Live Report: Hotwife in Tenerife [FF]? [FM]? [FFM]?

Mrs is away in Tenerife right now with her friend on a girl’s trip. She’s been texting me her adventures.

Her: Flirting with the cute 26yo waiter!

Me: Have fun!

Her: Are you sure you don’t mind if I play with him? I uh… gave him my number…

Me: Be safe. Send me pics

Me: What are you going to tell your friend?? She’s either going to think you cheat or know that we’re swingers!!

Her: I told her that we’re open minded and you’re ok if I have a one night stand.

Her: OMG she just kissed me!

Me: She jumped the queue. If you’re allowed to have a play, she wants to get there first!

Her: Por que no los dos? ;)


Her: We just fucked

…clarification outstanding who is included in “we”.

Events still unfolding. Will update when she texts again.


1 comment

  1. I’m going to show her the thread later, maybe we’ll get her side of the story as well.

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