A Night To Remember [M4F, Fourth Wall, Passionate, Emotional, Gentle, Prom, Chubby, Caught Fingering]

DISCLAIMER: All characters involved are at least 19. Also, this is some of the gentle stuff. I understand people may find that boring or have it not really be their thing, but I feel it’s important to put here to balance the rougher stuff that is common on this sub (there’s absolutely no issue with the rough stuff to be absolutely clear). If you don’t like what you see, move on. The start of the good bit is a fair bit down the page, so be warned.


You turn around to see your girlfriend Anna. You’ve been dating for 6 months but have been best friends for literally years before that. N
Tonight was the night you were going to tell her you love her. You’ve been putting it off for the last week, even though you’ve made out in enough cupboards at this point and dating in secret. Neither of you had gone further with each other, or anyone else with that matter. Yeah, her stepdad is a dickhead and you only just told your parents, but all your friends already knew. Somehow.

“The final dance is literally starting! Come on, we can’t miss it!”

Anna half drags you onto the dance floor as you snap out of your daydream. You look at her. The stage lighting lights up all her features and you see perfection, all wrapped up in a dark green dress. You see her blonde hair, her beautiful face (which need I add, isn’t caked in makeup), her rather impressively large chest, her thick behind, her wide and fairly round midsection…

You’re getting off track. Allow me to move your mind away from what you’re thinking of doing to her later and bring you to the task at hand. Actually getting to that point.

“Ok, ok, I’m coming!” was all you could say.

You run onto the dance floor just as the slow music starts. You feel Anna our her hands up your back, which… Yeah both of you are overweight, but not to an unhealthy degree. Neither of you mind. You gently move your hands down towards just below her waist.

“Is this… what you had in mind?” You slowly move your hands just above her butt, feeling her skin almost burning with heat at your touch.

“Actually yeah, almost entirely” was all she could say in response, as you noticed how much her cheeks were flushing.

As the dance progresses, you and Anna talk about… things. Almost silently. Pretty much most of the things that have happened while you were together.

“And there’s something else. I’ve been trying to tell you this all week”

Great. A thousand things go through your head. Was this the breakup you were pretty sure was going to happen? Bob warned of this for months.

“James… I… I’m pretty sure I love you”

You relax for a second, before knowing you’ve got the best opening you could hope for.

“Anna… I love you to”

You kiss. You’ve kissed before, but this one’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It feels… different. Passionate. Almost… hot. Like the two of you were meant to be from the beginning. You feel the whole length of your body pressed against the whole length of her body. It’s a whole new experience that neither of you want to end. Neither of you notice that the song ended like 30 seconds ago, and you’re basically snogging and feeling each other up on the dance floor.

“Get a room you two!”

Yeah you know Tom means well, but you might as well call yourself Dishwasher if you were letting that one go.

“Yeah Tom, how about you judge our activities when you’re not single, alright?”

Yeah that shut him up.

“Yeah about that…” Anna whispers something in your ear. You stop her at the word ‘storage room’ and whisper back “lead the way sunshine”. Yeah… You had pet names for each other. Cringe, right? I know, but I don’t make this shit up, blame OP because they did.

Anna leads you towards what’s basically a corridor full of storage cupboards. You know there’s every chance someone else is in one of these, so you gotta be careful. You randomly pick the seventh cupboard on the left. Empty. Good. Remember, ladies first. Don’t panic, it’s only about to be the most exhilarating moment of your life.

Anna pulls you into the cupboard, kissing you feverishly. She pulls off your jacket… then undoes your belt and watched with darkness in her eyes as they fall on the floor at your feet. She then grabs your shirt, pulls you towards her and rips your shirt off you, somehow leaving it in one piece on the floor alongside your… tie? How did that get off?

Anna then pushes you into the opposite wall. You narrowly avoid bumping your head from the impact as she kissed you harder than ever before. You can feel her whole body light up with metaphorical heat as you kiss her gently on the neck, causing Anna to softly moan with pleasure as you slowly move your hands up and down her sides as you take on every last detail.

“You know, I sense a distinct lack of fairness in this arrangement, as fantastic as that dress looks on you.” you manage to get out between kisses and heavy breathing. Anna thinks for a moment. “Oh you mean this thing? You’re saying you think it would suit the floor as well as your suit has” “Well that’s the kind of thing I have to see to know isn’t it?”

Shit… That might have been too much. Cue about 2 seconds if awkward silence that feels like 2 hours. Finally Anna says something.

“I can’t reach the zipper. Can you give me a hand?” You don’t need to be asked twice. You immediately pull the zipper down… but slowly enough that she winces. Goodness, that must be torture. But eventually, the dress joins the other clothes on the floor.

“Now… what are you going to do to me?” You have a few ideas and you plan to try all of them. You gently turn Anna round and pull her towards you.

“It goes a little something like…” You slowly move your hands over her back, unclasping her bra. “this”.

“Well if that’s what you have in mind, I’m not going to have a problem with that”. You take that at face value and gently move the bra straps off her shoulders, causing the bra to fall to the ground, revealing the entirety of her breasts. Almost perfectly round, and strangely not affected by gravity.

“It also goes a little something like… this” you say as you gently move to the ground with Anna laying very gently on top of you. “And… maybe a little of this…” you say as you gently move your hands across the formation that is her breasts. You’re enjoying this too much, but you can’t stop. You move closer to the middle, feeling her entire body heat up with pleasure as you move to the most sensitive spot.

“Well if that’s you’re idea of fun, might I suggest a little bit of… this?” Anna says, fighting the urge to come right then and there as she gently grips your wrist, and slowly directs it down before relaxing. “Well… That can be arranged” you say as you slowly move your hand down her round stomach, towards her hips and then a couple of fingers find their way into the waistband of her underwear.

You gently, slowly and expertly find her most sensitive spot, and then gently start moving your fingers. She’s extremely way down there, to a margin you didn’t think was possible based on research involving computer screens. Yeah, I read your browser history. You feel her entire body almost screaming for a release at this point, with Anna letting out a soft but almost pained moan.

You continue working over the course of several minutes, gently caressing her breasts without forgetting to focus on the areolae as you continue to hear more and more intense moans until Anna releases a significant moan as her entire body spasms in pleasure. You feel a discharge about to come out of where you’re working and then…

“Har hae!” Mr Brown, the Science teacher at your school, opens the door to the storage cupboard and laughs in his trademark, booming voice with an incredibly strong Yorkshire accent.

“Wait…” Mr Brown says after a moment as he surveys the scene (thank fuck you were quick enough to cover Anna’s boobs up with your arm) “what the everloving fluff is going on in here?”

Part 2 is coming, i fucking need to sleep it’s 1AM

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/omg94f/a_night_to_remember_m4f_fourth_wall_passionate