Bennies Swinger Gym

It was 1981 yesterday it was 1980 so new years I guess It’s funny because December 30th is my birthday. I just turned 19 and I just moved in with my roommate Sam. He’s cool. We’ve been friends since middle school so 5 or 6 years now I honestly lost count but he’s always been around. I get out of bed walk past the boxes in the hallway the apartment had perfect space walked into the kitchen i start to make coffee when I see a girl walk out the door fixing her skirt and grabbing her shoes on the way out then Sam comes out his room with a huge smile on his face saying “Hey john did you see her she was a good 10”.

I stare at him “Yeah man good 10 ” I grab my coffee from the coffee maker. I told Sam after I finished my cup I’m going to go out and find a gym since I moved to another state with Sam and I love to work out so I’m always out doing that. I finish my cup and get my shoes and a hoodie and run out the door , but then I remember I have to grab my Sony Walkman so i grab that and go out for a run looking for a gym. This is a new town in Atlanta Georgia. While running around for a bit i finally find a gym not to big not too small “perfect” i said i walk in the door and i see a girl at the front desk she looked mid 30’s i ignored it and asked for a 3 month plan “glad i saved my money” i tell her “Trixie is my name” the girl from the front desk told me “John nice to meet you” after i introduced myself to Trixie she leads me to the changing room.

I walked into the changing room and I froze . “Women and men in the same room?” i asked Trixie “Yeah we feel like its a waste of room to get separate rooms but u can change in the shower room nobody really goes in there since the water is always stuck on hot” “Alright this will do” I set my Walkman and my shorts and shirt into a locker they gave to mem for the 3 months i was going to this gym. I changed into the clothes that they gave me. The shorts were really short but I ignored it not knowing it was going to be a really big detail. I would need to know later the shorts had the logo on the side “Bennies Gym” I said to myself while walking out the door.

While walking out the door I saw this beautiful woman who looked late 40’s, beautiful breasts, puffy lips and you could see her nipples through her thin shirt. Trixie called me over to the exact woman i was thinking about “Hey John this is Bennie” “Wait wait wait you mean Bennie? The owner of this gym?” “Yeah I’m Bennie most people well all people don’t think I’m the owner” she said as she started laughing a bit “”You should join us we always do group workouts on Fridays and Mondays. I sighed a little and said “ sure as long as it doesn’t take too long” “Depends how long you’re going to last” she said with a smirk while biting her lip. I was in shock for a while but ignored it again and walked to the back of the gym where Bennie and Trixie told me to follow them.

I walk into the back room and see 3 other guys and four other women. I turned around and Trixie locked the door as soon as I turned around. “This is going to be fun,” Bennie said while breathing on my neck behind me, her breasts massaging my back. I look at the girls giggling, starting to take off their shirts while Trixie and Bennie start untying their hair and taking off their clothes.

“What is going on” i said while having a surprised and shocked tone of voice and a red face one of the girls walk to the wall behind me i look around and i see a sign “Bennies swinger gym”

Oh God-

Side project let me know if you want Pt2 Comments always welcome open for advice
