Amy’s Choices Chapter 3 Part 2 [F] [f]

Sorry for the cliff hanger ending there, also, apparently someone dislikes these as they have been downvoting any post I put up xD, even the ones directly on my feed. Luckily I have some great readers who have kept upvoting my story :) cheers! NOW! Onto the good bits!

[Guide to the Nexus System!](

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3 P1](

As a forewarning there’s going to be a LOT of skill checks in this part, hence why I didn’t write this yesterday. I will probably just keep most of them hidden, but I’ll throw in a few to showcase her progress

just a little change to the story I swapped the 50 edge reward with the 10 to save my self extra skill checks going forward I’ve highlighted them with an asterisk (*)

**Erotic literature section**

So I’ve decided that the primary source of these stories are going to be done in my feed, with this subreddit the home for the finalized chapter. As such, if you are interested, I will be writing a one shot story only on my feed, following a what if scenario where >!Amy doesn’t make it through the first 10 edges.!< hidden to avoid spoilers in this current story!!! But yeah. don’t know when that’s going to happen, but eventually. Anyways on to the story.

Recap of part 1


*200 edges: free to cum and one free orgasm later*

*150 edges: free to orgasm.*

*100 edges: free to ruin if wanted.*

*75 edges: allowed to have cloths after challenge*

*50 edges: You may stop thanking your mistress for every edge, unless told otherwise. **

*25 edges: You may stop verbally humiliating yourself between each edge, unless told otherwise.*

*10 edges: You may stop asking your mistress for permission to stop holding each edge, if she is is nice enough to do so. **

*”Its a pretty simple board slut, your going to edge for me. At each edge you must tell me, and ask my permission to be let off the edge. If you cum without permission you will be punished determining where you failed.*

*If you fail after 100 edges I won’t punish you much, as the ruin is your punishment.*

*Failure before 75 edges and I’ll call said fuckbuddy to come over and see your naked body.*

*If you fail between 25 and 50 edges I’ll spank you. More spanks the lower the number.*

*Then lastly my personal favorite, if your so pathetic and can’t edge a measly 10 times without cumming then I will personally finger you myself, teaching you how to properly edge. Then, when your at your absolute limit, I will start a timer for 30 minutes, and continue to edge you during that time. After that 30 minutes is up, I will ruin your orgasm, on my phone, on video call to my fuck buddy with your face fully visible, and I’ll continue to play with you afterwards and make you ruin so many times until I’m satisfied.*

*Lets begin slut! first edge will be the hardest for you as I want to test the limits of how long you can hold an edge.*

Chapter 3 continued

You start to touch your wet and achy pussy, still embarrassed at having to do this in front of her `[humiliation +2]` As you start your lack of getting to cum earlier has kept you very wet and very horny, not to mention you feel even hornier when your being ordered, and you think your embarrassment is making you wetter as well. Before you know it your already at the edge, which causes you to gasp out.

“Remember slut no cumming for you! Now hold that fucking edge for me. As long as you can!”

On the edge of orgasm all you can think about is cumming, finally cumming! but you know if you do not only will Amber play with you and edge you, but she will also ruin your orgasm well facetiming her fuckbuddy, whom at this point you can only assume is another women.

After 5 agonizing minutes you can’t handle it anymore and have to stop.

“Good girl, now, what do you say?” Panting in absolute lust and from the edge and your previously failed attempts to cum today you manage to stagger out a meek

“Tha… Thank you… Amb… Amber…” `[humiliation +1]`

“No slut. Its thank you Mistress.” You blush at her comment you can’t believe you would even consider calling her such, but horny as you are you can’t seem to stop yourself.

“Thank… Thank you miss…. Mistress….” `[humiliation +5]`

“5 minutes! Not too bad for a little edge slut like yourself. Buuuuuuuut I’m not that nice, so whenever you get to the edge again I’ll roll this little dice. You better hope I don’t roll a 6. Oh and I’ll skip having you verbally humiliate yourself until I think its time.” With that she laughs as you look up at her in a worried daze, still coming off the edge. She only gives you about a minute before she commands you to touch yourself again. Submissively, you follow her orders, playing with your very wet and drippy pussy as you try to edge yourself once again.

`[Edge Challenge Check]` ^([This is going to be done for every edge])

“ooh looks like I rolled a 3. Now, hold that edge slut!”

`[Roll 6 to avoid accidently orgasming]`

>![Rolled 12]!<

>![Edge Challenge Passed]!<

You fight with every fiber of your being to stave off the orgasm and it seems to work, horny and wet you get to stop once again, but before you really get a chance to breath your ordered to masterbate once again.

The hour is all a blur, Amber had to restrain your arms a few times when you absently kept playing and you’ve lost all semblance of how many edges you’ve done. You have never been as wet and as horny as you are currently and you currently don’t know why your laying down.

Suddenly, you feel something very cold press onto your pussy. this causes you to gasp out in shock from the cold being pushed onto your hot and needy pussy.

“This is just to wake you up a bit slut! You completely slipped into subspace there and got to 70 edges before you conked out. Now slut, I can let you stop here, meaning my fuck buddy gets to see you naked, or you can attempt 5 more edges. If you do so, you’ll still meet my fuckbuddy wet and horny, but at least you’ll be covered. What do you say?”

“I… I… would… like some cloths…. I don’t think I can do any more edges though…” Amber looks at you with an evil grin.

“Do them anyways. Failure is the same as quitting anyways, well, not really actually, if you quit then you have to meet my fuckbuddy naked, your wet achy pussy completely on display, dripping as it hopes for release. Whereas if you fail your orgasm will be ruined, any and all stains you make will be kept here for my fuckbuddy to see and you’ll have to explain why the room smells of sex.” Her words are fuel enough to make you edge, you barely needed to touch yourself before you reach the edge

`[Edge Challenge Check]`

`[Roll 17 to avoid accidently orgasming]`

>![Rolled 17]!<

>![Edge Challenge Passed]!<

“I… I… edged… again….. Thank you…. Mistress….” You say in between panting.

“What a good little slut you are already. You already passed the point where you needed to thank me but you did so regardless. Well done slut, for that I think now your ready to call me mistress permanently.” Your blush deepens across your chest and your tiny boobs you didn’t need to thank her! and yet you did!!! How big of a slut have you become? [humiliation +2]

You know you don’t have the strength left to edge anymore without going over. You’ve only ruined your orgasm once on purpose and that was after 10 edges, it was painful and extremely disappointing not to mention you were horny again within 5 minutes. Your currently at 71 edges, plus the 2 this morning making 73, defiantly the most you’ve ever done without cumming. You simply can’t risk what a ruin would do to you at this point. But what’s the alternative? failure means this fuck buddy of hers will see you either way, but does said person see you after you ruin a 73 edge run? or see you wet and needy after 73 edges. You think back to her punishments list and can’t help but think of the last punishment, having her edge you herself… You don’t really want her to touch you, but you don’t think you can manage the last 4 edges on your own. Seeing your face contorted in thought, Amber looks at you and smiles.

“What cha thinking about slut?”

Branching Path

A. “Nothing Mistress! Sorry, I’ll continue.” (Attempt to do the last remaining edges without ruining) `[potential humiliation event]`

B. “I… I can’t…. I’m sorry Mistress… I can’t do it without going over…. I don’t want to ruin!” (give in and let Amber call over her fuckbuddy) `[Guaranteed humiliation event]`

C. “I… I can’t edge without going over Mistress… can… can you… help… me?” (let Amber take the reigns and play with your pussy… you have no way of knowing if she will let you cum or just ruin it anyways) `[potential humiliation event]`



**Lust**: 100/100 `[Warning high lust affects decision making]`

**Exhibitionism**: level 3

2/10 till next level

**BDSM**: level 4

Part added 10 for submissive behavior, and hidden skill checks. **Level up!** 1/10 till next level

Humiliation: level 4

Part added 10. **Level up!** 5/10 till next level

**Denial**: level 3 `[Level up increased time before orgasm is needed. Amy can now edge up to 70 times before needing to stop/ alternatively Amy can go 15 days without orgasm on no touch rules.]`

Part added 71. **Level up!** 13/100 till next level

`[edges add 1, days without add 5, orgasms remove 5]`

**Willpower**: 1 `[feeling very submissive] [Can not be lowered more unless due to event]`

**Notes section Erotic literature!**

Well, that sums up another chapter, this part may have seemed small but its just a continuation of the first. That, and skill checking and dice rolling and being essentially your own DM makes anything with lots of skill checks take a long time.

Time frame for this vote will be the longest yet, as today is my last day working my current job. Tomorrow, I take a 2 hour drive (one way :/) to spend time with my mother for her birthday. So sadly no new chapter tomorrow that just means you all have to really push and vote for your favorite outcome here.

For those of you who voted for the M/f storyline, don’t worry too too much as were getting to it, its just taking its time. The story will offshoot into a FM/f story fairly soon but into a more M for sexual and F for just person doing the ordering. That said I didn’t want to rush our very virgin (and apparently very slutty) protagonist into something she’s not quite ready for.

Hope to read loads of votes by Saturday!



  1. Hmm. I like C here… It gives Amy a chance to have get out of some heavy humiliation. But I’m sure Amber has other plans in mind for poor Amy.

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