing me with her tentacles as Princess Rosie and I swapped thick globs of slime between our mouths. Something pressed against the base of my cock and I glanced down. The princess’s bug cock was growing. It stuck out a couple of feet from the underside of her carapace and was now pressing against the base of my cock.

The princess smiled and pulled back from me. She lowered her head and began sucking the end of my cock expertly, running her long tongue across the shaft and up the underside, teasing out great globs of slime that ran down the thick, pulsating purple pillar of my meat. She flicked her tongue across the gaping hole at the end of my cock and slipped it a few inches inside. I gasped as she licked the underside my cock head from the inside.

Tentatively I reached down and felt her bug cock. I had already seen her cock ejaculating glob after glob of worker eggs into Ona’s full, bulging stomach. I wasn’t sure what exactly she had in mind for me, but given how incredible the experience of birthing the brood was, I was willing to wait around and find out.

Princess Rosie’s bug cock was thick with ribs all along it. I ran my hand along it, coating it with slime and stroking it. Gently pulling Rosie’s head from my own cock, I bent down on my knees and pulled her slimy insect cock to my mouth. It slipped inside readily and I sucked, pulling thick globs of slime and licorice-tasting pre-come into my mouth. I ran my tongue around the tip, then opened my throat and the special phallite portal in the back. Then slowly I pushed Princess Rosie’s bug cock deeper down my throat. Between the chitinous ribs, the cock was flesh that could compress like an accordion.

The chitinous ribs around her cock meat caught on my throat and I gagged and retched, sending more thick streamers of slime out of my mouth and down Rosie’s cock. The princess had reared up and now only stood on four legs instead of six. Her front two legs she rested on my shoulders. Despite being bug-like, the pads at the ends of the legs were surprisingly soft. I looked up and could see Rosie and Alura engaged in a deep kiss.

I leaned forward to take still more of the Princess’s bug meat down my stretched throat, slipping down on all fours. I felt a rope of slime emerge from my asshole and slide down across my balls. Then someone was behind me, poking their cock at my asshole. A second later, tentacles wrapped around my hips and I knew Alura was getting into position. I moaned and I felt my anal sheath slip free and Alura slip it around her tentacle-like cock before sliding inside my waiting, gaping, ass.

I moaned and choked around the thick bug cock that was strangely compressed into my throat and only about six or so inches inside of me. Meanwhile, Alura pushed her cock into my ass, then gently took my shoulders and pulled me backwards and up. Princess Rosie’s cock stretched as it slide from my mouth, accordioning back out, rib by rib, gagging against my throat. Finally it popped free of my mouth, dragging out my throat sheath and leaving it hanging down across my chin and chest like a long second tongue. I sucked it back in.

Alura reached around and squeezed my breasts as her nearly-two-feet of meat pressed against my abdomen wall. She ran her hands down my stomach and masturbated herself through my stomach wall.

Princess Rosie rose up again, this time resting two front legs on my shoulders and her middle legs on my hips. With her carapace now tilted up at over a 45 degree angle, she towered over me. Her bug cock pressed against mine.

I glanced over to the throne and saw that Ona had rolled over onto her stomach and now Makala was reaming her monster meat in and out of the queen’s asshole, stretching her sheath out with each slimy stroke and ramming it back in. Both Ona’s and Makala’s substantial phallite asses shook with each stroke.

I turned back to Rosie’s bug cock. Suddenly, it was as if the princess’s meat had a mind of its own. It made a strange twisting motion, then stretched out so the tip was right against the tip of my cock. Alura pulled me back slightly and pushed my cock downwards. The tip at the end of Princess Rosie’s cock popped open, and my cock slipped inside. It happened suddenly, all at once, and before I knew what had happened I had eighteen inches inside of Princess Rosie’s bug cock.

The insect’s meat stretched outwards, gaps in the chitinous ribs expanding to allow my cock to fit inside. It was unlike any sensation I had ever experienced.

The princess leaned down and pressed her heavy, phallite breasts into my face, smothering me with her milk-engorged mammaries. I suckled greedily, pulling her long nipples into my mouth, drinking up her licorice-tasting milk by the mouthful. The intoxicating effects of her phallite milk took effect almost immediately and I was even more euphoric and horny than I had been before.

Princess Rosie had been slowly motioning her carapace, sliding her cock up and down my own monster erection. Now I began to match her motions, and my cock slicked wetly through the thick slime in her meat.

Alura behind me matched her motions to ours and slid her tentacle cock in and out of my asshole. Reaching down, she pulled my sphincter even wider with her fingers, sliding three more of her tentacles up my pink, gaping asshole and forcing them deeply inside me. I could feel her cock and her tentacles pressing against my abdomen, her other tentacles caressing my legs, my balls, my body. Meanwhile my cock sluiced in and out of the princess’s bug cock.

I heard Alura moan and glanced over my shoulder. Makala had disengaged from Ona and how had her cock all the way up Alura’s asshole underneath her tentacles. Simultaneously, something tickled my cock and balls from below and I looked down. Ona had slipped down onto the floor and was now underneath Princess Rosie’s and my cocks, licking up the slime that was dripping down from our meat, sucking at my balls, and licking my asshole even as Alura ripped her cock in and out of it.

“Take her from behind,” I heard Makala say. Almost as if taking a command, Princess Rosie pulled back from me, her bug cock accordianing backwards and slowly slipping rib-by-rib from my cock. As she moved back, her cock stretched outwards almost three feet before it popped free from my meat and slid backwards to hang underneath her insect body, dribbling long streamers of slime between her cock and mine.

The princess turned around and pointed her backside at me. I reached down and pulled her cock up to mine. The hole at the tip was pink and puffy. Ona pulled the bug cock down to her mouth and sucked a load of slime from the end before guiding it onto my cock.

Alura, her thick tentacle cock still deep inside my asshole, and Makala, with her own cock inside Alura’s ass, both pushed me forward. Princess Rosie’s bug cock compressed and the ribs accordioned against her body. Over a foot of my meat slipped into the princess’s carapace.

The princess let out a sound that I hoped was pleasure not pain. She arched the back of her human upper half and her milk-laden phallite breasts shot milk in a stream into the air. I could feel my cock had moved deep into Rosie’s body, inside her egg chamber. It was soft and lined with bumpy flesh. I pushed against her body as hard as I could, compressing her cock to the maximum and driving my own meat into her slimy egg factory. Gushes of slime coursed across my cock and shot out around her bug cock and across Ona’s face, who was licking my balls and Rosie’s squished bug cock.

The sensation was becoming too much. I felt my balls tighten. I knew I was going to unload any moment. Suddenly Alura came inside my asshole, sending thick sheets of semen deep inside of me, her cock pulsating with each load that shot into my anus. I thought she was going to pull out, but instead I felt something else press inside me. I glanced back and saw Makala had pulled out of Alura’s asshole and was now pressing her own meat inside of my anus next to Alura’s. Alura moaned and I suddenly felt her cock stiffen again as a fresh surge shot through her, brought on by Makala’s sudden penetration beside her.

My asshole was stretched wider than I had ever experienced before. I had two gargantuan cocks inside me, side-by-side. It was sore, but incredible. I moaned as fresh loads of come from Alura shot inside me even as Makala increased her own pace. A second later Makala shot her own juice inside me and Alura came a second time.

The loads of semen pouring inside me was too much. My balls squeezed and my seed unloaded into Princess Rosie’s bug cock and her egg chamber. The princess let out another moan as load after load of my thick ropy phallite seed shot into her carapace, even as both Alura and Makala shot their load inside of me.

Semen dripped in thick gobs from both Rosie’s and my bodies. Ona still lay underneath, sucking up the pearly fluid and swallowing it down, moaning.

Makala and Alura slipped from my asshole, but I wasn’t sure I was done. I pulled my cock back from Rosie’s bug cock, stretching the ribbed bug meat out over three feet as rib after rib pulled from my cock. Finally the last rib slipped free of my meat and her bug cock hung limply on the floor of the chamber.

I slipped to my knees behind Rosie, who was still shuddering in ecstasy. I straddled Ona, who continued to lick come from my asshole and sheath that hung out over a foot. She licked the base of my sheath and then pulled my still-partially hard cock towards her mouth.

I pulled Rosie’s softened bug cock up to my mouth and sucked loads of slime and some of my own come from her meat. I pushed her ribs tight against her body and slipped my thumbs into the tip, stretching her cock aperture open wide, running my tongue around the inside, filling my mouth with more mixed slime and come. Slime, semen, and bug fluids I couldn’t identify poured from her squeezed cock as I slipped two more fingers inside.

I was still on my knees, dripping come from my ass that Ona was diligently sucking. My sheath was deep down her throat.

Princess Rosie made another moan. Her carapace shuddered and, to my shock, opened, sliding to the side to hang almost like saddlebags. Underneath was a pink, pulsating sac, still filled with my come and slime. This was where I had shot my load. Around the sack was more pink flesh, soft and slimy.

Seeing that pulsating, vein-covered insect sac made me horny in a way I didn’t know I could be.

“Again,” Rosie murmured. “Fuck me again. Stretch my egg sac. Fill me with your come.”

I couldn’t argue.

My cock was back at rock-hard position. Ona guided my cock to Rosie’s meat and I slipped inside. With her carapace open, I could watch as my gargantuan cock slid into her slimy bug meat. I pushed her chitinous cock ribs against her body again, and my cock slipped into the pink egg chamber. Without the carapace to guide my cock, the sac distended upwards and stood out. I leaned forward, angling my cock upwards and her sac stuck out almost eighteen inches from her carapace. Princess Rosie moaned as I began to pound her bug body anew. Each stroke made her thick, fleshy egg sac quiver and shake as I drove my two feet of meat into her bug cock and open carapace, which now oozed slime from every possible joint.

I reached down and took the sac in my hands, gently squeezing it tighter against my cock and pulling it up as I drove it in and out of her. It behaved similar to our human sheaths, and I was able to stroke it up and down, the thick slime shaking with each stroke of my hands and each stroke of my cock. I pulled my cock and her sac up between my breasts, tit-fucking her sac.

Makala, who had been watching this, drove her own cock back into my ass. I moaned in ecstasy as she penetrated deeper and deeper. Finally she pushed up into the hole in the back of my throat and I groaned as the tip of her cock popped into my mouth.

My balls tightened and a fresh load of semen poured into Rosie’s egg sac, distending and ballooning it between my milk-laden breasts. Rope after rope of semen shot from my cock as Makala pumped my asshole. I felt myself leaning forward, my tits and the princess’s egg sac pressing into her carapace.

Makala pumped my ass for what seemed like forever, and I lost track of how many loads I unleashed into Rosie’s sac. Finally I felt a fresh load of Makala’s jizz fill my throat. I moaned and came one final time into Rosie’s exposed egg sac.

Finally Makala slipped from my asshole, and I pulled out of Princess Rosie’s bug cock and egg sac.

We lay in the slime on the floor of the chamber, slowly coming back to our wits.

Finally, I sat up and shook my head.

“Do you think that maybe we could get back to this whole door-opening thing without any more interludes for bug sex?” I asked.

Makala smiled.

“Maybe…” she said, and winked.

