Alice in chains pt.3 [Mf][BDSM][NonCon][OC]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Alice wailed for help. Her scream scraped at her dry throat and dissapated into the empty beige hills. She heaved a breath in and begged into empty air at the top of her lungs until she saw stars at her visions edge.

“Let it all out love. Even if someone heard and came to help you,” The man tapped a gun on the side of the van. “you’ll just have gotten them killed for no reason. Or if it’s a woman. In the same situation as yourself.” The taller and more in charge of captors said.

“Not that we’ve ever, found any women roaming out here. Except the ones we lost track of.” The shorter man was by no means small and much larger than his companion in every other dimension

Both men had raped her twice now. Together the store last night, a time that seemed so long ago now. Then in their van while they took turns driving and with her. Their cum had leaked out of both her ass and vagina and stuck there dry. They dragged her out of the back of the van and set her on her feet. She wobbled and tipped but their hands were there propping her up.

“Little too much fun last night huh?”

She stood before them in only her sneakers, her arms bound in front of her and her legs tied tight. their eyes hadn’t lost any of the delight from that moment in the store when they’d first decided to fuck her.

“You can try run now if you like. But pretty pale skin like that. You’d burn to a crisp in an hour and you’re a hell of a lot further from anything than that. You come with us we will get you a nice a shower and maybe if you’re good even something to eat.”

She weighed her options. She’d tried struggling and lost time and and time again. They had her beyond any hope for help. Maybe just wandering into the desert would have been better than whatever they had planned for her. If she was going to get away she would need water and food. She hadn’t had anything since before they’d come the to the store last night and she was hardly in any shape to go far. For now she didn’t have any choices.

She nodded meekly at them.

“Good girl.” The leader said and stroked her face. “get her cleaned up some. I’ll get the guest room ready for the lady.”

The brawnier man went back into the van and came out with a bucket. He got close to her and squeezed her tits till she cried out. “I don’t think I’m gonna get tired of that.” He said. He lunged forward a she threw her over his shoulder like a sack, she bounced there a while before he set her down against the tree.

“Now you hold still or might end up hurting you.” He went into the bucket and produced a hammer and an obscenely large nail. He picked up her wrists and she squeezed her eyes closed. Waiting for pain she felt him release her hands and heard the solid blows of the hammer. She felt the vibrations through the smooth bark at her back. She opened her eyes and he was stretched over her examining his work.

“What?” He said, amused by the look on her face. You didn’t think I was gonna crucify you or some brutal shit like that.” He grabbed her wrists again and hooked her by her wrist bindings over the nail. It was high enough that it stretched out her body and she couldn’t get more than the balls of her feet on the roots below. His face was near hers. Enough that she could feel his hot breath. He dropped the hammed and ran his hands over her hips and up her body. “We took a lot of risks robbing that joint. You’re the only payday we got. Can’t sell a car that’s all wrecked up now can you.” His hands explored her but always found their ways back to her breasts. He teased them until her inverted nipples came out. “Tits and legs like these, young as your are. You’re good for at least 10 Gs.”

He left her there dangling and disappeared behind the rv. The heat was stifling and her throat was drying more by the second. He came back uncoiling a thick hose.

The water that blasted her was lukewarm at first then cold. He laughed as he sprayed her. The pressure was just enough to sting her skin. Despite herself she found her mouth open trying to get as much of the moisture as she could when he sprayed it at her head. The few dusty gulps brought relief.

“Dang girl you really are eager to get that mouth to work.” He got closer and picked up her leg spraying her pussy then he spun her around. The bonds dug into her wrists as they twisted around the nail. He worked the hose over her back starting at the top. His fingers interlaced through her long hair as moved it aside. He squeezed his hand into a fist and kept hosing her down. He released her head to spread her ass cheeks apart.

“Son of a bitch.” The hose shut off. “He fucked your ass didn’t he?” She hesitated afraid to answer. He grabbed her hair again this time more firmly and wrenched her neck back pulling tighter her bonds. “answer bitch.”

“Y-yes in the van last night.”

“motherfucker thinks he can have all the fun. She heard him spit and recoiled. His finger went up her aching ass and she screamed.

“No no please. Not there.” He withdrew his finger spat again and another spike of pain as he shoved it up into her and worked it around.

“I’ll do anything. I’ll blow you I’ll fuck you please not my ass again.”

The finger came out and Alice’s body unclenched.

“I’m a sucker for begging, girl. You say you’ll do anything huh. Fine you can fuck me right here.”

“What, how?” He started teasing her asshole again “no no okay I’ll do it like you want.”

He pulled out his cock and pressed it against her pussy. She was bent forward awkwardly and slipped as she was getting better footing.

“Damn girl you gonna fuck me or not?”

“I will I-i just need you to get closer.”

“Oh you like it romantic.” He pulled his shirt off and she could feel his large body pressing against her slender back. The water and heat made Alice more disgusted than the situation already had. She thrust her hips back against him. He situated his cock again. Alice felt him pulsating. She took a deep breath and pushed back. The water made the drag against her dry pussy worse. She bit her lip though and pressed back until he was as far in as she could manage in this position. He released her hair. “God damn girl. I’ma threaten that ass every day.”

Alice started working. Pulling herself off his cock as far as she could without losing him then impaling herself again. It was painful but at least she got to dictate the pace, rather than the merciless pounding from last night. His hands groped her tits. He had begun to add his own thrusts to the bottom of her strokes. He played with her tits more gently now squeezing slowly till she let out a little gasp. His breathing quickened and his hands moved to her hips. She upped her pace bouncing off his lap and arching her back. He took over thrusting and his cock started to twitch.

“Please not inside me.” Alice whispered.

As if on command he emptied himself into her then. She started crying. She slumped against the tree and he pumped into her steadily as his cock softened.

“You’re quite the catch.” He said right into her ear.

“Jesus fucking Christ” the leaders voice cut in from afar. “You were supposed to get her cleaned up.”

The man Alice had just given herself to withdrew suddenly, leaving her to twist in the wind.

“Yeah” he retorted. “and I thought we were supposed to hold off on her ass, fucker.”

“Shit. Whatever. Just clean her out and bring her in here. It’s time for breakfast.” The RV door slammed as punctuation.

“Looks like our little affair pissed him off. Come on honey one more shower for real now.” He picked up the hose and put it between her legs. Alice braced for the pain of it spraying inside her. She heard a click, he changed the setting of the hose and a gentle soak soothed her aching cunt. He washed her off with his hands. She hung by her wrists and let him.

When he was satisfied he unhooked her and carried her to the RV….
